But buttons!Because we all already carry "handhelds" around that do a thousand other things.
This. It has hurt sony, though, not having that iconic IP of their own that helps when other things fail. See Mario or Halo.
But buttons!
Why do Americans hate handhelds so much?
They kind of do though. Crash Bandicoot (was) and Kratos is one of the most recognizable characters in gaming.
I wonder if MS will ever make money on a console.
Last Gen Sony's strategy was the exact opposite. They rarely had the multiplatform advantage. They instead pushed their awesome first party games hard.
This. It has hurt sony, though, not having that iconic IP of their own that helps when other things fail. See Mario or Halo.
no one considers their sale to a retailer a profit, especially if their units are not moving.
you keep on harping about the sale to a retailer. everything is relative. demand dictates the profit. yes, xbone is sold to a retailer. meanwhile, ps4 is sold to a retailer at twice the rate. it's the rate at which they get sold, not the sale itself.
again, no one values their sales to retailers as it's usual business. that's not considered a profit-making move.
that is why people are quick to dismiss sold-in to retailers. why? because you are going to sell to retailers no matter what. no shit. a business not making a sale to a retailer is nonexistent.
I think we'll see the official price dropped to $349, without kinect, before or at E3.
This is....optimistic.
I wonder if MS will ever make money on a console. Seems like they are in a big hole right now with the XB1 and will have to cut price and spend more in the future.
Nadella should just cut the entire branch.
Microsoft considers those sales to the retailer as revenue. Microsoft gets that money immediately, not when the retailer sells the goods. This is known. I don't know how I can explain this any better to you.
You are NOT going to sell to retailers no matter what. Where in the heck are you getting this idea? If that's the case why are Vita and Wii U numbers so poor? Retailers are just going to buy stock regardless, right? No, wrong! Retailers buy stock from the manufacturer when they sell through their stock. Higher demand means a quicker resale. But the fact remains that Microsoft has sold 5M to retailers and they have the money to prove it. Obviously they want those units to sell through to consumers so they can sell more to the retailers, but the 5M is not inconsequential.
10k Vitas in the whole of the US, fuck. It is well and truly dead, the strategy of late ports, indies and a few JP titles isn't doing anything. Sony should just double down on the PS4 and leave it as a companion device. Such a shame, but the market has moved on.
Are they still actually making PSPs or is it old stock?
it still boggles my mind as to why xbone felt the need to have that tv pass through. in an age of netflix, no less. tv stations left and right are cutting jobs. tvs are coming with built-in apps.
then there's this supposed fortaleza ar google glass which works with kinect. why not vr? i don't get it.
This is .... my price point.
Lol at Vita selling 10K. You think with all the Vita threads praising it on here it would be selling a lot better.
There's a stream of revenue from selling to retailers. But that stream stops if there is a dam in the way and that dam is lack of consumers. So now that stream is backed up and sitting on retailer shelves and on pallets in the middle of showrooms.
Yes, technically MS made profit in the short-term, but forced storage of surplus supply from already negotiated manufacture contracts is going to eat into that a bit. And the slowed revenue of stores significantly reducing their reorders is going to hurt.
So which is it GAF=USA or World=USA ?
Are they still actually making PSPs or is it old stock?
Buttons are great, $40 games are not.
People were predicting 2:1 in favor of XB1? Jesus.The two of you were so right about the Xbox One's outselling the PlayStation 4 . . .
Lol at Vita selling 10K. You think with all the Vita threads praising it on here it would be selling a lot better.
This. It has hurt sony, though, not having that iconic IP of their own that helps when other things fail. See Mario or Halo.
Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.
I agree completely.
Isn't the US the largest market? How are the sales across Europe? Significantly better?
And they were come unto a time called March NPD, that is to say, The time of a final judgement, he gave gamers a shooter to play, mixed with mechs: and when they had tasted it, they would not buy. And when they had crucified him, Sony, Amazon and Valve parted his IP among them, casting lots; and they sat and watched him there. And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS XBOX® ONE THE ALL-IN-ONE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. Then are there crucified with him two robbers, EA on the right hand and Zynga on the left. And they that passed by railed on him, waggling their arms in front of his camera, and saying, Thou that createth DirectX, save thyself: if thou are the Son of Microsoft, buy your way down from the cross. He bought exclusive games; his own success he cannot buy. He is the King of the Living Room, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him.
Now from the sixth hour there was silence from the XBOX division. And about the ninth hour The One cried with a loud voice, saying USA, USA why hast thou forsaken me? And the One cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the Gaming Age Forums were rent in two from the top top the bottom; and the ban hammer did fall and many avatars of the followers that had believed in him were forcibly exchanged.
Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.
