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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]


Also, KZ2 open with ~350k sales. Why did people expect KZ3 to perform significantly better when history of Sony 1st/2nd party games says otherwise (Uncharted 2 withstanding)?
Grecco said:
Eh not so sure. Microsoft made sure Kinect would be a success with things like the 500m spent on advertisement, and having Justin beiber plug it in his concerts Months before it came out.

Sony barely advertised the Move controler, and used Kevin butler to do it. A character that is quickly becoming stale.

Its not that sony couldnt have had a succesfull kinect. its that they just didnt want to really. Sony seems scatershot.

Problem for Sony is they didn't have a clear direction with Move. They truly did just copy the Wii. They probably believed that by playing it safe, and being similar to the Wii it would ensure Wii/Move third party leading support and marginalize Kinect, much like PS3/360 drew in the bulk of third party support and marginalized the Wii.

It backfired as it actually ended up making Kinect the next hot thing, and motion controls old had. As far as support goes, it remains to be seen how it pans out. But I can easily see a situation where Kinect will get more exclusives and innovating titles while Move and Wii share third party multiplatform titles, both taking turns as lead platform.
Averon said:
Also, KZ2 open with ~350k sales. Why did people expect KZ3 to perform significantly better when history of Sony 1st/2nd party games says otherwise (Uncharted 2 withstanding)?
Because there's more PS3s out there now and Sony advertised the shit out of it, maybe.


thuway said:
Can Piracy be blamed on lower Killzone 3 sales?
Since it has such a huge file size and LBP2 actually had a better opening than LBP1, my guess would be it is general disinterest caused by so much competition in the FPS genre.

Killzone needs some kind of well marketed hook that differentiates it a bit more to keep its sales from being eaten by CoD.


Carl said:
Not really. I've never noticed a tiny bit of different between a 30fps game and a 60fps game. Not everyone notices these things.

Please tell me that you can tell the difference between Killzone 3 snow map and BLOPS. That snow level with drones has be be 20 fps at times (if not lower). Anyways congrats to MS....they just keep on truckin. Hopefully these new owners are buying software too.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Psychotext said:
You could say it probably hasn't bombed vs it's predecessor... but why judge it differently to any other game? Killzone 2 sold an average amount at best, equalling (or beating those sales slightly) doesn't make Killzone 3 a success suddenly.

That's ignoring the fact that there were only 6.7m PS3s out there in Feburary 2009, vs 11.1m PS3s now.

And it doesn't make it a 'bomb' either to be fair, and we all know that a higher hardware install base don't always equate proportionately to higher sales of software.
Psychotext said:
You could say it probably hasn't bombed vs it's predecessor... but why judge it differently to any other game? Killzone 2 sold an average amount at best, equalling (or beating those sales slightly) doesn't make Killzone 3 a success suddenly.

That's ignoring the fact that there were only 6.7m PS3s out there in Feburary 2009, vs 11.1m PS3s now.
Really, top 10 NPD is average at best now?

As to your second point, I suppose Halo Reach bombed as well considering the massive 360 base increase.

I think bottom line is that the Killzone series has never been a mega-seller or gotten mainstream appeal.

Why For?

Mr.NiceGuy said:
But it plays and looks like garbage.

Call of Duty has MANY flaws, but the way it plays is not one of them. Game plays pretty much like perfection, which is a major contributor to it's reputation and sales.

- Story
- AI
- Level design
- Graphics
- Infinite spawn enemies

Those are the reason CoD sucks balls. Not how it plays.
Maybe the beta was the reason Killzone 3 bombed? There was an endless stream of negative impressions all over the net. That couldn't have helped.

Edit: My bad, not "bombed" but did not as well as expected.
Sony really is in trouble in NPD market because it seems motion controllers is the biggest market and Move just seems to be nonexsistant, whereas Kinect is everywhere.


snoopeasystreet said:
PlayStation 2 101.9K
PlayStation 3 360.1K
PSP 133.4K
Xbox 360 422.0K
Wii 397.9K
Nintendo DS 613.2K

I wonder what is causing hardware to go up this month? Is the economy that much better? Are people spending their tax money on game consoles?

