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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


soldat7 said:
Mad World and Muramasa look incredible and I can't wait to play them, but I'm afraid for how they will sell. I don't know, this is just a very confusing time for developers and publishers alike.

If gamers don't know about these games then how do developers and publishers expect them to sell well. I don't know of anyone outside of gaf that know what these games are or when they are coming out. I don't think they are chart toppers anyway though.



Why are people attacking CheSpace? He made it very clear that his position was his own, and that of his close friends.

It is common for Wii owners to say "It's just your opinion" when a PS3 or 360 owner insists that the Wii has no good games and OMG how could anyone like it. And those Wii owners are correct: it is just their opinion, and clearly many people disagree with that sentiment. Likely the majority of people, if not specifically on this website.

So why is it not okay for someone to return the favor? CheSpace doesn't personally enjoy many of the game Nintendo is making these days. And that is just his opinion. It's aggravatingly hypocritical to insist that your opinions be recognized while belittling the opinions of others.

Yes Boss!

Saint Gregory said:
Even Reggie seemed to think early this year that there were going to be big Wii games this quarter so WTF happened?

Perhaps Wii Motion Plus? I also, think they realized the crossover appeal of Mario Kart Wii and decided to let that be one of the big Holiday pushes. Also, Animal X and Wii Music are major pushes...ads everywhere. Those are Big Wii games this quarter. They just aren't that big to GAF.


Saint Gregory said:
I brought this up before but there must be another explaination for what happened to this Holiday's Wii release schedule besides the idea that Wii Music and AC would be enough. If Nintendo decided that they were done appealing to dedicated gamers with the Wii they did an awful job of it for the first year or so of its lifespan with all those great releases.

Even Reggie seemed to think early this year that there were going to be big Wii games this quarter so WTF happened?
That's called bluff actually.

People just wanted a big traditional Nintendo game for the end of '08 but they can't seem to understand that not every year games with the quality of Galaxy magicly appear.
icecream said:
Wasn't the original JRPG argument the assumption that all JRPG fans are loyal to the Sony brand and will follow the system and support its original games?

Can we now all admit the genre just isn't strong as it used to be in the US and realize the choice of platform doesn't matter anymore?

JRPG's stopped being "in" in the West after the original Playstation.

icecream said:
What about it? Both the 360 and PS3 seem only capable of selling around 100K for their top J-RPG titles over there too. It doesn't seem to make a difference there either.

*looks at Nintendo DS*

I am aware that the DS doesn't light JRPG's on fire either but they on average do sell better then their console counterparts (even if it isn't by a very large margin).

That saying it just isn't JRPG's that aren't selling like they use to in Japan it's pretty much serious gaming in general. The Japanese developers have to learn that it IS NOT the console of choice that is the problem it is themselves. Looking at the charts over the years sales of pretty much serious games in general in Japan have dropped significantly. To me the obvious answer is how games share the same style, presentation, and similar gameplay as they did the beginning of last generation. I mean yes many DS titles in Japan are innovative but those are usually low budget titles and aren't really considered epics. What most Japanese developers are doing is either playing it completely safe by staying even more conservative or formulaic or try and go toward the (as this NPD shows) already over-saturated Western market. Personally I think it would be just mere common sense to look at successful breakthrough franchises such as Monster Hunter or new kind of Persona series to see how they found success and observe their gameplay designs. But instead it seems that they are just staying more conservative, to me anyway.

Busaiku said:
And there's also the case of Wii, where I believe it was stated that FE sold more than its GC counterpart. Though I hadn't seen acutal numbers, just various posts, so I'm not sure.

FE Wii sold far better then Fire Emblem GC.

AniHawk said:
I dunno man. I think the main difference this time is that third-party support is worse than ever before.

2009 line-up.

BishopLamont said:
I don't expect Muramasa to light the world on fire, but Mad World needs to sell a shit load.

Oh and guys stop going back and forth with the PS3's price drop, they need it, but they can't. There's nothing that can be done.

Muramasa will probably do as good as Odin Sphere (expected a bit less then Odin Sphere'd LTD in Japan). If they could market it right it could pull out pretty respectable sales.

Mad World however will probably perform similar to No More Heroes. It's pretty much a stylish violent game with an off-putting art-style targeted toward a niche market.


Sadist said:
That's called bluff actually.

People just wanted a big traditional Nintendo game for the end of '08 but they can't seem to understand that not every year games with the quality of Galaxy magicly appear.

Yeah, that's the other thing. They released so many games in the first year that pretty much all their development teams wiped out at the same time. There hasn't even been anything big for the DS since Zelda (RTG was an unexpected hit, but aside from that, nothing).


