NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


Good numbers for XB1. Great numbers for Bravely Default. MK8 should actually drive wii u sales by quite a bit. Not enough to save it long term but it should see the wii u have a couple really good months.
Everyone's talking about PS4 shipments increasing for March and outselling XB1 that month.

How many consoles do you think Sony is going to allocate to the US? 400K? 500K?

Also how many consoles do you guys think XB1 will sell that month? I'm expecting around 400K-500K considering this month's sales.


There are a few good places in Germany and Sweet spots in Amsterdam(I've been told) You cover Amsterdam I Cover Germany and as soon as we find them we rendezvous at their place?

Beerfest 2: Coked Up.

I am interested in the certainty that MS will outsell Sony this month coming from people. The silence from MS and EA on Titanfall sales is puzzling to be sure.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Do you live in New Zealand or Finland?
You should do stand-up, for reals.

Anywho Chicago brah, and yes PS4s are in stock in most of the stores Ive been to, its usually 2 or 3 not overstocked like xbone but yeah from what Ive seen they are available.
The Lego Movie split is really interesting:

360 and PS3 as best selling SKUs, then
3DS, then
...Wii U (interesting), then...
...Xbox One, and only then PS4 (very interesting)

Considering how the order between next gen is reversed for other titles, could we start making hypotesis about One being bought by shooter fans and...some casuals?!?

Some of that has to do with competitive release count.

Fewer games to choose from on the xone has something to do with that.
I can only assume 'Relaxed Muscle' refers to your sphincter, as you appear to be spilling shit all over.

Jus' playing, I think the library is fucking killer but 'the market' obviously disagrees. Fuck 'em.

Playing here too. I have more Vita games, thanks to PS+, than 3DS games. Just waiting for the thing to drop enough. Cheers.


I do think in general the Xbox 360 made a lot more inroads among younger and family inroads than the PS3 in the US, so following the same brand lines wouldn't overly surprise me.

Yup. They're completely shitting a lot of that away by not having a viable experience to pimp the Kinect.
i was referring to USA where the Microsoft brand has a big market share

i mean i am in a NPD thread


Which is why you should know better than to use data from one single territory to make generalized conclusions on the next-gen sales race as a whole on a global scale. Which is kind of what the post that a lot of people criticized did. You say you were originally referring to the US only... can you point me to these posts you are referring to where people said the PS4 would have a big lead in the US (not globally)?
Everyone's talking about PS4 shipments increasing for March and outselling XB1 that month.

How many consoles do you think Sony is going to allocate to the US? 400K? 500K?

Also how many consoles do you guys think XB1 will sell that month? I'm expecting around 400K-500K

I think it'll be something like that.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Considering everything, great sales for the Xbone.

Still, without dominating the american stronghold and losing the UK; the Xbone's perspectives are somewhat limited.


Consider this

Xbox one had more exclusives and more bigger games at launch than ps3, it also got titanfall in mid march. Ps4 is getting 2 games in 2 weeks in a row . One is zeroes which is miles ahead in sales at amazon for ps4 compared to xbox one version and the only big exclusive after killzone. So consider this. Ps4 fans have had 1 big exclusive since launch. Xbox one had 3. That might make infamous a kind of an anomaly where even if they had not bought the game otherwise , people would buy it because it fills the temporary drought. Dont be surprised if the infamous sales get very close to titanfall

Well if you're going to use Amazon as a metric, you should know that Titanfall for XB1 ranks 6 in the video game department, while Infamous is 30th for the year.


Everyone's talking about PS4 shipments increasing for March and outselling XB1 that month.

How many consoles do you think Sony is going to allocate to the US? 400K? 500K?

Also how many consoles do you guys think XB1 will sell that month? I'm expecting around 400K-500K considering this month's sales.
Its going to be close I think ,with slight wins for either one.


I do think in general the Xbox 360 made a lot more inroads among younger and family inroads than the PS3 in the US, so following the same brand lines wouldn't overly surprise me.

