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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


Whew, thread finally slowed down. Short comments:
DS: Expected
Wii: Expected? May will have even better sales in my opinion.
Poor PS3. I'm so hoping that the upcoming AAA games will help sales significantly. PSP and PS2 are doing well.
Xbox: Saturation?
Robocop: Man, I didn't remember this scene being that violent.
Previous major Pokerman title dabues since 1999 (sorry missing first month for Red/Blue) :

Looks to me Pokemon is gaining popularity...:D


Merovingian said:
If the 360 sees a price drop, it will sell more than the Wiii in the States, easilly.

Halo 3, GTA,Splinter Cell, Assassins creed, etc

No doubts at all.

If it sees a price drop.

Nintendo's got SSB: Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy waiting in the distance, along with other titles to back to those titles up.

Anything can happen...
borghe said:
I have a feeling that if/when the Premium ever comes within $50 of Wii Nintendo will drop the price. They want that nice price buffer, and as long as the buffer exists it guarantees at least one person is putting back a 360/PS3 and picking up a Wii.

And thus the problem with your statement. I agree MS can increase sales, and if MS dropped their price to within $50 of Wii they could even outsell Wii.. I just don't think Nintendo, who has been seeing profit from day one, will ever let it get to that point.

And that's really the scary part of this entire generation. Nintendo at this very moment holds all of the chips. They have the best selling console of the generation and have been making a profit on it from the start. That kind of puts Sony and MS in a reactionary state by default.

It doesn't work that way.

If MS drops 100$ (Which is what they should do), then the price difference won't matter anymore.

The problem is being within and outside of reasonable. 400$...it's over, MS sucked all the water of that fountain, it's time to change the pace.


I'm glad that Nintendo is selling well in one sense. Obviously Nintendo fans have suffered for a while, so at least they get to gloat.

But I hope I'm not alone when I say I'll be really sad if the types of game experiences I've grown to know and love on Sony and MS consoles (Newer FF games and other technologically advanced RPGs, Ninja Gaiden/DMC style action games, complex fighting games) disappear.

I don't think they will... but then again, who predicted that all those great adventure games of the 80s and 90s would disappear?

I want both styles of games to coexist. I personally don't get so much out of most of Nintendo's titles, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them. I just hope there's room in the market for all three players, in some form or another.


Deku said:
Good question. I'm assuming they will just because PS3 sales HAS to pick up by 2009 or Pachter is wrong.

Pachter wrong? thats impossible. He predicted Pokemon would only sell 800,000 units for April even when Nintendo weeks earlier announced 1 million sold in 5 days :p
Nintendo "fads" don't die.

If there's ONE thing Nintendo does well it's when they get a "craze" like this going, they know exactly how to keep it going ... and going ... and going .... and going .... and going.

Pokemon was a fad, DS was a fad, even back in the day I remember people saying Super Mario was a fad.

For Nintendo the hard part is getting the craze going, but once they get it going, they don't drop the ball. If there's one thing they know how to do well, that would be it. So betting against them on that ... well I'd just say I wouldn't take that bet.

When it comes to things like this they're money like Brad Pitt at a singles bar.

If anything I think the Wii is just going to sell more and more and Nintendo will eventually bring out a Wii 2.0 for the "HD crowd" before Sony can get their next system out.


Chiggs said:
For all of you fence sitters that loathe the Wii, but aren't exactly enthralled by the stumbling PS3, or smitten by the shoddily constructed Xbox 360, may I suggest taking a gander at pc gaming. Sure, it's more expensive, but if you make smart purchases, you'll have a viable system for years to come. Free mods, cheaper games, fun communities, etc.

PC Gaming. Things are getting better.

I certainly haven't sat on the fence this gen, I am nearly completely smitten by the 360 too.

Still, this gen I feel I may completely escape PC gaming for the first time in a long time. I'm too tired of the non-GAMING parts of PC gaming.

All I want anymore is to put in the game and play.


laserbeam said:
Xbox between September 04-March 05 that reporting Quarter that saw Halo 2 launch sold about 2.5 million Xbox. thats including holiday rush etc so Halo 2 wasn't that huge of a system seller.

You need to look up the definition of "Quarter".
Iwata had an explanation for Wii's success...at least in the US:

"The Wii fever is greater in the United States, where Iwata thinks that the new console's ease of use fits the party culture of that country"

Party like it's 1999...where's my Dreamcast?

Reggie Fils-Aime said:
“These new Pokémon titles have cemented their place alongside the most enduring intellectual properties of the book, music and movie industries.”

Somebody drank too much champagne after hearing the news. Let's not get carried away now.


KTallguy said:
I'm glad that Nintendo is selling well in one sense. Obviously Nintendo fans have suffered for a while, so at least they get to gloat.

But I hope I'm not alone when I say I'll be really sad if the types of game experiences I've grown to know and love on Sony and MS consoles (Newer FF games and other technologically advanced RPGs, Ninja Gaiden/DMC style action games, complex fighting games) disappear.

I don't think they will... but then again, who predicted that all those great adventure games of the 80s and 90s would disappear?

