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NPD November 2012 Results [Up6: Black Ops 2, Halo 4, Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed 3]

Their are ads everywhere in UK

SCEA doesnt care about wonderbook it seems
SCEA's been giving LBPK extremely heavy ad rotation, in the past month I've seen more ads for that than anything else except Halo 4 and Wii U. Eager to see what it sold.

I saw the PASBR ad for the first (and only) time this week. It's weird, I thought SCEA would push it harder.


that takes money, and they're in debt. they might be able to get money, but have you seen the sales of their games?

I hope your joking right ? lol

Though they are not marketing any second party games at all <_<

Apart from wonderbook in UK

SCEA's been giving LBPK extremely heavy ad rotation, in the past month I've seen more ads for that than anything else except Halo 4 and Wii U. Eager to see what it sold.

I saw the PASBR ad for the first (and only) time this week. It's weird, I thought SCEA would push it harder.

Ahh i see

SCEA marketing is wierd, they market only their own first party studios games heavily

Wondering how much karting did


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Don't play dumb, the Wii would have sold a million first month if there was supply so the U being 50k less is irrelevant.


Nintendo forecast about the same shipments as they had for wii. Do you have reason to believe they are shipping more than they planned to?

Did you expect it to do better than Wii? I don't think Nintendo did. I also said "in part." Nintendo is on record saying they had better planning of shipments for this launch.


Ps360 launch near black Friday? I think that's why many consider it a dud. I think Mario should have done better too. Honestly I think ms has it locked up for next gen and it'll also be the last normal gen. Livingroom convergence is here, nintendo made a toy and Sony is broke. Kids today grew up on angry birds and fruit ninja. Horrible.


We've had employees on GAF saying their stores have gotten multiple shipments of Wii U since release.

The fact that it is available on store shelves right now is in part because Nintendo has been much better about providing supply compared to the Wii launch.

Wait, if wii u is not supply constraint and wii was, then how come wii outsold wii u?

"On November 28, 2006, Nintendo reported that it had sold over 600,000 consoles in the first eight days of launch in the Americas"


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
People said the same about iPhones, yet more and more people buy every year. So why shouldn't nintendo expect the same from wii brand? (Wii/WiiU).

strong brand tend to carries over next gen. but the problem was you can see the fizzle of wii last few years , which people are concern might carry on to wii u.

Wii u launch is a little dud compare to wii.

Don't get me wrong, I am positively surprize by wii u. And already like the hardware much better than wii.

We can sit here and blah blah this and blah blah that, but the only concrete information we currently have to go by is Wii selling 476k its first week and the WiiU selling 425k its first week. That is hardly a "dud" in comparsion. Will the WiiU sell as well as the Wii in the long run? Probably not, but you sure as hell can't tell either way from these numbers.
People said the same about iPhones, yet more and more people buy every year. So why shouldn't nintendo expect the same from wii brand? (Wii/WiiU).

strong brand tend to carries over next gen. but the problem was you can see the fizzle of wii last few years , which people are concern might carry on to wii u.

Wii u launch is a little dud compare to wii.

Don't get me wrong, I am positively surprize by wii u. And already like the hardware much better than wii.

Wii sales are still relatively strong, but it looks like Nintendo will make a smooth transition once they taper off. The same can be said for the 3DS/DS situation.

Sony and MS have the much bigger problem of trying to convince people to go next gen. Mainstream consumers will not be immediately wooed to buy their next systems, which will give Nintendo a pretty big head start and likely keep them in the lead.
Nintendo forecast about the same shipments as they had for wii. Do you have reason to believe they are shipping more than they planned to?
Wii shipped 3.19m in 2006, Wii U is projected to ship 3.5m in 2012. Wii shipped just 1.25m NA in 2006, I'd expect Wii U to do 1.5m+.
We can sit here and blah blah this and blah blah that, but the only concrete information we currently have to go by is Wii selling 476k its first week and the WiiU selling 425k its first week. That is hardly a "dud" in comparsion. Will the WiiU sell as well as the Wii in the long run? Probably not, but you sure as hell can't tell either way from these numbers.

