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NPD Sales Results for April 2007



Xavien said:
Even though this is a stupid post, I'm gonna reply to it anyway. Instead of thinking of it like business, think of it like Football (either version), you root for your team, you don't get anything out of it, you even pay the team to watch the game, you follow them.

Why is following a football team (which is basically a company anyway) any less ludicrous then following a videogame company? it's only an extension of what the human race has been doing for 2000 years anyway.

NPD is our version of "the big match" and MC is our version of "the weekly game".


It's a shame this even has to be said here.

darthbane2k said:
Gaming would be going down the drain if the mass market could no longer afford the consoles..

$400 > $600 > $800 > $1000 - if Sony were to win this gen, where would it end?..

cant disagree with this either. But right now Nintendo is leading the charge against real gaming with thier shallow Gimmicky 15 minutes of fun type games.
Kabuki Waq said:
cant disagree with this either. But right now Nintendo is leading the charge against real gaming with thier shallow Gimmicky 15 minutes of fun type games.

Including Pokemon, Super Paper Mario, Zelda TP, and Excite Truck.
Kabuki Waq said:
cant disagree with this either. But right now Nintendo is leading the charge against real gaming with thier shallow Gimmicky 15 minutes of fun type games.

And how many of the 1st party Wii games out now and due throughout 2007 fall under this catagory?
I give you Wii Play, Wii Sports, Warioware (but such is the nature of warioware anyway) ... what else?.... Zelda, Excite Truck, Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy? - Nah.
AdmiralViscen said:
Including Pokemon, Super Paper Mario, Zelda TP, and Excite Truck.

every single one of those games except Pokemon(which has not really improved in years IMO) would have been just as good if not better with a regular controller and will be outsold by Wii sports 2.

I didnt really like excite truck at all other than the sense of speed. Most reviewers agree with me but ofcourse forum fanboys know better.
Kabuki Waq said:
every single one of those games except Pokemon(which has not really improved in years IMO) would have been just as good if not better with a regular controller and will be outsold by Wii sports 2.

I didnt really like excite truck at all other than the sense of speed. Most reviewers agree with me but ofcourse forum fanboys know better.

Woah! Hold on... Zelda better on a traditional controller? *thoughts of Sky Temple, thoughts of final battle with Ganon, thoughts of sword slashing, aiming with bow and arrow* - Nah!

As for excitetruck? Better with a regular controller? :lol yeah right. Someone obviously hasnt played it!
for longer than 10 minuites
darthbane2k said:
Woah! Hold on... Zelda better on a traditional controller? *thoughts of Sky Temple, thoughts of final battle with Ganon, thoughts of sword slashing, aiming with bow and arrow* - Nah!

Sword play was awful with the wiimote. Aiming was better but that was it. Everything else was better with aregular controller. All IMO ofcourse.
Kabuki Waq said:
every single one of those games except Pokemon(which has not really improved in years IMO) would have been just as good if not better with a regular controller and will be outsold by Wii sports 2.

I didnt really like excite truck at all other than the sense of speed. Most reviewers agree with me but ofcourse forum fanboys know better.

Eh... 360k vs. 82k
Kabuki Waq said:
Sword play was awful with the wiimote. Aiming was better but that was it. Everything else was better with aregular controller. All IMO ofcourse.
And, no offence, but your opinion is BULL.
Swinging the sword by swinging the wiimote isnt better that tapping on a button? Getdafukouttahere! Plus remember Twilight Princess was not designed from the ground up for the Wii. Wait until the next zelda game for better implimentation of motion controls (not that there was anything wrong with TP anyway)


formerly sane
Kabuki Waq said:
every single one of those games except Pokemon(which has not really improved in years IMO) would have been just as good if not better with a regular controller and will be outsold by Wii sports 2.

I didnt really like excite truck at all other than the sense of speed. Most reviewers agree with me but ofcourse forum fanboys know better.

I like zelda on wii all they need to do is fix up the camera and it will be perfect. ET is about the only racer besides PGR2 that can keep me away from trackmania. Reviewers said ET sucked or was average so why is it way more people seem to disagree with their assement? Funny how you're saying one's opinion is more accurate or better than another. Haven't played SPM and how does pokemon get a mention with no real console title it sucks regardless of controller interface. FPS and GTA clones are actually worth my time on consoles something no other console can say. Outside of fighters this system is just as capable if not more when it comes to letting people explore genres. Pads can't do rts well wii could same for point and click adventure types which need to make a comeback seeing how interface doesn't suck.


darthbane2k said:
Woah! Hold on... Zelda better on a traditional controller? *thoughts of Sky Temple, thoughts of final battle with Ganon, thoughts of sword slashing, aiming with bow and arrow* - Nah!

no the sword slashing in Zelda was tacked on and isn't an improvement in anyway

Also Super Paper Mario would have been better with a traditional controller
jjasper said:
no the sword slashing in Zelda was tacked on and isn't an improvement in anyway
It didnt make any improvement in terms of control accuracy, but it was hella fun. Way more fun than hammering a button.
At times I would give the Wii mote to my 3yr old son while exploring hyrule field, he would slash away That to me is golden.


darthbane2k said:
It didnt make any improvement in terms of control accuracy, but it was hella fun. Way more fun than hammering with a button.
At times I would give the Wii mote to my 3yr old son while exploring hyrule field, he would slash away That to me is golden.

