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NPD Sales Results for August 2010


Flying_Phoenix said:
#1 What does that have to do with anything?

#2 That's because of SONY came out from left field with the PSP therefore Nintendo had to launch a competing fully 3D console.

#3 It only had a year less than the DS's life span.

#4 What does that have to do with anything?

Nothing, actually. I was just thinking out loud.


Hey Nintnendo, it's time to drop the price of the Wii (which I expect will be announced in the not to distant future). It'll be atleast $150 for the holidays.


Chrange said:
I don't get why people keep saying Live increases will have hurt sales in this or even the next NPD. The increase hasn't happened yet. It doesn't come into effect until November. If anything I'd expect one year sub cards to do bigger business leading up to it.

Among those not switching to PC, of course.

I don't think it'll happen for 1-2 years. Too many people with stockpiled cards, and subs that don't run out until next year.

My sub runs out in November, but I clicked on a special that they were running on the dashboard a few months back where you could lock in your next renewal rate for $39.99 when your current sub runs out.

Had I not locked in my next 12 months at $39.99, or picked up a discounted subscription card, I would be saying adios to Live and start buying my multiplayer games on my long-dormant PS3. I still may do that at the end of next year when my Live runs out if I don't find a good deal on 12 month subscription next year.


Jin34 said:
Weird, me and my friends think its pretty barren on PS360 outside of Reach.


If Vanquish and Castlevania Lords of Shadow bomb, i found the people to blame *glares*


Busaiku said:
Well a DS game would cost substantially less/probably be easier to make than a 3DS game.
With 3DS development costs reaching the level of Wii, I'd think they'd have trouble supporting a Wii and a more powerful system than they did with DS/Wii or GBA/GCN.
Well then they should adjust accordingly to manage with these longer development times.
You know what? I'm glad the industry may be falling apart. The blockbuster mindset of developers deserves to collapse under its own weight.

These are the types of games publishers should be putting most of their money toward:





Sure each game won't pull Call of Duty-like numbers but these smaller games have a much higher chance of profiting and result in developers not putting all their eggs in one basket.
I wonder how much Ivy the Kiwi? sold in its first few days on the chart... I bet Spyborgs and The Munchables' first month totals could be in jeapordy :lol


i'm in an ongoing attempt to convince my friend to get Lara Croft for PSN when it comes out so we can play co-op. Negotiations have not been going well.


Adam Blade said:
... great numbers all around. The 360 seems to be showing itself to be the dominant console this year in the US.

However, I suspect its numbers to decrease in the following months given the bad news MS has unleashed this past month. 360 numbers should drop once more people are aware of the highway robbery MS pulled with the Live price increase, the seeming mess that is Kinect, and the dearth of any announced exclusives outside of their star Space Marine for the rest of the year.

You again. Thanks for the laughs.


Flying_Phoenix said:
You know what? I'm glad the industry may be falling apart. The blockbuster mindset of developers deserves to collapse under its own weight.

These are the types of games publishers should be putting most of their money toward:

Sure each game won't pull Call of Duty-like numbers but these smaller games have a much higher chance of profiting and result in developers not putting all their eggs in one basket.

I am with you for the most part. The Bubble is going to burst eventually and while I dont want to see any of my fellow people lose their jobs due to the burst I do think its coming to time for the industry to wake up and reboot itself a bit.

Priorities are totally out of wack. Creativity is almost entirely unheard of at this point as each company seeks to clone whats successful and ride that shit into the ground.


Flying_Phoenix said:
You know what? I'm glad the industry may be falling apart. The blockbuster mindset of developers deserves to collapse under its own weight.

These are the types of games publishers should be putting most of their money toward:

Sure each game won't pull Call of Duty-like numbers but these smaller games have a much higher chance of profiting and result in developers not putting all their eggs in one basket.
Whas the last game?
Flying_Phoenix said:
You know what? I'm glad the industry may be falling apart. The blockbuster mindset of developers deserves to collapse under its own weight.

These are the types of games publishers should be putting most of their money toward:





Sure each game won't pull Call of Duty-like numbers but these smaller games have a much higher chance of profiting and result in developers not putting all their eggs in one basket.

Limbo > 370k
Monday Night Combat > 170k
Hydro Thunder HD > 100k
Deathspank > 70k
Castlevania > 70k
Scott Pilgrim (360) > 70k
Lara Croft (360) > 67k

They're in your consolez, stealin ur retail moneyz.


chespace said:
GT5 will sell a shitload but it's not going to push console numbers.

I don't know if I believe that.

Historically, we've see that when a big selling well established IP jumps generations, the hardware sales seem to spike for a period as fans gravitate toward the system. We saw it with Halo 3 back in the day, and we saw it with MGS4. Both months, sales for the respective format rose significantly, as (presumably) fans of the respective games 'graduated'. Couple that with the fact that Gran Turismo is one of the highest selling IPs of all time, and I would find it hard to believe that it wouldn't push a number of consoles.

