butthurt Heat fan
Wii sold how many? 2 million? Well, I'm so happy I could hump a Nissan GT-R.

Fixed my images.Hunter D said:Nintendo
ducere said:Just because you don't like them doesn't make them retarded.
on the shelves where no one is picking it upmomolicious said:Where is Little Big Planet?
ducere said:Little Big Planet is quite possibly one of the shittiest games ever. Of course, it is still better than any crap nintendo has ever put out.
TJ Spyke said:Wow, do dome people just try and see how fast they can be banned?
ducere, if you want to not be banned I suggest you stop trolling.
Stitch said:on the shelves where no one is picking it up
Little Big Planet is quite possibly one of the shittiest games ever. Of course, it is still better than any crap nintendo has ever put out.
I get what you're saying but let's imagine that Wii had some blockbuster 3rd party releases this quarter like the PS3 and 360. Wii Play/Fit probably would probably still be going great numbers but would MK Wii and Wii Music still be in the top ten? Nintendo makes money off 3rd party sales but they'll always make much more off their own.onipex said:They would be making more money if more Wii third party titles posted in the top ten along with their first party titles that are there. I'm sure they wouldn't cry over Wii Play falling out of the top ten to COD5 Wii. More big profile third party sales could bring in more third party pubs and devs and make them even more money.
I don't think they have stopped trying to work things out with third parties. The GTA DS news had something about Nintendo and RockStar being in talks and working on a relationship even before the Wii launched. They made a point if saying it is still an on going process.
Nintendo keeps talking about the blue ocean and that doesn't mean getting the lower market and staying happy with it. They want those hungry core gamers buying up games for the Wii so they have to want the games those gamers want.
*Glances at thread title*aerts1js said:wah! wah! my system is better than urs cuz it sells more!!!111!!(one)!!
ducere said:I don't see why expressing my opinion is reason for banishment. I have just as much right to express myself as you jerkoffs do.
Wolves Evolve said:Don't you get it? If a company is on a runaway success because they realised that they need to abandon their core audience, the best thing for them to do just as the money begins to pile up is to turn back to that core audience. GOD.
ducere said:I don't see why expressing my opinion is reason for banishment. I have just as much right to express myself as you jerkoffs do.
Tell me more.ducere said:I don't see why expressing my opinion is reason for banishment. I have just as much right to express myself as you jerkoffs do.
*Glances at thread title*
Dude, you do know that you're in a sales thread right?
Eteric Rice said:I can't believe I'm going to utter these words here but...
Lurk moar.
Mrbob said:Fallout 3 with a better second month hold than Fable 2.![]()
Hcoregamer00 said:With sales like that the franchise is DEAD.
Valkyria has no future.
ducere said:Little Big Planet is quite possibly one of the shittiest games ever. Of course, it is still better than any crap nintendo has ever put out.
no uducere said:Little Big Planet is quite possibly one of the shittiest games ever. Of course, it is still better than any crap nintendo has ever put out.
BishopLamont said:Wii got the RB/GH consumers on lock.
(neutral) ducereducere said:Little Big Planet is quite possibly one of the shittiest games ever. Of course, it is still better than any crap nintendo has ever put out.
ducere said:I don't see why expressing my opinion is reason for banishment. I have just as much right to express myself as you jerkoffs do.
Saint Gregory said:I get what you're saying but let's imagine that Wii had some blockbuster 3rd party releases this quarter like the PS3 and 360. Wii Play/Fit probably would probably still be going great numbers but would MK Wii and Wii Music still be in the top ten? Nintendo makes money off 3rd party sales but they'll always make much more off their own.
I have to believe if Nintendo was putting as much effort into garnering big games in the west as they are in Japan we'd be seeing the results. The Wii is the third place system in Japan (behind DS/PSP) and it's getting more high profile exclusives than it is here. How can that be?
Bearillusion said:You worded it as though it were fact. The facts are that it is one of highest reviewed games of the year.
