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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


Mrbob said:
I really wish NPD would move Wii Play and Wii Fit to hardware sales.

With only 10 numbers total, it is a waste of space having these two in the software list month after month when they aren't purchased as software endeavors.

in that case PS3 will drop out of the TOP5 on hardware list, so please don't hurt it anymore.
Son of Godzilla said:
Honestly I'd be more concerned over the quality and nature of the other 5 games in the top 10.

Two great racing games, a solid version of a cross-platform music game, a minigame/controller bundle and a fitness game, all of which are highly polished and accessible?

Yeah, I've got my "concerned" face on...

Unless of course your "concern" was about most of them being Nintendo titles? In which case, take it up with the third parties not putting their best content on the dominant platform...

Mrbob said:
I really wish NPD would move Wii Play and Wii Fit to hardware sales.

With only 10 numbers total, it is a waste of space having these two in the software list month after month when they aren't purchased as software endeavors.

Wii Play? Perhaps you have a point, although separating the people who want it for the games from the people who want it as an extra controller is going to be impossible, so either way is "unfair".

Wii Fit? You're seriously suggesting that buyers don't want the game but are instead just buying it to use for a handful of Balance Board-compatible titles.


The_lascar said:

Really puts things into perspective, Massive growth from Wii and DS, not so much from the others.


I will also be interested to see Activision Blizzard's breakdown for revenue per platform. Their top earner is obvious, but number 2-4 are not so obvious. I can see it going 360/PS3/Wii, 360/Wii/PS3, or Wii/360/PS3. While PS3 and 360 had both Guitar Hero and Call of Duty selling well, Wii's Guitar Hero was significantly stronger and is a much more expensive game.

We'll have to wait and see.


Mrbob said:
At least I can thank Sony for sacrificing the PS3 to help make HD movies mainstream. Will be interesting to see if it was worth it to destroy the console market for the movie market...we'll see how far Blu Ray can go! Love my PS3 as a blu ray movie player. :D

I have a feeling they are fine with it. They knew exactly what they were doing. They have been trying to win a format war for a very, very long time. I'm sure they would have liked the console to make a killing as well, but sacrificing it for the Sony greater good was something they were prepared for.

What saddens me is the so called gaming enthusiasts cheering on the PS3 blu-ray mantra. If you were a real Sony GAMING fan, you'd be pretty upset with the decision.


Comics, serious business!

Has any console ever seen a Y-O-Y decline during the holiday period (i.e. Nov & Dec) after only 2 years outÉ


TJ Spyke said:
Technically Wii Fit is part of the "Wii ..." series (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Music, Wii Chess").

That's like saying Mario Kart 64 was part of the "... 64" series. *facepalm*
Zhuk said:
I'm scared to go into that thread :lol :lol they all have their tin foil hats on and lynching ropes ready for anyone who steps out of line

You have no idea.

Apparently, Killzone 2 is already the best game ever made.

Don't get me wrong, I'm buying day one, it doesn't LOOK like it will be as bad as 1, but I'm hoping the game doesn't control as sloppily as it LOOKS like it does in the videos.


Opiate said:
This is the first year of Ubisoft not having a breakout hit in a while, at least on PS3/360. Assassin's Creed, GRAW and Rainbow Six we're carrying them; this year, Rainbow Six did acceptably but was stagnant, GRAW is now nonexistant and the theoretical equivalent to Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, has clearly done much worse.

I'll be interested to see how their revenue breaks down on their financial report this month.

In 2009 they'll likely have a new Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Assassins Creed title. They'll be fine.


lowrider007 said:
Ok that's cool, I'm not a 'uber geek' I don't know all this shit, I just wish people wouldn't get in your face for a simple miss understanding, I'm just a normal dude with an average IQ just trying to get involved a little, anyway just out of interest, I see everyone is making a joke in regards to his statistics but could someone explain what was wrong with them ?
hahaha - no problems here - thing is, we get some people (for example like Hoffman, son of godzilla and mrbob), who despite all the facts presented will still spin it as positive for their system of choice and somehow a negative for the system they don't care/like.

It's pretty funny for those who know, but for those not so much into sales, they can take that as gospel especially if it's their favorite console.

