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NPD Sales Results for March 2010


Boney said:
I kinda feel sorry for you. It's a really monotonous game.

It looked monotonous in commercials and trailers. Cel-shading didn't help the title look anything other than bland in all advertisements.


I don't follow NPD, so please don't flame me. Do they include PC statistics and BC2 wasn't a top 10 release, or are they excluded from this?

Rat Salad

professor_t said:
I've heard reports that PS3 shortages are expected to continue until it outsells the Xbox360.

You can walk into any store and see lots more 360s to buy,but when you head back in there a few weeks later they're always adding new 360 hardware. PS3,well I think the window seal must be broken.


lowrider007 said:
Just because a console is having shortages that doesn't mean that it won't be available in any stores, people seem to be misinterpreting the word 'shortages'.
Hmmm nah...

I'm pretty sure "shortage" is the same thing as "sold-out".


Lkr said:
I don't follow NPD, so please don't flame me. Do they include PC statistics and BC2 wasn't a top 10 release, or are they excluded from this?
PC sales aren't included in the NPD Video Game Console report.


mintylurb said:

Anyway, I would like to know how well Just Cause 2 sold..

Well some people didn't get the GT5 joke earlier so you can't be too sure :lol

And QFT on your second sentence.
Why are people suprised PS3 FFXIII outsold 360 FFXIII? I'm one of those who buy 99 percent of muti-plats for 360, but this was a no brainer. The PS3 was the superior version. If I didn't have a PS3, I probably would have picked it up for 360.


Anyway, I wouldn't even bother attempting to create new franchises. I think intellectual properties are the only thing worth a damn in the video game industry. Game companies should go into their shed and find a multi-million sold action/fps franchise and make a xbox 360/Playstation 3 game.


Evlar said:
We've been talking about shortages in the NPD thread nearly non-stop for four years now. What's "new" about them?

... Oh yeah, they're attributed to PS3 now. That makes them different, for some reason.

How deep these shortages are is a matter of debate, but even more importantly, the common wisdom here among many seems to be the PS3 did well "in spite of shortages," and if that wasn't the case it would've done even better. Purely wishful thinking. There is absolutely no way to know or even assume 400K people wanted PS3s last month but only 314K were available.

316K seems about what it should be doing, anyway. The PS3 had a nice month. People should just take that and not look for excuses why it's third again.


SuperiorSilver!!!!! :D

Though I have both...but HeartGold was acquired in a Wal-Mart (a gift, bundle with the figurine and walker-case)and NPD doesn't track Wal-Mart sales.. :p

The number(s) surprise me anyway, since on hand hand "It's Pokemon, duh!"..but is not like it was advertised and hyped like hell...heck, many (including myself) were expecting like 1 million..combined because "it's a remake" (a darn great one in any case)..


wizword said:
Anyway, I wouldn't even bother attempting to create new franchises. I think intellectual properties are the only thing worth a damn in the video game industry. Game companies should go into their shed and find a multi-million sold action/fps franchise and make a xbox 360/Playstation 3 game.

Age-wise... God of War is a relatively new and young franchise. Not to mention another franchise that shares its acronym.


Hey GAF, I heard the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3, but that everything is ok because there were shortages.

Am I off base GAF???


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Road said:
Hmmm nah...

I'm pretty sure "shortage" is the same thing as "sold-out".

I'm not sure if your being serious tbh, if you are check the dictionary definition, otherwise ignore me.

During the last couple of months we have seen a few major online retailers run out of 120gig sku's, and not to mention local stores, even here in the UK certain stores have had limited supplies, to me that is a clear sign of demand exceeding supply but on a low level.


savor100 said:
PS3 shortages? You can walk to any store and get them, at least where I live (central FL). The one that's hard to find is the Wii, not every store has them in stock.
Based on the websites that let you check stock, you are a liar.
In fact, the opposite of what you say is true. Almost every store has Wiis, almost no one has ps3s.
Soul Silver! :D

And what are the chances it will be back for months to come?


Salacious Crumb said:
Once again the 360 outsells the PS3 when everyone thought it would go the other way.
Microsoft employers being forced to buy Xbox, confirmed.
Based on my anecdotal information the PS3 isn't sold out in Kansas. There be no shortage in Kansas. For any console. There was in Feb though by early March that had been cleared up.


VALIS said:
How deep these shortages are is a matter of debate, but even more importantly, the common wisdom here among many seems to be the PS3 did well "in spite of shortages," and if that wasn't the case it would've done even better. Purely wishful thinking. There is absolutely no way to know or even assume 400K people wanted PS3s last month but only 314K were available.

316K seems about what it should be doing, anyway. The PS3 had a nice month. People should just take that and not look for excuses why it's third again.
The very definition of "shortage" states- not implies, states- that sales have been lost. After all, the shortages are caused by purchases exceeding supply (not by retailers removing items from the shelf, massive recalls, or any other adjustment along the distribution chain). We cannot, of course, know how many sales were lost: it might be a tiny number, it might be hundreds of thousands.

