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NPD Sales Results for August 2010


thanks for the laugh
console retail charts are looking more and more like pc retail charts every month, albeit with different names. guess we'll start to see anything less than aaa (or having the demented arrogance to try something new) relegated to gas station shovelware trees.

just wait for the sims 3 expansions.


Junior Member
Spike said:
I, uh, wow.

Mature as in adult. As in the ESRB rating "Mature." As in a shooter is not appropriate for your average ten year old. This was not a comment on gameplay or sophistication. This was not me saying, "OK you have played that pansy Mario shit, now its time to get all mature and play the real deal with Halo!" It is the idea that the Godfather may not have been appropriate for you at the beginning of the generation, but now that you have grown a little older you are now at an appropriate age to experience it. It does not mean that To Kill a Mockingbird is suddenly immature because nobody uses the word fuck in it.


C4Lukins said:
Mature as in adult. As in the ESRB rating "Mature." As in a shooter is not appropriate for your average ten year old. This was not a comment on gameplay or sophistication. This was not me saying, "OK you have played that pansy Mario shit, now its time to get all mature and play the real deal with Halo!"

Exactly, I know what you meant. But, 13-year-olds shouldn't be playing M-rated games.


Junior Member
Spike said:
Exactly, I know what you meant. But, 13-year-olds shouldn't be playing M-rated games.

Yeah but its Halo. As far as mature goes, I still have no idea why that franchise continually gets rated that way. There is nothing in there that a PG-13 movie could not get away with. GTA is another story.


C4Lukins said:
Yeah but its Halo. As far as mature goes, I still have no idea why that franchise continually gets rated that way. There is nothing in there that a PG-13 movie could not get away with. GTA is another story.

It is perplexing.


I dont think people should write the wii off yet, I bought the console last year for nsmb. I'm sure a lot of people who love the dkc series will do so this year. The wii is one of the best selling consoles ever, nintendo shouldnt just bail out the moment they see some problems. The wii should have a normal six year life cycle.


Junior Member
apana said:
I dont think people should write the wii off yet, I bought the console last year for nsmb. I'm sure a lot of people who love the dkc series will do so this year. The wii is one of the best selling consoles ever, nintendo shouldnt just bail out the moment they see some problems. The wii should have a normal six year life cycle.

Yeah it is silly to write the Wii off. It has been number 2 for three months now and suddenly it is dead? It is selling average 360 numbers in the US right now, which was never bad to begin with. Just 9 months ago it had the most ridiculous Holiday season in console history. It has gone from unprecedented moon landing success to just doing OK, and suddenly it is time to rush out a new console?

The Wii is number 2 in Japan right now, not far behind the PS3. It is number 1 in the US as far as year to date sales, and while the 360 is catching up, and could very well pass the Wii by October, I really doubt it will have a better Holiday then the Wii. And they still have a few big releases in the near future, while games like Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros, Wii Fit, and Wii Sports Resort I imagine continue to have consistently good sales.

People who anticipate a new Wii console in 2011 I think are ignoring several factors. For one, they would have to be far enough on development of the new console for it to happen. We have general knowledge of future Wii releases like Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and then a ton of 3DS first party support that seems to make it unlikely that they even have the first party resources to even support a new Wii in 2011. Then the fact that those 2011 launch games would have already needed to be in development around the time of last Christmas in which the Wii had its strongest showing to meet a 2011 launch date. I would guess that after last Christmas the last thing on Nintendo's mind was, "Hey time to move on to the next generation."

I could see something along the lines of the Wii HD, which would be similar in power to the 360/PS3 in 2011, that is backwards compatible with the Wii, has the same controls, and is intended to extend the life of the Wii. Also a system that is powerful enough that PS3 and 360 3rd party games become an option to be ported to the system. But I think it will be 2012 at the earliest that we see a true sequel to the Wii.

(Just to clarify. When I am talking about the Wii as being number 2 or number 1 that is year to date or for the current month. They are easily number 1 over the course of the generation)
What's up with the crazy 360 sales? New ad campaign or something?

I can't imagine the effect of people upgrading from their old units would persist this long.


toasty_T said:
What's up with the crazy 360 sales? New ad campaign or something?

