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Now this is how you make an ocean come alive


Silent Hunter 3 - Stormy weather tech vid (14mb)


(UTAH server seems to stream well)


http://www.3dgamers.com/screenshots/games/silenthunter3/ <-- more screenshots


Silent Service was an amazing game for the NES. Sprite scaling, full theatre operations, and cool uboat/destroyer mayhem. It's outdated now, but still fun nonetheless!


Wow, that's incredible. They even have reflections while all that mass of water is deforming. The foam could be better, but when they show a wide angled shot of the ocean it looks incredibly realistic. The rain's pretty crappy, though... and it doesn't look like the ocean's affected by any of the rainfall, but that first sequence of the player rotating the camera inside the submarine gave me an idea of how just how smooth next gen games are going to look.

UBIsoft is really impressing me lately.
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