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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


Luna104 said:
what about hardcore gamers that are strapped for cash, but chose to go with Nintendo because they love their games and bought into their promises (no software droughts, steady flow of AAA titles, etc).
Virtual Console = Hardcore Gaming Nirvana


Night_Trekker said:
The point was in the way you worded your post ("always"). But I see what you mean and I agree totally.

I wasn't trying to be insulting. Sorry if I came off that way. Personally I've always considered Sony to be a "pretender to the throne", but that's probably because of when I was born. If I had gotten into gaming during the PSX days, I wonder if I would feel differently.
no problemo dude

Deku said:
They'll have more money left over in the bank that hardcore gamers strapped for cash who chose to buy a PS3? Both platforms are in the same situation except one is more than twice the price with no real killer-app.
I thought resistance was the killer app?


You know, I really wish there was more investigative reporting in the game biz. Can you imagine whats bieng discussed inside alot of these third-party game conference rooms?

Think about how many big game devs bet on the PS3/360 bieng the market leader. I'm willing to bet there were companies that didnt even think that Nintendo would survive this generation, let alone come out and stomp the shit out of everyone. It's on two fronts now as well. They cant turn to the portable spce, or the console space.

Either you bargin with Nintendo, or, well, you know.


Junior Member
It's great fun to ctrl+F "banned" on each page :lol

...but I'm gonna take my PS3 and go into hiding now, [face_cry]
Mrbob said:
Wii Health will sell like 7 million copies. Wii Music 8 million.
Let's hope they come out sooner rather than later along with Wii Motorsports (the one game I'm truly looking forward to in the "Wii" series).


Master Z said:
What where you doing in 2002? Crying over GC's lackluster sales or playing good games like Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine, hmmmmm?

I think everyone was thinking about how the Gamecube would never be taken very seriously by most third parties, and it never was.


Master Z said:
What where you doing in 2002? Crying over GC's lackluster sales or playing good games like Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine, hmmmmm?

If I were in a sales thread in 2002, I would have been discussing the GC's sales. In 2002 I was upset that since the GC was losing badly to the PS2, it was going to be receiving mostly PS2 ports, even though it was a technically superior console. In 2002, this was known as being "on topic".


TekunoRobby said:
Yep, very correct. Now where the f*ck is my ActRaiser?

Kobun knock some heads together, make this happen.
Didn't you hear? He picked up a JPN Wii during his visit and now he doesn't give a shit about us. US Wii owners am cry.

(Numbers still great!)
PhoenixDark said:
Playstation Brand Dominates April NPD Numbers

According to the monthly NPD numbers just released tonight, the Playstation Brand once again outsold its competition. The Playstation Brand sold 459,000 units in April, solidly edging out the closet competition from Nintendo's Wii System, which sold 360,000. The Xbox 360 sold 174,000 units, respectively.

Sony's domination in hardware sales has been long standing, starting with the introduction of the Playstation Brand more than a decade ago. Since then Sony has pushed innovatation through modern technology, most notably through Betamax, UMD, and most recently Blu Ray. "Sony has always been the leader in innovation and advancement," said Phil Harrison, CO of SCEI. "The Playstation Brand is as flexible as mathematics; if you bend it, even your biggest dreams are possible."

Harrison was also bullish on Sony's closest competitor, Nintendo. Recently Nintendo has made great progress with the introduction of the Wii, a quirky invention that's heating up convalescent homes and Amish communities across the country. However, Harrison is not convinced. "Well they would certain like us to believe they are getting millions of grandmas and grandpas to play videogames, but lets see if these people are playing Nintendo games in ten years. Come census time I doubt they'll be playing much of anything."

On the other side of the spectrum is Microsoft, who's Xbox 360 console hasn't managed to make much progress in the US; while the other consoles have made great progress, the Xbox 360 seems to be following the path of the Pinto as its 2:1 break ratio causes consumer's concern. In April Microsoft introduced the Xbox 360 Elite, which comes with more options and electric tape. When asked about the system's potential for competition, Sony SCE boss Kaz Hirai was unconvinced. "I don't see the point in the name. You go from Xbox 360 to Xbox 360 Elite? Both are massively damaged in terms of design. It's like going from HIV to AIDS, and frankly, those aren't my blood vessels." When asked for comments Microsoft head Peter Moore was unavailable for comment


Above: Scores of Xbox 360 stock in the back of a local Wal-Mart. According to statistics compiled by SDF University, around 60% of that pile likely contains defective units



Jealous Bastard
Speevy said:
I think everyone was thinking about how the Gamecube would never be taken very seriously by most third parties, and it never was.

i was too busy playing metroid prime to care about this.