I can't imagine the effect of people upgrading from their old units would persist this long.

Sounds to me the amount of people who didn't buy 360 because of RROD was greater than expected. Well it's paying off now.
C4Lukins said:
Then the fact that those 2011 launch games would have already needed to be in development around the time of last Christmas in which the Wii had its strongest showing to meet a 2011 launch date. I would guess that after last Christmas the last thing on Nintendo's mind was, "Hey time to move on to the next generation."

To be fair, they should've been prepping for the next gen shortly after the Wii launch. And supposedly, the Wii hasn't been performing all that well in Japan for a while now so I can see where the speculation is coming from.
C4Lukins said:
Yeah but its Halo. As far as mature goes, I still have no idea why that franchise continually gets rated that way. There is nothing in there that a PG-13 movie could not get away with. GTA is another story.

I suspect there is some publisher pressure on the ESRB to mark it as a 'Mature' rather than a 'Teen' because there is a 'cool' factor in a 'Mature' game that there isn't in a 'Teen'.

I don't think it's unfair to say that marketing and 'buzz' are significant parts of the Halo franchise, and getting an M rating is a part of that.


Junior Member
Little Green Yoda said:
To be fair, they should've been prepping for the next gen shortly after the Wii launch. And supposedly, the Wii hasn't been performing all that well in Japan for a while now so I can see where the speculation is coming from.

I can understand the speculation. And I do not find it all that crazy the Nintendo knows exactly what their next system will be. I just have a hard time imaging that serious game development has begun on the next Wii system after the success of Nintendo's last Holiday. I cannot imagine that they anticipated such a quick dropoff, and that they have the resources to throw their next big idea out there so quickly. Especially considering the amount of effort and resources that the 3DS launch is requiring. Again I can see a Wii HD in 2011, just not a true sequal to the Wii. It would be more like a DS to a DS Lite situation.


DMeisterJ said:
I don't know if I believe that.

Historically, we've see that when a big selling well established IP jumps generations, the hardware sales seem to spike for a period as fans gravitate toward the system. We saw it with Halo 3 back in the day, and we saw it with MGS4. Both months, sales for the respective format rose significantly, as (presumably) fans of the respective games 'graduated'. Couple that with the fact that Gran Turismo is one of the highest selling IPs of all time, and I would find it hard to believe that it wouldn't push a number of consoles.

GT5 ain't going to do shit in NA, TBH it will be a miracle if it passes 1 million first month looking at how weak the franchise in there. Same for Japan but on an even smalller scale there but in EU it's a very differenet story. It's going to do monster numbers there that is for certain, probably 5-6 million just in that one region which is unheard of from PS3 exclusives.

NA: 2 million
Japan: 800k
EU: 6 million
WW: 8.8 million

That is how I see sales.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
The article you posted gave numbers from 2009. Retail dollars are down since then - I'm going to take shot in the dark and say that DD sales are going up over the same time period.

Unless DD sales were at the highest percentage possible that was predicted and near or literally doubled in the past year (which the former is extremely unlikely and the latter is impossible), then digital distribution still isn't as satisfying to the big publishers as retail.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Revenue may not be the same, but I think you and I are arguing the same thing; the market cannot sustain an indefinite push for more AAA content..

We are arguing the same thing. I just think you're jumping the gun on how fast the migration should go, unless I'm misunderstanding your posts.

Yes publishers and developers should flee from their current model. It's unsustainable and only brings harm to the developers, consumers, the industry itself, and to them most importantly the publishers themselves.

However, they can't take the plunge just yet for two huge reasons:

#1 The Hardware Owners Aren't Ready and Are Currently Being Tyrants

#2 The Market isn't Ready

For #1 - Currently none of the big three's systems are designed to have digital distribution to be taken seriously. Nintendo systems need no explanation what so ever. You don't have an account, it comes packed in with only 512MB, the menu navigation is horrible, if your storage space gets damaged it's difficult to get your games back, and (etc. X ∞). With the Xbox 360 one of the SKU's comes with only 256MB packed in, Microsoft has set the standard for retail games on their service to be charging full price, and other shit. But the real problem is how harsh the console vendors are to the developers. Microsoft for example deletes games that are underperforming and under a certain score (though this is two years old so not sure if this is still true), is harsh on how often developers update their games, how much free content is in their games, and limits how many games they can publish in a given time frame (I can't find the source to this anywhere but I know for a fact I saw this posted in GAF, you have to trust me). XBLA, PSN, and Wiiware were designed to satisfy small pick up and play games from independent developers, not full adventures from the big boys as well. People seem to forget this fact.

