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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]

Imagine if the WiiU had Minecraft as the pack in? That would have been Gameboy and SNES levels of foresight. The Nintendo that was smart enough to see how great Tetris was and later that Sim City was worth porting, that is the Nintendo that the WiiU needs.

Rat Salad

Very interested to seebPS3 numbers since they cant include PS2 numbers anymore. What a shock, no numbers given! LOL.

Horrible Wii-U numbers but its got 1st party that'll kckstart it to life again eventually. All hell will break loose once the Ps4 and next XBox arrive this fall. The 360 is doing decently considering this gen is overkill on steroids. But still its long ovedue for an upgrade,time for new hardware to bring in new excitement,new IPs.


The problem I see with wiiu future is three things. The first one is that they doesnt have there core gamers like in the Gamecube days, they pushed them away when they focused on the non-gamers. The second thing is that Nintendo still hasent shown something special with the new controller. For me the Wiiu is just a more powerful gamecube with the same games just in hd. The third thing non-gamers and media isnt talking about the machine. I am really hoping that Nintendo will at E3 show why we need a screen on a controller.
Been delving into old school related stuff from the 90s recently and has helped me form a thought on what is happening today.

The golden age it was.

Today it seems like the middle class of gaming is dying. Wii only shocked it back to life for a bit.

In the 90s video games were the only dominion of entertainment if you wanted to do something where you had a large degree of control. You picked the game to play and results depended on input.

TV and Music were much more passive and linear experiences back then.

Nowadays filling the 4 hours of free-time you may have a day is like being strapped to the rack of fun. You are pulled in 4 different ways at once. An incredible amount of content with easier access and control year by year.

Back in the day playing a game was a great way to spend a chunk if time. Now it is more of having to make an appointment to do it. The other stuff you are accustomed to dipping in and out of at all times. A few clicks online can snowball into hours.

It seems like the environment now is like a dense rainforest dominated by only a few types getting all the sunlight. The 99 cent stuff is the ground cover down low. The yearly sports updates and epic franchise installments are the giant trees reaching up to the sky.

People here are shitting on the execution unfairly when the issue is larger.

It just doesn't look like splitting the difference can work right now. Either need to be a $200 or $500 console.
Why would Sony use money on Vita developement if they are going to stop production and support in December 2013? Killzone is coming in September for example, why bother with it if they're canceling the whole system a few months later?

Sony certainly hasn't already decided to permanently end production on Vita. But the corner they're already backed into is only going to get smaller. All the announced first-party games will almost certainly still ship due to the sunk costs (Mercenary has already been in development for over two years), and some of the unannounced might (I give Sony Bend's next title 75-80% odds of releasing, but only 50% odds of doing so as a retail Vita exclusive), but beyond their current 2013 slate, I see them very rapidly ending support for it. There's no chance at all for a significant turnaround beyond the fever dreams of the platform's most ardent and deluded fanboys, and at some point in the fairly near future Sony will have to recognize the sunk cost fallacy for what it is.


It's not being discontinued, it will just be thrown off the shelves when Durango and Orbis launch this fall which is basically the same thing. Killzone and Tearaway, and maybe the Uncharted GA sequel are probably the last big games to get greenlit for Vita as I don't see why Sony would spend precious reources that could go to the PS4 on a sinkhole.
Hey GAF... got a question for ya.
What system will have the higher lifetime install base in Japan?
The PS4 or the Vita?
Because I still think it's going to be the latter (aka the aforementioned sinkhole).

(Not that this should matter in an NPD thread. It doesn't. But it does matter when one is debating whether Sony should cut Vita support outright. It shouldn't.)


The whole point of being an armchair analyst is to make absolute predictions while knowing very little information.

When you start asking questions it kinda goes against that.

So is putting blind faith into Sony being able to turn the Vita around based on their past and current actions with that product. When Sony has to make a decision to market the PS4 or the Vita which one do you think they'll put their efforts towards?