Master Z said:
What where you doing in 2002? Crying over GC's lackluster sales or playing good games like Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine, hmmmmm?

You are correct: the PS3 will indeed score great games, as did the GameCube. But this is a sales thread, dude.
I swear to god...the moment the Gamecube outsells the PS3 is when Sony should just issue a press release only consisting of "That's it, you win this gen. Cya next gen." then immediately end all PS3 console productions and prepare. And the sad thing is, is that the PS3 actually has a chance of (temporarilly at least) being outsold by the Gamecube (assuming stock is available in enough numbers or the PS3 dipping THAT LOW).

We'll see in the end, we'll see.

Also, I am really REALLY suprised that the Wii has continued to sell as *strongly* as it has been doing. Not that it's not deserving of doing well, but THIS well is what's astounding. I guess it comes back to my "Self Perpetuating Sales" theory I stated awhile back: Create the enviroment of this being *THE* system to own this generation, have the lowest priced console out there, *AND* having the belief that if you don't buy it the *moment* you see if, you might not get it (thus killing off people who might wait) & it guarentees you massive success, regardless of the fact that there are technically *better* machines out there.

All in all, all I should say after this is:

1) Great job, Nintendo!
2) Price Cut, Isle 1, Microsoft
3) Sony....man....it's like watching a horrible car accident happening...you don't want to watch...but you're strangely attracted to the carnage.

Master Z

Speevy said:
I think everyone was thinking about how the Gamecube would never be taken very seriously by most third parties, and it never was.

Who's everyone? You and your Xbox friends? Did you cry over Xbox numbers or spend your time playing gems like Halo and Jet Set Radio?


Luna104 said:
As much as this Nintendo fan likes to see Sony's overpriced beast fail, I refuse to hop on the "there's no hope for PS3" and "Sony needs a miracle" train. They will get their act together.

Right now Sony need two miracles. In a row.


I've been out for a while. I saw the Nintendo "we kicked ass" PR. Did Sony issue their now customary "power of the Playstation Brand(TM)" PR yet?


GhaleonEB said:
I've been out for a while. I saw the Nintendo "we kicked ass" PR. Did Sony issue their now customary "power of the Playstation Brand(TM)" PR yet?

According to the latest NPD data, SCEA generated total sales of $271 million in the month of April, buoyed in part by the addition of the PS3 platform, which sold a total of 82K units for the month, as well as the strong performance of the PSP at retail, which saw a 13% year-on-year increase for the month of April, selling 183K units. The price of the PSP Core system was dropped from $199 to $169 in early April, which has received very positive retailer and consumer response. PS2 also continued to be a strong performer during the month with unit sales of 194K.
Master Z said:
Who's everyone? You and your Xbox friends? Did you cry over Xbox numbers or spend your time playing gems like Halo and Jet Set Radio?

Hey now! No need for that...this is a bash PS3 and Wii FAP thread.



You know guys, I think there is really something to this Playstation brand stuff. This might still put Sony on top in a month or two.

Just imagine: Sony launches Playstation brand toilet paper, bubble gum, condoms and batteries. If the price is right, I'm sure they can outsell Nintendo 10:1 in number of units in no time.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
CurseoftheGods said:
Looks like every Dreamcast fanboy's dream is turning into a reality. The Playstation brand is crashing and burning.

It's about 6 years late though.
Didn't you hear? PS3 is the Dreamcast.


I can't believe this is happening in such a massive way.

How long before the NPD top 10 becomes the nintendo top 10, just like japan? Probably never, but it's going to get closer than I ever would have imagined.

Nintendo isn't going anywhere. They have a proven franchises already... zelda is the best launch title on any system and it sold tons of consoles at launch, wii sports is massive casual sensation. They have more coming this year with mario, smash, metroid and whatever else they might be cooking. Their worldwide attack will insure they win the generation, even if 360 manages to hold on in NA. I hate to call it early, but I think it's almost a sure bet now. The intensity of the wii craze has held on too long for it to be a fad. This is what happens when a new market leader enters the market and find it's audience. Eventually most gamers and casuals will be absorbed into the wii userbase, including the current naysayers. Buying a wii will be a no brainer for everybody, just like buying DS for handheld gamers or buying ps2.