Some wild guesses: Kinect + slim selling more 360s. Move selling more PS3s. Just Dance selling Wiis. Two of these guesses are likely wrong, but something is causing hardware to be up.
alr1ghtstart said:
I just hope the COD trend ends before next gen.

Why does it matter to you? I personally like COD as a douchebag magnet. If they all gravitate towards a single series then other online game might actually be bearable.


bish gets all the credit :)
outunderthestars said:
Why does it matter to you? I personally like COD as a douchebag magnet. If they all gravitate towards a single series then other online game might actually be bearable.

It has ruined (indirectly) at least 3 games I have played.
Skiesofwonder said:
A. Kinect is pretty much Microsoft's gaming future.

B. Kinect IS a new platform, which you will see tons of support for over the upcoming years, unlike the balance board.

And just in case someone hasn't caught on:

C. Motion Control Gaming is here to stay.... like it or not.

A. No, it's just a part of it. There are far more non-Kinect games on the way for the 360 than Kinect games.
B. No, it isn't. It will be better supported, yes--it already is, by far. That's why I said "glorified".
C. No kidding. I love motion control...when it works.


Gold Member
Incredible how much more accessible and mainstream the 360 is than the PS3, and how much of a shift it is compared to last gen.
onipex said:
I wonder what is causing hardware to go up this month? Is the economy that much better? Are people spending their tax money on game consoles?

Some wild guesses: Kinect + slim selling more 360s. Move selling more PS3s. Just Dance selling Wiis. Two of these guesses are likely wrong, but something is causing hardware to be up.
I don't know about the Wii but I agree about Kinect/Move. Personally I spent more than I usually would because of the Move, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


lowrider007 said:
Tell me how has it bombed?, are you comparing it to KZ2 sales?, did you expect it to get in the top 5 of a combined platform chart? since when was Killzone held in such high esteem in terms of it's sales?
The budget for the KZ series is supposed to be huge. You need to sell a ton of software to recoup huge budgets.


butter_stick said:
Because there's more PS3s out there now and Sony advertised the shit out of it, maybe.

Was KZ3 advertise really that amazing. The advertising effort seemed pretty average for a "big name" game nowadays. As for being more PS3s out there, it's true, but I don't think KZ2 converted many people who did or didn't like the series into picking up the sequel not getting it. Doubly so since the sequel, from the previews to reviews, made to seem like a expanded version of KZ2 with more fantastic set pieces.
Kolgar said:
Nice 360 hardware numbers. I believe another vindication dance is in order!


see5harp said:
Please tell me that you can tell the difference between Killzone 3 snow map and BLOPS. That snow level with drones has be be 20 fps at times (if not lower). Anyways congrats to MS....they just keep on truckin. Hopefully these new owners are buying software too.

Never bought or played BLOPS (or any COD game since WAW), so no. But every other 60/30fps game i have played, if i didn't know what FPS it was, i would have no idea.
30SomethingGamer said:
Sony really is in trouble in NPD market because it seems motion controllers is the biggest market and Move just seems to be nonexsistant, whereas Kinect is everywhere.
But the PS3 sold really well this month. Likely due to CoD, $50 vouchers and Killzone bundles.
Averon said:
Was KZ3 advertise really that amazing. The advertising effort seemed pretty average for a "big name" game nowadays. As for being more PS3s out there, it's true, but I don't think KZ2 converted many people who did or didn't like the series into picking up the sequel not getting it. Doubly so since the sequel, from the previews to reviews, made to seem like a expanded version of KZ2 with more fantastic set pieces.
Maybe it's just random but I've seen so much KZ3 advertising. I don't know the specifics, obviously, but it feels like Sony put a lot of weight behind it.


Call of Duty 2 was a great game. Every iteration after that loses points in my book, simply because nothing has evolved except the perk system.


Psychotext said:
That's ignoring the fact that there were only 6.7m PS3s out there in Feburary 2009, vs 11.1m PS3s now.

