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NPD March 2012 Sales Results [Up3: ME3 Total, Binary Domain]


I didn't realize RE brand was so strong, and didn't the last two games on 3DS did pretty bad? It also been a few years from RE5.

RE6 is going to be huge.

um, the RE brand is huge. I'm surprised you didn't think it was.

Id like vita numbers.

Cygnus X-1

5 weeks month....and these depressing numbers. X360 selling quite well. 3DS underperforming and Vita.....well....

The only good thing being the performance of Kid Icarus. Pretty good for a dead franchise appeared on NES.


If Modern Warfare came would come out in the next three months (and it was fully featured and had additional hooks that would, well, hook the everyday player) the Vita could be saved and maybe even thrive as a western handheld. It would be the first one, but I could see it happening.

I'm also kind of drunk right now, but still!
No Vita numbers makes this months NPD pretty pointless.
The fact that there is no official number should be even more useful, though, as declining to share absolutely means that the thing isn't selling according to plan. Numbers could give us relative performance to 3DS, PSP, and others, but what's the actual point if you're below that threshold which keeps you from sharing the sales of your second month of a major hardware platform? The run-up to Vita was fairly high-profile, with interviews, PR, and more information all over the place, but post-launch...they'd be talking it up to keep the 'momentum' going if there was any to begin with.

>200K && <225K
Anyone got numbers for the first two months of NA sales for the DS, 3DS and PSP to compare?


Wait compared to what? The PS3 maybe. I think it was a decent month for the PS3 but the system overall is what, several million behind second place and still losing more ground on a monthly basis.

And with the Vita, maybe it is doing fine, but where does it go from here? Is the next Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy a Vita exclusive? Is EA and Ubisoft going straight up Vita in the future? What could possibly be the gleaming light in the near future of that system that is going to keep it from doing anything but spiral downwards in sales?

I do not want that system to fail. I think it is pretty cool, but I just cannot find much optimism in its future. Maybe in Japan it can pull it together, but there is nothing for European and American audiences that makes it more appealing or even competitive to other products on the market.

are those figures usa or ww?, as i thought ps3 was outselling 360 ww.
Hmm after Sony PR i expected much worse for Vita - 200k is bad but not tragic. Real test will be may-june when 3 bigger games arrive (Resistance, Gravity, LBP)
PS3 numbers are ridiculously high all things considered, there's no reason for it to be running so competitively against the 360 with no major exclusives for this month outside of bonus characters in SFxT. They've really improved their position compared to a few years ago and might actually manage to end up leading the 360 when all's said and done, although the Wii's lead is probably insurmountable at this point.


PS3 numbers are ridiculously high all things considered, there's no reason for it to be running so competitively against the 360 with no major exclusives for this month outside of bonus characters in SFxT. They've really improved their position compared to a few years ago and might actually manage to end up leading the 360 when all's said and done, although the Wii's lead is probably insurmountable at this point.

They did have a price cut last year... they're performing in line with expectations that considered.

...Their figures just seem aberrant because for once they're not underperforming.


Trusted source.

Ok well, was just curious because the sales are not in the OP, so i wasn't sure if these are correct.
I'm surprised then.

Of course this aren't really strong sales, but i expected worse.

Together with the PS3 sales this month wasn't really that bad for Sony. :)


Vita sold in line with my expectation that was a bit less than the opening month.
April will be the real deal.

>200K && <225K

I'm surprised Vita was that high.

125k is what Michael Pachter estimated a couple days ago (before the figures were released officially).

I know he often makes mistakes but that's a massive difference.
The fact that there is no official number should be even more useful, though, as declining to share absolutely means that the thing isn't selling according to plan.
I think you're reading too much into it.

Sony hasn't released any NPD numbers for yonks.

They didn't mention the PS3 at all in the PR. And it sold relatively well; Y/Y it's only down at best 4.5% at worst 11%, while the month's gap between the HD twins is small.

And given the number we know, it isn't a bad month for the PSV.
PS3 numbers are ridiculously high all things considered, there's no reason for it to be running so competitively against the 360 with no major exclusives for this month outside of bonus characters in SFxT. They've really improved their position compared to a few years ago and might actually manage to end up leading the 360 when all's said and done, although the Wii's lead is probably insurmountable at this point.
If you're talking about NPD LTDs. No. Never. The 360-PS3 lead is insurmountable (~12M).
I think you're reading too much into it.

