No way in hell I'm gonna be able to catch up with this thread, so I'll just have to do this in what time I can.
Captain Smoker said:
Software LTD's:
Wii Play: 7.929.501
Mario Kart Wii: 4.013.000
Wii Fit: 3.530.134
Wii Music: 378.000
Hardware LTD's:
PS2: 42.948.000
NDS: 24.463.000
WII: 15.391.000
PSP: 13.227.000
360: 12.449.000
PS3: 6.062.000
Thanks. Looks like Wii gained about 820k over Ps360 this month. I expected it too gain, but not by that much. Wii has shot past PSP and looks to be making a run on DS numbers now.
Stumpokapow said:
PS3 numbers are awful. Substantially down YOY despite major software launches.
Wii's January - November: 8.05 million units.
PS2's best ever January - December: 8.39 million units.
Wii Play is now best-selling single SKU in tracked history by a country mile.
Thanks. Wasn't PS2's highest November (2001) about 1.5m, and the December after that 2m+? How much over 2m was it, cause I don't think Wii's November beat PS2's best December. If it
VALIS said:
Nov. 2007 / Nov 2008 = Differential
Playstation 3: 466K / 378K = -88K
Playstation 2: 496K / 206K = -290K
PSP: 567K / 421K = -146K
Sony needs to make some serious changes.
Ouch, down on all 3 products? So glad I don't work for Sony's PR department. I can't wait to see how they spin this.
Stumpokapow said:
Best-selling single SKU titles of all time.
Wii Play (7.9)
GTA SA PS2 (6.9)
GTA VC PS2 (6.8)
Super Mario 64 (5.9)
GTA3 PS2 (5.6)
country. mile.
botticus said:
You'd rationally think that, but few would have said November could be almost three times October.
While true, at this point I have to think they'd run afoul of production issues. Unless they increased production between November and December, or changed their shipping methods, I just don't see how they can double their November numbers. They did announce increased shipments between October and November, and most of us just underestimated how much increased. If Nintendo comes out in a few weeks and says they've increased production/shipments again for December, I will gladly revise my opinion.