Sony certainly hasn't already decided to permanently end production on Vita. But the corner they're already backed into is only going to get smaller. All the announced first-party games will almost certainly still ship due to the sunk costs (Mercenary has already been in development for over two years), and some of the unannounced might (I give Sony Bend's next title 75-80% odds of releasing, but only 50% odds of doing so as a retail Vita exclusive), but beyond their current 2013 slate, I see them very rapidly ending support for it. There's no chance at all for a significant turnaround beyond the fever dreams of the platform's most ardent and deluded fanboys, and at some point in the fairly near future Sony will have to recognize the sunk cost fallacy for what it is.

This just in, price and marketing don't affect sales except in sony fans dreams. Give it up already.


I wouldn't take failure of Wii U's launch as industry collapse just yet, there are a lot of games and hardware still selling reasonable numbers 6-7 years later, problem with Wii U launch was they failed at everything and it was obvious since E3 and even before it,

- the hardware, the games, the 'innovation' they had all were unimpressive, this is the day and age that you have to 'wow' consumers to get their money, they've seen lots of things, they've experienced lots of things far better than what Wii U has to offer, a tablet controller might have turned some heads 2-3 years earlier, not now. If the other two fail at impressing they will fail too. I think it's very challenging for everyone, it's not as easy as you might think and show some shiny graphics and millions of people will shell out good money for it in this economy, or showing some entertainment service or whatever, that's so 2008. I like to see what their messaging around their product is, how they will position it, it takes a lot to launch a successful product, I'm not sure if either has it in them yet.

- horrible launch line up, they seriously thought people would buy this thing for ports of year old games and games available elsewhere for cheaper hardware with far stronger library. Right now I'm looking at a Wii U Basic at discounted price, looking to order it, but if I get it there are no games I would want to get with it and nothing is coming up either with a known release date in the first half of this year and there isn't anything else this product offers other than games either which it doesn't have. Of course I'd save my money instead.

- Poor user experience at launch, waiting to download huge patches that can brick your system, slow performance of the operating system, all the account issues etc. Most of things I've heard about it are poor, bad word of mouth, sure they are people that enjoy the tablet controller experience, I'm looking at that too, but overall sounded like a not very good product. that's not encouraging for someone deciding to buy one of these at this time imo.

- Horrible messaging and branding, we've already seen mainstream media mistaking it for Wii addon, their advertising couldn't get any worse, I'm not sure what they were thinking.

so overall I'm wondering why someone would buy a Wii U at this point in time with all of these problems and troubles? maybe you want to play Mario really badly and willing to take a risk at this time for that, I think that's what happened, all the people that wanted it got it last year and that's done with. Nothing else coming up with potentially huge addressable users.

I think Wii U launch failed at everything a game console could possibly fail at, I expect it do sell horribly actually since after their E3 showing, regardless of whatever price it would have, not this bad, but not much better. Can they turn this around? it's not impossible, but it's really hard, it needs a lot of software, and apparently western publishers couldn't care less about this system, it's all on Nintendo and whoever they can partner with, I don't think they can have enough output anytime soon, and if they miss the time I don't think it ever recovers, like how Iwata commented about 3DS and it's price cut when it happened. they either have to do something effective this year, or this is another GameCube in the making like it or not, GameCube though I think had far better 3rd party interest than what we're witnessing with Wii U, I'm a bit surprised how little everyone seems to care, even from Japan. Nintendo has a lot of money, time to use it.

If the other two fail like this though and fail to impress then surely industry will crash, lucky for them it's not only dependent on them unlike the Wii U situation, seemingly all the 3rd parties are pulling their resources there, so as far as impressive software output goes it's very unlikely to be anywhere as bad as Wii U's first year seems to be, but even then if the overall product is unimpressive it's not going to sell big numbers to support those software in this day and age, it's up to them to spark interest in the industry, there is no reason it can't grow again.

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
Both the Wii U and Vita have needed price cuts for months. Both companies have been reluctant to do so for their own reasons, but by now the evidence is too big to ignore for both companies.

Nintendo just launched at too high a price without the kind of software support needed to spur sales. Their first party offerings were nothing special and the only third party that put any effort into quality software for the system (Ubisoft) is abandoning it. Nintendo doesn't want to admit that they offered a product that didn't have a great hook to it at a price that made it uncompetitive against the 360 and PS3, but once the new systems get unveiled, the Wii U is going to look much more boring and overpriced that it does now. They could get away with a $50 cut and an Ambassador Program if the new consoles are too pricey, but if even one of the new consoles can hit $400 at launch, the Wii U has got to cut $100. It can't compete well with the current consoles, let alone the new ones.

