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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


Hey remember when mirosoft said this

“I love the fact that we are reactive and agile in that way. We remain true to our vision – digitally and physically – and we are genuinely in an enviable position versus anyone else in being able to deliver that. I wouldn’t trade places with anybody.”

Good times, good times


People really need to stop debating the decline of the console business based purely on US numbers.
US is the single biggest market in the world, no?

Japan is already dead home console-wise, so if Europe didn't suddenly double it's console sales then what are you trying to say?



I really dont like these kinds of things. It was shitty last gen and the gen before. It's also shitty this gen.


I disagree that the industry is fucked as some may say. To me the Wii was like a Tickle Me Elmo or Beanie Babies or basically a cultural phenomenon. It comes and it goes. This one just happened to be a video game console. So brushing that off, sure some sales are still lost to mobile and yada yada...but not enough to be so doom and gloom about. It's going to be OK.

PS4 should dominate this entire gen, and I think Xbox is some trouble but they'll be ok and same for Nintendo this year. Nintendo needs to get rid of the Wii U though and release a new console hopefully next year.

Exactly. There were a lot of anomalies in the last generation that aren't likely to be repeated.

#1. Wii U will not sell 100 million.

#2. A console will not dominate without taking marketshare away from its competitors. We can see this with PS1 and PS2. The console that dominated left its competitors in the dust. With the Wii-- it dominated and yet both of its competitors are catching up and could* surpass it. If the PS4 does sell 100 mil or more -- we can expect the Wii U and Xbox One to sell half or less than half that number (as was the case with the PS2).

#3. Last gen started 8 years ago. -- There should be a demand shift away from the old gen and towards the new one.

We might see a repetition of gen 5 or 6. The end is not nigh.


Junior Member
I disagree that the industry is fucked as some may say. To me the Wii was like a Tickle Me Elmo or Beanie Babies or basically a cultural phenomenon. It comes and it goes. This one just happened to be a video game console. So brushing that off, sure some sales are still lost to mobile and yada yada...but not enough to be so doom and gloom about. It's going to be OK.

PS4 should dominate this entire gen, and I think Xbox is some trouble but they'll be ok and same for Nintendo this year. Nintendo needs to get rid of the Wii U though and release a new console hopefully next year.

I sort of agree with this. With the Wii, it was healthy for Nintendo and that was about it. Third parties were still dependent on the HD twins and for quite awhile there PS2 as well. I think the ability for 3rd parties to survive is what really gauges the health of the industry. With PC making a bit of a comeback, and studios able to bring in money from the mobile markets as well as the PS4 and Xbox One having big initial sales, it is hard to compare past trends. Nintendo is sort of always an anomaly in the industry.
Well at this rate last-gen has pretty much dried up, the Vita and Wii U are still ultra dead, and the 3DS is not very healthy by a long shot.

Requoting for this page:

And again, Wii U January 2013 - 57K.

So Wii U is down YOY when you directly compare NPD months (yes I realize one is 5 weeks and the other is 4 weeks).

I'm not saying anything about whether or not Wii U is up or down YOY when you make the appropriate adjustments.


What are you talking about "kinda worrying"? The industry is FUCKED.

this is why I am #dying at the people shitting on indie games. This is what you're getting from now on. Big budget productions will be few and far between.

This industry is absolutely LA bomba.

Let's say ps4 does amazing and outsells ps3. 90 million. Xbone will likely decline. Wii u is a corpse. The handheld market has collapsed.


People can talk about titanfall all they want. It won't change the fact that the market overall is imploding.

When put like this, it's very worrying. Is it a consequence of unrealistic budgets? Tablets? Spurned casuals? AAA homogeneity?

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
What an interesting NPD. We all knew that January would be the real test, and it seems like the next-gen race really is already clearly decided in all markets. PS4 showing great momentum in North America while Microsoft has a LOT to be worried about with the Xbox One.

Microsoft's Xbox One design really was just completely awful from the start. Kinect's 2010-2011 years gave Microsoft way too much confidence in its ability to continue to push consoles, and that was the same exact time that Microsoft was designing the Xbox One.

The brief Kinect fad, which was much less intense than the Wii phenomenon, is over. Microsoft should have been reading the market signals from the unprecedented collapse of the Wii to see that Kinect would be the next one to be quickly forgotten in the closet of unused gadgets.

Yes, getting rid of Kinect and reducing the price to match the PS4 will certainly help, but you're also left with a console that's still inferior to the PS4 and has nothing unique to distinguish itself. Before going all-in with Kinect, Microsoft should have had some truly killer app software...but as we all know, that has never materialized for Kinect. It can never be used for core games, and the voice control features can be done with just a microphone..

The end result is that Microsoft is going to suffer substantially this gen; they will be a distant second in all major markets, they will gradually lose Xbox Live memberships, their software sales will erode, and unless Sony manages to mess up their positioning for next-gen and beyond (doubtful given the lessons learned from the PS3), their entire videogame ecosystem is now in question.

The best Microsoft can hope for is that when they drop the price and release Halo, that they'll reach sales parity, or close to it, in North America...but for the rest of the world, they can pretty much forget about it.

I really don't think Titanfall is going to do much. The game looks like it's hardly going to be an improved experience over the 360 version, so I don't see any current-gen 360 owners that are price-conscious being wooed into buying a $500 Xbox One just to play the game in 792p vs. 720p or whatever the 360 version ends up being.



Yea yall might need to start praying for indies to be the "new" "mid tier" because we are on a fast course to shit at this point


fitu < 20K

just guessing

3ds: 130k
ps3: 60k
360: 50k
wii u: 55k
wii: 25k
vita: 25k

something like that. the sales of all the others have to be more than the ps4 for sony to boast that it's the ps4 and ps3 outperforming everything else combined (unless by console they meant console and not handheld).

Too mach for all of them.

Jesus Christ those are some terrible last gen numbers


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Honestly, what else can they do for the 3DS at this point? It already got new Pokemons and Monster Hunters, what else can they do?

The AAA market needed to pop anyway. It's gotten completely unreasonable, probably the biggest reason average dev costs are also so unreasonable.

I get a sneaking suspicion this is a parody post.

It's not a parody post. I've been consistent on this point. I especially have been very consistent in my absolute contempt for the, "Indie games don't count," crowd. Those people can go get fucked while the industry burns.


It's not a parody post. I've been consistent on this point. I especially have been very consistent in my absolute contempt for the, "Indie games don't count," crowd. Those people can go get fucked while the industry burns.
I like you. :)
Yeah we've had an overall trend of the number of games tanking and the remaining games selling more per game.

However, the rate at which games are disappearing is greater than the latter.

People keep asking where the announcements are, but frankly major publishers are just putting out 2-5 games a year with few exceptions, so the handful of titles we have, the expected annual games, and maybe a few others is all we're getting as far as AAA retail.

They'll generally sell great, but what constitutes the "mid-tier" has had its roof raised tremendously and its floor has only went up a bit (to about the ~$20 indie game level at tops with a few exceptions).

No, the industry is going up if you count digital, but a lot of that is mobile, DLC, and f2p games.

Truth is what people cal mid tier a few gens ago are indie games now and it was going to happen because of better tech .
I do wonder what you would call mid tier from lets say the PS2 generation .
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