360 sales will get better after GTA4 and Halo come out. A price drop would help, but they're not going to beat nintendo anyway, at least not World wide, and PS3 is not a threat so there isn't much pressure. The system is going to do fine even if it never explodes. Microsoft may be content to beat sony this gen and let nintendo take the market. If that happens, microsoft can release a system with less advancement next gen and adopt nintendo's "immediate profit" strategy. They have halo, just like nintendo has mario and zelda... As long as that's true, certain people will always buy microsoft consoles. They're adding new franchises this gen and they will slowly build they're reputation with software.

Sony needs a pricedrop to 400 soon if they want to get gamecube level numbers. At this price, all the games in the world won't matter. I can't believe ps3 is actually bombing in NA. I expected it to struggle and I thought 3rd place was a real possibility, but I didn't expect it to totally bomb. They need to bring back the 500 dollar model and then they need a 100 dollar price drop on that model. A lot of developers with ps3 exclusives must be anguished by this news. There are several great looking games coming out for this system, but it won't matter if the price remains out of reach. Forget about casuals... The average hardcore gamer won't pay that much for ps3. The difference in sales between 360 and ps3 is the proof of that. I think sony has learned a lesson this gen and they will never try this again assuming they continue to peddle game hardware.

And for those worried that your favorite genre's will die because the HD systems aren't taking off... You are crazy. First of all, the wii controler is much more flexible than you think and it can pull most genre's off very well. In fact, most genre's will benefit from the new interface... The genre's that don't work, like fighting games, need an overhaul anyway and they will be adapted to the wiimote.. And you will like the changes even if you fear them now.

I actually read somebody saying that high tech RPG's would die if nintendo becomes the market leader... WTF? how many buttons do you need for an RPG? Are ps2 rpg's suddenly crap now? There aren't hardly any HD Jrpg's available now, so it isn't like you're going to have trouble going back. Even a game like oblivion could be pulled off with very nice xbox level graphics on the wii. There is nothing inherintly limiting about the wii in any area except visuals and extreme physics.. AI? No big deal, because devs can't push that too far anyway or the games would be too hard. It isn't like xbox games are suddenly ugly or unplayable and the most important thing in games really is gameplay. Most of you who are bitching about the wii will eventually buy one and furthermore, you'll like it. Once the games are there, real gamers like the people on this board will not be able to resist it.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Wii's domination in Japan and Europe all but ensures that it will be a long term success.

In the USA I could forsee Microsoft and Nintendo duking it out in the USA kinda like Genesis vs. SNES. MS needs to be more aggressive in Europe to prevent an all out slaughter like Japan.

Armchair Anaylsts FTW!!!
On a more serious note, the PS3 needs a price drop ASAP. Keep the 60 gig model and make it $450 (yes, making it a tad cheaper than the Elite). A $150 price-cut would cause a bump in sales numbers and make it have a fighting chance against the 360 in the US.


Unconfirmed Member
Roat said:
The Elite's poor showing realises some of the early doubts about it and the multiple-SKU tiers in general .

The Elite was only on sale the last week of the NPD reporting period. We will not know how it is affecting the 360 numbers until next NPD.


The 360 did show a 9% increase per week last month.
Eteric Rice said:
I love how there are people even in this thread trying to spin it.
"Wait two years, and the novelty will wear off!"

Ask people that have an HDTV, a Wii, and a (x360 or PS3) which they play more. The Wii is waggle fun but it just doesn't look good on HDTV. And its action games cannot hold a candle to Resistance or Gears.

There is room for both the Wii and an HDTV console. (The problem for Sony is that there may not be room for two HDTV consoles.)

And remember . . . both the 360 & the PS3 can do waggle if they so choose . . . but the Wii will never be able to do HDTV. That is a long term problem for the Wii.
CurseoftheGods said:
On a more serious note, the PS3 needs a price drop ASAP. Keep the 60 gig model and make it $450 (yes, making it a tad cheaper than the Elite). A $150 price-cut would cause a bump in sales numbers and make it have a fighting chance against the 360 in the US.
Damn. Even at $450 it seems a tad much. If we're going to hope can we at least hope for $400?


Hcoregamer00 said:
Wii's domination in Japan and Europe all but ensures that it will be a long term success.

In the USA I could forsee Microsoft and Nintendo duking it out in the USA kinda like Genesis vs. SNES. MS needs to be more aggressive in Europe to prevent an all out slaughter like Japan.

Armchair Anaylsts FTW!!!