The Vita, as a concept, is sound. There are plenty of people who would want to play console-style games on the go while also being able to play smaller games with superior controls to that of smartphones. However, due to the execution of gathering support for the system and keeping it at too high of a price for too long, the Vita is in a position where most companies appear to be very wary of supporting it. From seeing the explosion of sales from one unadvertised sale on one website during Black Friday and with anecdotal evidence, I believe that there is a sizable audience (not 3DS size, but much bigger than it has now) that would be interested in this kind of device. The problem is, the software situation has been stagnant enough for too long that it would take a lot of effort and a lot of time to get sufficient third party support going. Also, in Japan, the Vita is still a victim of the PSP's success, and not enough has been done to turn it around there. The Vita will still be the most technically impressive handheld gaming platform for some time, and I do see a path to rejuvenating the Vita that starts with a $75 price cut, cheaper memory, a few first party exclusives, and funding some cheaper $20 download only exclusives, but given Sony's management of the Vita so far, it probably won't recover.

DMC4 was the best selling game in the franchise.

The series was not failing and this asinine rewriting of history that DMC4 left the franchise dead is getting REALLY old.

Nope. DMC4 was the apex.

When the Call of Duty series starts declining in popularity (many say that decline has already started), the best-selling game in the franchise, or the apex of the franchise, will be a dull and uninspired revisiting of the franchises' past successes with little new to show for it (which is exactly what DMC4 was). There is plenty of evidence that shows that Black Ops 2 is selling slower than Modern Warfare 3, which is the best selling game in the franchise. MW3 is largely regarded,quality-wise, as a dud of a follow up to one of the biggest games of all time, and it may very well still sell more than Black Ops 2, which is a superior product to MW3 in every way.

The point is, just because a game was the best selling in the series doesn't mean that it was up to people's expectations on quality for them to keep going with the series. Or that the poorer sales of a sequel are entirely the fault of the quality of the sequel.

All I'll say about a Capcom-developed successor to DMC4 is that given the sales success of 4, if they had the means or inspiration to make a worthy sequel like what DMC3 was, they would've done it internally. They had to have had a real good reason to not continue one of their most successful recent franchises internally and they wouldn't have farmed it out to an outside developer with a mixed portfolio if they could've avoided it.

Also, entirely leaving aside the perceived quality of DMC4 and DmC, there are several market reasons why DmC would perform worse than DMC4.

-DMC4 released before a global financial crisis that damaged the finances of millions of gamers worldwide and led to lower spending on full $60 games, especially ones that only have single player.
-DMC4 benefited from the hype of being the first in the series on a new generation of consoles. DmC was released at the tail end of a record long generation in a time when console game sales as a whole have been down significantly. (Charting on the NPD top 10 at under 200k was quite rare a couple years ago, let alone hitting #6)
-DMC4 benefited from being in an active franchise. DMC4 released just a few years after 3, while there was nearly six years in between 4 and DmC. Interest in a franchise wanes over time.
-DMC4 had consistently good prerelease presentation from Capcom that showed the best parts of the game off and was well received by fans. DmC was presented sporadically before release, showed off little of what the game excelled at, and was received with outright hatred by many vocal fans that persists to this day.
-Hiring a new developer to work on a reboot was a lot more uncertain than having the people who made the last one work on a direct sequel. This leads to more extreme reactions prerelease and hesitance at the potential point of purchase.

Now I know that a lot of hardcore DMC fans (a good chunk of which have been actively rooting for the reboot to fail) like to claim that the failure of DmC to hit the sales heights of DMC4 is ENTIRELY due to DmC being a terrible game, but that claim doesn't have much basis in reality when you look at the state of the industry at large.



ice cold
Sony certainly hasn't already decided to permanently end production on Vita. But the corner they're already backed into is only going to get smaller. All the announced first-party games will almost certainly still ship due to the sunk costs (Mercenary has already been in development for over two years), and some of the unannounced might (I give Sony Bend's next title 75-80% odds of releasing, but only 50% odds of doing so as a retail Vita exclusive), but beyond their current 2013 slate, I see them very rapidly ending support for it. There's no chance at all for a significant turnaround beyond the fever dreams of the platform's most ardent and deluded fanboys, and at some point in the fairly near future Sony will have to recognize the sunk cost fallacy for what it is.

