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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]


I think the worst thing about the WiiU numbers is there is no console shortage by any means. Every store has both bundles in ample stock, they just don't sell...
Fair enough. Would you like to make a bet on it by the way? That the Vita production and support is completely stopped and officially annouced by Sony within January 2014? :)

Actually, my timeframe for a while has been by early May 2014, which should be when Sony reports their results for the 2013 fiscal year. I'll pass on the bet, but I will make a crow-eating post if I'm wrong.
they know not what they risk

It was an absolute waste of time, money, and effort when an actual killer app could have been developed and launched aside the system.

It's pretty telling that you think a "killer app" could have been developed in the same timeframe...if that were the case it'd be out by now
Ubisoft was saying "don't discount the vita" when they sold 600,000 units of AC:L and people are saying this :

It's not being discontinued, it will just be thrown off the shelves when Durango and Orbis launch this fall which is basically the same thing. Killzone and Tearaway, and maybe the Uncharted GA sequel are probably the last big games to get greenlit for Vita as I don't see why Sony would spend precious reources that could go to the PS4 on a sinkhole.


the wii u failing is much more interesting, and for some reason the 3ds has an air of not being a failure around it (although it is).

It's dominating one region, had a decent christmas and a rich lineup this year. There are a few European countries it's doing well in but I agree the sentiment that it's completely 'turned around' is hardly fitting for a device that keeps missing its forecasts.


Actually, my timeframe for a while has been by early May 2014, which should be when Sony reports their results for the 2013 fiscal year. I'll pass on the bet, but I will make a crow-eating post if I'm wrong.


I'm PRINTING and photocopying this receipt.

Ill see you then ;)


I think the majority of the problem from sales is due to the over-extension of this generation.

People are tired of the hardware.

I think that's quite possible. I think both extremes are probably wrong; as you say, this doesn't represent a complete collapse of the market. It is largely a late generation decline that will be rectified as a new generation picks up steam.

On the other hand, I'm also beginning to suspect that tablets/phones/browser games/etc. have had a larger impact on home consoles than people thought they would. They've already hit portables with an obvious impact, but I don't think consoles are immune to their effect either.
the wii u failing is much more interesting, and for some reason the 3ds has an air of not being a failure around it (although it is).

I think it's mainly just because the raw hardware numbers don't paint that bleak of a picture devoid of important contextual information. The key pieces of data to understand that the 3DS isn't doing swimmingly involve looking more closely at year over year growth (down in November and December) and knowing that Nintendo is missing sales targets. Software numbers are also less-than-stellar insofar as I understand it. But if you just look at units sold? It doesn't look that bad.
Welp. Ninty better have some serious shit up their sleeves.

I say this as someone who knows his Wii U purchase will be justified eventually, but what the fuck have they been doing for the past few years? Deserved fall on the face, I hope they wake up.


Because a product could be so far in development that it makes more sense to release it? Killzone Vita most certainly doesn't ensure sustained support of the platform, nor prevent discontinuation.

At the end of the day Vita's viability is tied to retailer willingness to stock it. And at these levels that willingness will not persist. Shelf and storeroom space is an opportunity cost.
Sure, but the games are still months away (still salaries to be paid for those months). I based my question on that Sony had plans on discontinue the Vita by the end of the year, that it could be more wise to just cut any expenced on the Vita developement by now.

They were still releasing Dreamcast games when Sega announced that they were pulling the plug on it.
Games by Sega themself?
Ubisoft was saying "don't discount the vita" when they sold 600,000 units of AC:L and people are saying this :

Ubisoft currently has a grand total of zero Vita titles announced for 2013; the only known 2013 titles thus far from Western third parties are the two Lego games, AFAIK.

Could that change by E3? Sure, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Ubisoft was saying "don't discount the vita" when they sold 600,000 units of AC:L and people are saying this :

Vita is a massive failure and retailers are going to start to push it off their shelves once next gen consoles launch. It's plain as day.