TJ Spyke

schuelma said:
I think a 150 dollar price drop in time for Killzone 2 will do wonders.

And drive Sony out of business. Sony is still losing money on the 80GB ($400) system, they can't afford another $150 loss per system. The fact that Sony just lost money for only the second time in the last 52 years means that shareholders would no doubt be beyond pissed if Sony tried that.

donny, no it's not the same. It is part of the Wii series, it's not like with the N64 where companies would just add "64" to games. Wii Fit is not a new IP.
The PS3 isn't doomed.
It's more like the PS3 just happened to step into a massive pile of shit and they're up to their neck in it right now.

They'll get out, the stink won't go away for months or even years, but they'll get out.


TJ Spyke said:
All third party top 10's:
June 2007- Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was #9 at 150K
October 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 286.3K
November 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 426K
December 2007- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was #10 at 613K
January 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 239.6K
February 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #5 at 222.9K
March 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #7 at 264.1K
April 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #9 at 152K
May 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 116.8K
June 2008- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures was #8 at 294.5K
July 2008- Rock Band was #8 at 165.8K
August 2008- Madden NFL 09 was #9 at 115.8K
September 2008- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was #9 at 223K
November 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #7 at 475K
Decemer 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #5 at 850K

Mrbob, there is zero reason to do that. They are both games that have accessories included with them (not the other way around).

Thank you. Then I have two more observations to add:

7) Guitar Hero's showing in December 08 was the best showing any third party game has had on the Wii in a single month. And by a wide margin.

8) There has never been two third party games for the Wii in the top 10 in a single month.
Kusagari said:
By the way, I have to ask this question.

Is Gears 2 seemingly unexpected plunge proof of how big a contingent hardcore gamers are on 360? You can say CoD is more casual which I agree but it doesn't explain why Gears seems to have flailing legs in sales AND Xbox Live. The original Gears held up on the Xbox Live charts extremely well for months on end. Gears 2 reached #1 it's first week and since then has dropped like a rock.

The only theory that makes sense is how wide the outcry on the internet has been over the glitches and multiple problems for Gears. I can't think of anything else that would explain why it's collapsing like this. I mean, I know anything over 700k in a second month is still amazing but look how close L4D is and how much more WaW sold. Not impressive after the first Gears and how marquee a title it was supposed to be.

From my experience a lot of people "jumped in" when COD4 came out and missed gears1, Gears 1 came out quite early in the 360's life cycle and COD is the game to play (much the same as Halo last gen). People go where the online players are


Son of Godzilla said:
So, out of the top 4 best selling 360/PS3 games, one's a FPS, ones a third person shooter, one's an action sandbox, and one's a sports game. I'm sure the industry is doomed after that revelation.

Honestly I'd be more concerned over the quality and nature of the other 5 games in the top 10.

bitter tears


Xavien said:
Really puts things into perspective, Massive growth from Wii and DS, not so much from the others.
The Xbox 360 growth is quite steady YoY, the PS3 went down while it should've been up.

Nintendo could've reached higher numbers already if they had the supply in the first year, but they really didn't expect the Wii to take off like it did. DS is simply insane, I remember the launch wasn't that succesfull.


Has any console ever seen a Y-O-Y decline during the holiday period (i.e. Nov & Dec) after only 2 years outÉ
The GameCube didn't I think they had the Wind Waker in early 2003 and Mario Kart for the holiday season.


YYZ said:
bad thing about PS3 is that we can't see how many people are buying it for blu-ray, how many for games, and how many for both.

They might have jumped on the PS3 back in Feb/March when the HD-DVD group disbanded, but there are now cheaper Blu-ray players on the market. I think from here on in people who are buying PS3 are doing it because it's a kick ass game machine.
Opiate said:
Thank you. Then I have one last observation to add:

7) Guitar Hero's showing in December 08 was the best showing any third party game has had on the Wii in a single month. And by a wide margin.

But you have to remember that rank isn't everything. Third party Wii games such as DDRHP have sold more then many Top 10 games and have never even charted.


First thought : HD gaming is back, baybee!