Now these things may sound trivial but compared to Android, iOS, and PC's offerings they are much much more tempting as their policies are much more lax (yes even Apple's) and their hardware is designed for digital distribution, hence why most of these types of games are found there. It's going to take a re-imagining of the console to satisfy this type of development. And the current hardware makers aren't racing out of the gate to not only cut publishers a better deal in royalties, but also to compete against themselves.

#2 Digital distribution, especially for gaming, is in it's infancy. You can post about Limbo all you want. But when the best selling game on that service sells 300,000 units world-wide it isn't all that impressive. Especially when it was rather a loaded month for the digital services while it was nearly a wasteland for retail.

If digital distribution gaming is going to be a hit anywhere first it's going to be on media devices such as iOS and Android because that's where the market is the strongest currently. And while it's made great strides in the past 3 years or so since the App Store's introduction it still has a long way to go. JUST now there are engines being developed for the platforms that truly push them (see iD and Epic). But again they have a long way to go. And this is mostly due to the market. Digital download sales for non-casual games outside of PC just are nowhere near retail sales. Games like Chaos Rings and Zenonia are nice, but they are nowhere near as common as they should be nor are they even close to being the biggest sellers on the platforms they are on or compared to retail on consoles.

In short: It's inevitability that publishers/developers will adopt the <$2 million model. However the current generation just isn't ready. Most of the hardware out now isn't designed for it and the market in general is still wary for paying to play their games in digital form. It's really a matter of time: time for the console makers to create platforms that truly cater to this style of developments, time for the market to adapt to this development, and time for publishers to switch their strategies. I'd give it 8 years before the industry makes this complete 180.

charlequin said:
Errr, no. 3/01 - 11/04 isn't even four whole years. DS is going to manage at minimum six.

Opps. I always forget that the DS launched in 2004 not in 2005.
C4Lukins said:
I can understand the speculation. And I do not find it all that crazy the Nintendo knows exactly what their next system will be. I just have a hard time imaging that serious game development has begun on the next Wii system after the success of Nintendo's last Holiday. I cannot imagine that they anticipated such a quick dropoff, and that they have the resources to throw their next big idea out there so quickly. Especially considering the amount of effort and resources that the 3DS launch is requiring. Again I can see a Wii HD in 2011, just not a true sequal to the Wii. It would be more like a DS to a DS Lite situation.
Well, aside from Zelda, almost all their big games are being developed externally. Kirby is Feel Good, DKC is Retro, Mario Sports is Square-Enix, etc. Even on 3DS, Kid Icarus isn't taking up too big a team, the other two big Nintendo games shown off (Starfox and OoT) are remakes, and one is literally a game that did not make the DS launch.

So what are the teams doing if they're not making Wii games, they're not making DS games, and they're not dedicating much if any resources to 3DS games?
toasty_T said:
What's up with the crazy 360 sales? New ad campaign or something?

I can't imagine the effect of people upgrading from their old units would persist this long.

The 360 has always been very popular and was always verging on massive mass market success IMHO. It is just finally starting to hit it's stride. The new design just pushed it a bit further. MS was guaranteed a best seller a few years ago already, with 360 scoring very high in popular culture/media.


Please help me with my bad english
KingDizzi said:
GT5 ain't going to do shit in NA, TBH it will be a miracle if it passes 1 million first month looking at how weak the franchise in there. Same for Japan but on an even smalller scale there but in EU it's a very differenet story. It's going to do monster numbers there that is for certain, probably 5-6 million just in that one region which is unheard of from PS3 exclusives.

NA: 2 million
Japan: 800k
EU: 6 million
WW: 8.8 million

That is how I see sales.


