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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]

If FFXV is cancelled for the Xbox will we have the reverse meltdowns from the XIII 360 announcements, AKA
Square just shot themselves in the foot I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert)
The Age of MS is over.
This is not hyperbole or fanboy drivel


What's the numbers for MGS GZ between PS4 and XB1?

~ 150k vs 50k

I dont think that Square needs to straight out cancel FF15 and KH3 on Xbone. They will sell enough on Xbone to make the porting worthwile. Possibly, Sony could jump in to purchase 3-6month exclusivity.
The two systems are just about even in the states, which is good for both companies right now. The difference is in Europe, where Microsoft is getting their ass handed to them. Eventually sales will pick up in Japan with actual Japanese PS4 games, and that just makes thing worse.

Microsoft needs to go hard after the European market. Get Kinect out of the box, dump the TV crap that doesn't even work in those countries, get the price below the PS4, and find a way to associate Fifa with Xbox instead of Sony. The "'murica box" needs to die.

Sony are sponsoring the FIFA World Cup and are tier one sponsors of the UEFA Champions League. There is not much room left after that. I hear the FA Cup is looking for a sponsor in 2014/15 though...

You don't think a phoned in port that has the potential to sell 250,000 copies is worthwhile?

Not really when the resources could be deployed to making a 3DS title or funding a port of FFXII-HD to PS3 or PS4. Both of those would give a better return.


I am also curious about Kingdom Hearts 3. At least the Final Fantasy brand has already made its way to Microsoft, but this will be the first time KH will be heading to Xbox. If XBone was leading like the X360 did the last time, undoubtedly that would still be a good move, but at this point, we don't even have a Japanese launch date (or do we?)

I'm thinking maybe FFXV will still head to XBone, but if it won't make a lot of money, SE might be thinking of making Kingdom Hearts 3 exclusive to PS4 (until they suddenly make another Final Mix or something).

But yeah, I am surprised that PS4 won this month. I was honestly thinking it would be XBone with all the deals, but it looks like I am also eating crow. A 60k gap may not be a lot, but considering the unofficial price cut, that still does not sound good in perspective.

I have been steadily reading through the thread, what was the last NPD numbers we had for PS4? I remembered people saying that XBone actually sold less units per day/per week than February... is it the same case for the PS4?

Is porting it to another console that difficult, especially considering this generation's consoles, that it really wouldn't be worth the extra sales?
Sony are sponsoring the FIFA World Cup and are tier one sponsors of the UEFA Champions League. There is not much room left after that. I hear the FA Cup is looking for a sponsor in 2014/15 though...

speaking of the world cup, disappointed theres no next gen release. The game i mean obviously.


Elder Scrolls Online is also a notable game that can attract a lot of RPG/MMO players, as well as two nice summer crossgen games from Bethesda - Wolfenstein and Evil Within. These 3 games will not be large system sellers, but it will give everyone something good to play.

Sucks that Elder Scrolls MMO is not cross-platform but it will be good for PS4 nevertheless
The two systems are just about even in the states, which is good for both companies right now. The difference is in Europe, where Microsoft is getting their ass handed to them. Eventually sales will pick up in Japan with actual Japanese PS4 games, and that just makes thing worse.

Microsoft needs to go hard after the European market. Get Kinect out of the box, dump the TV crap that doesn't even work in those countries, get the price below the PS4, and find a way to associate Fifa with Xbox instead of Sony. The "'murica box" needs to die.
It seems they have too much invested in kinect to ever drop it from their retail package. They've made their bed, now all they can do is sleep in it.
Now that it's clear it won't and with the first Japanese title skewing heavily towards PS4 there should be a reassessment within SE and other Japanese pubs as to the extent of support they give the Bone. Franchises like Resident Evil and MGS make sense because they are action oriented, but RPGs from SE don't. Xbox doesn't even have exclusive Mistwalker titles this time to widen the userbase to include RPG buyers.

That reason is why I think we're all set for a repeat of the PS2, at least when it comes to Japanese and other niche titles. A lot of the time it may not be worth the additional expense of porting.

Doesn't MGS sell poorly on Xbox?
Sony are sponsoring the FIFA World Cup and are tier one sponsors of the UEFA Champions League. There is not much room left after that. I hear the FA Cup is looking for a sponsor in 2014/15 though...

Aren't there spaces available for Euro 2016? I heard some companies from the 2014 block aren't renewing for France...
Along with the other price cutting moves, yes, but make the pack-in permanent.

The biggest issue with that is that they'd have to pay for every single copy they pack in. EA aren't just going to let them pack in the game for free. To pack FIFA in every year to every console is an expensive venture and done at launch in desperation, not to try and get the FIFA brand associated with XBox.


Also, any Boxing fans might notice the incredible marketing push Sony is having in that regard. A major match was on last Saturday and I REALLY wanted to buy a ps4 as I was watching the match
I picked up an XBone a few weeks ago because the deals floating around are pretty good.

