NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]

That's... actually much better than I was expecting for One.

We still don't seem to have a Wii like seller this generation, but two selling respectably will cushion the blow of a completely irrelevant Nintendo.

Gaming is saved!


You should do stand-up, for reals.

Anywho Chicago brah, and yes PS4s are in stock in most of the stores Ive been to, its usually 2 or 3 not overstocked like xbone but yeah from what Ive seen they are available.
Ive had the same experience here in the DMV area. Three different stores over the last two weeks ive seen both X1s and PS4s available. PS4 is obviously limited as its nowhere near as heavily stocked tho.


So this is what I'm getting from this thread.

The US is really the only ones buying Xbox one in a territory where Xbox is expected to do big.

Yet ps4 is still leading in sales in the US despite not having as many killer exclusives as the Xbox one.

Titan fall and infamous drop this month and should be a battle.

Not to mention I didn't even count world numbers because ps4 is absolutely dominating.

and yet you forgot the most important part... 100 dollar difference
Consider this

Xbox one had more exclusives and more bigger games at launch than ps3, it also got titanfall in mid march. Ps4 is getting 2 games in 2 weeks in a row . One is zeroes which is miles ahead in sales at amazon for ps4 compared to xbox one version and the only big exclusive after killzone. So consider this. Ps4 fans have had 1 big exclusive since launch. Xbox one had 3. That might make infamous a kind of an anomaly where even if they had not bought the game otherwise , people would buy it because it fills the temporary drought. Dont be surprised if the infamous sales get very close to titanfall

Wouldn't be surprised, tbh. I'm not gonna lie: I'm buying infamous for that exact reason


You can't prove shit.

(brb, erasing VK3 trophies)

Nah, I can't stand JRPGs. Even P4G got boring after 20-30 hours. VK3 is not a good game, but at least I can press a button to twat things with my sword.

Always can tell a fellow brit by the way he uses the word twat.


What are you actually expecting?? They only quote shipments, and if you don't think they've shipped 100k units since 2013 especially with the Titanfall bundles, then I don't know what to tell you. Other than you're wrong.

They'll announce 5m shipped in April with their financials.

Okay. So, still under 4.
I don't really care what they shipped or channel stuffing.



well that confirms LR<200k
however, does this account for Lightning Returns' own digital sales?
either way HAHAHAHA

Well if we take Harker's statement that generally digital sales are 10% or less for 360/PS3 games, I can confirm that BD outsold it by a fair margin.

Which also has the interesting implication that BD's digital sales were pretty large.


Honestly that's pretty sad for SE, very sad indeed.

The FF brand isn't the same insta-seller it used to be, and Bravely Default feels like a fresh departure from the usual mainline series. I hope SE makes more new IPs that feel like FF games, rather than continue on with the mainline series in hopes of reviving it.


My only doubt about the "Titanfall effect" is about 360 users , if the game provides similar experience in both consoles ( Xbone /360) there is no reason for current 360 owners to move to Xbone.

We will see....

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Not gonna happen. Xbone has March in the bag. It probably won't be by a massive margin, but they've got March. Possibly April depending on whether Sony get their supply issues sorted out by then.

How can you be so sure? Millions more ps4's in the world than Xbox one, and infamous.

Do you only mean US sales?


Pretty happy with the PS4/XB1 sales. No matter what your console of choice is, it's always good to see the hardware market in a healthy position.

I wish the Wii U sold more, but I'm at least glad that it's in 82,000 more homes! It's such a fun system.


Well, the popcorn party has started. NPD didnt disappoint with all fanboy armies at war. Glad xbone isn't on life support, but next month will be the "true" indicator if Titanfall did "massive" sales like MS is banking on. Not sure why Sony is letting limiting supply of PS4's?? Do they really want MS to catch up in sales sold??