C4Lukins said:
I can understand the speculation. And I do not find it all that crazy the Nintendo knows exactly what their next system will be. I just have a hard time imaging that serious game development has begun on the next Wii system after the success of Nintendo's last Holiday. I cannot imagine that they anticipated such a quick dropoff, and that they have the resources to throw their next big idea out there so quickly. Especially considering the amount of effort and resources that the 3DS launch is requiring. Again I can see a Wii HD in 2011, just not a true sequal to the Wii. It would be more like a DS to a DS Lite situation.
If they hadn't been anticipating such a dropoff then they don't deserve the succes they've had. Hardware shouldn't be an issue. The problem is software. And Wii HD isn't happening. Like no chance in hell.

Neo C.

All this "Wii2 holiday 2011" talk makes little sense. Nintendo still sells a good amount of hardware and software, and the 3DS launch needs quite some focus.

A Wii2 launch next year guarantees neither a magical improvement of the 3rd party support nor massive sales, especially when the software isn't ready (it looks like Nintendo's best teams have made or make their games for this year or on the 3DS next year).

shocking Alberto said:
Well, aside from Zelda, almost all their big games are being developed externally. Kirby is Feel Good, DKC is Retro, Mario Sports is Square-Enix, etc. Even on 3DS, Kid Icarus isn't taking up too big a team, the other two big Nintendo games shown off (Starfox and OoT) are remakes, and one is literally a game that did not make the DS launch.

So what are the teams doing if they're not making Wii games, they're not making DS games, and they're not dedicating much if any resources to 3DS games?
Retro is internal, methinks. EAD Tokyo just has finished SMG2, are they ready for 2011? Intelligent System is doing a Paper Mario for 3DS IIRC, Eguchi and Konno have 3DS projects as well (AC and Mario Kart).
The bigger teams can handle two or more projects, but I'm still skeptical.

jax (old)

KingDizzi said:
GT5 ain't going to do shit in NA, TBH it will be a miracle if it passes 1 million first month looking at how weak the franchise in there. Same for Japan but on an even smalller scale there but in EU it's a very differenet story. It's going to do monster numbers there that is for certain, probably 5-6 million just in that one region which is unheard of from PS3 exclusives.

NA: 2 million
Japan: 800k
EU: 6 million
WW: 8.8 million

That is how I see sales.

:lol :lol :lol
Neo C. said:
All this "Wii2 holiday 2011" talk makes little sense. Nintendo still sells a good amount of hardware and software, and the 3DS launch needs quite some focus.

A Wii2 launch next year guarantees neither a magical improvement of the 3rd party support nor massive sales, especially when the software isn't ready (it looks like Nintendo's best teams has made or make their games for this year or on the 3DS next year).
Only fools are saying it will be a 2011 release.

But getting the idea out there and getting devkits to developers is the minimum they need to do.


Vic said:

Why is that so hard to believe? GT5:p has years after release just passed 1 million shipped in NA, it might not be the full game however does give an indication where the franchise does and does not matter. So yep 1 million first month in NA will be a miracle for GT5, we are talking first month though and the franchise has legs so lifetime 2 million might happen.


I'm good with GT sales, its the only franchise I give a shit about doing well. ;_;


Call me a fool then because I certainly see it as a posibility. It's on the lower end of the spectrum, but I guess they'd love to be able to do it.
SapientWolf said:
Where is that guy who makes the medieval gaming comics? Because I think Nintendo just got dethroned.

i think a girl actually makes those. also, I would really love a link to the person's webpage. I wish to bookmark it for later use.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Neo C. said:
All this "Wii2 holiday 2011" talk makes little sense. Nintendo still sells a good amount of hardware and software, and the 3DS launch needs quite some focus.

A Wii2 launch next year guarantees neither a magical improvement of the 3rd party support nor massive sales, especially when the software isn't ready (it looks like Nintendo's best teams has made or make their games for this year or on the 3DS next year).
Exactly, if Nintendo does do a mid-generation console it definitely wouldn't be a traditional successor to Wii because Iwata already said he doesn't think that'll sell. I'm not sure why people think launching a completely new console with a new gimmick would be a simple task and solve all the problems they're having with Wii. And Nintendo aren't going to overshadow their own product (3DS) and then stretch not only their own resources, but demand that 3rd parties stretch their resource to support 2 new platforms. A plan that clumsy and rushed isn't going to get Nintendo anywhere unless every other platform on the market suddenly disappears.
OldJadedGamer said:
I see GT5 doing about 650k if that high in it's first month in NPD. 650k high end, 450k low end. GT5P only did 225k it's first month.