Too bad they didn't make a Wii version. The family market for that game hasn't died yet if we take Skylanders and Disney: Infinity, and Just Dance as any indication.

Some of that has to do with competitive release count.

Fewer games to choose from on the xone has something to do with that.

Nah, that's just more younger kids and families on 360, Wii U, and XBox One vs. PS4/PS3. Occam Razor, etc.
-Bravely Default: Over 200K physical + digital

This is insane, we are definitely getting BD2 (UK will stay pressed), and we also have a shot of getting some DQ localizations.

#Praise3DSUS #JusticeForDQ7


Maybe already posted or a thread was made, but I just randomly saw this:

XSEED said:
We've received quite a few inquiries asking about Rune Factory 4 since it's been difficult to find in stores in North America. Don't worry! It's just been selling well beyond our expectations, so we're working as quickly as possible to restock physical copies. We encourage you to periodically check back with retailers since they should be getting more in stock soon. Thanks for making Rune Factory 4 a major success, guys!

edit: my bad, the posted this news a month ago.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
So this is what I'm getting from this thread.

The US is really the only ones buying Xbox one in a territory where Xbox is expected to do big.

Yet ps4 is still leading in sales in the US despite not having as many killer exclusives as the Xbox one.

Titan fall and infamous drop this month and should be a battle.

Not to mention I didn't even count world numbers because ps4 is absolutely dominating.


The Lego Movie split is really interesting:

360 and PS3 as best selling SKUs, then
3DS, then
...Wii U (interesting), then...
...Xbox One, and only then PS4 (very interesting)

Considering how the order between next gen is reversed for other titles, could we start making hypotesis about One being bought by shooter fans and...some casuals?!?

I think I'm actually going to make a prediction right here and say that I think that the Xbox brand is currently very popular for a young demographic and families, moreso than the PS4, and by young I mean children to young teens (the 5-15 age range). People make jokes about how kids buy Call of Duty, but I really do think it has a lot of truth to it; despite the M rating, the Call of Duty brand is popular in that demographic, and I'd argue that the general makeup of the buying audience for Call of Duty probably skews younger than Battlefield. The other games that sell better on Xbox One are LEGO and Skylanders games, which are also very popular for a younger/family demographic.

I think it's kind of interesting because I remember in the PS2/Xbox days, Sony seemed to be the champion among that demographic whereas Microsoft seemed to have marketing that appealed more to the older teen/young adult crowd.


Junior Member

Which is why you should know better than to use data from one single territory to make generalized conclusions on the next-gen sales race as a whole on a global scale. Which is kind of what the post that a lot of people criticized did. You say you were originally referring to the US only... can you point me to these posts you are referring to where people said the PS4 would have a big lead in the US (not globally)?

This was my point to him as explained it perfectly, better than i did.

Also someone else quoted me for asking me why i was bringing up world wide sales numbers when we are in a NPD thread...well to that person, this quote above is what it was all about and it was not just me pointing out WW numbers but many people in this thread..

Miles X

No 4 million mark PR yet. They would of said it if they had it.
Also, no 24 or 48 hour Titanfall sales PR yet,... even after the Titanfall commercial in the PR statements.

What are you actually expecting?? They only quote shipments, and if you don't think they've shipped 100k units since 2013 especially with the Titanfall bundles, then I don't know what to tell you. Other than you're wrong.

They'll announce 5m shipped in April with their financials.


10. Bravely Default (3DS)


That's only counting retail too. BD did outsell LR when you count digital numbers.


Well, when you consider that 18 months ago, North America was on lock for Microsoft and all they had to do was not shit the bed and then they proceeded to have diarrhea all over the bed, it's kind of a win really.