How is flicking your wrist more fun than pushing a button? Had it been 1:1 it could have been a lot better, but it was the same thing as pushing a button only instead of doing it with a thumb it was with your wrist.
darthbane2k said:
It didnt make any improvement in terms of control accuracy, but it was hella fun. Way more fun than hammering a button.
At times I would give the Wii mote to my 3yr old son while exploring hyrule field, he would slash away That to me is golden.

The fact that your 3 yr old son can wiggle the wiimote mean absolutely nothing and does not prove that the wiimote is better. It just means you 3rd old sun knows how to move his hands.


Grecco said:
No. No it wouldnt.

How exactly did it make it better? Was it the lack of good 3D controls because on having to us a small dpad? Or the fact that it had to rely on pixels because there weren't enough buttons to map to the controller?

Doesn't really matter though because they did what they could as the game was made originally for a traditional controller and then they had to change.
Kabuki Waq said:
The fact that your 3 yr old son can wiggle the wiimote mean absolutely nothing and does not prove that the wiimote is better. It just means you 3rd old sun knows how to move his hands.
It proves the EXPERIENCE is better and is more inclusive. I have been a zelda fan since the first on NES, that moment, to see my son playing a zelda game and actually acknowledging that he is fighting an enemy on screen meant a lot to me. Better than explaining to him where the A or B button is.
Thats what im saying. 9 times out of 10 the Wii mote will improve control, the rest of the time it will enhance the experience of controlling the game. You cannot beat that.


Played Zelda again (haven't since a long time) this afternoon and I still really like the motion controls. You just 'get it'. Slashing a bit to defeat some foes and aiming the hookshot afterwards. Works like a charm.
darthbane2k said:
It proves the EXPERIENCE is better and is more inclusive. I have been a zelda fan since the first on NES, that moment, to see my son playing a zelda game and actually acknowledging that he is fighting an enemy on screen meant a lot to me. Better than explaining to him where the A or B button is.
Thats what im saying. 9 times out of 10 the Wii mote will improve control, the rest of the time it will enhance the experience of controlling the game. You cannot beat that.

You could just let your son press A on the controller in ANY game and there would be a response on the screen. How is the Wiimote better?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Until PS2 sales drop, Sony really has nothing to worry about.. if sales suck this bad during the fall, that is another story.

When PS2 has basically kept pace with 360...


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Kabuki Waq said:
You could just let your son press A on the controller in ANY game and there would be a response on the screen. How is the Wiimote better?
again, you are arguing for lack of control options for what sake? Sure, waggle in Zelda swordplay is the same as pressing A.. what is your point? Does it hurt the game? Does it hinder the game? Worst case scenario is, as you said, it is just like pressing A. However you still have aiming with the wiimote and still have the physical separation of the controller elements adding comfort to playing. BEST case scenario is that it adds a sense of immersion or just plain interactivity providing a new level of interaction with the game. Either way in no way does waggle make things worse.

I swear.. some of you just come across more as just afraid of change than anything else. What if no steering wheels, dance mats, guitar controllers, light guns, trackballs, of the god damn joystick itself were ever created? Nolan Bushnell "You know, the paddle dial is all we ever really need for control!" WTF?


Suikoguy said:
Until PS2 sales drop, Sony really has nothing to worry about.. if sales suck this bad during the fall, that is another story.

When PS2 has basically kept pace with 360...

If there was a long term plan for the PS2 I would agree but the PS3 has been released in order to replace the revenue the PS2 was generating. The PS2 is declining and will continue to decline, probably at an increasingly faster pace. I don't think sony 'has nothing to worry about'. Their console has bombed on an almost unbelievable scale. In Japan it has gone past the point where it would be able to challenge later on and in the US its performed worse than the 360's first 6 months when the 360 was supply constrained. I should think they are shitting themselves with worry.


nubbe said:
A 50% PS3 price drop is looking mighty fine right now. I want myself a Bluray player :p

50? Be happy with a 33 percent drop. :)

BTW there is a fallacy in this thread about spending 2 Gs on a HDTV. This Xmas you'll be able to get a PS3 and a HDTV for under a grand.


