NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]



i don't own an xbone or ps4, nor do i have any interest in either atm

but whatever I'm done. i said one thing about hardware company and got jumped on by some defensive people

No, you made a pretty dumb claim, don't get all high-horsey when people call you out on it.
The lead is under 100k in the u.s for Sony. Titanfall marketing is much higher,sony still isn't marketing their titles well. That is why i expect titanfall to sell more on xbox one. Also i never said xbox one will outsell ps4 this gen. I said i see xbox one selling more in the u.s this year.

I've said this before, but go check out the view counts on youtube for Infamous and compare them to Titanfall. Infamous's highest viewed vids has over a million more views.


Junior Member

i don't own an xbone or ps4, nor do i have any interest in either atm

but whatever I'm done. i said one thing about hardware company and got jumped on by some defensive people

I just think people want to keep it real

by the way...I apologize for calling you an idiot, if that even matters to you

10. Bravely Default (3DS)



Junior Member
im impressed with the XBO sales considering the price of the console, now, if only sony put more units out there on stores man, things would be very, very interesting



i don't own an xbone or ps4, nor do i have any interest in either atm

but whatever I'm done. i said one thing about hardware company and got jumped on by some defensive people

So you're not going to provide a single quote from the "countless" people who supposedly claimed the PS4 had the US on lock?


Dr Bass


i don't own an xbone or ps4, nor do i have any interest in either atm

but whatever I'm done. i said one thing about hardware company and got jumped on by some defensive people

Nope, I'm not defensive at all. I buy every system, PS4, X1, Wii U.

I just prefer accuracy.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I wonder how hard it is to still get a PS4 in most places? They are mostly in stock in my area (though not stockpiled like xbones). Either way impressive for both PS4 and xbone. I think its easy to say TF will single-handedly win March for xbone..after that who knows, Im expecting alot of parity in sales till the Fall.

And Wii U..I dont know what to think anymore..I just want the thing to survive long enough to get a new legit Zelda.


Is the 130 000 DKC Tropical Freeze sales only for one week of sales ?, if so that's impressive !

How was the advertising for it, improved over other first party games like Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD and 3D World ?.

WiiU hardware is much higher than people were predicting, who knew that software sells hardware Nintendo...

If a single week of DKC can spike WiiU hardware sales to 83k then MK8 is going to push WiiU hardware above 300 000 for June imo.

Apophis, stop yourself before you hurt yourself.


The Lego Movie split is really interesting:

360 and PS3 as best selling SKUs, then
3DS, then
...Wii U (interesting), then...
...Xbox One, and only then PS4 (very interesting)

Considering how the order between next gen is reversed for other titles, could we start making hypotesis about One being bought by shooter fans and...some casuals?!?

I do think in general the Xbox 360 made a lot more inroads among younger and family inroads than the PS3 in the US, so following the same brand lines wouldn't overly surprise me.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I wonder how hard it is to still get a PS4 in most places? They are mostly in stock in my area (though not stockpiled like xbones). Either way impressive for both PS4 and xbone. I think its easy to say TF will single-handedly win March for xbone..after that who knows, Im expecting alot of parity in sales till the Fall.

And Wii U..I dont know what to think anymore..I just want the thing to survive long enough to get a new legit Zelda.

Do you live in New Zealand or Finland?
Consider this

Xbox one had more exclusives and more bigger games at launch than ps3, it also got titanfall in mid march. Ps4 is getting 2 games in 2 weeks in a row . One is zeroes which is miles ahead in sales at amazon for ps4 compared to xbox one version and the only big exclusive after killzone. So consider this. Ps4 fans have had 1 big exclusive since launch. Xbox one had 3. That might make infamous a kind of an anomaly where even if they had not bought the game otherwise , people would buy it because it fills the temporary drought. Dont be surprised if the infamous sales get very close to titanfall


Media Create Maven
I do wonder what this means for Mario Kart 8 and the Wii U in all honesty. I think the hype for Mario Kart 8 is quite a bit greater than 3D World. For one, people had great impressions about MK8 from the first trailer (unlike 3D World), and it continues to be marketed a lot. Could the Wii U break 200K for June? I think it's fairly likely Wii U will break 100K in sales considering DK got it to 83K. Just looking at the preorders on Amazon throughout the world, MK8 is easily higher on the charts compared to basically every other Wii U game anywhere. If that keeps up, it could actually sell fairly decently. It actually hit #1 on Amazon in a bunch of countries a good 2-3 months before its release of all things. If that doesn't indicate decent hype, I'm not sure what does.
The lead is under 100k in the u.s for Sony. Titanfall marketing is much higher,sony still isn't marketing their titles well. That is why i expect titanfall to sell more on xbox one. Also i never said xbox one will outsell ps4 this gen. I said i see xbox one selling more in the u.s this year.

