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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


It's not a parody post. I've been consistent on this point. I especially have been very consistent in my absolute contempt for the, "Indie games don't count," crowd. Those people can go get fucked while the industry burns.

Where do you think the AAA industry is headed? I'm curious? Do you think the PS4 can carry the industry?


Wii Fit U retail sales (23 days of tracking)

I take it that it only tracked physical purchases and didn't include the trial+pedometer (Not like that would've helped all that much, I personally just bought a pedometer and synced it with what I had before)


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
And again, Wii U January 2013 - 57K.

So Wii U is down YOY when you directly compare NPD months (yes I realize one is 5 weeks and the other is 4 weeks).

I'm not saying anything about whether or not Wii U is up or down YOY when you make the appropriate adjustments.

Hold me Aqua.

The Hermit

what does fitu stand for?

wiifit U

its crazy low, but its been available since October for donwload and buying that Fit Meter for 20 bucks got you the full game. most of the people who had balance board and wanted WiiFit U did that, because I recall finding the Fit Meter a real pain.

Still Nintendo is completely bonkers if they think the future is "health" games.
It's funny to see Microsoft and Sony switch roles from last generation. Now it's Microsoft's turn to either spin things so that they only talk about anything positive related to the numbers or not reply at all.

Sony looks to be in decent shape moving forward in relation to the PS4 but the fear is the console market as a whole may actually be shrinking. It's also worth noting Steam sales and now Playstation Plus may be to blame for the decrease in software revenue because now consumers are being trained to wait for either rock-bottom deals or games to become free.
I am envisioning a future where the video game industry has imploded and major publishers and developers have all but been wiped out.

And then, out of the tears and blood rise the third age of gaming. And middle-tier titles and consoles without the ZOMG AWESUM HARDWARE SPECSSS!!!111 emerge. Clean slate. Start from scratch.

And everything's fine again.



Nintendo is fucked. A lot of people where wondering what would happen of the 3ds was not selling ok. Welp we are going to find out. And vita lol

I'd honestly be more worried about MS If the 360 sales pretty much die off and the Xbox One gets dominated by the PS4.


It's not a parody post. I've been consistent on this point. I especially have been very consistent in my absolute contempt for the, "Indie games don't count," crowd. Those people can go get fucked while the industry burns.

Hey I like Indie games but it's not like they excel in every single genre nor is every indie game some amazing experience.

Retro gaming is where it's at anyways.
Have there been any numbers posted on 2ch etc so we can get a clearer picture
of just how bad everything is

Failing that... pie chart pretty please?
But that doesn't explain why everybody's down, period. Fine MS and Nintendo messed up, and fine the PS4 isn't that easy to find, but last gen consoles are down, software sales are down, and it's really hard to believe that those who would've bought a next gen console outside of the PS4 if their favorite brand hadn't screwed up are all waiting for a PS4 to show up or that they can't bother to look for one (a friend of mine picked one up recently just by showing up to a GameStop when they opened).

I'm not a Nintendo fanboy trying to cover for the Wii U, I'm partial to Xbox but I'm not trying to cover for them (if the idiots hadn't looked too much into the future and try to recreate it now, imagine where they'll be...sigh) but I have to say one of two things is happening: all the casuals are moving to smartphones and tablets and all the hardcore are slowly moving to PC gaming, or gaming as a whole is just shrinking.

It's probably the former.
<Sigh> I'll say this again: PS4's January #s are HIGHER than PS2's first January #s. PS4 is trending above the PS2. 6th gen was very lopsided but that didn't lead to a glut of subpar games or devs closing shop.

Yes, average game dev is higher cost today, but I'm seriously befuddled why people are taking these numbers and saying the console industry is dead/dying. It makes zero sense to me. XBO is about where OG XBox was in its first Jan. Wii U...probably below Gamecube but can't (hopefully) be that far off.

Right now it looks like PS4 will be picking up the slack from the other two, and I sure don't see the market collapsing. Maybe a reasonable contraction from last gen (Wii included), but I see a bump up in terms of core users and it's not like every casual's left the console market, either.


Truth is what people cal mid tier a few gens ago are indie games now and it was going to happen because of better tech .
I do wonder what you would call mid tier from lets say the PS2 generation .

