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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yikes. Scary times for the industry when you look back at how things were 7 years ago. That software YoY drop is bad.

Are we headed to a one-console future?
Yeah there would be no reason to expect this in the US, but these franchises that sell blockbuster numbers are big everywhere except for Japan.

Somebody at Activision has to be laughing right now. The worst received COD ever, consoles that can actually run Frostbite, the guts of IW working with EA... and they're still not even close.

Yeah, between this and Battlefield 4's horrendous launch I doubt they're losing much sleep over there.

I doubt that they expected the Xone to do well in Europe outside of the UK anyway, given how the PS3 did. But the PS4 is selling better there too now AFAIK. Really aren't any angles left to play this if it keeps up.


I actually expect we'll see more of them in the second half of the generation than the first part similar to last generation, just a few big games that can be easily done or are by publishers who seriously think it's a good idea. Once the generation's further in there'll be value in cashing in on people who missed it the first time and wouldn't mind a collection or a cheap digital re-release.

Right, I mean we got so many at the end of this gen that it'd make sense to do something similar next gen when people need to fill in the line-ups and given things to people who buy consoles late-gen and thus are very price sensitive, so bundles are extra appealing.
Expecting the Titanfall marketing blitz to ramp up en masse.
Next month should be a repeat as PS4 supply continues to catch up to demand.
It's March that will be interesting because if Microsoft loses that month with the Titanfall bullet deployed panic will begin to set in.

Too bad for Microsoft they can't get gamers to pretend that the Xbox One ports of their titles look and play as good as their PS4 counterparts.

They're already pushing that game super hard. The console just doesn't appeal to consumers. It's kind of stuck in limbo, neither attracting the core gamers or the casuals. Of course it's still early but MS needs to think more long term instead of just throwing money at the problem.


Tomb Raider DE sold like poop farts.

Do you guys think its because the original TR came out so recently that it hurt the sales of this version?

Lets say TR came out in 2009, do you think the DE version would have sold better?

If it had come out in 2009, they hopefully wouldn't have tried to charge a full $60 for it. With that being the case, maybe?


What were the Xbox's and Gamecube's numbers in Jan 2007? Nonexistent. If we add the PS3 and 360 to that it looks a lot less worse (right?). Not to mention how slow 360's were selling at the time.

Gamecube managed another 34,000, so together they managed roughly 335,000. It's unlikely last gen hit 200k this time around.
This is a transition period. The last gen consoles have been around too damn long and most ppl that wanted a PS4/Xbone got it in Nov or Dec. Look at their overall sales compared to previous console launches.

Console industry is hardly dying. GMAFB. If you see PS4 selling under 300k next January then its time to entertain such thoughts.
they care far more about Christmas than January :p

Sure, that's fair. But I repeat, so does everyone else. Sony's handling of the PS4 launch is not exceptional outside of the fact that PS4 was really, really well-stocked at launch. It's a tremendous credit to them that it sold out given that.

My question is why PS4 is not really, really well-stocked after launch (like, to some proportional degree relative to launch). Right now it seems as though it's proportionally worse-stocked now than at launch. Makes it really difficult to tell whether the demand is actually due to sustainable popularity, or just undersupply.

Meanwhile, what is interesting about the Wii launch is that the console supply actually improved after launch, and it was still sold out.

So I'm not sure we can draw any positive conclusions yet. But it doesn't look good for Xbox, or for industry-wide software sales, and since PS4 is largely riding on the decline of Xbox (let's just be honest, here), it doesn't look like the strong start to Gen 8 is a sign of possible industry growth.
They're already pushing that game super hard. The console just doesn't appeal to consumers. It's kind of stuck in limbo, neither attracting the core gamers or the casuals. Of course it's still early but MS needs to think more long term instead of just throwing money at the problem.

I expect to see something similar to when MGS4 released on PS3. A healthy spike which does nothing to reverse the situation.


Neo Member
Well hopefully with numbers like these Nintendo will officially price drop the 3DS. I still can't believe the OG model is still listed at $179.99 MSRP.

I'm getting tired of their price drop by bundling strategy. Instead of dropping the price they just keep it the same and throw in a game. There are plenty of people who would rather pay $139.99 for a 3DS and pick their own $39.99 game than $169.99 with a preselected bundled game.

I remember when I bought the Gamecube they let me pick one of 5 games (EBGames) with it, that was nice.


PS4 at a 2:1 over XB1 seems right where it deserves to be. The value proposition of the PS4, launch lineup aside, is just so much better for so many more people.
I don't understand why Xbox 360 drop that much.

Because the old Gen if D.O.N.E


I dont think anyone expected next gen to sell as well as it did and for old gen to petter out as a viable platform so fast. Will be interesting to see how pubs react but I think the only games left that will suffer are Dark Souls 2 and Castlevania.


Jan 2007

Wii - 436,000
360 - 294,000
PS3 - 244,000
PS2 - 299,000
NDS - 239,000
PSP - 211,000
GBA - 179,000
GC - 34,000

Dunno about OXBOX.
ps4: ~280k
x1: 143k
3ds: 130k
ps3: 60k
360: 50k
wii u: 55k
wii: 25k
vita: 25k

Since we don't have exact numbers I'll use Anihawk's guesstimates. The difference is devastating.