I think that's quite possible. I think both extremes are probably wrong; as you say, this doesn't represent a complete collapse of the market. It is largely a late generation decline that will be rectified as a new generation picks up steam.

On the other hand, I'm also beginning to suspect that tablets/phones/browser games/etc. have had a larger impact on home consoles than people thought they would. They've already hit portables with an obvious impact, but I don't think consoles are immune to their effect either.

I'm starting to come to this conclusion as well.


It's pretty telling that you think a "killer app" could have been developed in the same timeframe...if that were the case it'd be out by now

Nintendo had two years. Shit, probably more than that. What have they been doing with the Wii in that time frame? Goddamn nothing.


remake it again, but make every letter lower-case

Haha, yeah.

Seriously, I'm loving all the 'if you want it to bomb you want the industry to die' and 'can't even sell 200k, what does this say about the industry if a good game can't sell' comments

Gaming isn't a charity. I want DmC to bomb to serve as a lesson to developers that if you want to fucking experiment, don't do it in our cherished franchised with a horrendous developer who has no talent. Change the goddamn title and do what you like.

Capcom/Ninja Theory consistently insulted the fanbase, turned out a game with an inferior in every way to DMC4/DMC3 combat system, used Ninja Theory's supposed "story" talents to tell some garbage throwaway shit narrative that's as subtle as a hammer to the cock that 9/10 people never gave a shit about in the first place (not a surprise to me; I played Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, I know what NT is really capable of when it comes to story), a destroyed style system and couldn't even hit the series staple 60fps on consoles.

Yes, it is preferable that we get no DMC than we get more DmC. Because DmC is not DMC; it's an inferior product. What's the point of having a beloved franchise that does not reflect the quality standards of said franchise?

If people still want that tripe, tell them to change the characters and rename the series to "FUCK YOU IN THE FACE" and be done with it. I have the same message for the Tomb Raider developers. People tell us to vote with our wallets, we voted with our wallets. Now it's time for people to suck it up and deal with the results, because developers and publishers owe US, not the other way around.


dunno. maybe they'll cancel the wiiU version and release RML on vita. will probably sell better.
It probably would. Then again, they didn't announce a Vita port along with the X360/PS3 versions now, did they?

Shame too... Rayman Origins is one of the best titles on the system.


Haha, yeah.

If people still want that tripe, tell them to change the characters and rename the series to "FUCK YOU IN THE FACE" and be done with it. I have the same message for the Tomb Raider developers. People tell us to vote with our wallets, we voted with our wallets. Now it's time for people to suck it up and deal with the results, because developers and publishers owe US, not the other way around.

oh you're so goddamned entitled


I think it's mainly just because the raw hardware numbers don't paint that bleak of a picture devoid of important contextual information. The key pieces of data to understand that the 3DS isn't doing swimmingly involve looking more closely at year over year growth (down in November and December) and knowing that Nintendo is missing sales targets. Software numbers are also less-than-stellar insofar as I understand it. But if you just look at units sold? It doesn't look that bad.

for me, the 3ds's problems have less to do with nintendo missing sales goals. they'll sell at least 70m-100m of those things in the long run once the price comes down. the real problem is software. price is a huge issue there, and nintendo doesn't want to budge. a lot of third party games that usually do extremely well on nintendo handhelds simply aren't anymore, and it's because no one is going to buy several $40 games for a handheld.


Welp. Ninty better have some serious shit up their sleeves.

I say this as someone who knows his Wii U purchase will be justified eventually, but what the fuck have they been doing for the past few years? Deserved fall on the face, I hope they wake up.

I think it's pretty obvious that Nintendo took the lower tech path, and it has put them behind the tech curve. In all honesty, them sticking with SD gaming, with a lack of any real online focus may have hurt Nintendo much more in the long term, than the Wii ever helped in the short term.
Yes, because Chinatown Wars helped the DS. Wait, what?
1) DS didn't need Chinatown Wars, it was already a success.

