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NPD Sales Results for April 2007

mcgarrett said:
Is it really so hard to understand that people can be avid video game players yet have zero interest in the kind of titles listed above?

I'm the only player of "hardcore" games in my family -- yet my brother, his wife, my nephew and my dad all play DS games. Heck I could probably get my mom playing Clubhouse Games if I took the time.

Yes there are more accessible titles on Live, but do you really expect people to shell out $3-400 (360) + $800-2000 (HDTV) just to play Uno and Pac-man?

I have no interest in those types of games. I also have no desire for an HDTV anytime soon. Wii/DS/PSP for me! :)

Honestly I have not seen a SINGLE PS3 game that I want to own, and am only interested in Viva Pinata and bomberman live for the 360.


I am multitalented
Merovingian said:
But i don't give a ****, and tons of ppl don't give a **** too, like i might not give a **** about cartoons, or some comedy T.V show, but i might give a **** about Prison Break and Heroes and ****ing last badass balls to the wall action movie.



Gorgie said:
I hope with the lower sales of the 360 and PS3 that more games are ported (and optimized) for PC. Even better if the games go on Steam.

HD consoles (bare minimum HD at that) were 5 years too early. HD TV's equivalent to 27 inch CRT's need to be in the $500 range before launching head first with an HD focused console.

I'm sure you can count on lots of to PC or from PC ports no matter what.

I personally don't think HD consoles were that early, many underestimate how fast things change.

Anyways, 27 inch HDTV CRTs have been in the $500 range for a while.
All the people saying the 360 isn't doomed are obviously correct, but the fact is Microsoft are in the business because they want to lead it and take over your living room. They're not going to do this selling **** all in Japan and less than 200,000 units a month. I have no doubts the 360 will continue to be a very good console when it comes to it's library and support, but it's not like beating Sony is a good enough result for Microsoft. They didn't spend billions of dollars to sell like they are. We'll see what happens with a price cut.
Deku said:
360 actually seems to be in this kind of trouble. They have a very hardcore and active fanbase but clearly hardware is slowing down despite continued strong software sales. They may have differentiated and focused on on-line too much and there's only so many who are into those types of games.

And let's make a list of other consoles that have overcome this obstacle at $400:




outunderthestars said:
I have no interest in those types of games. I also have no desire for an HDTV anytime soon. Wii/DS/PSP for me! :)

Honestly I have not seen a SINGLE PS3 game that I want to own, and am only interested in Viva Pinata and bomberman live for the 360.

What did you think of the Sony Gamer's Day media and announcements?


Ok, it may be the time for sony to pull a N64/GC nintendo here... meaning they need to really step up with their first party offerings (which they already are by the looks of it)

All signs indicate third party support wont be as strong this time around, and with the reduced user base they will NEED to sell bucketloads of THEIR games in the future to ensure some kind of profitability, right? That could somewhat work, hold them off for a few years and then try with PS4 to regain momentum? Or am i prematurelly calling it doom here?


borghe said:
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming

HD isn't a ****ing gaming genre... seriously, wtf people? why the hell do I care if a game is in HD or not if I'm not having fun with it? does HD make a game fun? Interesting? Does HD add depth to the game? all that is mentioned is "hd gaming".

PS3 and 360 aren't selling because there IS no ****ing thing as "hd gaming". There is gaming, there is compelling content, and there is a price/value ratio. These are the only things that matter. Japan doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". Europe doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". And America doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". They want fun games, new content and gameplay, and to feel like they are getting a great value for their gaming dollar.. HD doesn't add practically anything to any of those three factors..

amazing that even after a year of sluggish next-gen sales that some of you guys still haven't figured it out and think that the public is somehow dissing "hd gaming".

and I have no problem with 360 or PS3 and have had an HDTV with DirecTV HD since 2002... I just don't get some of your magical fascinations with the thought that HD somehow makes all games instantly better, and that games not in HD suddenly are much less fun.

Agreed 100% . You define what I think a hardcore gamer really is. Pretty much sums up why this "shift" seems so puzzling and/or depressing to some GAFers.


Dragona Akehi said:
Hey guys, it's a dude from 1997 that just got himself out of the cryogenic chamber!

Was it like, really really cold?

After Nintendo's amazing performance this last week at their spaceworld, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 98, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the SNES is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.


GaimeGuy said:
erm... I don't think you realize just how well R/G/B sold, worldwide (around 30 million)

And D/P just closed in on 1/15th of that in one single month, Its sold around 5 million in Japan so far, so nearly 7million and they have yet to release the third version (and you know they will) or release D/P in Europe.

It is possible, but admittedly unlikely right now.
MS screwed themselves with how the handled the Elite.

First they let it get announced/rumored 6-8 weeks before it comes out nearly freezing people from purchasing a premium ( I certainly wouldnt purchase a premium when for $80 more I get 120GB and HDMI). Then when the Elite comes out they barely ship any.


Canadians burned my passport
Cosmozone said:
And BTW, Pokemon Diamond selling so much better than Pearl is outrageous! The Pearl Legendary looks so much more badass.


Wow, the hell? Is the pokemon manga super violent or something?
Any links to more?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What MS should have done is released the Elite at 400, dropped the premium to 300 or 350, and dropped the Core to 250.