Edit: Forgot I didn't comment on sales

XBOX 360 sales continue to excel... I think this proves that people are all too ready to part with their money for a slimline. I don't know if I should be sad or not about that.
PS3 and Wii are close, though I don't know if it's cause the PS3 is doing good or the Wii bad... I'll just take the middle road and say they're both doing okay.
PSP :lol marcus

Madden is *very* close on both platforms. How much of that can be attributed to console-specific advertising can't be quantified, but that close-ness means that it worked, cause that's as as close as it's ever been, and a huge increase over last year.
Snuggler said:
Was gonna axe the same thing, it's unfamiliar but looks neat.

Boney said:
Whas the last game?

Chaos Rings for iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad). You know those media devices that have no good games on them. It's pretty much a Playstation 1 Squaresoft game on iOS. It's really good supposedly.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Limbo > 370k
Monday Night Combat > 170k
Hydro Thunder HD > 100k
Deathspank > 70k
Castlevania > 70k
Scott Pilgrim (360) > 70k
Lara Croft (360) > 67k

They're in your consolez, stealin ur retail moneyz.

Well being honest those numbers really aren't that good outside of Limbo. That being said for titles with that type of budget it's splendid. And this is only the beginning. Once iOS and Android start making a name for themselves (primarily on tablets) this market is going to explode.


Adam Blade said:
... great numbers all around. The 360 seems to be showing itself to be the dominant console this year in the US.

However, I suspect its numbers to decrease in the following months given the bad news MS has unleashed this past month. 360 numbers should drop once more people are aware of the highway robbery MS pulled with the Live price increase, the seeming mess that is Kinect, and the dearth of any announced exclusives outside of their star Space Marine for the rest of the year.

*gravelly voice*

"Your blade is sharp...<dramatic pause>...Adam Blade."

*cackles+wry grin*


Jin34 said:
Weird, me and my friends think its pretty barren on PS360 outside of Reach.

Everyone definitely has different tastes, but our planned purchases before 2011 are.

360- Halo Reach, COD Black Ops, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Kinectimals, Dance Central, and Lara Croft Guardian of the Light

PS3- Little Big Planet 2, Gran Turismo 5

Wii- The Sims 3

At this point those are the purchases that are definitely happening, and I'm sure there will be more Live Arcade titles as those games seem to be getting better and better.


DMeisterJ said:
I don't know if I believe that.

Historically, we've see that when a big selling well established IP jumps generations, the hardware sales seem to spike for a period as fans gravitate toward the system. We saw it with Halo 3 back in the day, and we saw it with MGS4. Both months, sales for the respective format rose significantly, as (presumably) fans of the respective games 'graduated'. Couple that with the fact that Gran Turismo is one of the highest selling IPs of all time, and I would find it hard to believe that it wouldn't push a number of consoles.

Edit: Forgot I didn't comment on sales

XBOX 360 sales continue to excel... I think this proves that people are all too ready to part with their money for a slimline. I don't know if I should be sad or not about that.
PS3 and Wii are close, though I don't know if it's cause the PS3 is doing good or the Wii bad... I'll just take the middle road and say they're both doing okay.
PSP :lol marcus

Madden is *very* close on both platforms. How much of that can be attributed to console-specific advertising can't be quantified, but that close-ness means that it worked, cause that's as as close as it's ever been, and a huge increase over last year.

Halo 3 - <2 years after console launch.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - <2 years after console launch.

Gran Turismo 5 - 4 years after console launch.

That's the difference.
Adam Blade said:
... great numbers all around. The 360 seems to be showing itself to be the dominant console this year in the US.

However, I suspect its numbers to decrease in the following months given the bad news MS has unleashed this past month. 360 numbers should drop once more people are aware of the highway robbery MS pulled with the Live price increase, the seeming mess that is Kinect, and the dearth of any announced exclusives outside of their star Space Marine for the rest of the year.

And last month

Okay, this is why I don't post on the Gaming side anymore.

Every time a new NPD thread pops up, it's all 'doom and gloom' for the PS3 when in reality, the console that is doomed is the Xbox 360. The temporary increase in sales is most likely secondary to two factors. Firstly, buyers are being sucked into the novelty of buying what basically is a re-badged (almost) obsolescent system. As such, once the novelty wears off, people will realize that the Slim is nothing more than a shiny coat of paint on an old jalopy and stop buying. Secondly, a majority of people are buying the discount fire-sale 360 arcades for $150, which have been artificially inflating sales numbers. Since it's not like the Slim is wanted or anything, once the out-of-production models have run dry, I expect sales to drop heavily with each successive month after this plateau month.