Wii game Holiday gift domination

I wonder what PC sales of Left 4 Dead have been.
Son of Godzilla said:
So, out of the top 4 best selling 360/PS3 games, one's a FPS, ones a third person shooter, one's an action sandbox, and one's a sports game. I'm sure the industry is doomed after that revelation.

Honestly I'd be more concerned over the quality and nature of the other 5 games in the top 10.
Arde5643 said:
The goalpost - they've been a-moved!! :lol :lol :lol
You presume too much. The saying was never "Games don't sell on the Wii" or "Third party games don't sell on the Wii", it was "Look at all that shit".

I'm not wanting to appear ridiculous, I'm talking about a logical fact. Nintendo is able to turn the tap of supply the way they want, right ? So, my question is why they actually supplied America less during December than during November. The 4 weeks/5 weeks makes the whole picture disturbing. Did Nintendo fuck up their planning by flooding the market too early ? Is it a planned strategy for being sure to be able to post positive year-over-year growth trend next year ? Did NPD fuck it up ? Is Wii really supply-constrained.

I don't get the disbelief. The Wii was sold out here for at least 3-4 days leading up to Xmas. There were absolutely none to be had in this city. They made sure they had enough to cover Black Friday and then hoped it would last. It didn't.

Also nobody fucking buys a system the day after Xmas.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
You have no idea.

Apparently, Killzone 2 is already the best game ever made.

Don't get me wrong, I'm buying day one, it doesn't LOOK like it will be as bad as 1, but I'm hoping the game doesn't control as sloppily as it LOOKS like it does in the videos.

I don't really get it. You guys are greatly over exaggerating people in the killzone 2 thread. It seems like its like any other thread some people are excited about it while others are not.


Mrbob said:
I really wish NPD would move Wii Play and Wii Fit to hardware sales.

With only 10 numbers total, it is a waste of space having these two in the software list month after month when they aren't purchased as software endeavors.

Wii Play? Sure, everyone is buying it to get a controller. But Wii Fit? Nobody is buying it just to get a balance board that works in, what, 3 other games. Wii Fit is selling because people want the Wii Fit game/nongame/software/whatever. Sure, the novelty of the controller is no doubt enticing more people to buy it, but the same can be said of Guitar Hero.

Just because it comes with a piece of hardware doesn't mean its sales are less valid - otherwise we'd have to disregard Mario Kart and next year disregard Wii Sports Resort, even when its pretty clear that both of those would sell like hotcakes, packed-in-with-peripheral or not.
Y'know, after Pacther's predictions for December, and the revelation that he based his PS3 price drop on an iSuppli report, I don't think I'm going to put much stock in what he says anymore.

I think it'd be silly to expect a price cut from anyone this year, although if Nintendo want to do real damage they could just start bundling Mario Kart and wheel with the Wii.

Game over man, game over!

bishoptl said:

:lol :lol

We need a gif of James May to go with that :D


[Nintex] said:
The Xbox 360 growth is quite steady YoY, the PS3 went down while it should've been up.

Nintendo could've reached higher numbers already if they had the supply in the first year, but they really didn't expect the Wii to take off like it did. DS is simply insane, I remember the launch wasn't that succesfull.

Steady, but not massive.


EviLore said:
Top selling games of 2008


Why is the DS's best selling game of the year a game that came out November 2005.. more than 3 years ago? And if it sold a little bit more copies.. just 5% of what Wii Play sold, it would have sold more than PS3's best selling title.


aka andydumi
Kenka said:
I'm not wanting to appear ridiculous, I'm talking about a logical fact. Nintendo is able to turn the tap of supply the way they want, right ? So, my question is why they actually supplied America less during December than during November. The 4 weeks/5 weeks makes the whole picture disturbing. Did Nintendo fuck up their planning by flooding the market too early ? Is it a planned strategy for being sure to be able to post positive year-over-year growth trend next year ? Did NPD fuck it up ? Is Wii really supply-constrained.

Well, the last hypothesis could be true. But I don't like this straight answer. There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions behind.

November is a traditionally a bigger shopping month in US than Europe or Japan. December is pretty even. So they routed more to NA maybe during November, but then kept it fair and equal in Dec.

Thats my take on it.
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