It's more the prevailing attitude than the numbers. You can tell nothing from numbers.

There's just a sense. And mostly a lack of a sense. You could sense the Wii. People were clamoring for it. Wii U? No clamor.

But again, it's mostly feel and sense and in the end there's no harm in waiting a while before playing the second guessing game.


We can sit here and blah blah this and blah blah that, but the only concrete information we currently have to go by is Wii selling 476k its first week and the WiiU selling 425k its first week. That is hardly a "dud" in comparsion. Will the WiiU sell as well as the Wii in the long run? Probably not, but you sure as hell can't tell either way from these numbers.

Its not blah blah but fact that wii was heavily supply constraint and obviously wii u is not. yet wii outsold wii u. That is a fact. And gives a good idea of the type of reception both launches had.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
We've had employees on GAF saying their stores have gotten multiple shipments of Wii U since release.

The fact that it is available on store shelves right now is in part because Nintendo has been much better about providing supply compared to the Wii launch.

It's also available on store shelves because there's not strong demand. That's pretty obvious at this point, Wii U being available pretty easily during not only its launch week but also during the busiest shopping week of the entire year and only selling slightly north of 400K.

It's too early to call, but Nintendo looks like they're in for a big struggle out of the gate with the Wii U.

Early next year will be the biggest indicator of how it will perform early in its life, and I suspect it'll be pretty bad (like 3DS was doing originally).


Wait, if wii u is not supply constraint and wii was, then how come wii outsold wii u?

"On November 28, 2006, Nintendo reported that it had sold over 600,000 consoles in the first eight days of launch in the Americas"

Americas is plural. 600,000 for multiple countries. The 475k figure is for NA only.


People said the same about iPhones, yet more and more people buy every year. So why shouldn't nintendo expect the same from wii brand? (Wii/WiiU).

Because the likelihood of a phone being replaced/upgraded is far greater than that of a home console, which can be shared among families.

Not saying Nintendo shouldn't expect growth from the Wii brand, but the analogy doesn't fit in this particular instance.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wait, if wii u is not supply constraint and wii was, then how come wii outsold wii u?

"On November 28, 2006, Nintendo reported that it had sold over 600,000 consoles in the first eight days of launch in the Americas"

1. Wii was more popular.

2. Wii only sold 476k in that launch NPD. You're quoting the number for all of North America, I believe.


Wii sales are still relatively strong, but it looks like Nintendo will make a smooth transition once they taper off. The same can be said for the 3DS/DS situation.

Sony and MS have the much bigger problem of trying to convince people to go next gen. Mainstream consumers will not be immediately wooed to buy their next systems, which will give Nintendo a pretty big head start and likely keep them in the lead.

based on what?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's also available on store shelves because there's not strong demand. That's pretty obvious at this point, Wii U being available pretty easily during not only its launch week but also during the busiest shopping week of the entire year and only selling slightly north of 400K.

It's too early to call, but Nintendo looks like they're in for a big struggle out of the gate with the Wii U.

Early next year will be the biggest indicator of how it will perform early in its life, and I suspect it'll be pretty bad (like 3DS was doing originally).

Show me where I have ever inferred that the Wii U is more in demand than the Wii.


Because the likelihood of a phone being replaced/upgraded is far greater than that of a home console, which can be shared among families.

Not saying Nintendo shouldn't expect growth from the Wii brand, but the analogy doesn't fit in this particular instance.

I agree.
Surprised how popular Skylanders is.

Curious to know PS All-Stars sales.

And Sonic All Star Racing Transformed. Thought it would do better with the $40 price tag.


Microsoft isn't as healthy as it might seem. While they have had impressive life the gap between systems if probably going to be a problem next year. Hardware sales are declining, perennial blockbusters like Halo and CoD look to be reaching inflection points even before next-gen. It's a little naive to think they'll just waltz into next-gen with a tailwind. It didn't happen for 360, PS3, 3DS, PSP or Vita and some of those had far bigger predecessors. It's not looking terribly likely for Wii U. They will likely struggle through that first year, software starved like most consoles do. They will have launch blues, glitches and probably high prices and up-ported MW4 probably won't sell that many systems. They should be thankful for what they have but they need next(this)-gen just as badly as anyone.
1. Wii was more popular.

2. Wii only sold 476k in that launch NPD. You're quoting the number for all of North America, I believe.

I think the point is, the Wii was severely supply constrained and still sold more. Ergo implication of supply constraint being the rate limiting factor in Wii U sales may not be wholly justified.
It's also available on store shelves because there's not strong demand. That's pretty obvious at this point, Wii U being available pretty easily during not only its launch week but also during the busiest shopping week of the entire year and only selling slightly north of 400K.
There's strong demand, it's just not outstripping supply thanks to freqent restocks. People seem unwilling to grasp that.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
It's more the prevailing attitude than the numbers. You can tell nothing from numbers.

There's just a sense. And mostly a lack of a sense. You could sense the Wii. People were clamoring for it. Wii U? No clamor.

But again, it's mostly feel and sense and in the end there's no harm in waiting a while before playing the second guessing game.

It's hard to make any concrete judgement on how to feel about anecdotal WiiU supply reports when we have no idea how many are being shipped. If Nintendo is shipping a bunch more WiiUs to the united states then the million or so Wiis that were on the shelves during November-December 2006, that could have a big hand in things. It seems pretty apparent that the WiiU is not the crazy holiday mess that was the Wii, but it could end up having a better first two months because of more supply being available. I sincerely doubt it though, but it is just to early to be making definite statements on the matter.

Its not blah blah but fact that wii was heavily supply constraint and obviously wii u is not. yet wii outsold wii u. That is a fact. And gives a good idea of the type of reception both launches had.

WiiU was supply constrained the FIRST WEEK (taken from OP):

Patcher said:
The culprit, he says, was Wii U hardware sales, which came in about $50 million below expected, and sales of Nintendo handhelds, the DS and 3DS. "Wii U hardware was sold out, we checked, so it's a supply issue,"

Along with similar reports from retailers and Nintendo on the FIRST WEEK. That has obviously been solved now, and we will have to wait until December NPD numbers are posted to see how they faired when the supply issued had been fixed. Wii sold over 600k in December 2006 (launch year), but still had supply issues during the month.
Great numbers for Microsoft, good numbers for Nintendo, horrible numbers for Sony.

Still impressed at the amount of units the DS, Wii, and of course the 360 pulled.

Wii U had a great launch, crushing the launches of the 360 and the PS3. Yes, yes, it didn't do as well as the Wii, but then again: what did?

6.5 million installed base for the 3DS isn't too bad. Still tracking higher than the DS.
The Wii U definitely isn't as in demand as the Wii was, but the people who uses definites when using a made up hypothetical history are really annoying. You can make a guess about how the Wii would have sold with more stock, but you have no idea so don't act like you do.


1. Nintendoland- 28,509 = 256.6K copies
2. NSMB U- 24,970 = 224.7K copies
3. ZombiU- 11,511 = 103.6K copies
4. CoD: BO2- 6,066 = 54.6K copies
5. AC3- 3,282 = 29.5K copies
6. Scribblenauts- 3,049 = 27.4K copies
7. Sonic Racing- 2,812 = 25.3K copies
8. Batman: AC- 2,437 = 21.9K copies
9. Ninja Gaiden 3- 1,931 = 17.4K copies
10. Epic Mickey 2- 1,044 = 9.4K copies

I know they don't mean much (number of unique Mii posters ? or posts ?) as stated in other posts but those MiiVerse number posted above were from 11/21/2012 a few days after launch. Today 12/06/12 the NA MiiVerse numbers look like this. Those video apps all made the cut.

