James Sawyer Ford
<Sigh> I'll say this again: PS4's January #s are HIGHER than PS2's first January #s. PS4 is trending above the PS2. 6th gen was very lopsided but that didn't lead to a glut of subpar games or devs closing shop.
Yes, average game dev is higher cost today, but I'm seriously befuddled why people are taking these numbers and saying the console industry is dead/dying. It makes zero sense to me. XBO is about where OG XBox was in its first Jan. Wii U...probably below Gamecube but can't (hopefully) be that far off.
Right now it looks like PS4 will be picking up the slack from the other two, and I sure don't see the market collapsing. Maybe a reasonable contraction from last gen (Wii included), but I see a bump up in terms of core users and it's not like every casual's left the console market, either.
Agreed. This gen is looking to be a lot more like the PS2 gen. Only with Nintendo doing a lot weaker, and Microsoft managing to do a bit better (so far...) relative to the GC and original XB.
That gen was healthy, no reason to believe this gen won't be healthy. Nintendo and Microsoft made huge mistakes with their consoles, Sony did many things right. The market has spoken and just because this gen will be a lot more lopsided doesn't mean the industry is screwed.