The fact that I don't see Threi's avatar next to this post makes it less enjoyable.polyh3dron said:no u
Shin Johnpv said:And yet Harmonix will continue to treat the Wii and its Audience like shit.
Remember kids, don't feed the trolls. Just hit ignore and move on.ducere said:I said it was the shittiest game ever. I don't see how that can even remotely be misunderstood as a fact.
markatisu said:Besides releasing RB2 a month after the others how so?
manueldelalas said:Releasing a shitty version of the game?
Opiate said:This doesn't stand up to logical scrutiny, though. It's as if Nintendo is ascribed magical powers that prevent other games from selling. Why does Sony not have this power? Before this generation, many analysts assumed the PS3 would win this war even with a 600 dollar price tag, because the Playstation brand was so strong. In comparison, Nintendo's last system sold just over 20 million. Not only that, Sony is producing more games per year, and spending more money in making those games. And yet, no one seems to suggest Sony is a problem for third parties.
Why is this a problem that's unique to Nintendo? What intrinsic property do Nintendo games have that no other game maker has? For example, if I were to put a game on the PS3/360, I'd be competing against Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many others. Companies seem to be willing to compete against the best that Konami, Epic, Bioware, Bethesda, Rockstar, Sony, Microsoft, Activision, and Ubisoft have to offer. Compete against all of them simultaneously. Why is it possible to penetrate this market, but it is apparently impossible to break in to the Wii market?
This logic continues to baffle me. Again, it seems like people think Nintendo is magical.
markatisu said:Rock Band 2 on Wii features every single item that 360 and PS3 has from online to DLC to actual live rendered backgrounds instead of the RB1 prerendered
Why can nobody ever read or pay attention to this fact, RB1 was a fast cash gimped port, RB2 is not in any way
markatisu said:Rock Band 2 on Wii features every single item that 360 and PS3 has from online to DLC to actual live rendered backgrounds instead of the RB1 prerendered
Why can nobody ever read or pay attention to this fact, RB1 was a fast cash gimped port, RB2 is not in any way
markatisu said:Besides releasing RB2 a month after the others how so?
rjcc said:will you be able to rip the songs from rb1? is the RB1 dlc available on the wii?
kame-sennin said:Let me get this out of the way right off the bat, this belief started because Nintendo has synergy between its hardware and software development. They're the only publishers that really do this well. Their hardware engineers and software developers work in the same building; they can talk to each other and look over each others shoulders to make sure their respective work is complimentary. A perfect example of this is Wii sports. No third party game that I can think of uses motion controls as well. Why? Because the software designers are intimately familiar with the hardware and its limitations in a way that no third party developers are. So they can push the tech as far as possible while avoiding its weaknesses even on launch software.
With all that said. Your main point is still correct. Nintendo is not magic. Even though third parties don't have the level of familiarity with the hardware that Nintendo does, small teams were able to make well controlled games like RE4 and MOH:H2. Moreover, many third parties have succeeded on Nintendo's platform in a way they haven't on Sony or Mircrosoft's. We all know publishers/developers like Sega, THQ, and Suda would not be doing as well on HD consoles as they have on Wii. But I'm surprised people haven't talked as much about the success of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. There is only one SKU for GH and RB respectively in the top 15, and both of them are for Wii. The gimped RB Wii is even outselling the PS3 and 360 SKUs of Rock Band 2! Nintendo has completely stolen the market for rhythm/rock games from the other two hardware manufacturers, even though they were late to the market and those games had an established base on other platforms. How can anybody look at that data and argue that a popular, well-advertised, (sometimes) polished franchise, targeted at the Wii user base will not sell?
