There is a positive way to look at the way Nintendo segmenting the market the way they have.
I mean, I honestly doubt MS or Sony are going to try the Wii route next gen. Especially MS. MS has pretty much locked down the core gamers this gen, and we buy a fuckload more games than the casual market does.
Ms I think will keep the core happy, while dipping their toes in the casual pool the way they have been. They're making too much money from selling TRUCKLOADS of software and Live subscriptions to give that up. MS has their niche and they're not going to give it up.
It's Sony that probably needs to work out what they're going to do next.
I mean honestly, even if the PS3 ends up surpassing the 360 worldwide, and beats it by the end of this gen by a few million units, I'd still consider that a pretty big blow given the situation last gen.
Xbox has become a pretty strong brand now, and obviously Nintendo is back, so Sony need to work something out pretty quick.