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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]

Why For?

Amazing 360 numbers, the fact that it's February makes it even more staggering.

Yay at Mahvel.

Fuck you Guerilla for ruining Killzone 3's chances of being a much better seller. Killzone 3 actually deserves big sales, but thatnks to that garbage that was Killzone 2, bad word of mouth affected KZ3 sales.


Hopefully pushes up next month. Fingers crossed. I'm REALLY enjoying Killzone 3.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
TheUnknownForce said:
Also, BLOPS being the top-selling game in the US is kinda asterisked by the fact that it is on every platform available, compared to Wii Play which is on only one, but that could be asterisked by the fact that it was bundled with hardware (which would remove Wii Fit and Plus, too).

What is the highest-selling, single-SKU game in the US without hardware bundled in?
Probably MK Wii.

Or MW2 360.


Gravijah said:
I should have been more specific btw, was talking about the franchise in general.

Because as a franchise it is totally unengaging. The visual centrepiece of the franchise, the helghast, while threatening, don't really have an presence apart from being "EVIL". The story in each game is bland, and while there are exciting moments in each game, the narrative really doesn't underpin the action in any significant way. It feels like a pretty hat held together by terrible sewing. It's warm and comforting initially, but it falls apart through overuse.

Basically, it's dull. Even the name screams generic shooty franchise, with no heart to it. The name "Halo" is mysterious and actually implies where the story there might go. The name "Call of Duty" lets you know exactly what you're getting in to. The name "Killzone"? Well, you know you'll be killing things.


Kusagari said:
Sony has utterly failed at getting any of their franchises made this gen into blockbuster territory except for Uncharted with 2.

Well, Nintendo is the only publisher with major new franchises this gen. MS doesn't have much either.


Kusagari said:
Sony has utterly failed at getting any of their franchises made this gen into blockbuster territory except for Uncharted with 2.
Itll be interesting to see UC3 sales. 2 topped the charts the first month, then it dissapeared IIRC. Stll, 4.7m WW.
corkscrewblow said:
Because it's terrible.

Yeah, it is, but it's wishful thinking to believe that quality has much to do with sales. By that reasoning, the best-selling games are the best games, and that way lies madness.
Leondexter said:
Multi-console owners is a small but significant portion of the market. But I'd argue that exclusives "you don't like" isn't relevant. If the system has exclusives that sell, or more importantly, that sell systems, then the manufacturer is doing it's job. And though I find Kinect detestable, it (and its games) are filling that role quite well.

It's still just a glorified Balance Board, though, not some wave of the future or new platform.

If you keep saying it over and over it will eventually become true.
Just Dance 2 is a monster that needs to be slain. It has outsold Dead Space 2 the last two months, and it came out last October! :\


butter_stick said:
The fact is the PS3 needs software to try and improve it's standing in the US, and nothing is doing it. Killzone sold well enough for a reasonably budgeted multiplatform game, but when it's an important title for a console with a lot of first party support behind, expectations are naturally higher.

Exactly. Would people say "hey, pretty good sales" if a major Halo launch landed near the bottom of the next month's NPD charts? Tentpole franchises that sell 'pretty good' are going to get that 'bomb' tag, because they're not put out expecting 'pretty good' sales.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Means MvC3 is around 600k, destroyed my expectations. Wii way up YoY as well.
Though Street Fighter IV did 849,000 same month/week, 2 years ago. So maybe is way more than 600k.


Gravijah said:
Well, that's the point! It should be doing amazing! :p

Oh come now, don't be like that! :p Even the Call of Duty games have interesting, if silly, stories underpinning the action! ;)


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
upJTboogie said:
Good for Killzone 3 considering it was out for 6 days.

Did it chart lower of higher than KZ2?
KZ2 had 3 days sales and sold 300k. It sold another 300k the next month. It then dropped out of the top 20.

KZ2 charted higher, but that doesn't mean it sold more. I think KZ2 probably did sell more though.


DMeisterJ said:
KZ3, a game that made top 10 bombed? :eek: Color me surprised.
against multiplaform games combined.

Also, killzone has never been huge. it has been overhyped, but that is all. People expect to much sometimes.


V_Ben said:
Because as a franchise it is totally unengaging. The visual centrepiece of the franchise, the helghast, while threatening, don't really have an presence apart from being "EVIL". The story in each game is bland, and while there are exciting moments in each game, the narrative really doesn't underpin the action in any significant way. It feels like a pretty hat held together by terrible sewing. It's warm and comforting initially, but it falls apart through overuse.

Basically, it's dull. Even the name screams generic shooty franchise, with no heart to it. The name "Halo" is mysterious and actually implies where the story there might go. The name "Call of Duty" lets you know exactly what you're getting in to. The name "Killzone"? Well, you know you'll be killing things.

I always thought this from the beginning. The overall look of the game felt generic. I think that's it's biggest problem. It rose to popularity initially based on the desire of Sony and the fanbase to have an answer for Halo, but the game never had the appeal of Master Chief or the look it needed to truly solidify itself and make it stand out.

Not to overuse the same cliche, but art direction held it back from the start. It's a shame cause technically the game was always very impressive.


I much prefer last generation's GTA domination than this generation COD domination. That series actually has a soul.


The best thing going for Killzone 3 is the fact people think it bombed after 6 days and in the top 10 best selling games in America.
Watchtower said:
If you keep saying it over and over it will eventually become true.