A pay to play Demo only did 225k in its first month, shouldn't that be holy shit!??

Most people aren't putting this in perspective. GT5:p is not GT5. If GT5:p is any indication of anything, it's that GT5 will be the best selling installment of the GT franchise since GT3. especially when you take into account that 5's prologue is the highest selling prologue in the whole damn series.


jj984jj said:
Exactly, if Nintendo does do a mid-generation console it definitely wouldn't be a traditional successor to Wii because Iwata already said he doesn't think that'll sell. I'm not sure why people think launching a completely new console with a new gimmick would be a simple task and solve all the problems they're having with Wii. And Nintendo aren't going to overshadow their own product (3DS) and then stretch not only their own resources, but demand that 3rd parties stretch their resource to support 2 new platforms. A plan that clumsy and rushed isn't going to get Nintendo anywhere unless every other platform on the market suddenly disappears.

What problems are they having with the Wii? It is the best selling console this generation. As much as we consumers complain about the lack of quality third party software, Nintendo really does not care since the lion's share of game sales will be of their own titles. Still, there are some real gems in the third party space on the Wii.


Boney said:
you'd cut yourself with my perfectly sculpted cheekbones



erotic butter maelstrom
OldJadedGamer said:
I see GT5 doing about 650k if that high in it's first month in NPD. 650k high end, 450k low end. GT5P only did 225k it's first month.

I think it'll do a little better than that. I was saying God of War 3 would do those numbers in the first month, but I was so wrong. I'd predict around a million in the first month of Grand Turino 5, it will do good for a PS3 game.


Snuggler said:
I think it'll do a little better than that. I was saying God of War 3 would do those numbers in the first month, but I was so wrong. I'd predict around a million in the first month of Grand Turino 5.

One million for the to' is mo' 5. You heard it here first, folks!

You didn't, actually.

Neo C.

Spike said:
What problems are they having with the Wii?
The biggest problem is the strong Yen.:lol

Although the Wii has some incredible first party success, I guess Nintendo still needs a strong 3rd party support. The DS shows that good 3rd party support allows the first party teams to reduce their ressources for DS software quickly, which helps the Wii and the 3DS.


erotic butter maelstrom
Gravijah said:
One million for the to' is mo' 5. You heard it here first, folks!

You didn't, actually.

I did. I so did. If I'm wrong, I will suck your dick.

Kidding. But I do think that it will put up those kind of numbers, it will do as well or better than any other PS3 exclusive franchise.


Snuggler said:
I did. I so did. If I'm wrong, I will suck your dick.

Kidding. But I do think that it will put up those kind of numbers, it will do as well or better than any other PS3 exclusive franchise.
Aren't you in a good mood today...


Snuggler said:
I did. I so did. If I'm wrong, I will suck your dick.

Kidding. But I do think that it will put up those kind of numbers, it will do as well or better than any other PS3 exclusive franchise.

maybe not a million... but 999,999 definitely. it releases rather early in the month, too...


erotic butter maelstrom
Gravijah said:
maybe not a million... but 999,999 definitely. it releases rather early in the month, too...

You're having doubts. That's normal. The truth is hard to accept.
but really, I think it will be a very successful title. It has alot going for it and I bet Kevin Butler will have some clever things to say about it. I think it'll probably be the most successful PS3 exclusive yet, which isn't really saying much, but I'll bet all my gold on it at least matching the GOW3 numbers.


Snuggler said:
You're having doubts. That's normal. The truth is hard to accept.
but really, I think it will be a very successful title. It has alot going for it and I bet Kevin Butler will have some clever things to say about it. I think it'll probably be the most successful PS3 exclusive yet, which isn't really saying much, but I'll bet all my gold on it at least matching the GOW3 numbers.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Spike said:
What problems are they having with the Wii? It is the best selling console this generation. As much as we consumers complain about the lack of quality third party software, Nintendo really does not care since the lion's share of game sales will be of their own titles. Still, there are some real gems in the third party space on the Wii.
That is the problem with Wii.
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