Private Hoffman said:I'm shocked that Sony/Microsoft haven't tried to emulate Nintendo's motion control success yet. Perhaps they're waiting for significant hardware revisions (smaller, more stylish and accessible), but it's not like the software that has sold gangbusters on the Wii is all that difficult to produce. These aren't big budget projects. They're just engaging, in the family get together/party sense.
I'm pretty confident that this is what Microsoft is going to show off at E3 -- some type of motion control tech to rival the Wii, with software that also appeals to the Wii crowd. They're already at mass market prices with the 360. Selling 8 million copies of Halo 4 won't necessarily broaden their base, but they could potentially undercut Nintendo's market a bit.
Ditto to Sony.
They aren't currently trying to match Nintendo's exact tech, which I think makes sense. They're not going to steal that mindshare by copying Nintendo's strategy. But they're definitely making games to go after that same market.
Microsoft has You're in the Movies and Lips. Sony has Singstar and Buzz. These are supposed to capture the same sort of people that play Wii Play and Wii Fit.
Those titles haven't quite been the successes that I think Microsoft and Sony have hoped for. Microsoft's titles have been especially lackluster at retail.