It's really odd to actually be able to post in these threads after years of lurking. Of course, the provided content in these threads isn't nearly what it used to be either, but, ah well, such is life.
Given the current state of games being combined across all platforms and the "top 10" list that we get being largely dominated by multiplatform games, it's pretty surprising to see Pokémon Conquest on there. Yes, I know, it's Pokémon, but, it's a departure from the series' typical gameplay, and is blended with a series that (doesn't seem to be anyway) as popular over here, didn't come out until a couple weeks into the month, and I had some trouble finding it even after it did get released. So, really wasn't expecting to see it up there.
3DS getting a bit of a bump too, will be interesting to see how the 3DS XL impacts that (before and after) in the coming couple of months.