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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


PS3, 82k.

I said..

After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.
My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

Hey guys, it's a dude from 1997 that just got himself out of the cryogenic chamber!

Was it like, really really cold?


My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

You have to be joking.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Those PS3 sales are just... ouch. Major ouch...

If anything, it's really showing that the 360 doesn't need a price drop if it's selling more than twice the PS3... plus it's got the tons of software behind it too...

Hell, even Sony's PR didn't even try to spin it, meaning that they think it's horrible... they spent like a handful of words talking about its PS3... not even anything about being "supply constrained"...

My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

Hahahaha - even this had more positive thinking than Sony's PR!

...you were kidding, right?

My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.




Merovingian said:
If the 360 sees a price drop, it will sell more than the Wiii in the States, easilly.

Halo 3, GTA,Splinter Cell, Assassins creed, etc
Is it really so hard to understand that people can be avid video game players yet have zero interest in the kind of titles listed above?

I'm the only player of "hardcore" games in my family -- yet my brother, his wife, my nephew and my dad all play DS games. Heck I could probably get my mom playing Clubhouse Games if I took the time.

Yes there are more accessible titles on Live, but do you really expect people to shell out $3-400 (360) + $800-2000 (HDTV) just to play Uno and Pac-man?


My Chemical Mouse said:
Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

Well, 360 sold 9% better and PS2 sold over 10% worse...


TheGreatDave said:
Personally, I just see Wii selling to the same 19 million people that always buy Nintendo consoles. [/LukeSmithBullshit]

360 actually seems to be in this kind of trouble. They have a very hardcore and active fanbase but clearly hardware is slowing down despite continued strong software sales. They may have differentiated and focused on on-line too much and there's only so many who are into those types of games.


My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.
You make it sound like the PS3 is in a better position than the 360 right now. :lol :lol :lol


Junior Member
My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

Oh my giddy Aunt! He's at it...again! :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

I think we'll name you Tabris Jr.


Square2005 said:
Previous major Pokerman title dabues since 1999 (sorry missing first month for Red/Blue) :

Looks to me Pokemon is gaining popularity...:D

Nice, could Diamond/Pearl top the best selling Pokemon Duo of all time (Red/Blue)?


My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.


Smiles and Cries said:
Who are you? :p

The guy from the pic... =P

Did you really forget about me Smiles??? ='(


BTW, I expect to FINALLY buy my Wii in a couple of weeks...so NPD...+1 Wii for next month! :)


So is next gen dead already?

X360 + PS3 was outselling Wii, but not anymore.

Wii smoked the combined total of X360 and PS3 together.

Waggle future commencing. Damn it.


My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.
Wow. Hmmm. Serious? Wow. Wow.


I think this begs the question. How many Wiis would they have sold if supply wasn't a problem. I would estimate it at 600k. But I think keeping the supply below demand month after month actually helps sustain sales in the long run helping keep the Wii has a hot thing and must buy when you see one in the store.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mrbob said:
So is next gen dead already?

X360 + PS3 was outselling Wii, but not anymore.

Wii smoked the combined total of X360 and PS3 together.

Waggle future commencing. Damn it.

As I've said before:

Oblivion said:
Don't worry, 360 will still be around, getting lots of Western support, and quite a bit of Eastern support I imagine. Both Wii and 360 can live together in harmony. Everybody wins.

No need for the melodrama, Bobber. ;)


My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.
Wow. I couldn't spin ANYTHING that well.


rage1973 said:
I think this begs the question. How many Wiis would they have sold if supply wasn't a problem. I would estimate it at 600k. But I think keeping the supply below demand month after month actually helps sustain sales in the long run helping keep the Wii has a hot thing and must buy when you see one in the store.

I really doubt Wii would ever outsell DS. DS is a cheaper and a better 'casual' system.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Xavien said:
Nice, could Diamond/Pearl top the best selling Pokemon Duo of all time (Red/Blue)?
erm... I don't think you realize just how well R/G/B sold, worldwide (around 30 million)


This place should be called Neogif.

Good number's for Nintendo though all around, although I'm surprised at the numbers for 360 this month... alot lower than I thought they would be. And the PS3..... Nevermind. I just can't wait to see the PR spin Sony will try to use this month.
mcgarrett said:
Is it really so hard to understand that people can be avid video game players yet have zero interest in the kind of titles listed above?

I'm the only player of "hardcore" games in my family -- yet my brother, his wife, my nephew and my dad all play DS games. Heck I could probably get my mom playing Clubhouse Games if I took the time.

Yes there are more accessible titles on Live, but do you really expect people to shell out $3-400 (360) + $800-2000 (HDTV) just to play Uno and Pac-man?

Look i don't care about your moma and sister not caring about Assassins Creed and Halo 3 and GTa.

For me...those guys are a different market than the one i'm sitting in, those are the Casual, hence why i say wii will be succesfull, the true casual market.

And 2nd you don't need and HDTV so give me a break. And an Avid gamer that doesn't care about those games, and thereby don't give a shit about the Zeldas and the FFs and Metroid PRime, etc, means they aren't Avid gamers. If it was up to those suckas we would still be playing Pong, so **** them.

Spielber, Jackson, Michael Bay, Sony and MS, most of the devs in the world, they want more spectacular and immersion experiences, not just some piece of shit little game to play 15 minutes at a time, **** that shit.

Is there a market for those games, of course, look at Wii sports, nintendogs, what have yous, a hell of a big market actually.

But i don't give a ****, and tons of ppl don't give a **** too, like i might not give a **** about cartoons, or some comedy T.V show, but i might give a **** about Prison Break and Heroes and ****ing last badass balls to the wall action movie.

That's why the market of enterteinment is big as ****, and that's why the Wii will never end the gaming found on the 360 and Ps3.

And since i'm one of those that like a bit of everything, have a Wii and a 360, and am timing my chance to buy a PS3.
I hope with the lower sales of the 360 and PS3 that more games are ported (and optimized) for PC. Even better if the games go on Steam.

HD consoles (bare minimum HD at that) were 5 years too early. HD TV's equivalent to 27 inch CRT's need to be in the $500 range before launching head first with an HD focused console.
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