Are we gonna keep getting these gems every NPD thread :lol


I thought both Halo 3 and MGS4 hardware bumps were fairly underwhelming? They did have a non zero effect though, so perhaps that's all he means.


Mashing said:
Hey Nintnendo, it's time to drop the price of the Wii (which I expect will be announced in the not to distant future). It'll be atleast $150 for the holidays.

$1 is ¥84 right now.

When the Wii launched, it was at ¥120. Nintendo probably can't afford to do another price cut without having to change their whole profit forecast.


legend166 said:
Halo 3 - <2 years after console launch.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - <2 years after console launch.

Gran Turismo 5 - 4 years after console launch.

That's the difference.

True, but the reality is we'll never know. Any bump GT5 could have/will have will be muted by the very big and obvious Black Friday bump that will happen.


legend166 said:
Halo 3 - <2 years after console launch.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - <2 years after console launch.

Gran Turismo 5 - 4 years after console launch.

That's the difference.
Not to mention Prologue's been out for all this time. It's still gonna drive some hardware, but it should be just one spike.
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two
It's been more than a year or 2 though...

Mr.Potato Head said:
By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i
DMeisterJ said:
I don't know if I believe that.

Historically, we've see that when a big selling well established IP jumps generations, the hardware sales seem to spike for a period as fans gravitate toward the system. We saw it with Halo 3 back in the day, and we saw it with MGS4. Both months, sales for the respective format rose significantly, as (presumably) fans of the respective games 'graduated'. Couple that with the fact that Gran Turismo is one of the highest selling IPs of all time, and I would find it hard to believe that it wouldn't push a number of consoles.

Edit: Forgot I didn't comment on sales

XBOX 360 sales continue to excel... I think this proves that people are all too ready to part with their money for a slimline. I don't know if I should be sad or not about that.
PS3 and Wii are close, though I don't know if it's cause the PS3 is doing good or the Wii bad... I'll just take the middle road and say they're both doing okay.
PSP :lol marcus

Madden is *very* close on both platforms. How much of that can be attributed to console-specific advertising can't be quantified, but that close-ness means that it worked, cause that's as as close as it's ever been, and a huge increase over last year.

gran turismo as already been released and packaged with ps3's:

it's effect on sales has will be lessened purely because of how sony has decided to extend development of the game and push out 3 different variations without providing a final retail product, but have done a very poor job of informing people that there are major differences between what's been provided and what's to come.

Most of the average consumer base beleives that GT has already been released, so gt5 will receive sales akin to that of a sequel. Something like forza 2 vs forza 3.

IMO sony lost it's chance to draw in the large gt fanbase by delaying the GT game for so long. Much like GT-PSP failed to draw in users to buy a psp.


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D


les papillons sexuels said:
gran turismo as already been released and packaged with ps3's:

it's effect on sales has will be lessened purely because of how sony has decided to extend development of the game and push out 3 different variations without providing a final retail product, but have done a very poor job of informing people that there are major differences between what's been provided and what's to come.

IMO sony lost it's chance to draw in the large gt fanbase by delaying the GT game for so long. Much like GT-PSP failed to draw in users to buy a psp.[/QUOTE]

I don't see the fact that there was a bundle for GT5: Prologue as an excuse for GT5 not pushing consoles, but again, it's irrelevant because of the month of release any increase in sales will be attributed to Black Friday and not GT5 so it's a moot argument.

[QUOTE]Most of the average consumer base beleives that GT has already been released, so gt5 will receive sales akin to that of a sequel. Something like forza 2 vs forza 3.[/QUOTE]

Pure and utter speculation there I see. How do you know that people think that Gt5 already came out? People aren't stupid. I'm pretty sure they can put together the difference between GT5: P and GT5


Wasn't Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light one of those multi-player focused games like Castlevania HD?

Yeah, that's developers responding to Xbox Live in such a way that takes a franchise away from its roots and shrinks it down.

Not exactly an example of "what developers should be doing" if you're looking for a counter-example to blockbusters, since most of these blockbusters are just shooter hybrids with some form of online multiplayer.


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D

and yet the wii is still outselling the ps3


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D

Come on, seriously?


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D
what is your prediction this holiday season for wii sales?


Speevy said:
Wasn't Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light one of those multi-player focused games like Castlevania HD?

Yeah, that's developers responding to Xbox Live in such a way that takes a franchise away from its roots and shrinks it down.

Not exactly an example of "what developers should be doing" if you're looking for a counter-example to blockbusters, since most of these blockbusters are just shooter hybrids with some form of online multiplayer.
It was supposed to be, but they only launched it with local multiplayer with the intent to patch in online four weeks later.

It seems to have really hurt their sales.


