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NPD Sales Results for April 2014 [Up2: XB1/360 hardware, PS4 #1/XB1 #2 best selling]


Last NPD people claimed they were drawing down inventory for the new Vita launch, more of the same maybe?

Some were reporting they weren't able to refill stock in early April, so 5K might not be so unbelievable if there's truth to that.

Either way, handheld gaming is dead. This is the iPad generation.
It is funny how often the system is just completely left out of the conversation. Not even on purpose either.

I don't think I've ever seen a Nintendo system so ignored. Virtual Boy sure, but nothing else ... not even close.



so is the Vita 2000 gonna do shit? If retailers willingly let the 1000 go out, they're expecting the 2000 to pick up the slack, right?

Damn thing sells like fucking garbage and it's still getting games. Japan, man.

Speaking with a friend of mine that works at Gamestop, he said Sony was no longer restocking Vita 1000, only taking pre-orders for 2000.


Previous months were hovering around 10k correct? I guess a drop of half isn't bad when new hardware is due however if it still hovers 10k I still think that's less than the device deserves.

They really need to do a SE 2K unit for the launch of that and market it as true minecraft on the go.

What they need is a green Creeper Minecraft Vita, bundle it with the system, and market it to kids as a way to play Minecraft on the go.
I don't see how that's really all that surprising. More people own PS4's, so I would automatically assume Infamous would outsell Titanfall for XO.

Good news for all games coming forward for PS4. Assurance to outsell every game on Xbox One by this logic.


Of course they are. Last gen is still getting a lot of the same games and everyone has their value on things and will jump in when they are ready. For a lot of people that's when it hits 299 and 199 and for others it's when the new big exclusives land. This gen has just started and on the whole it's got off to an amazing start. But it's still lacking content and priced too highly for those millions of last gen owners.

Anecdotal, but I know few people who just bought the PS3 a year or two ago, and they sure as hell aren't going to upgrade immediately. I'd wager there are many of those, who just recently entered last gen when prices went down, and game library grew and word of mouth spread.


Looking at metacritic they have 21 more games than Xbox One. They average rating is like 72% compared to 67% for Xbox One.

They did a bang up job with that to pull in the dedicated, early adopter- hard core.

They've slowed sales now though. And there is a very large market still open for grabs.

I want Sony to win NA.


Now that's just.

They are scrambling, that's for sure. But the brand is struggling not because they haven't a clue, more like the direction they wanted to go was totally opposite of what consumers want. Now they're desperate and have started stripping once integral components out. It's quite a disaster on many fronts.

Sony can win this gen without many good games. That's how bad this gen is for MS. I predict only a small bump when the price drops.

For real....
Looking back at the big picture i see this for MS;

so is the Vita 2000 gonna do shit? If retailers willingly let the 1000 go out, they're expecting the 2000 to pick up the slack, right?

Damn thing sells like fucking garbage and it's still getting games. Japan, man.

I'm sure it'll sell a record setting 20k units this month.
People who believe the past few Xbox One NPD numbers have been good or even o.k are missing the point - the context from which those of us are saying other wise is that the U.S is the only (important) market where the One can possibly hope to match PS4 numbers, by failing to do so by such a wide margin the One has absolutely no hope of even remotely coming close to PS4 worldwide numbers. You may say that's irrelevant as long as the XOne is doing well on it's own terms but you would be wrong for myriad number of reasons.

Yeah, pretty much- the 360 outsold the PS3 2:1 in the US and basically tied it in sales worldwide. If they can't even match PS4's sales 1:1 here that extrapolates to big fucking trouble for their worldwide sales.


Completely anecdotal but none of my friends who own a Vita has sold theirs. We all constantly play on it to this day. Sony really has to slash the price of the memory cards, ASAP. It's a major stumbling block for the Vita. Do that then promote it like hell. They might still be able to pull something off.

I need the 64GB card to come out here ;_;
Well June 9th isn't many months away and they need to package and get the consoles out to retailers everywhere which can take some time. Can't just announce a new sku and have it ready the next day.

So I'm not seeing how what happened to Palm is in any way relevant to the Xbox.

they've probably been repackaging the new SKU for a few weeks now.
Maybe its like New Zealand...

Snark aside, maybe. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out over the rest of the year. With the initial surges for both sides, everyone was just happy to trumpet "See! Consoles aren't dead! Screw you, mobile!" I just wonder if perhaps that was premature. Maybe not "dead", but certainly not a dominant standard. When you've saturated your core demographic early, you tend to end up with a sharp fall off.

It's only one month. You can't make a trend out of it. But I'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. I don't personally see the numbers for either the Xbox One or the PS4 being anything to write home about.


Supply constrained or not, the fact that any platform sold literally less than 3000 units within a single month in the entire US is pretty crazy, even if it's not necessarily wholly indicative of how well it's doing in general.
They can't sell what they don't have, it's been out of stock for months. They fucked up the release date of the 2k super badly since they stopped shipping the 1k too early.

Are people going to be surprised when it magically rises next month?
Wild guess. As NPD says the total hardware sales is $192M

Xbone - 115K@$500 - $57.5M
360 - 71k@$250 - $17.7M
3DS-XL - 100K@$175 - $17.5M
PS3 - 50K@$250 - $12.5M
PS4 - 215K@$400 - $86M
Total = $192M

See this makes more sense, tho it's a little off. XBO sales should account for less b/c most of those 115k were the bundles (some up to $100 off). Which means Either 360, 3DS or PS3 did more numbers. That PS4 # looks spot-on tho.

The Llama

If the PS4 is only around 200k, then it looks like everything is trailing off for the consoles. I wondered if we'd have another Wii U situation: a bang out of the gate and then losing steam once all the dedicated had picked up theirs.

Coming from you makes this post 10x better.
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