I will remind you that the talk of shortages was sparked by posters looking for an explanation of why PS3 software did so well (in comparison to other home console software) while the system itself lagged. There are any number of possible explanations, of course. I fail to see why the numerous reports of hardware shortages- many from sources that have no obvious reason to deceive the public on Sony's behalf- cannot be given as one possible explanation.

EDIT: It's not credible that even Sony would be tempted to deceive the public in this way. Reporting a shortage is bad news, not good news. There are certainly worse reasons to lose sales than by not having enough systems on the shelves... but ANY situation that might dissuade a potential customer from buying your expensive razor is unsavory. Believing a company would lie about shortages in order to save face in some perceived unit sales contest with competitors demonstrates a lack of perspective, in my opinion.


truly101 said:

It has been indeed. Oh, you're talking about video games.

Haha. Good one.


Vinci said:
Age-wise... God of War is a relatively new and young franchise. Not to mention another franchise that shares its acronym.

Well GoW did come before GoW. There can only be one.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
GillianSeed79 said:
Why are people suprised PS3 FFXIII outsold 360 FFXIII? I'm one of those who buy 99 percent of muti-plats for 360, but this was a no brainer. The PS3 was the superior version. If I didn't have a PS3, I probably would have picked it up for 360.

Like I said before, people are not surprised that the ps3 outsold the 360 version, but rather how large the gap is.
Hell ya good job GOW. I should start playing FF again, too many distractions but I gotta get back into it. PS3 software sales are great.


Wonder how much BF:BC2 did on Pc, im guessing at least another million on top of that >.< probably abit more world wide. 2 million!
Evlar said:
The very definition of "shortage" states- not implies, states- that sales have been lost.

That's pretty irrelevant given what we're talking about, though, since what "shortages" actually mean in the world of videogames (at least until you get to really severe shortages) is that stores are unable to carry the level of stock that they want -- i.e. an amount of stock that's above how many they will actually sell at any given moment.

I never went looking for a PS3 in March so I can't say how low supply really was, but there's very much a point on the continuum where stores are experiencing shortage conditions (unable to get their full orders, some stores are selling out of all their units before getting restocked, etc.) but where 100% of consumers nonetheless can get a system at MSRP if they want it.

EDIT: My point being only that except when you move beyond "shortages" and into true "sell-out conditions" it's extremely difficult to meaningfully guess whether and to what degree shortages affected system sales over the period in question.


Sammy Samusu said:
Microsoft employers being forced to buy Xbox, confirmed.
No..no..no..You're doing it wrong... :p

The Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 because:
-The are shortages everywhere (right now there are 0 PS3s in stores, because Sony shipped exactly 313,900 units)
-Xbox 360's breaks...a lot, so people are buying 2-3 for their faulty units (watch the same happening if a 360-slim is released, it will only outsell the pS3..because people that had a 360 will get an extra one, just in case one fails)


TheBranca18 said:
Well GoW did come before GoW. There can only be one.

Seems to be timing-based. When a new God of War is out or about to come out, GoW means God of War; when it's Gears of War's turn, then the situation reverses. Heaven help us all if they ever launch near one another.


Son of Godzilla said:
You know what would be hilarious? If ODST/Forza 3 showed up in the top 20.
It would be..except that unlike PAL-charts, NPD doesn't track games bundled with consoles...is that was the case Wii Sports would always be in the Top 10.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Son of Godzilla said:
You know what would be hilarious? If ODST/Forza 3 showed up in the top 20.
That would be very impressive since games bundled with hardware are not included.
Vinci said:
Seems to be timing-based. When a new God of War is out or about to come out, GoW means God of War; when it's Gears of War's turn, then the situation reverses. Heaven help us all if they ever launch near one another.

Gears of War is always correctly abbreviated GeOW (or simply "Gears.")


You guys are great :lol :lol

And that Wii messed my prediction again. Damn!
Nintendo really knows how to sell their consoles.
I thought everyone called FF13 on PS3 outselling the xbox version. O and since when did 1.7 = 2 :D


GOW 3 is king of PS3 exclusives. PS3 owners just want their action games.


f you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it.

Does Everyone forget the big lie from Jack tretton about how he would pay money to anyone that found PS3s on shelves, so this shortage talk is Just more Sony lies and spin there is no shortage.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Whipped Spartan said:
I thought everyone called FF13 on PS3 outselling the xbox version. O and since when did 1.7 = 2 :D


GOW 3 is king of PS3 exclusives. PS3 owners just want their action games.

The GT franchise is king, Kratos will just have to be happy with being the prince for now :p
Ecotic said:
And don't call the PSP's successor PSP2.

What else are they going to call it, the "Funman"?

bc226 said:
Does Everyone forget the big lie from Jack tretton about how he would pay money to anyone that found PS3s on shelves, so this shortage talk is Just more Sony lies and spin there is no shortage.

There was absolutely a shortage. There was not a complete sellout like the Wii experienced for months and like Jack Tretton falsely suggested there was of the PS3 early on.
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