There are other reasons that third parties don't want to compete on Nintendo platforms, but they are not the kinds of things they want to discuss in front of shareholders. The reality is that the Wii and DS are disruptive to the standard software development methods of most third parties. The Wii and DS are attempting (and succeeding) to change how consumers perceive value in software. The traditional model says that increasing the visual fidelity and feature checklist for major franchises annually will net strong sales. Instead, Nintendo is pushing player/software interaction and social interaction while downplaying the importance of visual fidelity. They're also moving towards a long-tail or "evergreen" sales pattern. Most large publishers have large, incredibly layered, inflexible development structures. When you take that into consideration, a massive shift in software development philosophy must be terrifying. What's worse is that this new philosophy is relatively untested and the market being targeted is ill-defined and under researched. These publishers are often too large to take advantage of the new market. It's unlikely a developer like EA or Ubisoft would be able to turn out a product like Wii Fit or Wii Sports without MASSIVE restructuring and most likely a change of CEO. Do you think John Riccitiello wants to talk about that in a conference call?
They're already making plenty, they don't need to rush.soldat7 said:Because they want
kame-sennin said:Let me get this out of the way right off the bat, this belief started because Nintendo has synergy between its hardware and software development. They're the only publishers that really do this well. Their hardware engineers and software developers work in the same building; they can talk to each other and look over each others shoulders to make sure their respective work is complimentary. A perfect example of this is Wii sports. No third party game that I can think of uses motion controls as well. Why? Because the software designers are intimately familiar with the hardware and its limitations in a way that no third party developers are. So they can push the tech as far as possible while avoiding its weaknesses even on launch software.
With all that said. Your main point is still correct. Nintendo is not magic. Even though third parties don't have the level of familiarity with the hardware that Nintendo does, small teams were able to make well controlled games like RE4 and MOH:H2. Moreover, many third parties have succeeded on Nintendo's platform in a way they haven't on Sony or Mircrosoft's. We all know publishers/developers like Sega, THQ, and Suda would not be doing as well on HD consoles as they have on Wii. But I'm surprised people haven't talked as much about the success of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. There is only one SKU for GH and RB respectively in the top 15, and both of them are for Wii**. The gimped RB Wii is even outselling the PS3 and 360 SKUs of Rock Band 2! Nintendo has completely stolen the market for rhythm/rock games from the other two hardware manufacturers, even though they were late to the market and those games had an established base on other platforms. How can anybody look at that data and argue that a popular, well-advertised, (sometimes) polished franchise, targeted at the Wii user base will not sell?
There are other reasons that third parties don't want to compete on Nintendo platforms, but they are not the kinds of things they want to discuss in front of shareholders. The reality is that the Wii and DS are disruptive to the standard software development methods of most third parties. The Wii and DS are attempting (and succeeding) to change how consumers perceive value in software. The traditional model says that increasing the visual fidelity and feature checklist for major franchises annually will net strong sales. Instead, Nintendo is pushing player/software interaction and social interaction while downplaying the importance of visual fidelity. They're also moving towards a long-tail or "evergreen" sales pattern. Most large publishers have large, incredibly layered, inflexible development structures. When you take that into consideration, a massive shift in software development philosophy must be terrifying. What's worse is that this new philosophy is relatively untested and the market being targeted is ill-defined and under researched. These publishers are often too large to take advantage of the new market. It's unlikely a developer like EA or Ubisoft would be able to turn out a product like Wii Fit or Wii Sports without MASSIVE restructuring and most likely a change of CEO. Do you think John Riccitiello wants to talk about that in a conference call?
**Edit: Correction, there are two GH SKUs in the top 15, with GHWT 360 coming in at #15.
YakiSOBA said:Can someone tell me why the Wii is selling like mad still? I bought a Wii last christmas and have sold it since... I just don't understand! It's like I'm taking crazy pills!!!!
YakiSOBA said:Can someone tell me why the Wii is selling like mad still? I bought a Wii last christmas and have sold it since... I just don't understand! It's like I'm taking crazy pills!!!!
YakiSOBA said:Can someone tell me why the Wii is selling like mad still? I bought a Wii last christmas and have sold it since... I just don't understand! It's like I'm taking crazy pills!!!!