I would give it about 85-90% odds of releasing with only a 30% odds of doing so as a retail Vita exclusive.

Man, pulling numbers out of nowhere is actually pretty fun. I give Nintendo a 60% chance of releasing another console in 2016 & MS an 80% of discontinuing Durango in 2019!
The whole point of being an armchair analyst is to make absolute predictions while knowing very little information.

When you start asking questions it kinda goes against that.

No, I'm making a prediction based on actual information that actually exists - Vita's sales to date, how that compares to sales of other hardware platforms, third-party support, how that also compares to that available/announced for other platforms by this point in their lifespans, the established IPs coming to Vita and how they've performed on other platforms. You, Skyzard, the late SamBishop, and everyone else insisting that a Vita turnaround is still likely (if not inevitable) can't point to a single fact to back that up. Just wishful thinking.

Glass Joe

The U games just aren't going to be there till this fall for most users. Without a price drop, they'll need to rely on 3DS business until U games are ready. Judging by the Nintendo Direct, there's a lot of 3DS material coming very soon and they're doing just that. Risking "irrelevancy" is kind of a big risk though, moreso than lack of profit this early on.

Nintendo has to hope that PS4 / 720 have rocky launches. Either being overpriced, not having compelling software, packaging and relying on a poorly received gimmick, or some other issue. I think 360/PS3 still has a lot of life in it and will continue chugging along until new consoles gain acceptance. Nintendo needs to make sure any 360/PS3 title in that time frame is also a U title, in addition to their 1st party stuff.

Oh, and if they're going for the tablet angle, they need to poach some of that iPad stuff for their eShop. Not let it get overrun by junk, but get HD versions of the popular sellers, sell them cheap, and offer TV play. That as well as competent VC can be good bandaids for this software drought.

And just call Ubi and fucking buy Rayman. Get that shit exclusive and release it in April. Shouldn't deplete that huge war chest too much at all. And call Rockstar every day until they have to change their number or agree to at least announce GTA 5 for the U hardware.

Reggie, lend me your Luigi hat and step aside. I can fix this shit.


The Gamecube got third party games such as Burnout, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and Hitman that the Wii couldn't even dream of getting the same versions of for its gen.

And then it had Viewitful Joe, Every RE game up to RE4 and 0, Super Monkey Ball, Ikaruga, Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia, Lost Kingdoms, Skies of Arcadia, Soulcalibur 2 with Link, Timesplitters and more.

I'll take Gamecube's third party support over the Wii's any day.

the gamecube got burnout 1 and burnout 2. then it didn't get burnout 3 or 4 despite the first two selling well. splinter cell was kind of a crummy port from what i remember (although the same was true of the ps2). hitman 2 was the only hitman on the console, despite 3 and 4 both coming out for the xbox and ps2. sega stopped making sports games for the machine very early on, too. there's not much of a difference between the type of support that was dropped from the gamecube and the titles that never appeared on the wii.

if you want to go down the road of exclusive titles, the wii had little king's story, sonic colors, madworld, a boy and his blob, de blob, monster hunter tri, rabbids go home, no more heroes 2, tvc, the trauma series, zack and wiki, and boom blox, among others. the gamecube couldn't dream of such support. everything would have been eventually snapped up as a ps2 game.


You, sir, are out of line.

What's with people hating on Nintendo Land? It may not have the popularity of Wii Sports but it's still top quality. A unique spin on multiplayer Nintendo games, and more brilliant than what E3 let on. A true surprise.

Going on my social experiences with it, the game should have been a knock out of the park.

