As long as the 360 and PS3 get new multiplatform releases without a Wii U equivalent, and as long as the Wii U gets no games that are marketed enough to sell the system, this is how the sales are going to look going forward.
Why buy a new console when the old cheaper consoles have the same games?
MH3U is nice but available on 3DS and is niche.
LCU is good but lacked multiplayer, a license, and was not marketed extremely well.
NFSMWU might be the best version, but its months late and has no marketing
I stand by my prediction: Nintendo delayed their entire Wii U release lineup to crowd the 2nd half of the year to relaunch the system in time for the Durango and PS4. They want to eat the losses now and boost their revenue next fiscal year. Wii U is going to hurt like this until Summer, stagger a bit and then finally get a breath of sales when the Fall and Winter hits...if not, bye Wii U and bye Iwata D: