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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008

2 MillION?!?!


Nintendo = All Win

Activision = Good

Everyone else . . . lost (OK MS sold a lot of consoles.)

Edit: Oooh, I love it when I get the top of the page.
CcrooK said:
Seriously. If it wasn't for the exclusive games on the PS3 (Resistance, White Knight, Valk, R&C) I'd sell my PS3.

Well duh! If it weren't for the exclusive games on ANY console I'd just pick one and be done with it. I only need one console and one handheld.

But, ya know, exclusive games and all that...gotta have 'em all.


Darunia said:
at this point the 11-20 figures are all I want from this thread. Numbers for Fallout, ME and LBP are of the utmost importance

Yea, Fallout numbers would be nice as well.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Just like all other gaming systems?

Keep 'em coming guys, keep 'em coming.:lol

Serious games sell well on the Wii though. Look at Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Guitar Hero, Smash Bros, Sin & Punishment (first NA so successful that a sequel spawned), Tales of Symphonia 2, and Super Mario Galaxy.

Seriously don't try and rationalise with these guys, anyone that tries to spin the Wii's success at this point is nothing more than an idiot. The facts and figures have been in their face for so long that it is clear that no sort of logic will work with them, so don't even bother.

TJ Spyke

What LittleBigPlanet ads? The only ones i've seen are for the PS3 in general and feature clips of several games (LittleBigPlanet one of them).

As for the VGAs, isn't the general consensus that they suck? I know that's what I think of them and I haven't meant anyone who thinks they are good.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Whew. I knew the Wii would fly off the shelves, but this is nuts. I can't find a goddamned thing to play on the system even beyond a glance and it's selling like crazy cakes.

Good for them.


formerly cjelly
farnham said:
When i look at NPD sales charts i wonder if nintendo ever published games like zelda TP, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, Smash Bros Brawl, Wario Land Shake, Super Paper Mario Animal Crossing etc..

Its like those games just magically disappeared ... oh wait.. they are casual so they dont count (or kiddie.. the old.. more honest "casual")
Mario Kart is right in the top 10...

...unless that was your point. :-/


cakefoo said:
Yep, time to sell my PS3 and change over to something else so I can dance on NPD day.

Or I could just enjoy the games.


Would that be silly?
Not at all. You sound exactly like a GC fan from last gen. I was a GC owner for most of last gen until I got an Xbox towards the end of its life, and I never cared about the NPD results. I read them, but I was more than happy enough with the games on the system.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So now it's Insomniac's fault that their well-reviewed shooter is underperforming compared to expectations? Doesn't some of the blame have to fall on Sony for not pushing it appropriately, or gamers for not giving a fuck?

I really want more numbers.

Far Cry 2?
Fallout 3?
ToS 2?
Fable 2?
Mirror's Edge?
Dead Space?

It's NEVER the consumer's fault a product doesn't appeal to them, it's the company's fault for not anticipating what the consumer wants. That's marketing 101.


BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
So that rumor about Insomniac going multiplatform could be true?

If your source is the rumor section of "Where the hell did we get this from?" Quarterly, then yes.
But you know what the best part about the Wii selling 2.04 million consoles in one month is?

A good number of those people probably bought this guy:

There is a positive way to look at the way Nintendo segmenting the market the way they have.

I mean, I honestly doubt MS or Sony are going to try the Wii route next gen. Especially MS. MS has pretty much locked down the core gamers this gen, and we buy a fuckload more games than the casual market does.

Ms I think will keep the core happy, while dipping their toes in the casual pool the way they have been. They're making too much money from selling TRUCKLOADS of software and Live subscriptions to give that up. MS has their niche and they're not going to give it up.

It's Sony that probably needs to work out what they're going to do next.

I mean honestly, even if the PS3 ends up surpassing the 360 worldwide, and beats it by the end of this gen by a few million units, I'd still consider that a pretty big blow given the situation last gen.

Xbox has become a pretty strong brand now, and obviously Nintendo is back, so Sony need to work something out pretty quick.


I really now want to see the total amount of 360 v PS3 hardware sales in the US all together, as I can really see this xmas being the deal breaker overall.

Any one got them to hand?


schuelma said:
Don't know what they can do to convince Western publishers though..they seem pretty happy in the hi def space.

That or just blame the Wii for not buying their crap. They could try to actually put their real games on the system, but I guess that's too complicated for them. :lol


Kintaro said:
Whew. I knew the Wii would fly off the shelves, but this is nuts. I can't find a goddamned thing to play on the system even beyond a glance and it's selling like crazy cakes.

Good for them.

I have two dozen + games that I play and love on my Wii. I own more Wii games than Gamecube games.

I'd suggest wearing glasses?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
That Wii Fit number is what they shipped. I know that because both times I worked in November, we sold out of Wii Fits before we were even able to get them out of the shipping boxes. I'm assuming it was like this nation wide.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So now it's Insomniac's fault that their well-reviewed shooter is underperforming compared to expectations? Doesn't some of the blame have to fall on Sony for not pushing it appropriately, or gamers for not giving a fuck?
You can't ever blame gamers for not giving a fuck. Its the job of the game-makers and the marketers to MAKE us give a fuck. Unfortunately R2 never achieved buzz comparable to its competitors. In a particularly competitive holiday season something was inevitably going to get squeezed out and this year it was Resistance 2.

Seems likely at this stage that the franchise won't be continuing which is probably not the worst thing in the world as Insomniac is a top quality developer and whatever they come up with next will be great anyway. But if I were in charge there I'd looking for a way to break loose from Sony and hook up with one of the winning teams. I can't imagine anything more demoralizing for a developer than to pour blood sweat and tears into a quality game only to see it underperform because it's shackled to a sinking format. See also Uncharted, Little Big Planet, etc etc...
brain_stew said:
Sorry, I can't understand that at all, those PS3 figures are a complete disaster. Being outsold by the competition by more than 5:1 is just outright embarrassing. Heck even the second place competitor is well above outselling them 2:1.

Trust me, I'm not spinning for Sony. They got their ASSES handed to them. However, it's not disastrously low IMO.
What I find amazing is how Mario Kart has very quietly and consistently racked up over 4 million units sold in the US now. That's very stunning, and it could be the best selling installment in the franchise by mid-2009.


Well that about wraps up this generation.

Sony is in a terrible situation right now. Nintendo barely sold any cubes but they did manage to sell software, at least a million fans would line-up to buy Zelda at launch. PS3 first party games keep underperforming.
hokahey said:
Fanboy/crybaby bullshit.

Typical mentality of a GTA/Madden gamer. Wario Warez?!!! Thatz fer the kidS!!!

There's a difference between games that are viewed as "kiddie" and games that are made solely for people who don't play games with any complexity to them. If you think the Wii hate is about kiddie games, you are wrong. But feel free to stereotype and generalize however you are can.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Aaron Strife said:
But you know what the best part about the Wii selling 2.04 million consoles in one month is?

A good number of those people probably bought this guy:


But the fact that it was less than 297,000 of them makes me angry.


MotorStorm didn't even chart last month and it sold a million in a month.I'm sure LBP and R2 will sell way more then that when all is said and done, disappointing sales maybe, but far far from a failure. L4D sold around the same as R2 but its projected by valve to sell between 4-5 million. So just because a game dosn't sell tons on the first NDP dosn't make it a failure.

Anyway, I still can't believe nintendo sold 2 million, thats just fucking awesome. Now they need to hire a lot more people so they don't repeat what happened this year again. Also, wow at MS software numbers, I can't believe that CoD5 might outsell GoW2. Also, Guitar hero charting this month but not last is also strange

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
FromTheFuture said:

WHAT THE FUCK? Nintendo... there are no words.

Also, who is this? Looks familiar.

Tae Yon from SNSD. I made a thread in OT about Asian singers. Look for it.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
There is a positive way to look at the way Nintendo segmenting the market the way they have.

I mean, I honestly doubt MS or Sony are going to try the Wii route next gen. Especially MS. MS has pretty much locked down the core gamers this gen, and we buy a fuckload more games than the casual market does.

Ms I think will keep the core happy, while dipping their toes in the casual pool the way they have been. They're making too much money from selling TRUCKLOADS of software and Live subscriptions to give that up. MS has their niche and they're not going to give it up.

It's Sony that probably needs to work out what they're going to do next.

I mean honestly, even if the PS3 ends up surpassing the 360 worldwide, and beats it by the end of this gen by a few million units, I'd still consider that a pretty big blow given the situation last gen.

Xbox has become a pretty strong brand now, and obviously Nintendo is back, so Sony need to work something out pretty quick.

they never were gone..
John Dunbar said:
But the fact that it was less than 297,000 of them makes me angry.

the game was new last year

hope some will buy these games as well




ColR100 said:
I really now want to see the total amount of 360 v PS3 hardware sales in the US all together, as I can really see this xmas being the deal breaker overall.

Any one got them to hand?
Check the first or second page, someone posted them.

Edit: Never mind, I'm feeling nice, I'll do it for you:

Hardware LTD's:
PS2: 42.948.000
NDS: 24.463.000
WII: 15.391.000
PSP: 13.227.000
360: 12.449.000
PS3: 6.062.000
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