But, hell, Wii Sports garnered a lot of hate too, even though it was a lot of fun and basically defined a generation. *scratches head*

Nintendo Land is the opposite of Wii Sports in terms of branding. Where Wii Sports is neutral and emulates something absolutely everyone is familiar with - sports - and is absolutely clear to even the most casual observer what it is about and what you do in the game, Nintendo Land requires a certain amount of interest in Nintendo branded franchises to garner excitement. It is a platform to sell the consumer on their various attractions and brand portfolio. It is not clear from the name or imagery what the actual goal of the games are and unless you directly try them out the message is not clear enough. For many the saccharine art style is an additional detractor.


They're clearly not. Father_Brain is pretty convinced it's being discontinued though. Puzzling since we haven't even had an official price drop yet and the fact that Sony has never cancelled a product, would lose all investments in handheld gaming research and future potential through lack of reliability and have already announced intentions to support a full vita life cycle.
The whole point of being an armchair analyst is to make absolute predictions while knowing very little information.

When you start asking questions it kinda goes against that.
I'm under the impression that Father_Brain talks much about how the Vita isnt doing very well, and with some mentions that it will be discontinued within the year. The Vita isnt doing very well, so i can clearly see the skepticism, but i'm curious to why he thinks it will be killed off completely in about a year from now when Sony still annouce games for it :)

It's not being discontinued, it will just be thrown off the shelves when Durango and Orbis launch this fall which is basically the same thing. Killzone and Tearaway, and maybe the Uncharted GA sequel are probably the last big games to get greenlit for Vita as I don't see why Sony would spend precious reources that could go to the PS4 on a sinkhole.
If every store worldwide throws it off the shelf, then it is being discontinued. There is no point in continue production if not a single store sells it.


No, I'm making a prediction based on actual information that actually exists - Vita's sales to date, how that compares to sales of other hardware platforms, third-party support, how that also compares to that available/announced for other platforms by this point in their lifespans, the established IPs coming to Vita and how they've performed on other platforms. You, Skyzard, the late SamBishop, and everyone else insisting that a Vita turnaround is still likely (if not inevitable) can't point to a single fact to back that up. Just wishful thinking.

Wait you have inside info on Sony Bends next game then? Link plz

Cause I didn't know it had a 60% chance of being a multiplat
Why would Sony use money on Vita developement if they are going to stop production and support in December 2013? Killzone is coming in September for example, why bother with it if they're canceling the whole system a few months later?
Because a product could be so far in development that it makes more sense to release it? Killzone Vita most certainly doesn't ensure sustained support of the platform, nor prevent discontinuation.

At the end of the day Vita's viability is tied to retailer willingness to stock it. And at these levels that willingness will not persist. Shelf and storeroom space is an opportunity cost.

Very interested to seebPS3 numbers since they cant include PS2 numbers anymore. What a shock, no numbers given! LOL.
This just in, price and marketing don't affect sales except in sony fans dreams. Give it up already.

Even with a renewed marketing push, an effective price cut for bundles (which were fairly reasonably priced at $250+game+memory card even before discounts), and two exclusive spinoffs of massively popular console IP, Vita sold less in the US its first holiday than PSP did a year earlier.

Get that through your head. If CoD and AC didn't save the system when combined with effective price cuts, a much less popular IP like Killzone sure as hell won't, no matter how pretty the graphics are.


In its first month, DMC4 sold 295k on the 360 and 233k on the PS3. So basically the combined numbers for DmC sold less than the single console numbers for DMC4. Time to revise those numbers again, Capcom!

ha ha ha so much for the series needed a change eh

praise the gaming Gods


I'm under the impression that Father_Brain talks much about how the Vita isnt doing very well, and that it will be discontinued within the year. The Vita isnt doing very well, so i can clearly see the skepticism, but i'm curious to why he thinks it will be killed off completely in about a year from now when Sony still annouce games for it :)

If every store worldwide throws it off the shelf, then it is being discontinued. There is no point in continue production if not a single store sells it.

They were still releasing Dreamcast games when Sega announced that they were pulling the plug on it.


Even with a renewed marketing push, an effective price cut for bundles (which were fairly reasonably priced at $250+game+memory card even before discounts), and two exclusive spinoffs of massively popular console IP, Vita sold less in the US its first holiday than PSP did a year earlier.

