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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


hulot said:
If you put it that way..........it's quite clear, especially with value like this:


I see your chart and raise you a delicious ham sandwich;



mr_bishiuk said:
looking at those l4d sales I really feel sorry for insomniac, talk about wrong horse
really? really? how suddle :lol :lol

Keep up the entertainment people!

(yes I mispelled subtle)


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Mama Robotnik said:

Deserves an airing out with results like this.

It's funny if you're out of touch, this is a sales thread. You may not like those games personally, but they are blockbusters. Nintendo had plenty of games they counted on last gen that were aimed exclusively at their core audiences, and that still didn't stop them from losing customers.

Now even their core titles are gaining customers again, why do you think that is?


aka andydumi
Mardak said:
Why is the DS's best selling game of the year a game that came out November 2005.. more than 3 years ago? And if it sold a little bit more copies.. just 5% of what Wii Play sold, it would have sold more than PS3's best selling title.

Every new DS sold usually results in a few of the core titles also being sold. So if the DS had mega sales, which it did, then its expected that its core titles would as well.
Cosmonaut X said:
Two great racing games, a solid version of a cross-platform music game, a minigame/controller bundle and a fitness game, all of which are highly polished and accessible?

Yeah, I've got my "concerned" face on...

Wrong list.
Mrbob said:
I really wish NPD would move Wii Play and Wii Fit to hardware sales.

With only 10 numbers total, it is a waste of space having these two in the software list month after month when they aren't purchased as software endeavors.
Better luck this year...

oh wait, Motion+ comes to mind :lol

Tron 2.0

Flying_Phoenix said:
That would usually be not that bad but being the expectations Nintendo had that's a pretty big disappointment.
It's not an out of the gate blockbuster, but that total means it sold ~500K in December. Which means it could be a slow burn.

But, no, it didn't really take the country by storm.


[Nintex] said:
:lol The Killzone 2 thread is indeed some kind of refugee camp it's like reading comments about something that happened on another forum.
Karma said:
Like I said it is their Alamo. :lol
Zhuk said:
I'm scared to go into that thread :lol :lol they all have their tin foil hats on and lynching ropes ready for anyone who steps out of line
2 Minutes Turkish said:
You have no idea.

Apparently, Killzone 2 is already the best game ever made.

Don't get me wrong, I'm buying day one, it doesn't LOOK like it will be as bad as 1, but I'm hoping the game doesn't control as sloppily as it LOOKS like it does in the videos.

Holy shit :lol And you guys are the ones claiming paranoia?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Flying_Phoenix said:
That would usually be not that bad but being the expectations Nintendo had that's a pretty big disappointment.

Nintendo is probably a bit disappointed, especially in Japan, but worldwide it is probably closing in on 2m already. Not too shabby.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
The PS3 isn't doomed.
It's more like the PS3 just happened to step into a massive pile of shit and they're up to their neck in it right now.

They'll get out, the stink won't go away for months or even years, but they'll get out.
You guys are way too fucking nice about this. PS3 is sinking into a mile-high pile of its own shit and it's extremely unlikely that it will ever pull itself out. NA Consumers have picked their two main home platforms in Wii60. PS3 is now firmly the third place console for this gen and will, IMO, only fall further down the pole away from its competition as the year wears on and consumers get even more concerned about spending.

Only Sony losing a lot more money in the very short term (with a deep price cut) and a wildly popular set of new titles for PS3 this year can stop it its slide...and that seems pretty unlikely to happen, IMO.
Azelover said:
It's funny if you're out of touch, this is a sales thread. You may not like those games personally, but they are blockbusters. Nintendo had plenty of games they counted on last gen that were aimed exclusively at their core audiences, and that still didn't stop them from losing customers.

Now even their core titles are gaining customers again, why do you think that is?

Because they haven't honestly updated a title in ten years and are secretly counting LTD sales?


Bish loves my games!
All third party top 10's:
June 2007- Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was #9 at 150K
October 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 286.3K
November 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 426K
December 2007- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was #10 at 613K
January 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 239.6K
February 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #5 at 222.9K
March 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #7 at 264.1K
April 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #9 at 152K
May 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 116.8K
June 2008- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures was #8 at 294.5K
July 2008- Rock Band was #8 at 165.8K
August 2008- Madden NFL 09 was #9 at 115.8K
September 2008- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was #9 at 223K
November 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #7 at 475K
Decemer 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #5 at 850K

Short of RE4 great gravy is that ever depressing.
GhaleonEB said:
360 did great in the fall/holidays, but really badly the first 2/3 of the year. It's similar to the year before. That's one of the things I wonder about for 2009 - how can MS keep their sales up before the holidays?
At the current price point, I think MS will have no trouble having nice sales for the 360 in the first half of 2009. The console has a lot of momentum right now.


AndyD said:
November is a traditionally a bigger shopping month in US than Europe or Japan. December is pretty even. So they routed more to NA maybe during November, but then kept it fair and equal in Dec.

Thats my take on it.

OK, not a bad explanation. I'm probably a bit too cautious with those numbers but if it is the case, December in Europe must have been huge.
Son of Godzilla said:
Wrong list.

So pull out GH, swap in Brawl and I still fail to see the problem with the games there.

