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NPD Sales Results for June 2015 [Up2: Batman, Splatoon]


Gold Member
They don't, only monthly sales.

All this companies have internal tracking services, they receive feedback from retailers. It's not comprehensive as NPD but it's a decent estimate.

Oh ok, that makes sense. And I should know this, duh me, lol.
still launching vs. MGS5? i kind of feel like that one might underperform. then again its the just cause guys and Dying Light wasn't hyped pre-release either.

Launching against MGS5 will be rough no doubt. That said I think this is a title that is going to really depend on Word of Mouth and critic reception. If it scores solidly that could help a lot. Got a felling this is the sort of game that people are going to wait to see the overall market's response to.
It's launching vs MGS5 but chances are it'll do good riding Fury Road's success
If a gamer is going to pick between two 3rd person open world games on the same day, they likelihood that they go with the game that has years of hype going for it versus a game that hasn't show particularly well and hasn't had much of a marketing push is pretty high.

That's not to say that mad max isn't going to do well but it's probably better served launching either before or after mgsv
Pretty positive all round. Great numbers for all consoles (except Wii U), new IP selling well etc. Something for everyone to be happy about this month!

Splatoon is doing much better than I thought it would. Too bad the game itself didn't really hold my interest.
I just went back and looked and I actually predicted 1.5 million for AK but not much over it.

I was daaaaaaaaaamn close considering the statement was slightly over 1.5 :)

I know ya'll dont care I'm just happy I was closer than I originally thought


Sony's strategy this entire generation can't be understated. Its nothing short of incredible really. From price, to performance, to 3rd party relations. I mean it was an absolute home run to all level's of management behind the project and anyone who helped design the strategy around it.

Their strategy is literally Microsoft's strategy at the beginning of last generation. It's almost 1:1


Gold Member
Truly a sleeper hit.

Not sure that is definition of a "sleeper hit".

It's Nintendo. It was well talked about for almost a year. It's Nintendo.

Their strategy is literally Microsoft's strategy at the beginning of last generation. It's almost 1:1

Which was the same strategy in the PS1/2/after launch 3 days. They just returned to form after their PS3 hiccup early on.

Focus on the games and gamers will be there. "If you build it, they will come."
Those are some strong Summer-month sales. Surprised X1 nearly hit 300k. Guessing Sony ran away like a bandit though. Tons of my friends are jumping in with that AK bundle.

Mr Moose

NPD is much more comprehensive, internal trackings it's only to have an idea.

I am guessing it wouldn't include places like Amazon? (online stores and such).

Yeah, they left that part for the controllers.


Mario Kart 8 has achieved >50% attach rate in the USA and ~53% attach rate worldwide.

DAMN, that's good. If I ever got a Wii U, this would be one of the reasons why.


I really should purchase Splatoon.... but I promised myself I wouldn't purchase another game until I opened and beat the trillion other unopened games I've purchased over the last 1-2 years -_-


Gold Member
I don't remember people expecting Splatoon to sell well. It's Nintendo but a new IP, don't have none of the iconic characters.

It's also a system starved for games compared to the competition. So you make a great game (it's Nintendo) it is going to sell with those factors. Especially built for a demographic that people think is the consensus with them.

Those who did not take that into account were just lying to themselves, or purposefully ignoring those major factors.

Yeah, they left that part for the controllers.

Stop throwing them and wash your sweaty/oily hands before use.


Holy shit, the XB1 sold 297K in June?! That's almost a 100K higher than my predictions! My predictions for June are screwed! :(

Wonder how much better the PS4 sold. We haven't gotten any of those sweet pies yet, right?


Holy shit, the XB1 sold 297K in June?! That's almost a 100K higher than my predictions! My predictions for June are screwed! :(

Wonder how much better the PS4 sold. We haven't gotten any of those sweet pies yet, right?

The pie is still in the oven, it seems.


The Nintendo Wii U has sold more than 4 million units in the USA since launch.

In the same time frame the Nintendo Wii sold through more than 20.6 million units to end users in the US.


The Nintendo Wii U has sold more than 4 million units in the USA since launch.

In the same time frame the Nintendo Wii sold through more than 20.6 million units to end users in the US.




Sony comeback this gen has been nothing short of astonishing really.

I mean you dominate the console sales for two generations then sell ~80m during your worst generation, then back to dominating the competition again this gen!

They are the most successful video game company in history, and Playstation is definetly the strongest brand in VG history.

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