Firestorm said:
Yeah, but the NES and SNES had really strong third party support as well.
Yeah, I probably should have just limited it to the NES, because that is really the best comparison to what Nintendo has achieved with the Wii. With the NES, Nintendo brought millions of new people into gaming and really established many of their beloved brands with those customers. Much as they have done again now with the Wii. But even with the better 3rd-party support back then, it was Nintendo that carried those systems. Especially the NES. There wasn't another publisher that came anywhere close to touching Nintendo in sales or mindshare on the NES. Millions of people bought the NES for Mario, Zelda, etc. Just as now millions of people are buying Wiis for the Wii_line of games, Mario, etc.
In any case, I don't believe that Nintendo is actually discouraging 3rd-party support on the Wii. I just feel that they are indifferent to it for the most part. They would like to have it if 3rd-parties want to join the party. But they aren't willing to go out and spend all kinds of resources in order to procure 3rd-party support. And I tend to agree with that philosophy. The ROI on expending significant resources to attract 3rd-parties would be fairly minimal. But if they focus that time and money on building their own brands and software - the ROI on their 1st-party successes is far, far greater than any returns that they would see from costly moneyhats. And coming off of the Gamecube, I really do believe that costly moneyhats would have been the only way of getting 3rd-parties to bring any of their top franchises to the Wii at the start of this gen.
Firestorm said:
By the way, have you seen any Canadian NPD numbers recently?
Unfortunately not. The couple of sources I occasionally had dried up completely a while ago. I've been keeping an eye on Canadian news reports, media coverage, etc. for sales stuff, but even that has been mostly non-existent this past year. I'm assuming we'll at least get some kind of annual recap soon, but I'm not even holding my breath for that. It may turn out to be nothing more than industry-wide revenue numbers for the year. Keep your fingers crossed.