No, it's true already and will remain true until every major genre is competently represented by a Kinect game. Kinect is replacing dance pads and balance boards across the country, but you can't play most games with it, and you never will be able to.


The fact is the PS3 needs software to try and improve it's standing in the US, and nothing is doing it. Killzone sold well enough for a reasonably budgeted multiplatform game, but when it's an important title for a console with a lot of first party support behind, expectations are naturally higher.

the fact is that software that sells millions like COD or Halo doesn't come always as expected and not always means that is a high quality product. Even Uncharted doesn't do those huge numbers so SOny need to keep trying and have a little luck.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Leondexter said:
Multi-console owners is a small but significant portion of the market. But I'd argue that exclusives "you don't like" isn't relevant. If the system has exclusives that sell, or more importantly, that sell systems, then the manufacturer is doing it's job. And though I find Kinect detestable, it (and its games) are filling that role quite well.

It's still just a glorified Balance Board, though, not some wave of the future or new platform.

.............. yeah, you're in for a big surprise buddy.
NHale said:
That's the same people that said GT5 bombed. They will probably never learn though.

GT5 eked by 1 million units in the US by the end of December, vs well over 4 million in PAL territories (if the 6 million shipped figure is accurate).

If "bomb" is an overstatement, calling it a rousing success in the US would certainly be an overstatement.

Multi-console owners is a small but significant portion of the market.

Are we really though? Pre-order bonuses, exclusive DLC, framerate/effect losses, and platform-exclusive advertising seem to have no effect (Mafia 2, AC2, FF13, Dead Space 2) just as often as they supposedly do (COD, Batman AA, Dante's Inferno).

But I'd argue that exclusives "you don't like" isn't relevant. If the system has exclusives that sell, or more importantly, that sell systems, then the manufacturer is doing it's job. And though I find Kinect detestable, it (and its games) are filling that role quite well.

It's still just a glorified Balance Board, though, not some wave of the future or new platform.

If Dance Central/Dance Central 2 and Kinect Sports/Kinect Sports 2 are the only hits for the remainder of the system's life, you might have a case.


Why people pretend to not know there's nothing Sony can do to change its position in the United States? Seriously, they should just let it go, keeping to do what they are already doing without trying some crazy stunt. In my view, not even if Kinect was a Sony idea it would have worked like it did with X360.


Amir0x said:
I would argue that the sales of Kinect were largely driven by a flush in casuals. If the hardcore was doing it, Microsoft 360 would have been #1 for a long time.

Now, with the Kinect-oriented 360 future, the system holds virtually no appeal for a self-respecting hardcore member in the current announced lineup. The lineup is abysmal. Gears of War 3 and maybe Forza.

lol this is turning into some kind of freaking religion now. You can still play hardcore games on 360, it has almost all of them and with a normal controller. I'm playing Mass Effect right now, it seems to be working properly. Good numbers for Wii I think and Donkey Kong. This all bodes well for Skyward Sword.
tzare said:
the fact is that software that sells millions like COD or Halo doesn't come always as expected and not always means that is a high quality product. Even Uncharted doesn't do those huge numbers so SOny need to keep trying and have a little luck.

But they don't seem to be trying. They're making sequels to games in saturated genres that barely broke a million units worldwide and didn't affect PS3 hardware sales.


Wow, the Wii did extremely well this month. As a Nintendo fanboy I am pleased.

360 did well also, they must be pleased about Kinect


lowrider007 said:
oh come of it, of course most people can't tell the difference on a technical level but they can 'feel' that something is different, most of my friends don't understand how frame-rate effects games but they all love how COD feels and controls, there is a reason why the devs take the extra time out tweaking the game to run as close to 60 fps as possible, it's proven formula that they know works for them and gives the game a unique feel compared to other shooters.

Not really. I've never noticed a tiny bit of different between a 30fps game and a 60fps game. Not everyone notices these things.
Iwata- Apple is the enemy of the future

*Microsofts laughs*

Nice job microsoft. Everytime i see those damn kinect commercials i can't do anything else but nod my head. They handled kinect wonderfully.

PS3 fanboy in me is very disappointed for sony though. :(........at least sony wins world wide!!!!


V_Ben said:
Because as a franchise it is totally unengaging. The visual centrepiece of the franchise, the helghast, while threatening, don't really have an presence apart from being "EVIL". The story in each game is bland, and while there are exciting moments in each game, the narrative really doesn't underpin the action in any significant way. It feels like a pretty hat held together by terrible sewing. It's warm and comforting initially, but it falls apart through overuse.

Basically, it's dull. Even the name screams generic shooty franchise, with no heart to it. The name "Halo" is mysterious and actually implies where the story there might go. The name "Call of Duty" lets you know exactly what you're getting in to. The name "Killzone"? Well, you know you'll be killing things.

i can't disagree, although i like killzone 3. the same could be said of just about any big ( or attempting to be big ) fps game. for me cod is dull as dishwater but most of my xbl friends are all over it. it has shown me that i have no concept of what the masses will go for.


Killzone 2 did 323,000 two years ago in aroudn 3 days.
Some are acting as if they were expecting Killzone 3 to do a million with just 3 more days.

PS3 first party-sequel releases, so far has followed similar trends (first games does "normal" numbers, second one does similar or slightly better numbers then disappear the following NPD chart: Look at Little Big Planet 2 and Uncharted 2 compared to the first games).

So that puts Killzone 3 at around 320-350k units; which is around the same compared to #2.

Seems that PS3 first party releases are just selling to the same fans/owners rather than expanding.
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