Eh? I'm gonna have to check the #s, because that doesn't sound right. Considering PS4 outsold XBO by 100,000 in January alone, and another 100,000 (at least) in November, that's already 100k more than you're claiming.

And my #s take the low road.


no doubt the FF quality comparisons really helped with pushing BD.

people really read in to this kinda stuff now. especially with niche games.

the Internet is your most powerful marketing tool.
use it wisely SEGA and bring us Yakuza 5!


Does anyone seriously believe the Titanfall beta had any influence on sales? The hype yes but the beta was very short and imo very hard to get into in the beginning before they opened it up. I tried for over a day on twitter to get a code and finally got one. It was only open to everyone for what, two days?

Part of me wonders if Sony is hoarding a few PS4s for March for Infamous, and so they can combat in the only real month MS can put up a fight. I'll laugh if PS4 still wins March

That would be insanely stupid. The longer they are out of supply, the more likely people are to not get a PS4 and possibly go with an XB1 instead.
The Lego Movie split is really interesting:

360 and PS3 as best selling SKUs, then
3DS, then
...Wii U (interesting), then...
...Xbox One, and only then PS4 (very interesting)

Considering how the order between next gen is reversed for other titles, could we start making hypotesis about One being bought by shooter fans and...some casuals?!?

Wasn't another lego game doing better on The One previously too?


Really happy to see Bravely Default find success in the west. Means the Franchise will live and we can get some more awesome games


Let him enjoy his sub 20k Vita sales and it's lackluster library.
I can only assume 'Relaxed Muscle' refers to your sphincter, as you appear to be spilling shit all over.

Jus' playing, I think the library is fucking killer but 'the market' obviously disagrees. Fuck 'em.

Damn, Smoky. I thought you were cool, bro.

Sorry man, can't stand 'em. I'd rather play literally any other genre. Well, maybe not visual novels.


no doubt the FF quality comparisons really helped with pushing BD.

people really read in to this kinda stuff now. especially with niche games.

the Internet is your most powerful marketing tool.
use it wisely SEGA and bring us Yakuza 5!

Well I mean all the BD info is even on the FF wiki.

Much like Oblivion -> Fallout 3 I think consumers generally got the message of what was going on there.


all these people talking about worldwide numbers would actually matter if games from outside the u.s. were actually coming stateside.

For all the japan sales the ps4 will get it will mean absolutely nothing unless those games come to the u.s. for me to play.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Does anyone seriously believe the Titanfall beta had any influence on sales? The hype yes but the beta was very short and imo very hard to get into in the beginning before they opened it up. I tried for over a day on twitter to get a code and finally got one. It was only open to everyone for what, two days?

Sure. If I had not already owned a PS2 at the time, I would have bought on for the MGS2 demo on release day because I would be planning to already buy it in the future.

Not saying it was a huge impact, but I bet a few people did buy an XBO a month early for the beta.

edit: and it wasn't hard to get in. I signed up for the Xbox One beta and got in on the second day. I gave my key to a member here.


Does anyone seriously believe the Titanfall beta had any influence on sales? The hype yes but the beta was very short and imo very hard to get into in the beginning before they opened it up. I tried for over a day on twitter to get a code and finally got one. It was only open to everyone for what, two days?

Only takes some people getting into it and then telling their friends they should join. There are several other good games the shooter community seems to like to play with Forza and KI, so they had something to occupy their time before Titanfall.

Will be interesting to see if this creates any momentum for Xbox that they can sustain.


Is the 130 000 DKC Tropical Freeze sales only for one week of sales ?, if so that's impressive !

How was the advertising for it, improved over other first party games like Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD and 3D World ?.

WiiU hardware is much higher than people were predicting, who knew that software sells hardware Nintendo...

If a single week of DKC can spike WiiU hardware sales to 83k then MK8 is going to push WiiU hardware above 300 000 for June imo.

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