Sony hasn't released any NPD numbers for yonks.

They didn't mention the PS3 at all in the PR. And it sold relatively well; Y/Y it's only down at best 4.5% at worst 11%, while the month's gap between the HD twins is small.

And given the number we know, it isn't a bad month for the PSV.

No, I think they'd share if they were doing well. Sony hasn't officially released numbers for a long ass time precisely because it isn't doing all that well in NA against its competition, even if in this last month PS3 has come closer to X360. Sony would trumpet a new platform's sales because it gives those on the fence reason to have confidence in its future, seeing healthy sales from the start. I'm guessing that, compared the last three major handheld launches in NA, there's nothing truly healthy or distinctly positive about Vita sales, at all.


200k is pretty bad. March was the first full month for the system in the US (only out for 4 days in February). So selling less in the next 35 days compared to the first 4 days is not good. If it follows the same pattern like in Japan (consistent decline per week) then April will be a brutal month for the Vita.


I'm surprised Vita was that high.

125k is what Michael Pachter estimated a couple days ago (before the figures were released officially).

I know he often makes mistakes but that's a massive difference.
That would mean 25K per week.
Frankly too low for the period between the second and sixth week of availability on the market.

Even in Japan PSV did 190K in that comparable period (although near the holiday)


I'm surprised Vita was that high.

125k is what Michael Pachter estimated a couple days ago (before the figures were released officially).

I know he often makes mistakes but that's a massive difference.

Thats quite the understatement. Patcher is a douche who knows the square root of fuck all about anything.


Vita sold in line with my expectation that was a bit less than the opening month.
April will be the real deal.

>200K && <225K

good sales.....

but anyway vita needs time in the market and to grow its library.
when the psp dies and the vita gets cheaper it should sell steadily making a good profit,like intended.

-ps3/360,i think that unless the 360 sells significantly more in europe than the ps3,the ps3 sells more worldwide.


-No ToGF as expected.
-XIII-2 dropping out isn't that surprising

I really hope Xenoblade charts in the top 10, but a lack availability and marketing makes it an uphill battle.
While I haven't gotten to play it yet I'm glad SSX seems to be a success for fans and for EA. It's more proof that games like SSX or Twisted Metal don't have to change their core ideas and still succeed in 2012.
Nintendo sold 80 million GBAs, and I'd wager most of them were for kids. It doesn't seem like people buy their kids iOS devices for whatever reason, so Nintendo will always be there for that market. Hell, there's probably still a market for Sony, but the "console games on the go" angle isn't going to work in a place that doesn't care.
This is a bit late to this response but I want to chime in. I bought my six year old a used GBA last year for his birthday and he really liked it. When my wife got her 4s in February we gave him her old 3g and he can't put it down. Between Angry Birds, Temple Run, Tumble Drop (made by a Gaffer!) and some others including a Breakout clone he's more than satisfied. He hasn't picked up his GBA in weeks even though I try to push him towards it. As he grows older I'm sure his tastes will evolve to want something more complex but if iOS can fill that void then there he'll stay I think.

Anecdotal I know but I think there's a trend here.


Seems like Nintendo doesn't have shit on lock down.

There was a Wii craze that now doesn't exist, it won't sell as many consoles as the Ps2, and Nintendo has very little momentum going into next gen.

This is about to get interesting.


will learn eventually
Seems like Nintendo doesn't have shit on lock down.

There was a Wii craze that now doesn't exist, it won't sell as many consoles as the Ps2, and Nintendo has very little momentum going into next gen.

This is about to get interesting.

Holy shit. I just read your post in the exact same pose as your avatar without even knowing it.


Nintendo sold 80 million GBAs, and I'd wager most of them were for kids. It doesn't seem like people buy their kids iOS devices for whatever reason, so Nintendo will always be there for that market. Hell, there's probably still a market for Sony, but the "console games on the go" angle isn't going to work in a place that doesn't care.

The #1 most requested christmas gift for kids two years running is the iPad. Parents are buying iOS devices for their kids. Before the iPad the Nintendo DS tended to top the list.

At the very least kids want iOS devices, more than they want anything else.
This is a bit late to this response but I want to chime in. I bought my six year old a used GBA last year for his birthday and he really liked it. When my wife got her 4s in February we gave him her old 3g and he can't put it down. Between Angry Birds, Temple Run, Tumble Drop (made by a Gaffer!) and some others including a Breakout clone he's more than satisfied. He hasn't picked up his GBA in weeks even though I try to push him towards it. As he grows older I'm sure his tastes will evolve to want something more complex but if iOS can fill that void then there he'll stay I think.