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two

You are probably still going to be blasted :lol

Shouldn't you have waited till at least the PS3 is coming in regularly behind the 360 to make that statement? I mean you might just look like an ass in Jan when YTD the Wii is still ahead


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, I think we should wait until the Wii really fizzles before we call it fizzled. Sales are slowing but it's been an uneventful summer for the system, it still is the undisputed champ of this gen. Theres no denying that it's not lighting up the sales chart like it was in previous years, but some of you guys are way to quick to say the king is dead, you're way to eager.


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D

You sound bitter, many people said the hype would die off for Wii over 3 years ago, it just took longer than expected. No point in rubbing it in anyone's face, Nintendo just needs to get stronger with their software lineup from third parties again.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Chaos Rings for iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad). You know those media devices that have no good games on them. It's pretty much a Playstation 1 Squaresoft game on iOS. It's really good supposedly.

Well being honest those numbers really aren't that good outside of Limbo. That being said for titles with that type of budget it's splendid. And this is only the beginning. Once iOS and Android start making a name for themselves (primarily on tablets) this market is going to explode.
That's nearly a million in sales at $15 in a little over a month, the equivalent of one AAA title moving 250k, and that's not even counting legacy titles like Trials HD and Castle Crashers that stay glued to the top of the charts.

DD titles also have longer legs than their retail counterparts, I'm sure all of these games (released July-August) will be over 200k by the end of the year.

It also puts things in perspective - Mafia and K&L are the kind of games the 360 audience are supposed to be buying in droves, but it turns out they'd rather play artsy 2d throwback games and toon-shaded 3d games, at least once in a while.

I agree that android and iOS are going to become a large part off this market, as phones are already capable (hw wise) of playing some if the more compelling dd content offered on consoles.

Edit3: Lara Croft is really great in SP, it's not an obligate co-op game. It's too bad the multi is being sent to die against Reach.


Mr.Potato Head said:
Yup - looks like i was right a few years ago when i would get BLASTED in here for saying the Nintendo Wii would fizzle in a year or two after mom, pop, grandma, grandpa, uncle Leroy and little johnny jumped into the wii fad during its hayday. I would get called a stupid fucker in here for even stating that back then and would get attacked with violent words from the so called Mr. know-it-all's around here that think they know it all and eveyrone else is wrong with their opinion...god thats so freaking annoying to deal with in here some times..and there a few others that felt the same as i did about the big debates that would go on about this back then so i had some guys behind me but for the most part the arrogant SOB's in here would slit your throat for saying such things..hell i even had a mod ban me for saying the wii was just a fad...im sure you neogaf lifers know who this mod was..he was a nintendo fanboy to the fullest and would use his mod powers to ban someone if they said any thing that ruffled up his feathers :lol

This is EXACTLY what i predicted and this is EXACTLY whats happening right now. Man i wish i wasnt so lazy to go sift through those years old threads we debating to shove them in the assholes that got all personal and resorted to the nasty name calling towards anyone that would even mention what i mentioned..i even ues to get pm threats from some of the nintendo fanboys and i wasnt even bashing the damn thing..i just felt it was a fad that would fizzle out. And before fanboys get pissed at what im saying..i have not said at all that the wii is dead..all im saying is that its like a can of soda that has lost is fizzle...simple is that and no one wants to drink that kind of soda ....you dig?

It all comes down to Nintendo skimping out on the hardware and not going HD which pissed me off royally. To this day i bugs me because although what i've said may come off as me being a fanboy of the 360...im truly a gamer that loves all systems, owns all systems and enjoys pc gaming just as much as console gaming. ..although i no longer have my wii..i gave it to my nephew a year or so ago.

By the way..im VERY happy to see the good ps3 numbers as well...i must admit that i been playing more and more ps3 exclusive games lately and with GT5 around the corner...its gonna be one heck of a winter season for me as im loving some of these ps3 exlusives coming out. I can clearly see ps3 developers are utilizing the cell and rsx in tandom with some impressive results indeed. I cant even imagine what Polyphony Digital has done with taking advantage of the ps3's hardware...:D



Nirolak said:
It was supposed to be, but they only launched it with local multiplayer with the intent to patch in online four weeks later.

It seems to have really hurt their sales.

I still can't figure out why they released it without the online multiplayer component? I'm definitely buying as the game itself is supposed to be amazing and I enjoyed the demo, but I do think it hurt the initial sales a bit. I think the whole franchise has a bit of a stigma attached to it, and hopefully this new direction can refresh it a bit.


unomas said:
You sound bitter, many people said the hype would die off for Wii over 3 years ago, it just took longer than expected. No point in rubbing it in anyone's face, Nintendo just needs to get stronger with their software lineup from third parties again.
Nintendo has had the best lineup themselves like since ever. It's mindblowing how they're chucking game after game after game.
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