And as for Wii Music - if those figures are correct, that's pretty cool. The game deserves a hell of a lot more credit than it gets.
It'd be interesting to see a breakdown of each of the major regions for the 360/PS3, so far we know this for 2008 sales:


360 + 1.19 million in 2008 over the PS3


PS3 + ~600k in 2008 over the 360



All we have are UK and France figures, but that won't give us an overall picture.

Either way, world wide sales likely see the 360 and PS3 within a few hundred thousand of eachother. Kind of makes the entire "PS3 is doomed" argument a bit hilarious and ironic for those that keep preaching it....if PS3 is doomed, then things don't look so hot for the 360 either. The difference in PS3/360 WW YTD sales at this point is rather trivial when compared to what the Wii is doing to them both.


bishoptl said:


Either way, world wide sales likely see the 360 and PS3 within a few hundred thousand of eachother. Kind of makes the entire "PS3 is doomed" argument a bit hilarious and ironic for those that keep preaching it....if PS3 is doomed, then things don't look so hot for the 360 either. The difference in PS3/360 WW sales at this point is rather trivial when compared to what the Wii is doing to them both.

I normally do not like to talk in sales thread because I know shit about sales and such, but if MS sell 10 million consoles and profits from 7 million and Sony sell 10 million and lost money on each of them and their soft doesn't crack the charts that is kind of being "doomed" rigth?
Opiate said:
This is the first year of Ubisoft not having a breakout hit in a while, at least on PS3/360. Assassin's Creed, GRAW and Rainbow Six we're carrying them; this year, Rainbow Six did acceptably but was stagnant, GRAW is now nonexistant and the theoretical equivalent to Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, has clearly done much worse.

I'll be interested to see how their revenue breaks down on their financial report this month.

Far Cry 2? It didn't light the charts on fire, but it's had insane legs (for an HD title at least) in PAL territories and shipped over a million a few weeks after release.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
I just went in that Killzone 2 thread and somebody made a gif of a guy busting through a door.

There are no words.

The physics when that door opens is effing amazing. You shut your mouth!
TheFatOne said:
I don't really get it. You guys are greatly over exaggerating people in the killzone 2 thread. It seems like its like any other thread some people are excited about it while others are not.

You're not a old 360 fanboy from N4G, and you're not overly pessimistic like Turkish.
Private Hoffman said:
It'd be interesting to see a breakdown of each of the major regions for the 360/PS3, so far we know this for 2008 sales:


360 + 1.19 million in 2008 over the PS3


PS3 + ~600k in 2008 over the 360



All we have are UK and France figures, but that won't give us an overall picture.

Either way, world wide sales likely see the 360 and PS3 within a few hundred thousand of eachother. Kind of makes the entire "PS3 is doomed" argument a bit hilarious and ironic for those that keep preaching it....if PS3 is doomed, then things don't look so hot for the 360 either. The difference in PS3/360 WW sales at this point is rather trivial when compared to what the Wii is doing to them both.

You've already given up on America?


schuelma said:
If that number is correct, it almost did 500K in Dec and nearly charted.


So Wii Music:

Oct: 81,000
Nov: 297,000 (+367% m/m)
Dec: 487,000 (+64% m/m)

2008: 865,000

Huge boost in December - it's not a flop! It's an underrated musical hit set to hit 1 million, at least.

Hey look, percentages


jetjevons said:
All third party top 10's:
June 2007- Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was #9 at 150K
October 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 286.3K
November 2007- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 426K
December 2007- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was #10 at 613K
January 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #3 at 239.6K
February 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #5 at 222.9K
March 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #7 at 264.1K
April 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #9 at 152K
May 2008- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was #8 at 116.8K
June 2008- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures was #8 at 294.5K
July 2008- Rock Band was #8 at 165.8K
August 2008- Madden NFL 09 was #9 at 115.8K
September 2008- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was #9 at 223K
November 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #7 at 475K
Decemer 2008- Guitar Hero World Tour was #5 at 850K

Short of RE4 great gravy is that ever depressing.

Quality mass market software sells well on mass market console.


Does anyone have Gears 1 numbers for Nov and Dec 2006, as well as COD 4 (PS3/360) numbers from Nov and Dec 2007? I just want to compare how their sequels did against them.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I just went in that Killzone 2 thread and somebody made a gif of a guy busting through a door.

There are no words.
:lol :lol
but yeah that gif owns. some of the best animation ever


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Private Hoffman said:
Either way, world wide sales likely see the 360 and PS3 within a few hundred thousand of eachother. Kind of makes the entire "PS3 is doomed" argument a bit hilarious and ironic for those that keep preaching it....if PS3 is doomed, then things don't look so hot for the 360 either. The difference in PS3/360 WW YTD sales at this point is rather trivial when compared to what the Wii is doing to them both.

Did you forget the whole thing about 360 having a headstart of like 6-7 million and the common assumption that PS3 would start narrowing that gap like, immediately?

I find it pretty much impossible that PS3 will ever catch up to 360 after this year.
DevelopmentArrested said:
You've already given up on America?

I shudder to imagine how many numbers he's pulled out of his ass to proclaim that the 360 and PS3 are within a few hundred thousand units of each other.

Next week he'll come in here saying the PS3 is over a million units ahead of the 360.
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