1. Nintendoland- 106,090
2. NSMB U- 65.767
3. ZombiU- 27,738
4. YouTube - 23,373
5. Netflix - 19,277
6. CoD: BO2- 16,376
7. Sonic Racing- 10,323
8. AC3- 10,096
9. Scribblenauts- 9,713
10. Batman: AC- 8,792
11. Ninja Gaiden 3- 5,342
12. Hulu - 5,195
13. Epic Mickey 2- 3,794

EDIT: Just did a few tests.. seems to be unique Miis posting in the communities.
This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

750k-790k > it seems

Via creamsugar

Good but lower than I expected. I thought they were going to hit 800-900k


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

That would be a disaster. December will have what, 3 more weeks of tracking?
This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

I already posted that if Wii U sells less in December, that Nintendo should go into meltdown mode. NSMBU is going to be the biggest thing on the system for a long time, and if the system loses momentum a 2 weeks after launch, Nintendo is screwed next year.

That would be a disaster. December will have what, 3 more weeks of tracking?

4 more. I don't think it's going to happen, but I just get this strange feeling the December numbers won't look great and might be flat.


This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

Good but lower than I expected. I thought they were going to hit 800-900k

It has less YOY then the rest if thats figure is nearly correct


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

The only way it sells less is if they ship less. December is a 5 week month.

To sell less than 100k a week in December you'd be in Vita territory.. in their second month..
I already posted that if Wii U sells less in December, that Nintendo should go into meltdown mode. NSMBU is going to be the biggest thing on the system for a long time, and if the system loses momentum a 2 weeks after launch, Nintendo is screwed next year.

4 more. I don't think it's going to happen, but I just get this strange feeling the December numbers won't look great and might be flat.

Isn't the Vita the only system to sell less the second month?

The only way it sells less is if they ship less. December is a 5 week month.

To sell less than 100k a week in December you'd be in Vita territory.. in their second month..

Yeah. Even if consumer interest is lax its still a new console.


This would be insane if it actually happened but part of me thinks that the Wii U is going to sell less in December. The system just has no momentum, course even then it is Christmas.

almost guaranteed not to happen. shelves have been occupied for a period of time, but stores have been selling out. december is also a five week month compared to november.

even the $500-$600 ps3 sold over double what it did during its launch month.


Microsoft isn't as healthy as it might seem. While they have had impressive life the gap between systems if probably going to be a problem next year. Hardware sales are declining, perennial blockbusters like Halo and CoD look to be reaching inflection points even before next-gen. It's a little naive to think they'll just waltz into next-gen with a tailwind. It didn't happen for 360, PS3, 3DS, PSP or Vita and some of those had far bigger predecessors. It's not looking terribly likely for Wii U. They will likely struggle through that first year, software starved like most consoles do. They will have launch blues, glitches and probably high prices and up-ported MW4 probably won't sell that many systems. They should be thankful for what they have but they need next(this)-gen just as badly as anyone.

I don't think anyone is saying MS is in amazing shape in the console space. Just that it's better off than the rest of the field.


It's more the prevailing attitude than the numbers. You can tell nothing from numbers.

There's just a sense. And mostly a lack of a sense. You could sense the Wii. People were clamoring for it. Wii U? No clamor.

But again, it's mostly feel and sense and in the end there's no harm in waiting a while before playing the second guessing game.

Aren't numbers the whole reason we're in this thread?...

Although, compared to the Wii launch and the time period around/after then, and all the numbers we used to get (not only for systems but for individual games), I suppose guesswork and "feel and sense" isn't too far off from what we're left with in these threads much of the time.
I know they don't mean much (number of unique Mii posters ? or posts ?) as stated in other posts but those MiiVerse number posted above were from 11/21/2012 a few days after launch. Today 12/06/12 the NA MiiVerse numbers look like this. Those video apps all made the cut.

1. Nintendoland- 106,090
2. NSMB U- 65.767
3. ZombiU- 27,738
4. YouTube - 23,373
5. Netflix - 19,277
6. CoD: BO2- 16,376
7. Sonic Racing- 10,323
8. AC3- 10,096
9. Scribblenauts- 9,713
10. Batman: AC- 8,792
11. Ninja Gaiden 3- 5,342
12. Hulu - 5,195
13. Epic Mickey 2- 3,794

That would imply (using the same faulty logic as before) that the Wii U has sold 1.2 million units as of today, nearly two weeks after the tracking period ended.
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