You'll have to explain it to me another way, because I still don't get it.
When I didn't get numbers myself, I WANTED them. Because, hell, I was curious and I thought it be cool to know. But it's actually potentially rather damaging. Everyone get's their own sales numbers - they don't subscribe to NPD to get that, you know what you sell to a retailer because they buy from you and then report back sell through. You subscribe to something like NPD so you can see what competitors are doing, and overall trends in the marketplace. What's selling, what's not. It's inside information used to make business decisions.
Gaming is still primarily technology driven, and that technology is still considered a competitive advantage. Things are tested, tried, failed, succeeded, etc. It's not like movies where the format is basically ubiquitous, and box office is primarily driven by marketing and talent. Talent wants these things public so they can negotiate better salaries and make better decisions on what films to do when they know what is successful and what isn't, and marketing wants to use figures in their marketing to make more money, or internally pitch studio execs for bigger budgets.
yadda yadda. not a big deal. I get frustrated when I want to know something and can't too, but it's not "stupid" - there's reasons for like, everything