And they were come unto a time called March NPD, that is to say, The time of a final judgement, he gave gamers a shooter to play, mixed with mechs: and when they had tasted it, they would not buy. And when they had crucified him, Sony, Amazon and Valve parted his IP among them, casting lots; and they sat and watched him there. And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS XBOX® ONE THE ALL-IN-ONE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. Then are there crucified with him two robbers, EA on the right hand and Zynga on the left. And they that passed by railed on him, waggling their arms in front of his camera, and saying, Thou that createth DirectX, save thyself: if thou are the Son of Microsoft, buy your way down from the cross. He bought exclusive games; his own success he cannot buy. He is the King of the Living Room, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him.
Now from the sixth hour there was silence from the XBOX division. And about the ninth hour The One cried with a loud voice, saying USA, USA why hast thou forsaken me? And the One cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the Gaming Age Forums were rent in two from the top top the bottom; and the ban hammer did fall and many avatars of the followers that had believed in him were forcibly exchanged.
Buttons are great, $40 games are not.
NPD covers US sales. The Go definitely ceased distribution here many moons ago, and the Street was never released here at all.They're still making PSP-3000s (newest revision), PSP GOs (lol), and PSP-E100s (The cheap ones with no Wifi).
Do you even own a Vita?
Literally one of the best impulse buy platforms
The loyalty is strong, apparently.People were predicting 2:1 in favor of XB1? Jesus.
PS4 1,417,000 910,000 507,000
3DS 954,000 406,000 548,000
XBO 710,000 710,000
PSV 401,000 50,000 351,000
PS3 392,000 224,000 169,000
WII U 322,000 202,000 121,000
360 277,000 274,000 3,000
US: NPD (91 days - 01/05~04/05)
JP: Media Create (91 days - 01/06~04/06)
And they were come unto a time called March NPD, that is to say, The time of a final judgement, he gave gamers a shooter to play, mixed with mechs: and when they had tasted it, they would not buy. And when they had crucified him, Sony, Amazon and Valve parted his IP among them, casting lots; and they sat and watched him there. And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS XBOX® ONE THE ALL-IN-ONE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. Then are there crucified with him two robbers, EA on the right hand and Zynga on the left. And they that passed by railed on him, waggling their arms in front of his camera, and saying, Thou that createth DirectX, save thyself: if thou are the Son of Microsoft, buy your way down from the cross. He bought exclusive games; his own success he cannot buy. He is the King of the Living Room, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him.
Now from the sixth hour there was silence from the XBOX division. And about the ninth hour The One cried with a loud voice, saying USA, USA why hast thou forsaken me? And the One cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the Gaming Age Forums were rent in two from the top top the bottom; and the ban hammer did fall and many avatars of the followers that had believed in him were forcibly exchanged.
What's this all about?This isn't some petty dig at the Xbox, think about it. The lightbar on the DS4, the camera having a 240fps option, the extra port on the controller, etc; all based on decisions made in anticipation of the advent of VR and the implementation of Sony's specific tech. Very, very forward thinking. Especially since these ideas were put into motion many years ago, before the rise of Oculus.
Titanfall sold 1 million (inc bundles)... godamn that is good, why won't MS say?
Usual comparison I do every year:
Code:HARDWARE JAN-FEB-MAR 2014: US+JP US JP PS4 1,417,000 910,000 507,000 3DS 954,000 406,000 548,000 XBO 710,000 710,000 PSV 401,000 50,000 351,000 PS3 392,000 224,000 169,000 WII U 322,000 202,000 121,000 360 277,000 274,000 3,000 US: NPD (91 days - 01/05~04/05) JP: Media Create (91 days - 01/06~04/06)
Europe: ??????????
What's this all about?
This is .... my price point.
What's this all about?
And they were come unto a time called March NPD, that is to say, The time of a final judgement, he gave gamers a shooter to play, mixed with mechs: and when they had tasted it, they would not buy. And when they had crucified him, Sony, Amazon and Valve parted his IP among them, casting lots; and they sat and watched him there. And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS XBOX® ONE THE ALL-IN-ONE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. Then are there crucified with him two robbers, EA on the right hand and Zynga on the left. And they that passed by railed on him, waggling their arms in front of his camera, and saying, Thou that createth DirectX, save thyself: if thou are the Son of Microsoft, buy your way down from the cross. He bought exclusive games; his own success he cannot buy. He is the King of the Living Room, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him.
Now from the sixth hour there was silence from the XBOX division. And about the ninth hour The One cried with a loud voice, saying USA, USA why hast thou forsaken me? And the One cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the Gaming Age Forums were rent in two from the top top the bottom; and the ban hammer did fall and many avatars of the followers that had believed in him were forcibly exchanged.
A potential customer, seemingly.And you are?