Considering over 8.5M PS3s were sold from Mar 2009 to Feb 2011, I'd say your LTD math is a little wrong there.


thanks for the laugh
Skiesofwonder said:
While I totally disagree with "sup-par control system" and "no realistic application in 99.9% of all genres" comments I say we save this discussion for another thread lol. Though I can see how you could come to that point considering I HATE keyboard and mouse
please don't read into this comment gaffers, I'm not comparing KB&M to Kinect in any way, shape, or form. I'm just trying to explain how I relate to Amirox's feelings towards Kinect.

you hate keyboard and mouse, but can acknowledge its unbridled superiority in a wealth of genres, bringing a level of dexterity, precision and freedom that despite its unassuming utilitarian form factor has formed the vanguard for gamers wishing maximize their agency and expression through a control device.

and while you'll preference kinect, you can acknowledge it's so far only been used for eyetoy+ levels of gimmickry, canned animation triggering and vague simon-says dance games. while the few attempts we've seen at attempting to wrestle this technology into deeper, more nuanced experiences have only further exposed its inadequacy as a legitimate interface device; be it the half-second delay in the reaction based children of eden or the laughable level of auto-aim and lack of player agency in gunslinger.


What's most interesting is that the 360/Kinect success is seemingly having no impact on the Wii or Wii software.

I don't get it.
Great month for hardware all around. I honestly don't understand the appeal of Kinect, but props to Microsoft for their obvious marketing prowess. The numbers definitely caught me off guard. Nintendo, this is what happens when you're complacent for too long.

miladesn said:

LTD sales:
Donkey Kong Country Returns - 2m
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 8m
New Super Mario Bros. DS - 9m
Pokemon SoulSilver - 2m
Good job on DKCR Retro, may it have long legs at retail. Also, it's nice to see NSMBW slowly closing on NSMB. I hope it eventually overtakes it. The sequel is really everything the mediocre original should have been.
Killzone 2 was released Feb 27th. It did 300k first month and another 300k in March. It's safe to asume Killzone 3 won't touch these numbers in it's first 2 months.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Marvel vs Capcom 3 -- 790.2K
Bulletstorm -- 285.6K
Killzone 3 -- 279.9K

Numbers are real, unable to comment further. And this is not a policy shift re: leaks, so don't get any ideas.


Erm, the true bomb is Move. Maybe it was obvious from few months ago but that thing is tanking.

Props to MS for supporting their devices unlike idiot, can't market shit, Sony. Lol
butter_stick said:
Maybe it's just random but I've seen so much KZ3 advertising. I don't know the specifics, obviously, but it feels like Sony put a lot of weight behind it.
Killzone needs a reboot. Its not going to sell millions in its current state. They really need to get rid of the name also.
ghst said:
you hate keyboard and mouse, but can acknowledge its unbridled superiority in a wealth of genres, bringing a level of dexterity, precision and freedom that despite its unassuming utilitarian form factor has formed the vanguard for gamers wishing maximize their agency and expression through a control device.

and while you'll preference kinect, you can acknowledge it has so far only been used for eyetoy+ levels of gimmickry, canned animation triggering and vague simon-says dance games. while the few attempts we've seen at attempting to wrestle this technology into deeper, more nuanced experiences have only further exposed its inadequacy as a legitimate interface device; be it the half-second delay in the reaction based children of eden or the laughable level of auto-aim and lack of player agency in gunslinger.

Damn bro you have a way with words lol glad you're on the winning team
legend166 said:
What's most interesting is that the 360/Kinect success is seemingly having no impact on the Wii or Wii software.

I don't get it.

Probably falls into two groups.
1. People that had no interest in Wii but like the idea of controllerless gaming.
2. People that want an upgrade from the Wii.

Why For?

GavinGT said:
Call of Duty 2 was a great game. Every iteration after that loses points in my book, simply because nothing has evolved except the perk system.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was and always will be the pinnacle of the series.

Call of Duty 2 put it out there as a legitimate franchise, but 4 put it into the Halo/Mario sphere of influence/popularity/sales.


GavinGT said:
Call of Duty 2 was a great game. Every iteration after that loses points in my book, simply because nothing has evolved except the perk system.
The sales just multiplied after two though. So whats important Gavin's opinion or potential 10 mil sold each game?
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