Bish loves my games!
My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

Coming back to the thread this morning after a good nights sleep this has got to rank as my favorite non-gif/non-graph related post in this thread.

Oh the bitter, bitter tears.
So, did we get any software numbers other than the top 10? I tried to go read through the thread, but I was daunted by the 12 pages of moxie.jpg


Clever Pun said:
So, did we get any software numbers other than the top 10? I tried to go read through the thread, but I was daunted by the 12 pages of moxie.jpg

Not unless they were posted between page 35-38 and never quoted/discussed again.
borghe said:
again, you are arguing for lack of control options for what sake? Sure, waggle in Zelda swordplay is the same as pressing A.. what is your point? Does it hurt the game? Does it hinder the game? Worst case scenario is, as you said, it is just like pressing A. However you still have aiming with the wiimote and still have the physical separation of the controller elements adding comfort to playing. BEST case scenario is that it adds a sense of immersion or just plain interactivity providing a new level of interaction with the game. Either way in no way does waggle make things worse.

I swear.. some of you just come across more as just afraid of change than anything else. What if no steering wheels, dance mats, guitar controllers, light guns, trackballs, of the god damn joystick itself were ever created? Nolan Bushnell "You know, the paddle dial is all we ever really need for control!" WTF?

The waggle is actually WORSE than pressing A. It feels Random and out of place. You are telling me Nintendo did way with decent online and good graphics for a control scheme that only improves games in a minor way sometimes?
darthbane2k said:
It proves the EXPERIENCE is better and is more inclusive. I have been a zelda fan since the first on NES, that moment, to see my son playing a zelda game and actually acknowledging that he is fighting an enemy on screen meant a lot to me. Better than explaining to him where the A or B button is.
Thats what im saying. 9 times out of 10 the Wii mote will improve control, the rest of the time it will enhance the experience of controlling the game. You cannot beat that.

here is the root of the problem. i don't give a **** about whether your son likes it or it is inclusive for him.


Random observation:

Even with the 360's low April sales, it's still doing better than the Xbox did at the same point in it's lifecycle - over 35% better (rounding since exact historical NPD figures are frowned upon). And at an average sale price of over twice what the Xbox was at the time (Elite). Lots of different factors and the comparison is less and less meaningful as time goes on, but I thought it was interesting.
meltpotato said:
here is the root of the problem. i don't give a **** about whether your son likes it or it is inclusive for him.

Pretty much i hate when ppl say a game is good becuase their granny with slow reflexes and all can play the game.


butthole fishhooking yes
GhaleonEB said:
Random observation:

Even with the 360's low April sales, it's still doing better than the Xbox did at the same point in it's lifecycle - over 35% better (rounding since exact historical NPD figures are frowned upon). And at an average sale price of over twice what the Xbox was at the time (Elite). Lots of different factors and the comparison is less and less meaningful as time goes on, but I thought it was interesting.

With no Halo to drive sales. ;)

September - Holiday NPD is going to be very interesting.


meltpotato said:
here is the root of the problem. i don't give a **** about whether your son likes it or it is inclusive for him.
And I don't give a **** about whether you like it or not. The plain undeniable fact is that you're in the minority.


Kabuki Waq said:
The waggle is actually WORSE than pressing A.
I had a lot of fun with it. Casually flicking the controller to make Link pull out his sword was ultra sweet. Maybe you should try to enjoy games more.
Kabuki Waq said:
The waggle is actually WORSE than pressing A. It feels Random and out of place. You are telling me Nintendo did way with decent online and good graphics for a control scheme that only improves games in a minor way sometimes?

You stand in a cold, dark, room by yourself my friend. It is more than 'waggling', it is accurate titling and on-screen aiming.

The only thing that shocks me is 360's poor sales, I don't see how anyone can argue why the wii is beating the PS3.

The PS3 lineup is just very dull. Resistance, Motorstorm and Virtua Fighter are not system sellers, and don't appear to do anything more than improve the graphics on previous genre's/franchises and cut the rumble. I'd feel pretty peeved if I dished out 700CND for it too (All early adopters suck though, I'm somewhat pissed I bought a wii at launch).

Again the argument could be made that where PS3 only offers updated graphics, the wii only offers new controls.....but I think the masses have spoken.
Some people in this thread make me laugh. The fact remains that it doesn't matter if some of you don't like the waggle control, or the games, the Wii is selling a shitload to people who do. And because it's selling, some of you try and justify it by claiming the ones who are buying the Wii and its games are the one's who "don't get it." It's funny.


Kabuki Waq said:
obviously you care or else you would have have blown up like that.
Blown up? Hahaha, I just used the same wording as the post I quoted to illustrate the equivalence. I'm actually amused your bitching and all the bitter tears in this thread. :)
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