PS3 isn't going anywhere, it makes all previous comparisons moot. I think this is a legitimate 3 way race, but one where Sony hasn't been able to gain any traction which means the 30/30/30 split predicted last year may be too generous in Sony's favour.


evilromero said:
Damn. Even at $450 it seems a tad much. If we're going to hope can we at least hope for $400?

Anything over 400 is not going to matter and 400 is still a recipe for 3rd place.. Just a respectable 3rd place instead of complete and total disaster.

Once they hit 400 obviously microsoft will drop their price, but it will still help because there are some pretty awesome games coming up for ps3. Drakes fortune is just OMG!!


speculawyer said:
And remember . . . both the 360 & the PS3 can do waggle if they so choose . . . but the Wii will never be able to do HDTV. That is a long term problem for the Wii.

you mean 360 and PS3 will suddenly make all their games control by waggle by default?

No the 360 and PS3 cant do whole waggle either. Releasing an aditional controler with a Mee too sports title wont have a speck of the effect Wii sports does.


speculawyer said:
And remember . . . both the 360 & the PS3 can do waggle if they so choose . . . but the Wii will never be able to do HDTV. That is a long term problem for the Wii.
Peripherals don't work like that, especially on the 360 this far into its lifespan. It's like me saying Wii can actually do HD if Nintendo would just release a brand new console that can do HD. Not realistic.


Jealous Bastard
speculawyer said:
Ask people that have an HDTV, a Wii, and a (x360 or PS3) which they play more. The Wii is waggle fun but it just doesn't look good on HDTV. And its action games cannot hold a candle to Resistance or Gears.

total time or now? i started with wii and beat zelda: tp, spm, and a few v.c. games before i picked up my 360. i've been playing with my 360 more lately, but i still play my wii regularly.

and it doesn't look bad on my hdtv (50" samsung plasma). some games look bad on it, but it's just like it's always been: the good looking wii games look great, and the bad looking wii games looks awful.
Master Z said:
Who's everyone? You and your Xbox friends? Did you cry over Xbox numbers or spend your time playing gems like Halo and Jet Set Radio?

Yeah, actually I was saddened. My company of choice selling poorly means I 1)will not receive as many titles as PS2 (no, Metroid Prime will not last me 12 months), and 2) If it's dire enough, my company of choice may be in enough trouble to threaten exiting the console business.


speculawyer said:
Ask people that have an HDTV, a Wii, and a (x360 or PS3) which they play more. The Wii is waggle fun but it just doesn't look good on HDTV. And its action games cannot hold a candle to Resistance or Gears.

There is room for both the Wii and an HDTV console. (The problem for Sony is that there may not be room for two HDTV consoles.)

And remember . . . both the 360 & the PS3 can do waggle if they so choose . . . but the Wii will never be able to do HDTV. That is a long term problem for the Wii.

I have a 360, a Wii, and an HDTV. The Wii sees equal duty, and the lack of HD is not a deal breaker at all. Just because it is an issue for you, does not mean everyone else feels the same way.


Playstation Brand Dominates April NPD Numbers

According to the monthly NPD numbers just released tonight, the Playstation Brand once again outsold its competition. The Playstation Brand sold 459,000 units in April, solidly edging out the closet competition from Nintendo's Wii System, which sold 360,000. The Xbox 360 sold 174,000 units, respectively.

:lol :lol I can't believe what I'm reading here :lol :lol :lol............. :lol xD


formerly sane
speculawyer said:
Ask people that have an HDTV, a Wii, and a (x360 or PS3) which they play more. The Wii is waggle fun but it just doesn't look good on HDTV. And its action games cannot hold a candle to Resistance or Gears.

There is room for both the Wii and an HDTV console. (The problem for Sony is that there may not be room for two HDTV consoles.)

And remember . . . both the 360 & the PS3 can do waggle if they so choose . . . but the Wii will never be able to do HDTV. That is a long term problem for the Wii.

I dislike resitance but gears will eventually see a replacement or copy cat on Wii because the base is gonne be dying for titles like that. Tecmo is bring rygar and capcom once they get on board should do a ps2 port of dmc 1-3 (they should gut 2 and make it fun). HDTV isn't a problem for Wii or did the sales of Wii vs these hdtv machines not illustrate that. If devs bothered to make good looking titles with aspect ratio options and 480p it's enough to make it through the generation. most Wii Games look like crap in SDTV or EDTV too, so don't act like it just hdtv users feeling the pain. Don't have an hdtv but I do feed my videogames in to my vdigi box or my component tv tuner on a sony gdm fw900 (yes it does 1080p).
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