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Maybe we should split gaf into a 'real gaming' section for ps3 and 360 talk and a 'non-gaming' section for the wii?
BishopLamont said:
Reggie is really out of touch with the core fanbase if he thought AC is a hardcore offering. I wouldn't take Reggie seriously at all.
Please, please don't tell me that's what he meant... please.

[Nintex] said:
I guess the Wii Motion Plus happened and whatever Nintendo had in store for Q4 2008 has been delayed for the Motion Plus. It seems that Nintendo's 2009 line-up is going to blow 2008 out of the water. We do know that EAD have Pikmin 3, Zelda, Wii Sports Resort in development/production right now. With a little luck both Pikmin 3 and Zelda could be this years heavy hitters. After all it will be 3 years after TP's release and 3.5 years since the development was done(spring/summer 06)
That's more in line with what I suspect happened but they didn't delay Wii Music which I can imagine would have benefited greatly from M+
Opiate said:
Why are people attacking CheSpace? He made it very clear that his position was his own, and that of his close friends.

It is common for Wii owners to say "It's just your opinion" when a PS3 or 360 owner insists that the Wii has no good games and OMG how could anyone like it. And those Wii owners are correct: it is just their opinion, and clearly many people disagree with that sentiment. Likely the majority of people, if not specifically on this website.

So why is it not okay for someone to return the favor? CheSpace doesn't personally enjoy many of the game Nintendo is making these days. And that is just his opinion. It's aggravatingly hypocritical to insist that your opinions be recognized while belittling the opinions of others.
Because that's the only thing he says? After awhile, it does get annoying.


chespace said:
Not to me they don't. :lol

It's still a failure in my eyes. If you like Nintendo's output as of late (Wii Play/Fit/Music/Sports), then in your eyes, they're a success. Good for you.

Stop trolling. For the 4 casual titles you keep mentioning, they released Metroid Prime 3, Galaxy, Excite Truck, Fire emblem, Wario Land Shake It, Mario Kart, Mario Strikers, Brawl, Battalion Wars ii, Twilight Princess and some others I forget.

Nintendo releases 5 non traditional games and all of a sudden they are only doing stuff like wii fit/music/sports/play?

The goggles, take them off


BishopLamont said:
Reggie is really out of touch with the core fanbase if he thought AC is a hardcore offering. I wouldn't take Reggie seriously at all.

Animal Crossing always had good support from the core Nintendo fanbase. Casuals didn't jump in until it was released on the DS. I kind of agree with you though. Kart or Smash would have done more to please core Wii owners as a holiday release.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Sadist said:
That's called bluff actually.

People just wanted a big traditional Nintendo game for the end of '08 but they can't seem to understand that not every year games with the quality of Galaxy magicly appear.

i think just having fatal frame 4 and disaster in the US during the fall would have been enough...

Those would not be huge games, but enough for the core gamers to have something to buy during the holidays...

I honestly believe there has to be a reason that there was not more during the fall.

I think that nintendo probably realized that they would be big no matter what and wanted to let a lot of new, less core owners by the console during the fall.

then maybe they are going to try to increase momentum in 2009 with a lot more core titles and a bigger install base to sell them to...

If you are going to sell the same number of consoles no matter what you release, then why release it now?


Opiate said:
So why is it not okay for someone to return the favor? CheSpace doesn't personally enjoy many of the game Nintendo is making these days. And that is just his opinion. It's aggravatingly hypocritical to insist that your opinions be recognized while belittling the opinions of others.
Normally, these opinions come with snide comments like "Nintendo only knows how to please the casuals with Wii Fit/Sports/Play/Music and they forgot about the hardcore". In other words, they say those are the only games developed by Nintendo these days. Which is false of course.

It's perfectly fine if you don't like the Wii. But, as always, people take these comments out of proportion. And that's just plain tiresome. And done to death.
Fularu said:
Stop trolling. For the 4 casual titles you keep mentioning, they released Metroid Prime 3, Galaxy, Excite Truck, Fire emblem, Wario Land Shake It, Mario Kart, Mario Strikers, Brawl, Battalion Wars ii, Twilight Princess and some others I forget.

Nintendo releases 5 non traditional games and all of a sudden they are only doing stuff like wii fit/music/sports/play?

The goggles, take them off

Just wondering but didnt his post say as of late? You know meaning recent games.
amtentori said:
If you are going to sell the same number of consoles no matter what you release, then why release it now?
That could also be the answer to the question I asked but if it is Nintendo has already become twice as arrogant as the Nintendo of the '80s


Roders5 said:
Maybe we should split gaf into a 'real gaming' section for those who like games that are fun to play on any console and a 'non-gaming' section for the HD fanboys that forget that epic games were around on consoles before HD hit consoles?

Yes, this will work.

BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
Just wondering but didnt his post say as of late? You know meaning recent games.

You do know that chespace only listed two games out of four that were released this year( the other two were launch games) and Fularu listed 3.