I want both styles of games to coexist. I personally don't get so much out of most of Nintendo's titles, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them. I just hope there's room in the market for all three players, in some form or another.

I see no reason why those titles will simply dissapear in thin air. As of this point gamers all around the world are buying them in drove still. Just because the Wii has happended to disrupt everything we've known about this industry doesn't mean anything. All sorts of game styles can co-exist.

Though I have this feeling fighting games will wane eventually unless some designer somewhere gives a kick to the ass to the genre.
Cosmozone said:
Whew, thread finally slowed down. Short comments:
DS: Expected
Wii: Expected? May will have even better sales in my opinion.
Poor PS3. I'm so hoping that the upcoming AAA games will help sales significantly. PSP and PS2 are doing well.
Xbox: Saturation?
Robocop: Man, I didn't remember this scene being that violent.
What's your rationale behind better Wii sales in May? Because SPM was a late April release?

I imagine June will be much more significant due to MP8 and BBA:WD. Definitely good numbers for the PSP. Maybe the mild sales of the 360 confirms a lack of response to a certain price point (specifically the Elite).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
KTallguy said:
I'm glad that Nintendo is selling well in one sense. Obviously Nintendo fans have suffered for a while, so at least they get to gloat.

But I hope I'm not alone when I say I'll be really sad if the types of game experiences I've grown to know and love on Sony and MS consoles (Newer FF games and other technologically advanced RPGs, Ninja Gaiden/DMC style action games, complex fighting games) disappear.

I don't think they will... but then again, who predicted that all those great adventure games of the 80s and 90s would disappear?

I want both styles of games to coexist. I personally don't get so much out of most of Nintendo's titles, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them. I just hope there's room in the market for all three players, in some form or another.

Don't worry, 360 will still be around, getting lots of Western support, and quite a bit of Eastern support I imagine. Both Wii and 360 can live together in harmony. Everybody wins.

Eteric Rice

JavyOO7 said:
I see no reason why those titles will simply dissapear in thin air. As of this point gamers all around the world are buying them in drove still. Just because the Wii has happended to disrupt everything we've known about this industry doesn't mean anything. All sorts of game styles can co-exist.

Though I have this feeling fighting games will wane eventually unless some designer somewhere gives a kick to the ass to the genre.

Not to mention Nintendo will likely bundle the classic controller with the Wii one day. If they do that, they're even more in the clear than ever.


zou said:
You need to look up the definition of "Quarter".

oh no i mis worded it. fact remains it proves the point halo doesn't sell systems like people want to believe,It sells an ass load of software in a very short period for sure but hardware doesn't magically go to heaven.


Gold Member
Crypto said:
All I want anymore is to put in the game and play.

I hear you. I still think the whole "I gotta get the game to work before I can play it" aspect is significantly overstated.


soundwave05 said:
Nintendo "fads" don't die.

If there's one thing they know how to do well, that would be it. So betting against them on that ... well I'd just say I wouldn't take that bet.

If you're going to classify anything and everything as a 'fad', then Nintendo has dropped the ball quite a few times.

Nintendo's marketing is no more perfect than any other companies. Look at stuff like N64, GC, or Virtual Boy.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Merovingian said:
It doesn't work that way.

If MS drops 100$ (Which is what they should do), then the price difference won't matter anymore.
Umm.. it does work that way to a degree though. That buffer is really ****ing important. It's like the yamauchi quote from a thread earlier in the day. Gaming hardware is irrelevant to the consumer. It is simply an obstacle they have to overcome to play the games they want. At the end of the day it's the games that drive hardware sales. If all games are just as compelling as one another (to whitewash), then the cheaper hardware wins. If Wii's content is just as compelling as 360's content, it comes back to that buffer. Again I'm over simplifying it, but when you're talking about mass consumers as a whole and step out of the myopic world of the hardcore gamer, over simplifying it most of the time gives you a more accurate picture.


Chiggs said:
I hear you. I still think the whole "I gotta get the game to work before I can play it" aspect is significantly overstated.

It depends on your perspective and what your life is like. There was a lot of times when I had no problems with the 'work' of PC gaming. The work hasn't changed much, but for the time, I have.


Tabris said:
The sad thing is this thread will be more popular than the awesome Gamer's day one. Certain people (you know who you are :p i.e. 90% of the people in this thread) prefer bad news about Sony than good news.
Yeah that's it. Or maybe it's because NPD thread are always long. Moron.


KTallguy said:
I'm glad that Nintendo is selling well in one sense. Obviously Nintendo fans have suffered for a while, so at least they get to gloat.

But I hope I'm not alone when I say I'll be really sad if the types of game experiences I've grown to know and love on Sony and MS consoles (Newer FF games and other technologically advanced RPGs, Ninja Gaiden/DMC style action games, complex fighting games) disappear.

I don't think they will... but then again, who predicted that all those great adventure games of the 80s and 90s would disappear?

I want both styles of games to coexist. I personally don't get so much out of most of Nintendo's titles, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them. I just hope there's room in the market for all three players, in some form or another.
I don't expect those things will die like adventure games (and I hope they don't, either).
Crypto said:
If you're going to classify anything and everything as a 'fad', then Nintendo has dropped the ball quite a few times.