Sony are spreading their limited stock globally and still have a healthy lead in Microsoft's only strong market. You may be worried about the Xbone catching up in the US, but Sony aren't. Not when they are dominating worldwide.
I dont understand still why they decided to make 2 sequels to FF13.
nobody understands SE

it took them how long to realize that people wanted KH3

well at lest it is coming on better hardware now

lets hope for SE to change this gen

Because they gotta reuse the assets and make a decent return on them. Easier profits than developing a new game same with FF XV.

also this.... they fucked up so much last gen
superficial analysis all over this thread. you gotta look behind the numbers, the meaning. it's pretty clearly a win for ms this month, if you take into consideration legitimate purchases vs hype purchases. i'd give silver to nintendo based on a 60% doom prediction handicap.

Are you factoring in sold out vs in stock
Pretty happy with the PS4/XB1 sales. No matter what your console of choice is, it's always good to see the hardware market in a healthy position.

I wish the Wii U sold more, but I'm at least glad that it's in 82,000 more homes! It's such a fun system.

Amen brother.

Feel that wind in your hair? That's the industry sighing with relief.


Well if we take Harker's statement that generally digital sales are 10% or less for 360/PS3 games, I can confirm that BD outsold it by a fair margin.

Which also has the interesting implication that BD's digital sales were pretty large.

What's the general percentage for 3DS digital sales? In any case, BD's digital sales are punching above its weight.


and yet you forgot the most important part... 100 dollar difference

You forgot the part where the 360 has ~15 million lead over the PS3 in the US. There's a ~400k difference between the next gen consoles when there's the notion of the PS4 having no games and the Xbox One has so many. There were also PS4 supply issues last month. Isn't that bad?


What's the general percentage for 3DS digital sales? In any case, BD's digital sales are punching above its weight.

I'm unsure, but comparing Nintendo's releases with NPD over the years it varies wildly on 3DS depending on the nature of the title and how much stock is available.

Like Luigi's Mansion had catatonic (<2%) digital sales upfront, but BD here would be fairly healthy double digits.
Whats the sense on DK? Did it do decent all things considered or is it a flop? How does it stack up to 3D World better or worse?

I am a huge fan of the Donkey Kong Country games (Only reason I bought a Wii U really) so I really hope it sells well enough that they continue making them. I don't want another 15 year hiatus.


Actually a pretty surprising month for the Xbox One. Along with Bravely Default outselling Lightning Returns, and the PS4 continuing to do its thing, I would say it was a pretty great month.
Amen brother.

Feel that wind in your hair? That's the industry sighing with relief.

Yeah lol!

January had to have more than a few publishers shitting bricks. They were expecting a healthy ecosystem between PS4 and One. Last month they were looking at something that is a few notches above WiiU disaster.


Good news for BD sales.

Couple that with me answering 'NeoGAF' on every Club Nintendo survey, and a DQ VII localization is bound to be right around the corner!


Not gonna happen. Xbone has March in the bag. It probably won't be by a massive margin, but they've got March. Possibly April depending on whether Sony get their supply issues sorted out by then.

So for next month if:

- Xbone outsells PS4, it was expected


- PS4 outsells Xbone, GAF melts down?

That's the sentiment I'm getting. Call me crazy, but I'm putting my money on Sony. If the Xbone wins, I won't be surprised though.


Was BD supply constrained in the US? Here in Toronto, Canada I couldn't find any retail copies during launch week.

It would be similar to how FE:A's digital sales were high due to the lack of stock.
How can you be so sure? Millions more ps4's in the world than Xbox one, and infamous.

Do you only mean US sales?

Yes, I mean NPD, not global.

Sony had to allocate ~350K units to Japan for the JP launch and they are probably still recovering from that. PS4 is still in very short supply in the US. That plus Titanfall will give xbone the edge in March NPD.
The FF brand isn't the same insta-seller it used to be, and Bravely Default feels like a fresh departure from the usual mainline series. I hope SE makes more new IPs that feel like FF games, rather than continue on with the mainline series in hopes of reviving it.

FF13 single handily killed my enthusiasm for the series. I feel like it's the same for many other FF fans.
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