I'm bored to death of my PS4. Nothing decent coming til Fall (not interested in TLoU, played it on PS3). System updates and enhancements have been non existant. I really don't know what everyone's playing on it. Infamous I guess, but not everyone's a fan of the Infamous franchise. I don't think I've turned my PS4 on since Mid February.

I bought the Xbox out of boredom and I wanted to try some of the exclusives like Killer Instinct, DR3, and Forza. I realize after I get through these Xbox exclusives its going to be in the same boat as PS4, nothing new coming until Fall.

I don't know...maybe I should have just upgraded my PC and let that carry me through this Spring and summer drought coming for both systems.

I feel similarly, though I did play and enjoy Infamous. KI and DR3 are solid titles which lasted me longer than anything on PS4 so far but Resogun. Most of what I'm interested in this year is on PC, so I know how you feel on that end. I'm getting a WiiU for MK8 to fill things in until at least Evil Within, Destiny, and Batman probably.

I have full confidence in a decent E3 and 2015 for the PS4 though. The launch window delays have hurt, but then don't we always complain about software releasing before it's ready?

I readily recognize people with different tastes are probably enjoying the PS4 more than me, but I like to bitch about things I spend a lot of money on.
Not really when the resources could be deployed to making a 3DS title or funding a port of FFXII-HD to PS3 or PS4. Both of those would give a better return.

Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.
TF vs Infamous sales are almost identical, what makes ISS sales so impressive is its only on PS4 vs Xbone+PC + a seven figure Marketing budget from MS.

I would say that TF sales were very underwhelming giving the crazy manufactured hype all media was trying to create.

What? How much do you HONESTLY think PC version sold. Come on now. Cream said Titanfall sold over 1 million XB1 copies alone. Second Son was quoted around 500K. Let's assume that ALL 311K consoles sold were Titanfall bundles (even though they weren't), you're still looking at about 700K Titanfall X1 copies sold without the consoles. Is that really that close to you considering PS4 also has a console lead and has more customers to sell the game to?

You also going to pretend that Sony didn't market Second Son as you only mention MS's TF marketing?

Both sold great, but don't try and sell one short while parading another.

Sony marketed ISS, but it was nothing like what MS did with TF. Also TF was touted to be the biggest game in console history since its debute in E3...it ended up average all around.
If 1million copies sold in the US in it's first month is "average" then that means Second Son performed poorly at 500k by comparison huh? Come on. Both performed well above average.


Sucks that Elder Scrolls MMO is not cross-platform but it will be good for PS4 nevertheless

I agree. If it were cross platform, I'd probably get it to play with some friends who have it on PC. My PC wouldn't do anything for it and I'm not looking to upgrade it. That was the whole reason I moved from PC gaming to consoles back in the PS2 days.
Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.



Good morning GAF. All of this information probably exists in this enormous thread, but I've put together my YOY and Gen over Gen comps, so I figured I'd share them anyway. The Gen over Gen console comps are flat. The handhelds are of course atrocious.

Year Over Year
            2014  2013  % Change
XB1          311         
360          111   261   -56.32%
PS4          371         
PS3           67   211   -51.66%
WIU           70    67    22.39%
WII           28    91   -57.14%
3DS          159   230   -33.48%
NDS           86    
PSV           10    33   -27.27%
PSP                  8     
MSFT         372   261    42.53%
SONY         396   252    57.14%
NINT         274   474   -42.19%
HAND         177   357   -50.42%
CONSOLE      865   630    37.30%

Gen over Gen
Console     2014  2007  % Change
360                199   
PS2                280   
WII                259   
PS3                130   
TOTAL        865   868   -0.35%
Handheld    2014  2008  % Change
NDS                698   
PSP                297   
Total        177   995   -82.21%

And here's the always exciting Powerhouse ™ 3DS vs PSP race:
           3DS 2014     PSP 2008    NDS 2008
January          97          230         251
February        153          243         587
March           159          297         698
April                        193         415
May                          182         452
June                         337         783
July                         222         608
August                       253         518
September                    238         537
October                      193         491
November                     421         1570
December                    1020         3040
                409         3829         9950

Something seems a bit off with the percentages in the top block.

That said, handhelds remain completely disastrous.
Square ported much nicher stuff to the 360 before. They even publish 360 version of their games in Japan that go on to sell less than 5 digits life time sales.

I think the possibility of them cancelling XBO version of FFXV is very low. Their games have been selling like shit on Xbox for years now, they already know what to expect from the system.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think 500k for infamous is pretty amazing. Huge pick-up over the last entry. This can be like a mid-tier franchise now, 3-4MM WW.
Fucking dumb move by Sony. They probably didn't put it on PS4 because they didn't want it to be in a way of Driveclub but then Driveclub got delay indefinitely. Failed management on both Sony WWS and Driveclub teams imo.

Do people seriously think a PS4 version of GT6 would have been ready on time? I think it's just fine as it is, they can release GT7 when they can keep a reasonable amount of stock on the shelves in Europe. It's GTs main territory and a GT release would have been a bloodbath.

