So what is the stock situation for PS4 gonna be like in the coming months?
Not really surprising, it's Disney after all. The appeal of those franchises is huuuuuuge.
Anxiously awaiting 3D World numbers. Hopefully it underperforms.
It's more like a race horse that keeps falling behind the rest of the pack, and a trainer who doesn't give a shit. And if they suddenly did give a shit, its bad shape would show through and it'd break its leg in the middle of the race.
You know how this story ends.
3m Xbox Ones vs 4.2m PS4s.
I think those yield issues were very much real unless you are suggesting there's 1.2m Xbox Ones sitting on shelves collecting dust?
Nintendo is so incredibly stupid for not having Mario Kart in November.
I mean, they've botched this entire generation and it wouldn't have saved them, but it still would have moved more consoles.
MajorNelson pointed out that the Xbox One got their FCC approval before the PS4, which could indicate that they started production earlier as they were ready earlier.The PS4 selling more in no way validates the silly rumor. Do we know exactly when both companies started manufacturing finished boxes (I was under the impression Sony had a head start there)? MS got a tremendous number of systems to stores in short order, which shows there was no where near the problem that fear mongers were suggesting.
Bad news?
Not really, but the system is down YoY. That's not good, whatever you might try to explain it.
Depends. Is 130k less than the Gamecube's 2nd December "flailing"? Is 1.4 million less than the Gamecube's equivalent LTD (especially when it's only sold 2 million) "flailing"?
It's worse than the Gamecube and falling behind fast. I think most people would say that's pretty bad.
Maybe those 600k-odd 360s will be where the Titanfall sales are...
Nintendo really needed to make a game like that, "Nintendo Universe"Not really surprising, it's Disney after all. The appeal of those franchises is huuuuuuge.
So much hyperbole.
I told you guys the XB1 would start outselling the PS4. No one believed me.
There's a meme for everything lol.
But they are still in first place, in the US and WW.congrats Sony on your 2nd place finish, maybe next December. goodluck with Halo 5.
I think it's almost a guarantee that the version of Titanfall that nobody knows anything about whatsoever at this point will probably sell better than the other two.
It just makes me sad to see Wii U and Vita doing as poorly as they are doing. Wii U, of course, because it's finally getting great games, and the market is not responding. A crime that Knack can sell better than Mario 3D World in any territory, genuinely.
But Vita especially hurts. When I see for example Kojima showing Remote play of the latest Metal Gear game on Vita, all I can think of is that with gaming dedicated handheld hardware slowly decreasing in all corners (including 3DS, gen over gen), that handheld hardware will probably never support games of that scope in a healthy market. And unless controllers gain traction in the iOS market, we've probably only got one or two more gens of a dedicated gaming handheld hardware being as it is without something seriously changing.
It didn't slow down in sales. They sold every unit they could make very quickly. If you have been paying attention to the retail threads you would know that the demand for PS4 is significantly higher. The difference is they were not just focussing on sending all their stock to the US. The fact that MS has unit sitting on the store shelves for a month and still didn't break a million is more concerning for them.
A bunch of posts in the prediction thread including mine say otherwise.
Guys, I just got back from the Target near me. They had piles of 3DS systems, but not Vita in stock. I think things are about to turn around for the Vita. (crosses fingers)
Pretty lame NPD. No stunningly good or bad numbers, everything just a little below what the consensus prediction was. Everyone able to claim some kind of flawed victory (bar Wii U, we don't know what they did yet). All that's left is the Wii U numbers.
The Nintendo quarterly thread is going to be where the fireworks happen.
The kind that wants to buy it at the bomba bin
Comparative brand power of Disney/Pixar's properties probably helped a lot.I know everyone is going for hardware numbers, but something in that yearly software list pops out at me.
Disney Infinity beat Skylanders Swap-Force for the year. That seems pretty impressive for a game released just to take a chunk of Activisions market with Skylanders.
In 2012, 5.6M Nintendo handhelds were sold in the US.A million sales is bad news if you look at what ppl are saying about 3DS. It's GAF. THERE ARE NO GOOD SALES lol
What's going to outsell it? Dark Souls II has great pull in the hardcore community, but it won't top Titanfall. Infamous? Launching on one console, I don't think so.
So, is MS's 3 mil number looking a little iffy now? Or does this news confirm it?
A million is bad sales for 3DS. Nintendo handhelds clean up year round, and December is no different. 3DS is consistently performing poorly.
They have piles of 3DS systems because they are selling lots. Just because a system is well stocked does not mean it isn't selling (see Xbox One).
congrats Sony on your 2nd place finish, maybe next December. goodluck with Halo 5.
They have piles of 3DS systems because they are selling lots. Just because a system is well stocked does not mean it isn't selling (see Xbox One).
Guys, I just got back from the Target near me. They had piles of 3DS systems, but not one Vita in stock. I think things are about to turn around for the Vita. (crosses fingers)
I told you guys the XB1 would start outselling the PS4. No one believed me.
Guys, I just got back from the Target near me. They had piles of 3DS systems, but not Vita in stock. I think things are about to turn around for the Vita. (crosses fingers)
The system is already cheap enough, further price drop won't help the system much more. And Smash Bros portable performance is in the air, considering is the first portable installment.
Nintendo already used almost all their bullets. They don't have much software that could compare to this year.
Would be more insane if the same thing hadn't happened the previous gen transition (PS2 domination to Wii domination).
more importantly did you check the duck versus geese stock situation?
If there were ever obvious sarcasm, the post you responded to was clearly it.