Anecdotal I know but I think there's a trend here.

No disrespect to the GBA, but a lot of the games are looking a bit long in the tooth now - at least in the accessibilty stakes. I'd wager if you got him a 3DS and Mario 3d Land he'd never look back!


Seems like Nintendo doesn't have shit on lock down.

There was a Wii craze that now doesn't exist, it won't sell as many consoles as the Ps2, and Nintendo has very little momentum going into next gen.

This is about to get interesting.

if wiiu is underpowered and doesn't create a craze like the Wii,things could be different.


Isn't this Vita's first full month on the market? I can't believe people are that shocked it did well in its first full month given the huge marketing blitz Sony gave the system (Well, at least I saw commercials for this thing everywhere).

As for 3DS, I remember the NA market took longer than the Japanese market to make the switch from GBA to DS. Perhaps it will be the same for DS -> 3DS. Having Pokemon B&W 2 on DS certianly ins't going to help matters any, especially (if tradition holds true) if the game won't release in the US until early next year.


obviously im talking worldwide.....!

sales of psp in japan are more than the vita.

vita should be profitable and i don't see it discontinued like the pspgo experiment.......
Well, yes in Japan PSP is still doing decent however it is way down compared to last year and PSP+PSV in 2012 < PSP in 2011.


Wait compared to what? The PS3 maybe. I think it was a decent month for the PS3 but the system overall is what, several million behind second place and still losing more ground on a monthly basis.

Are you speaking strictly in the U.S.? That certainly isn't the case worldwide. Last I heard, the PS3 had closed the gap on the 360 from like 12 million at the highest deficit to 2-3 million in terms of global sales and it's actually gaining each month. The only territories I believe the 360 outsells the PS3 are the U.S. and U.K., which are definitely big areas but still aren't enough to keep the 360 ahead at the current rate.

As long as the PS3 sells competitively with the 360 in the U.S., it will continue to gain ground in other regions (like in Japan alone, it sold an additional 174K in March compared to the 360's 5.8K).


Pretty good numbers for the PS3 and 360.

I know The Show is on both the ps3 and PSV, but it's still impressive to be at #3, well deserved.

SMH at ORC up there, but it's not surprising given the brand and advertising. Hopefully sales drop off a cliff and Capcom realizes why.

Ouch at Kid Icarus numbers. Though I didn't really expect it to be high after reading a comment made by Chris in the predictions thread.


No disrespect to the GBA, but a lot of the games are looking a bit long in the tooth now - at least in the accessibilty stakes. I'd wager if you got him a 3DS and Mario 3d Land he'd never look back!

Nein. A few weeks ago, my kid got a 3DS for his birthday, and a bunch of games from relatives. All the heavy hitters for the system.

It's been sitting without a charge for a week now, because all he ever plays on is his Touch.

I continue to be amazed the 3DS is selling as well as it is. My daughter's friend got a Touch for her birthday yesterday, and is thrilled (she turned 6). Retiring a DSi in the process.

Since my kids are younger, I have anecdotes out the ass like this, and I do *not* live in a rich neighborhood. We're typical middle class working stiffs, whose kids are over the whole DS thing and all want iOS devices.

People point to the lack of games or the high price for the failure of the Vita, but the issue is that simply there is no market for the device. The 20 something dudes that Sony seems to be going after aren't going to care either. They're out on their own and have smartphones. If they really want traditional games, the 3DS is loaded for bear.


PS3 numbers are ridiculously high all things considered, there's no reason for it to be running so competitively against the 360 with no major exclusives for this month outside of bonus characters in SFxT. They've really improved their position compared to a few years ago and might actually manage to end up leading the 360 when all's said and done, although the Wii's lead is probably insurmountable at this point.
The 360 is still leading and they have not had a price cut in 3 years. The PS3 just had one 6 or 7 months ago. I'm pretty sure things are just about whats to be expected at this point. If the PS3 does go ahead for a month or so i'm sure Microsoft will finally drop the price since they are making quite the profit on each console sold now. It's impressive that the the 360 brand after almost seven years made more money last month than the PS3 and wii combined. Amazing stuff right there.
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