2) Chinatown Wars was a 2D, top-down game, which is no longer the norm for the series.

3) The closest actual equivalent would be Liberty City Stories or Vice City Stories, both of which managed decent-good numbers and (at least LCS) spurred sales for the PSP early on.

But I'm sure you knew all that. In fact bringing up CTW is something of a non-sequitur given that I explicitly mentioned VCS in my original post, so you're deliberately misconstruing what I said.

That being, scoring an exclusive GTA probably wouldn't do much on its own, it's about the ensemble. In addition to exclusives Nintendo needs to make sure they're getting Wii U versions of the big multiplats as well. That's if they care about third party support, which if their own franchises prove enough to support the platform, I'm sure they won't.
Lol @ people saying that market will crash. The WiiU is just undesirable. People are still buying PS360 so late in their life cycle and their price is relatively high.


I think that's quite possible. I think both extremes are probably wrong; as you say, this doesn't represent a complete collapse of the market. It is largely a late generation decline that will be rectified as a new generation picks up steam.

On the other hand, I'm also beginning to suspect that tablets/phones/browser games/etc. have had a larger impact on home consoles than people thought they would. They've already hit portables with an obvious impact, but I don't think consoles are immune to their effect either.

Totally agreed.

I firmly believe that "contraction" is the best way to define the console market as we transition from one generation to the next. More casual consumers are finding "good enough" experiences with tablets and smartphones-- which offer cheaper games-- and some core consumers are evaluating their options based on what Sony and Microsoft announce.

We're not going to see sales numbers as high as we saw this past generation. Too much competition for spare time, not enough perceived value for the $400+, and the continued slow transition to mobile for at least some will all factor in.

No "death" coming. There will still be a console market. It's just going to be smaller, and we have to start accepting this and understanding the difference between death and contraction. That difference is considerable.


It probably would. Then again, they didn't announce a Vita port along with the X360/PS3 versions now, did they?

Shame too... Rayman Origins is one of the best titles on the system.

No. But there's a chance? With how well AC:L sold I hope and think this will be the beginning of all multiplats being also released on vita too like Rayman Origins.


Junior Member
for me, the 3ds's problems have less to do with nintendo missing sales goals. they'll sell at least 70m-100m of those things in the long run once the price comes down. the real problem is software. price is a huge issue there, and nintendo doesn't want to budge. a lot of third party games that usually do extremely well on nintendo handhelds simply aren't anymore, and it's because no one is going to buy several $40 games for a handheld.

£$€19.99 - £$€29.99 needs to happen.


for me, the 3ds's problems have less to do with nintendo missing sales goals. they'll sell at least 70m-100m of those things in the long run once the price comes down. the real problem is software. price is a huge issue there, and nintendo doesn't want to budge. a lot of third party games that usually do extremely well on nintendo handhelds simply aren't anymore, and it's because no one is going to buy several $40 games for a handheld.

The price of 3DS software definitely needs to go down. They're heading in the opposite direction of the market on that.

rdrr gnr

The question is what's that number. If each console only breaks 50M next-gen instead of 70M -- is that a huge problem? Especially if the machines are built for profitability as soon as possible. I said earlier that I expect next-gen to sell less than these current consoles but I want to say the difference will be surmountable.


He's not that confident.
He did seem confident to me, so i had to ask :)

Actually, my timeframe for a while has been by early May 2014, which should be when Sony reports their results for the 2013 fiscal year. I'll pass on the bet, but I will make a crow-eating post if I'm wrong.
Pity, i would have put money on the bet hehe :\ But that is fair enough, no problem, i just had to ask :) I'm unsure what kind of future the Vita has, but i'm pretty confident that it wont be completely discontinued by early next year at least. Only time will tell though =)

Speaking of the Vita, i did see some rumor about some new game announcement for the 1 year anniversary (possibly at the Playstation event at 20th February?). I'm curious to see if those are true.
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