Since we're conceptually talking budget, I'd say things like most higher effort licensed titles or most non top tier Japanese games (Gungrave, Persona, or anything else like that with a budget clamp).


Wow I wasn't expecting the tide to change so fast in favour of the PS4 in the US. Eentually it was bound to happen though when you sell a superior product for a lesser price.

I remember a thread on GAF some two months ago where people were predicting lifetime sales for the two consoles and I was shocked at how many gaffers thought the two consoles would sell similar figures. It was clear then and it is even more now, MS needs to turn it around if they wanna stay competitive, and fast. They're going the way of the WiiU in Europe, and atm the One doesn't seem so hot in America either. Cutting the price by at least 100$/€ might be a good start.

MS can still turn the tides in the US, obviously, and I suspect that the marketing machine that will accompany Titanfall launch combined with the heavily rumoured price cut will do wonders for their machine in the North American charts. However, unless they miraculously (Not going to happen, for obvious reasons) manage to double PS4 numbers in the following months, the worldwide gap will be largely in favor of the latter. Europe and Asia are a lost cause...
HOLY fuck

Console games =

Not really - you're talking about Wii Fit U here - a sequel to a game that was only popular with an audience that existed on the Wii.
And then, out of the tears and blood rise the third age of gaming. And middle-tier titles and consoles without the ZOMG AWESUM HARDWARE SPECSSS!!!111 emerge. Clean slate. Start from scratch.
Ironically, this'd be the best chance of establishing a 1080p @ 60fps standard. Smaller budget/scale games that aren't trying to one up each other on the frame-chugging Bay-scale of bombasticism.


creamsugar, in light of recent zero escape news, you wouldn't happen to know how 999 and virtue's last reward have done until now, would you?
It's not a parody post. I've been consistent on this point. I especially have been very consistent in my absolute contempt for the, "Indie games don't count," crowd. Those people can go get fucked while the industry burns.

I hope you're not suggesting that publishers should think about making games with more restrained budgets and releasing them at lower price points for smaller target audiences. I mean, maybe if we had some kind of success story in that regard we could use to recommend such strategies, but where would we find one?
In your avatar? Maybe your custom title?
PS4 sold double what XB1 sold?


I wonder what this means going forward as supply continues to surpass demand.

I predicted that the Jan. and Feb. NPD would be very telling, because there would finally be enough supply for us to get the real story.

This seems to vindicate that theory.

February should be even more telling. Of course this doesn't mean doom and gloom for XB1 by any means, Its still selling well and its not a Wii U situation, but it makes you wonder if the PS4 can achieve real domination going forward.

We'll see. This is very interesting news none-the-less.


I'd honestly be more worried about MS If the 360 sales pretty much die off and the Xbox One gets dominated by the PS4.

Difference is there's still every incentive to develop for both Xbone and PS4. So at the very least, it'll continue to get multiplatform games with PS4. Nintendo doesn't have that luxury and has no real western 3rd party support for either of it's platforms. At the least, it has japanese 3rd party support on the 3DS.

Have to wonder why 3DS numbers are declining though. It's not like it didn't have holiday titles.

I mean, saying you're more worried about MS is pretty ludicrous when you consider they dwarf Nintendo and could weather a dry patch here or there. They can also be aggressive with a price cut for that precise reason.


hey, maybe it's time to drop the price of the ps3/360 to some price below 250 fucking dollars. drop the price of the xbox one while you're at it.


I take it that it only tracked physical purchases and didn't include the trial+pedometer (Not like that would've helped all that much, I personally just bought a pedometer and synced it with what I had before)
Hmm. Does NPD track accessories? Any LTD fit meter numbers, cream?


Last gen hardware finally flat-lined. It's a miracle they lasted 7/8 years to begin with.

The handheld market imploding has been coming for awhile, and with the Wii U and Xbox One's face plant out the gate things look dire for everybody making games.
Get those PS4's on shelves and hope they fly off


Junior Member
3DS is in need of a price cut. Dedicated handhelds should be $100-$150 for the mass market, maybe a bit higher at launch. Nintendo are suffering because they made the elementary mistake of targeting a $249 launch price. $169 is too high for three years in but a price cut hurts their bottom line.


The only silver lining I can see right now is the prospect of another PS3 price drop so I can finally play Demon's Souls and a few other exclusives.
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