AniHawk said:
Yeah, that's the other thing. They released so many games in the first year that pretty much all their development teams wiped out at the same time. There hasn't even been anything big for the DS since Zelda (RTG was an unexpected hit, but aside from that, nothing).
Exactly. That's why I also dislike all the comments regarding Nintendo and the games they produce/publish. I know the ending of 2008 was horrible, but I think it's just plain stupid to allready forget (or rather, ignored intentionaly) the games they gave us which were all great and fueled your gaming needs.


Weisheit said:
Jesus Christ. So, your response to 3rd parties not trying on Wii is to.....completely change the subject? Brilliant.

Was showing that Nintendo games dominate sales on their consoles really changing the subject? Why would third parties keep beating their heads against the wall?


Sadist said:
Exactly. That's why I also dislike all the comments regarding Nintendo and the games they produce/publish. I know the ending of 2008 was horrible, but I think it's just plain stupid to allready forget (or rather, ignored intentionaly) the games they gave us which were all great and fueled your gaming needs.

You can't have nothing at the holidays (or arguably for the last half of the year) and not have gamers be upset about it. I mean come on - people are defending a lousy end of 08 with TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

Gaming is very much a 'what have you done for me lately' industry, and Nintendo hasn't done much for me lately - and that sentiment is echoed by others as well.


chespace said:
Oh I see. So sales is how we're defining good games I should give a shit about? :lol

You need to learn to accept differences.

That's how GAF saw it back when the PS2 was on top.
Chrange said:
You can't have nothing at the holidays (or arguably for the last half of the year) and not have gamers be upset about it. I mean come on - people are defending a lousy end of 08 with TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

Gaming is very much a 'what have you done for me lately' industry, and Nintendo hasn't done much for me lately - and that sentiment is echoed by others as well.
Maybe you shouldn't be angry at Nintendo, but at third parties instead? Nintendo gave us all they could for the last two years. Expecting even more is ridiculous, good games take time to make.


BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
Just wondering but didnt his post say as of late? You know meaning recent games.

If he can say "as of late" and quote "wii play" and "wii sport" I can prety much mention every single wii game they released


Chrange said:
Was showing that Nintendo games dominate sales on their consoles really changing the subject? Why would third parties keep beating their heads against the wall?

This doesn't stand up to logical scrutiny, though. It's as if Nintendo is ascribed magical powers that prevent other games from selling. Why does Sony not have this power? Before this generation, many analysts assumed the PS3 would win this war even with a 600 dollar price tag, because the Playstation brand was so strong. In comparison, Nintendo's last system sold just over 20 million. Not only that, Sony is producing more games per year, and spending more money in making those games. And yet, no one seems to suggest Sony is a problem for third parties.

Why is this a problem that's unique to Nintendo? What intrinsic property do Nintendo games have that no other game maker has? For example, if I were to put a game on the PS3/360, I'd be competing against Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many others. Companies seem to be willing to compete against the best that Konami, Epic, Bioware, Bethesda, Rockstar, Sony, Microsoft, Activision, and Ubisoft have to offer. Compete against all of them simultaneously. Why is it possible to penetrate this market, but it is apparently impossible to break in to the Wii market?

This logic continues to baffle me. Again, it seems like people think Nintendo is magical.


Junior Member
Chrange said:
Why would third parties keep beating their heads against the wall?
They wouldn't, because they have no right to do so in the first place. They haven't tried and therefore have failed. What does Nintendo's sw prowess have to do with it?


paid requisite penance
Opiate said:
This doesn't stand up to logical scrutiny, though. It's as if Nintendo is ascribed magical powers that prevent other games from selling. Why does Sony not have this power? Before this generation, many analysts assumed the PS3 would win this war even with a 600 dollar price tag, because the Playstation brand was so strong. In comparison, Nintendo's last system sold just over 20 million. Not only that, Sony is producing more games per year, and spending more money in making those games.

Why is this a problem that's unique to Nintendo? What intrinsic property do Nintendo games have that no other game maker has? For example, if I were to put a game on the PS3/360, I'd be competing against Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many others. Why is it possible to penetrate this market, but it is apparently impossible to break in to the Wii market?

This logic continues to baffle me. Again, it seems like people think Nintendo is magic.

I wonder that too.

It's even weirder than that, when you think about it: most successful Nintendo games are already genre kings with no serious competition or are unique anyway. It's not like you'd face too much competition from Nintendo releasing an FPS, an RPG, or every goddamn genre that's popular on most platforms. Hell, some developers are able to compete successfully with Nintendo in genres that Nintendo basically owned. Rayman Raving Rabbids has been quite successful, despite Nintendo's long-standing Mario Party series.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
BishopLamont said:
Maybe you shouldn't be angry at Nintendo, but at third parties instead? Nintendo gave us all they could for the last two years. Expecting even more is ridiculous, good games take time to make.

