Sorry for the upcoming list war:
I'm not sure if you're only referring to America, or if you're referring to WW, but I'm going to assume you mean worldwide because there aren't a ton of games on any of the platforms that have done 3.5 million in NA... In that case, you should really know facts before spewing nonsense. Lots of first-party titles from Sony's stables have done extremely well and well above 500-1million (and have not struggled to do so) Resistance 1+2 Uncharted 1 +2, Heavy Rain, inFamous, God of War 3, Motorstorm 1 +2, Killzone 2, etc have all crossed 1 million, with many crossing into two million (Killzone 2, Motorstorm 1, Uncharted 1, God of War 3, Resistance: Fall of Man), and a handful into 3 million (I know Uncharted 2 is one, we haven't gotten an update on God of War 3, and of course GT5: P which is actually in the 4 millions). So what are you talking about?