Get that through your head. If CoD and AC didn't save the system when combined with effective price cuts, a much less popular IP like Killzone sure as hell won't, no matter how pretty the graphics are.

One failed push doesn't prove everything. There was little awareness of the Vita at the time, they didn't build it up well enough and it was competing with quite a bit last christmas. Like I said, still no actual price drop which is expected. Even after a second push I'd give them the chance for a third.
The established base of Wii U owners were looking forward to this game.

I think it would've been profitable.

Especially, if they revoked their decision and released it in March. The game has gotten so much free marketing because of this gaming movement.

I'm pretty sure the sales would be much better.

I'm having doubts Rayman would of sold now or anytime soon. Wii U fanbase ignores, Tekken Tag 2, Call of Duty, Zombie U, Ninja Gaiden 3: RE, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed 3, BatMan: AA and several other profile titles, but they are going to embrace Rayman? Nah. Am I underestimating Rayman's popularity or something?

Also, 55k for a brand new, major console is disturbing. Not saying it;s over by any stretch of the imagination, but Nintendo really needs to get more aggressive. Things could get much worst when Sony and Microsoft unveil their systems also. I don't even think a huge exclusive can really help them out at this point. I just think the Wii U didn't really offer much more than the competition for the price of admission. They received ports........lots of ports, but I really think they should of at least increased the power for the system instead of offering comparable technology to systems that has been available for literally 7 to 8 years which a MUCH larger library of games. Also, it's not helping that the launch was obviously rushed. This industry is much different now than it was 7 to 8 yeas ago and gamers tastes have changed considerably. Nintendo's old tactics seem like they are not working anymore and these numbers could be indicative of that.

DmC sales are pretty scary also. I liked the demo and I will get it eventually because I love action games, but maybe this is another indication that outsourcing might not be working for Capcom. I mean, I never seen so many diehard fans so outspoken about a game like this. That must of had some effect on it combined with little advertising for the game and action games losing popularity.


sales wise?

wii fit u

no release date

i wonder if they're going to position this as the reason to get a wii u. honestly, if everything from e3 was out by now, people wouldn't be complaining, and the system's sales would probably look better (say, at least above 100k). but game & wario, wii fit u, and pikmin 3 sliding into the next fiscal year? that's just awful.


The Gamecube got third party games such as Burnout, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and Hitman that the Wii couldn't even dream of getting the same versions of for its gen.

And then it had Viewitful Joe, Every RE game up to RE4 and 0, Super Monkey Ball, Ikaruga, Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia, Lost Kingdoms, Skies of Arcadia, Soulcalibur 2 with Link, Timesplitters and more.

I'll take Gamecube's third party support over the Wii's any day.

again, just because GC third party support was more in line with your tastes it doesn't mean it was good, because it wasn't. Specially compared to the Wii.

I dont know what's up with all this revisionism.


Sony certainly hasn't already decided to permanently end production on Vita. But the corner they're already backed into is only going to get smaller. All the announced first-party games will almost certainly still ship due to the sunk costs (Mercenary has already been in development for over two years), and some of the unannounced might (I give Sony Bend's next title 75-80% odds of releasing, but only 50% odds of doing so as a retail Vita exclusive), but beyond their current 2013 slate, I see them very rapidly ending support for it. There's no chance at all for a significant turnaround beyond the fever dreams of the platform's most ardent and deluded fanboys, and at some point in the fairly near future Sony will have to recognize the sunk cost fallacy for what it is.
Fair enough. Would you like to make a bet on it by the way? That the Vita production and support is completely stopped and officially annouced by Sony within January 2014? :)


Neogaf's juniors are always ballsy

they know not what they risk

You, sir, are out of line.

What's with people hating on Nintendo Land? It may not have the popularity of Wii Sports but it's still top quality. A unique spin on multiplayer Nintendo games, and more brilliant than what E3 let on. A true surprise.

Going on my social experiences with it, the game should have been a knock out of the park.

But, hell, Wii Sports garnered a lot of hate too, even though it was a lot of fun and basically defined a generation. *scratches head*

It was an absolute waste of time, money, and effort when an actual killer app could have been developed and launched aside the system.
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