I have no clue why people blame NINTENDO for third parties not doing AAA on the Wii. It's like people think that if Iwata made more of an effort to take the president of Konami out to lunch, then something like MGS4 exclusivity would have been a sure thing. It doesn't fucking work that way. Third parties do their own thing, they have their own plans, and the main reason they don't seem to be supporting the Wii (at least moreso for Western games) is mainly cause of the differences in tech between Wii and the other consoles. The notion that they don't do it because it's a casual games only machine, different market, Nintendo games sell too much, etc. is nothing but damage control.

edit: oh and what Opiate said.


Chrange said:
You can't have nothing at the holidays (or arguably for the last half of the year) and not have gamers be upset about it. I mean come on - people are defending a lousy end of 08 with TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

Gaming is very much a 'what have you done for me lately' industry, and Nintendo hasn't done much for me lately - and that sentiment is echoed by others as well.
Didn't mean it that way. It's what Anihawk said and I do agree with you. The Wii should have had a bigger title (or, a title for us at GAF to play and shut up I guess) but Nintendo's top studios didn't have anything. And when I see the interviews with NOA, they were expecting third parties to step up. Only mistake they made this year imo. Thet took a gamble and it turned out bad.


Chrange said:
Was showing that Nintendo games dominate sales on their consoles really changing the subject? Why would third parties keep beating their heads against the wall?

Yes why should 3rd parties even try. Even Ubisoft came out and said 3rd parties can do good on the Wii. Capcom and Sega already know this. Majesco can thank the software sales on the Wii and DS for saving them from closing up shop. Yup ,let THQ and the rest that are trying build up a fanbase win out instead of crying because they blew it this year like EA. At least trying and crying about it is better than not trying at all.

Money left on the table will be picked up by someone.

Eteric Rice

I just want to confirm this as I'm talking about it on another forum.

Wii software is currently outselling 360 software, right? I mean, even in terms of third party software. It's just more spread out rather than focused on a few titles.

I don't want to look retarded, that's why I'm asking. :lol
Sadist said:
Didn't mean it that way. It's what Anihawk said and I do agree with you. The Wii should have had a bigger title (or, a title for us at GAF to play and shut up I guess) but Nintendo's top studios didn't have anything. And when I see the interviews with NOA, they were expecting third parties to step up. Only mistake they made this year imo. Thet took a gamble and it turned out bad.

It turned out badly for third parties only. Nintendo left the door open to the hottest club around and nobody else even wanted to get dressed for it. Next year I expect the bouncers will be back, and the third-party bitching will continue.

Also, I'm pretty sure one of Nintendo's top studios was working on Wii Music. Miyamoto has said many times that they put their top teams on the Wii line of games.


Eteric Rice said:
I just want to confirm this as I'm talking about it on another forum.

Wii software is currently outselling 360 software, right? I mean, even in terms of third party software. It's just more spread out rather than focused on a few titles.

I don't want to look retarded, that's why I'm asking. :lol
Why would you want to look retarded on GAF but not this other forum?



Eteric Rice said:
I just want to confirm this as I'm talking about it on another forum.

Wii software is currently outselling 360 software, right? I mean, even in terms of third party software. It's just more spread out rather than focused on a few titles.

I don't want to look retarded, that's why I'm asking. :lol

no, wii and ds combined is afaik


Opiate said:
Why is this a problem that's unique to Nintendo? What intrinsic property do Nintendo games have that no other game maker has? For example, if I were to put a game on the PS3/360, I'd be competing against Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many others. Companies seem to be willing to compete against the best that Konami, Epic, Bioware, Bethesda, Rockstar, Sony, Microsoft, Activision, and Ubisoft have to offer. Compete against all of them simultaneously. Why is it possible to penetrate this market, but it is apparently impossible to break in to the Wii market?
Because people seem to think that only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles and nothing else ever will. You see enough posters on GAF everyday who still use this argument, even in sales threads, where facts will them otherwise.

And of course, the popular argument: the core is allready there on the 360 and PS3; why risk it on Wii when Wii Fit/Wii Play/Mario Kart etc. top the charts? People don't think beyond the top 10 sales.
Eteric Rice said:
I just want to confirm this as I'm talking about it on another forum.

Wii software is currently outselling 360 software, right? I mean, even in terms of third party software. It's just more spread out rather than focused on a few titles.

I don't want to look retarded, that's why I'm asking. :lol
We don't know, that chart we had did show Wii third party outpacing 360 third party, but that was for like the first 12 months or so. It's guaranteed that Wii does sell more software overall though, I wouldn't be surprised if Wii third party software continue to outpace 360's though. Either way just stick to Wii selling more software overall then 360 if you want to be safe. :)
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