I just want to say thanks to all GAFers who delivered a beatiful morning for me. All those reactions and gifs are gold :)


Nothing in the near future will cause any change from this. Halo 360 is coming. Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros Brawl is coming. GTA is coming to both 360 and PS3. Hopefully Ratchet will have some pull for PS3s, and new IPs like Lair and Heavenly Sword are actually good. But there are no other big time franchise sequels to make the $600 pricetag worth getting over the significantly cheaper competition this year. The 360 and Wii will continue to sell big through the holiday season

Sucks to see this, since I enjoy games and like better competition. But I'm glad Sony's $600 arrogant price tag is backfiring. Just because I'm grew up playing video games and have a job now, and Sony has been on top of the world for the last two generations doesnt mean that you can charge whatever the hell you want with little content to back it up.


KeithFranklin said:
Then when the Elite comes out they barely ship any.

I don't think the Elite is supply constrained. I've seen a couple of them at Target and Best Buy around San Francisco (and have yet to see a Wii on a shelf.)
Deku said:
What did you think of the Sony Gamer's Day media and announcements?

Same crap, new system. Wow, now the same games I ignored before are more plasticy and have better water and grass. I'm sorry, but for me, the push towards this weird hyper realistic art direction is just creepy and off putting. Factor in how crappy those games will look on a SDTV and i'm simply not interested.

I am beginning to think that there simply ISN'T a console for me this generation. I like the Wii, but HATE the controls. I want to sit on ym couch and play a game with a real controller, not some wand that doesn't even work that well. I love the 360's design and features, but am not spending that kinda money on a system, and the PS3 is simply a non-factor since their price is so high and there isn't a single game that interests me on it. I might end up being a handheld gamer only.

Maybe I will just have to wait for 2-3 years until the systems offer a better value, and have game libraries that aren't a collection of the same boring games with better graphics.


JDSN said:
So, what happened to the guys that were going to shave their balls?

Which one got the banstick?

Not me. :)

I was for 360 being below 200k. But I added my own personal commitment that I'd also shave my balls if PS3 was higher than 100,000. And also, that I'd shave my armpits if PS3 was above 90,000 or Wii was above 300,000 (Nintendo shocked me on that one) and that's exactly what I did about a hour ago.


antipode said:
I don't think the Elite is supply constrained. I've seen a couple of them at Target and Best Buy around San Francisco (and have yet to see a Wii on a shelf.)

I'm in San Jose, and I haven't seen one Wii yet around here :(
Hmm, I am Canadian, and I yet to see that low of prices for me. As for the US, I guess people are content with their televisions, and won't pick up a shiny new HD tv till the current one bites the dust.

Also, the nice thing with the Wii is that it can tuck away to a kid's room tv, or downstairs. The other two consoles demand to be in the living room, which can conflict with those in the household who want to watch American Idol.

Or maybe the simple fact is that resolutions, after ten minutes, can be forgotten. And both the 360 and PS3 are incredibly dissappointing in graphics not counting the bump in res. Even Gears of War, because of the need of a small number of enemies, and congested environments required to get that kind of fildelity.
antipode said:
I don't think the Elite is supply constrained. I've seen a couple of them at Target and Best Buy around San Francisco (and have yet to see a Wii on a shelf.)

I have yet to see either in Western Suburbs of Chicago


Im surprised nintendo hasnt yet as much as spoken about the TRUE next killer apps for Wii:


if they crap out one of this this xmas, one mid-08 and one xmas-08 sales will shoot even more. The rest is just icing on the cake (and more hardcore offreings to steal the thunder from Halo 3/gta4). Nintendo has the casuals LOCKED.
Parl said:
Not me. :)

I was for 360 being below 200k. But I added my own personal commitment that I'd also shave my balls if PS3 was higher than 100,000. And also, that I'd shave my armpits if PS3 was above 90,000 or Wii was above 300,000 (Nintendo shocked me on that one) and that's exactly what I did about a hour ago.
Did you prove this to a mod? I'll prove it for you...

Are you hot?

Eteric Rice

outunderthestars said:
Same crap, new system. Wow, now the same games I ignored before are more plasticy and have better water and grass. I'm sorry, but for me, the push towards this weird hyper realistic art direction is just creepy and off putting. Factor in how crappy those games will look on a SDTV and i'm simply not interested.

I am beginning to think that there simply ISN'T a console for me this generation. I like the Wii, but HATE the controls. I want to sit on ym couch and play a game with a real controller, not some wand that doesn't even work that well. I love the 360's design and features, but am not spending that kinda money on a system, and the PS3 is simply a non-factor since their price is so high and there isn't a single game that interests me on it. I might end up being a handheld gamer only.

Maybe I will just have to wait for 2-3 years until the systems offer a better value, and have game libraries that aren't a collection of the same boring games with better graphics.

Depends on what games you play. I think some devs are really over using it, though.
Numbers sound about right to me.

Unless Sony manages a miracle of a price drop and some amazing marketing to go along with it to ride into two or three big titles, it really does look over for PS3's momentum in NA. Reminds me of the Saturn in the US...it barely etched out one million systems in its entire lifetime here, though PS3 won't be quite as bad...maybe four or five million lifetime for NA? Dunno. Japan might not even hit that depending on how people still feel about FFXIII...in 2008. Europe...heh...perhaps Sony's last hope for a major success in a major territory...maybe. I love the smell of PS3's doom in the afternoon...means that a price drop is just that much closer. I really do expect the first announcements by third parties of reduced or pulled PS3 software support happening by end of year at this rate.

MS needs to make its first official price drop in August. Tie it in with a great marketing campaign with Mass Effect, Halo 3, GTA IV, and all of the rest to back it up.

Wii/DS....Ninty's on a hell of a tear.
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