Silicon Valley? More like the GRAND CANYON



Your numbers are mathematically impossible in terms of the PS3+PS4 outselling everything else. Your everything else sums to 430K. Your PS3+PS4 sums would sum to about 340K.

forgot about the xbox

xbox 1: 144k
3ds: 80k
ps3: 60k
wii u: 40k
360: 30k
wii: 25k
vita: 25k

adjusted for dying video game market
So when gamers try to tell us that the Xbox One floundering on shelves is not good for the market, what are we to do? Are we supposed to perform some civic duty and buy both the superior and inferior consoles, and then proceed to buy both the definitive and inferior versions of each software title as well? Would you like me to mortgage a house so I can support every micro and macro transaction Microsoft wants to put in the next Forza, Ryse, and Killer Instinct? Should I go ahead and pay one subscription fee on top of another just so ESO doesn’t bomb because that would be bad for MMOs or bad for Bethesda or bad for something or another? GTFO of here with that logic.

Competition isn’t about keeping the underachievers afloat, it’s about rewarding those whom you can objectively assess are actually competing the best for your dollar. That’s it. Last I checked, that’s how economies work. That’s how video games have always worked. That’s why ET cartridges were dumped in a landfill or something somewhere. That’s why Steam sales have to happen sometimes. That’s why stores have bargain bins, why GameStop has used games, and why PS4 is “generally” sold out everywhere.
Of course not.

In my case I'd rather we just see the destruction coming than blindly believe everything is all right.

I mean One in it's largest market goes from one of the most successfully launched consoles in the industries history. To seeing plenty of stock on shelves and coming up like sixth or seventh in first January's.

If this becomes a trend my predictions of 65-75 million units in six years will be way off for One. I mean it's not the wholesale bomb that WiiU's first Jan gave us but damn... it's not so good. That's with ample stock on shelves even. For a supply constrained console 143K units in its first Jan is understandable.

No I don't expect anyone to buy just because the market might contract, but it's becoming harder and harder to see anyway we don't have massive contraction. And unless PS4 can make up the difference potentially a bigger contraction than I, even in my most pessimistic assessment, could have foreseen.

It's still young, and we'll have a much better picture by the end of their first year, but like WiiU, this is not what I was expecting from the two USA market leaders of the prior generation.
Tomb Raider DE sold like poop farts.

Do you guys think its because the original TR came out so recently that it hurt the sales of this version?

Lets say TR came out in 2009, do you think the DE version would have sold better?

There's a bigger issue, I think it came out too long ago, meaning it wasn't a fresh experience like some of the cross platform titles released around launch, combined with the fact there was also a GOTY edition released on PS3 and 360 a month before the DE, which is half the price or less when compared to the DE, it makes it a hard sell.

Rolf NB

Can't really blame publishers for not seeing this coming in the States, considering it's been a strong point for MS from the beginning. It'll be interesting to see how exclusivity deals and such will be handled from now on, though.
Probably getting called off as we speak.
ps4: ~280k
x1: 143k
3ds: 130k
ps3: 60k
360: 50k
wii u: 55k
wii: 25k
vita: 25k

Since we don't have exact numbers I'll use Anihawk's guesstimates. The difference is devastating.

Yeah those would not be good numbers for the industry.

Its great PS4 is doing good but its definitely not going to be in a state where it can carry the entire industry like the PS2.

Nintendo and MS need to fix their shit ASAP


Your numbers are mathematically impossible in terms of the PS3+PS4 outselling everything else. Your everything else sums to 430K. Your PS3+PS4 sums would sum to about 340K.
I don't seen how that claim can be possible unless "platforms" excludes handhelds. Just doesn't add up.


Sure, that's fair. But I repeat, so does everyone else. Sony's handling of the PS4 launch is not exceptional outside of the fact that PS4 was really, really well-stocked at launch. It's a tremendous credit to them that it sold out given that.

My question is why PS4 is not really, really well-stocked after launch (like, to some proportional degree relative to launch). Right now it seems as though it's proportionally worse-stocked now than at launch. Makes it really difficult to tell whether the demand is actually due to sustainable popularity, or just undersupply.

Meanwhile, what is interesting about the Wii launch is that the console supply actually improved after launch, and it was still sold out.

So I'm not sure we can draw any positive conclusions yet. But it doesn't look good for Xbox, or for industry-wide software sales, and since PS4 is largely riding on the decline of Xbox (let's just be honest, here), it doesn't look like the strong start to Gen 8 is a sign of possible industry growth.

you have to remember that the PS4 is now for sale in 53 countries which is another ~20 since November? I'm not sure how long it took the Wii to do that but the PS4 is doing just fine worldwide from the looks of things


In an alternate universe Microsoft included BC and it sold 2 million this month!

And in an alternate alternate universe the wii u sold more than the wii, Sony released the last guardian instead of killzone and EA won the best company of the world for the 5th time
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