The biggest problem was that GT6 simply wasn't ready early enough and came out too late on the PS3.


I dont think that Square needs to straight out cancel FF15 and KH3 on Xbone. They will sell enough on Xbone to make the porting worthwile. Possibly, Sony could jump in to purchase 3-6month exclusivity.

FF15 might do well, however I have a weird feeling that KH3 won't.


At the end of the day the only loser is wiiu. Xbox one has already sold well enough that it won't lose relevance, so saying they lost is just to fuel the console war. That said, I find console wars immensely entertaining so go right ahead. I enjoy watching people get super worked up over things that don't really make much of a difference when all is said and done.
That's not how it works. If the product doesn't sell at retail then the retailer has the right to return the product to the manufacturer for a refund. Obviously the Xbox Ones will continue to sell, and it's not a good comparison to make to a commodity product like detergent.
and? how is the xbone different in that regard? demand moves profits. if demand isn't as big as ps4, then retailers won't buy as much xbones just as they would return the detergent.

again, the console manufacturers rely most on revenues that get sold through the console, not the sale of the console itself. profits made through the sale to the retailer is meaningless. let's say they get what, 25-30 bucks of profit per unit? meanwhile, ps4 gets that base profit plus way more because the console is a vehicle for way more revenue streams. selling the console to the retailer is just a first step.


The two systems are just about even in the states, which is good for both companies right now. The difference is in Europe, where Microsoft is getting their ass handed to them. Eventually sales will pick up in Japan with actual Japanese PS4 games, and that just makes thing worse.

Microsoft needs to go hard after the European market. Get Kinect out of the box, dump the TV crap that doesn't even work in those countries, get the price below the PS4, and find a way to associate Fifa with Xbox instead of Sony. The "'murica box" needs to die.
Playstation and football are like peanut butter and jelly. It would take a lot to change that, it's a part of their culture.


Is porting it to another console that difficult, especially considering this generation's consoles, that it really wouldn't be worth the extra sales?

It would depend if SE would want to devote resources to optimizing a port, and then a couple more resources to market it. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to make a profit out of an XBOne port (or for FFXV, at least), but the question would always be if they could have used those resources for another project instead. I am not an expert at these things, but I know that it's never as easy as deciding to make an extra few bucks.

As I said, FFXV will probably make some profit with XBOne. The question is Kingdom Hearts 3, which has never appeared in a Microsoft console, and has always skewered towards Nintendo and Sony fans.


Fucking dumb move by Sony. They probably didn't put it on PS4 because they didn't want it to be in a way of Driveclub but then Driveclub got delay indefinitely. Failed management on both Sony WWS and Driveclub teams imo.

Don't worry, we'll get a GT7 demo (prologue) in a year or two, and then wait an additional year or two for the real GT7. -_-


Its not easy to persuade Konami and S-E. Yes the immediate fan base is on PlayStation, however with both MGS and FF they want to appeal to a large new audience as well.


I really don't see how a port of a game already being made on similar hardware costs more than making a brand new game for scratch, even if handheld budgets are lower.


Gold Member
Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.

God damn, Steve. lol
Certainly surprised, thought the One would at least outsell during March due to TitanFall launch. Seems like 360 owners were able to wait a few weeks for TitanFall's launch rather than swap to the One, has to be one of the reasons for these results.

I am thinking more and more that an aggressive price cut is the only thing that will make it competitive with PS4, at the expense of MSFT's financials but what's the alternative? Selling at the current pace and making minimal revenue while your competitor continues to outsell?

Seen a lot of "Xbox is done" comments here which may be true if MSFT continues on the current trajectory of keeping a much higher price point. Either a formal price drop or a new SKU at a lower price seem to be the company's only remaining options..
The two systems are just about even in the states, which is good for both companies right now. The difference is in Europe, where Microsoft is getting their ass handed to them. Eventually sales will pick up in Japan with actual Japanese PS4 games, and that just makes thing worse.

Microsoft needs to go hard after the European market. Get Kinect out of the box, dump the TV crap that doesn't even work in those countries, get the price below the PS4, and find a way to associate Fifa with Xbox instead of Sony. The "'murica box" needs to die.

xbone had a fifa 14 promo and a forza 5 promo for eu.

and those are the two games that eu will most likely buy on the xbone.

look at what happened. nothing. xbone can't even capture eu with a football and a racing game.
At the end of the day the only loser is wiiu. Xbox one has already sold well enough that it won't lose relevance, so saying they lost is just to fuel the console war. That said, I find console wars immensely entertaining so go right ahead. I enjoy watching people get super worked up over things that don't really make much of a difference when all is said and done.

The XBox One won't lose relevance as far as software goes aside from Japanese support unless the gap continues to widen over the years. Even then I don't see much in the way of third party exclusives making their return to the Playstation like the PS2 days.

We keep hearing from Microsoft now how it's a marathon not a sprint so I dont think there is any worry about the XBox One losing relevance like we are seeing with Vita and Wii U.
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