Nintendo's marketing is no more perfect than any other companies. Look at stuff like N64, GC, or Virtual Boy.

Err ... how was the GameCube or Virtual Boy even a fad? Those weren't even that successful in the first place. The GameCube was already tanking hard by its first January and got outsold by a newcomer right off the bat in North America.

The N64 maybe I could see that as a "fad" I guess ... but actually the N64 did very well in North America. It never was that popular in Japan or Europe.
It'll be Wii's game when it crosses 360 LTD in North America. That isn't going to happen for a long time. It is doing better than I ever expected though.
borghe said:
Umm.. it does work that way to a degree though. That buffer is really ****ing important. It's like the yamauchi quote from a thread earlier in the day. Gaming hardware is irrelevant to the consumer. It is simply an obstacle they have to overcome to play the games they want. At the end of the day it's the games that drive hardware sales. If all games are just as compelling as one another (to whitewash), then the cheaper hardware wins. If Wii's content is just as compelling as 360's content, it comes back to that buffer. Again I'm over simplifying it, but when you're talking about mass consumers as a whole and step out of the myopic world of the hardcore gamer, over simplifying it most of the time gives you a more accurate picture.

Well, heh, who knows, i think i'm right.

And who cares, Nintendo Fans talk like the 360 and PS3 are going to be evaporated in thin Air and Wii will dominate 100%....it's scary talk if you listen, but if you think about it, 360 and PS3 aren't going anywhere.

Nintendo Fans almost make me hate my Wii. But only for a second.


OT: After my 1-year self imposed ban....I´m back!

sonycowboy said:
April 2007

Nintendo DS 471k
Wii 360k
PlayStation 2 194k
PlayStation Portable 183k
Xbox 360 174k
Game Boy Advance 84k
PlayStation 3 82k
GameCube 13k

Wow! Amazing numers all around...

Nice to see ya guys again... =')
Hm... I'm seeing Wii absolutely sodomizing 360 and PS3 in sales... but I'm not seeing the AAA game announcements/info/trailers/etc. And where's that damn FFCC:CB trailer? And the NiGHTS trailer? Your Wii games, show them to us!
bigmakstudios said:
Hm... I'm seeing Wii absolutely sodomizing 360 and PS3 in sales... but I'm not seeing the AAA game announcements/info/trailers/etc. And where's that damn FFCC:CB trailer? And the NiGHTS trailer? Your Wii games, show them to us!

Blame the E3 people for canning the May show. Lots of devs are probably sitting on annoucements till July.

The announcements for the Wii are definitely picking up though nonetheless.


bigmakstudios said:
Hm... I'm seeing Wii absolutely sodomizing 360 and PS3 in sales... but I'm not seeing the AAA game announcements/info/trailers/etc. And where's that damn FFCC:CB trailer? And the NiGHTS trailer? Your Wii games, show them to us!
Next week
I hope


I think it's time for all human to unite against NDS and Wii:D

PS3 is expensive and has no game, but, but why don't people buy 360?


Speaking of adventure games, if anything hurts the genre it's pixel hunting and obscure game logic.

Something like Phoenix Wright with a branching dialog I would consider the peak of the genre.


Warm Machine said:
It'll be Wii's game when it crosses 360 LTD in North America. That isn't going to happen for a long time. It is doing better than I ever expected though.

actually, if this trend continues, it could happen within the next 12 months.


Tabris said:
The sad thing is this thread will be more popular than the awesome Gamer's day one. Certain people (you know who you are :p i.e. 90% of the people in this thread) prefer bad news about Sony than good news.

Because Sony good news is usually a cgi movie, or PR spin. None of their own shit is ever as good as they say it is.

2006 monthly 360 sales figures look prety damn good now dont the Sony boys? 80k for an entire month!!!???


evilromero said:
What's your rationale behind better Wii sales in May? Because SPM was a late April release?
Shortages coming to an end. In April I think they were still quite in effect. This month they're significantly lower. I'm watching Amazon which is a pretty good indicator. We're now after mid-May, and the Wii is still sold out there. But in contrary to April, Wii sat at #1 nearly all the time which means it sold more than last month. Also, the price for used Wiis dropped from $400 to $340 meaning there are more Wiis to find elsewhere. I could be wrong, but it sounds logical to me.


KTallguy said:
I want both styles of games to coexist. I personally don't get so much out of most of Nintendo's titles, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them. I just hope there's room in the market for all three players, in some form or another.
Yeah, I don't think anything that we enjoy is going to change much. The hardware market changes over generations but at the end of the day, types of games don't disappear because of hardware sales. They disappear just because tastes change (or publishers think they do).

In any case, it's too early to call Nintendomination and PS3 dying I think. Maybe after a couple of years, but so much can still change at this stage. And even if Sony sells lower for a generation or two, the market will undoubtedly keep on changing like it always has. And even if a hardware company goes under like Sega did, there will be tears but at the end of the day the games keep coming.
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