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Now that Sir Phillip W. Spencer III has destroyed Xbox, who do you think should replace him?

Gaf majority rule is the only way…

War Attack GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
They need an outsider that actually has success running studios and has a long term vision for content rather than just distribution.

This disaster isn’t getting fixed overnight


someone who wilingly to take drastic change especially against shareholder and didnt shy to acknowledge the truth even if end up doing same thing as competitor.

less talk, more action.

anyone fit the description?

Dr. Claus

IF Xbox survives Spencer it will be Bond it SHOULD be someone from Nintendo or Sony

It wouldn't matter. Anyone they hire is still beholden to the higher ups at MS who routinely fail to understand consoles and gaming as a whole. Remember, Satya Nadella is the cunt who keeps trying to push DRM and numerous other anticonsumer concepts in the platform.


Didn’t Don Mattrick already destroy it?

Pretty much yes. Xbox One and Series S/X demonstrably showed that the 360's success was a fluke, a fortunate instance of happening to be in the right place at the right time to kickstart the HD generation, backed by smart partnerships creating varied, fun libraries. MS has no idea how to repeat that and now it seems never will.

Anyone they hire is still beholden to the higher ups at MS who routinely fail to understand consoles and gaming as a whole.

Absolutely this.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Taking bets. The people defending Spencer right now will be the most vicious to him the moment they get a new daddy or mommy CEO to run Xbox in order to defend their favorite piece of hardware.

"Well, the new CEO has to fix what that fuck face Phil ruined! Give them a chance!"

He will definitely get the Mattrick treatment.
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nope. let the moron ride the trainwreck he caused to final destination.
i want to see him pitchforked by even the most braindead of green rats.
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