Thanks for the mental image of Mattrick letting it all out. :D


still wont sell

Scale down the team and game accordingly to match its niche, ignore mass market potential and don't compromise on game design. Give us a fast-paced, goth/stylized 2Dvania with no sponge enemies and one that respects its audience. And for gods sake stop paning the camera towards flashing platforms, we. get. it. God, MoF is such a piece of shite in every way possible. And wtf is up with the music, make it more "feminine" again please.
Well if you're going to use Amazon as a metric, you should know that Titanfall for XB1 ranks 6 in the video game department, while Infamous is 30th for the year.

Also consider this . In beginning march, titanfall went from 15th to 6th for 2014, infamous went from 52 to 30 in the last 2 weeks


Retailers were giving away $60 games or $50 gift cards in February to try and clear out some of their Xbone stock.

While the PS4 was often out of stock.

This. I still haven't seen PS4s in the wild, but I'm not actively looking or anything either.

I still think regardless of any other factors the Xbox One is going to outsell the PS4 for at least March in the US just on the strength of Titanfall. I don't really buy the Infamous over Titanfall argument honestly; Titanfall speaks much more to the CoD crowd and has gotten way more advertisement and whatnot. Titanfall has been the elephant in the room since launch for the Xbox, what's going to make or break things short-term is how much of a spike it gives the Xbox One, and then either if that leads to a generally uptick or if it drops off. Feels like after Titanfall and Infamous are out there aren't any really other heavy hitters for a decent while.


Consider this

Xbox one had more exclusives and more bigger games at launch than ps3, it also got titanfall in mid march. Ps4 is getting 2 games in 2 weeks in a row . One is zeroes which is miles ahead in sales at amazon for ps4 compared to xbox one version and the only big exclusive after killzone. So consider this. Ps4 fans have had 1 big exclusive since launch. Xbox one had 3. That might make infamous a kind of an anomaly where even if they had not bought the game otherwise , people would buy it because it fills the temporary drought. Dont be surprised if the infamous sales get very close to titanfall

I'll be pretty damn surprised considering the more hyped Titanfall has an extra 2 weeks in tracked sales.
Everyone's talking about PS4 shipments increasing for March and outselling XB1 that month.

How many consoles do you think Sony is going to allocate to the US? 400K? 500K?

Also how many consoles do you guys think XB1 will sell that month? I'm expecting around 400K-500K considering this month's sales.

Not gonna happen. Xbone has March in the bag. It probably won't be by a massive margin, but they've got March. Possibly April depending on whether Sony get their supply issues sorted out by then.


Well, the popcorn party has started. NPD didnt disappoint with all fanboy armies at war. Glad xbone isn't on life support, but next month will be the "true" indicator if Titanfall did "massive" sales like MS is banking on. Not sure why Sony is letting limiting supply of PS4's?? Do they really want MS to catch up in sales sold??


Attach rates have been very good, yah, but damn 'last gen' software sales fall out so quickly is still shocking. A lot of red this year. This fiscal needs to hurry up and end for everyone :)

"Next-gen software sales in the consoles' first four months are up 80 percent compared with the combined sales of Xbox 360 and PS3 software in the same time period. The 9 percent decline in overall software sales is attributed to weakening sales for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii, which is expected, according to NPD. "

The faster people adopt next-gen, the faster old gen dies, and the transition is being very fast.

I'm sure the industry would love to eat their cake and have it, but...


Not gonna happen. Xbone has March in the bag. It probably won't be by a massive margin, but they've got March. Possibly April depending on whether Sony get their supply issues sorted out by then.
Sure if you ignore that the PS4 has been instock more this month than last month.


Oh the 360 will most definitely pass the Wii. That isn't a question. I haven't looked at official numbers in awhile but it has to be very close now.

In the US, very close. Within a couple million, I think. Worldwide, not so much. 360 needs about 20 million.
superficial analysis all over this thread. you gotta look behind the numbers, the meaning. it's pretty clearly a win for ms this month, if you take into consideration legitimate purchases vs hype purchases. i'd give silver to nintendo based on a 60% doom prediction handicap.
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