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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]


Crystal Bearer
Me too... although I'm a bit worried about what this may mean in terms of their views on having a female protagonist in the future.

Well maybe if they actually develop a character that people can relate to instead of some one-dimensional ice queen...


Well maybe if they actually develop a character that people can relate to instead of some one-dimensional ice queen...

Square's characters (baring a few exceptions) have always been prety one dimensional.

It's hardly something new. Square's writers aren't at Falcom's level quite yet ;)

He is gonna help Zynga just like he helped Microsoft.
Then people who are on the fence see the news and it only drives the point further home.

I know Amazon is just a small cog, but this is the second time NPD's have released and that little green arrow has appeared next to the PS4 after not being there for a day or two. NPD bump? I find it interesting.
Microsoft charging the Gold tax for apps in 2014 is well beyond the point of insanity. It was bad enough when the Wii and PS3 both had access to apps for free. Now, not only do you have Wii U and PS4, you also have Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, Smart TVs with the apps built in anyway, and a wide selection of "android-on-a-stick" solutions. That's completely ignoring smartphones and tablets.

Pay wall for apps never should have launched with the One.

This is the single worst thing about Xbox today. The money isn't really the issue - most people will pay for Gold because of the multiplayer anyhow. The issue is that continuing to change for what is essentially negative added value (removed functionality behind paywall) Microsoft continue to demonstrate a complete lack of respect for their customer base. They can bring the most games in history to an E3 and have Phil Spencer be infinitely better than Mehdi/Mattrick but as long as they keep the media paywall, it shows they truly haven't changed one bit.


I have yet to see a PS4 on the store shelves in the US.

Stock is improving. Some cities might have stock issues here and there but its regularly being restocked. LA and NY have them in stock right now at all Best Buy's but they were mostly out of stock last week. My city has them in every store now for the past 2 weeks. Best Buy doesn't stack them out. You have to ask. Most stores are suppose to put out a sign when its in stock right when you walk into the store


love on your sleeve
I think next gen consoles will reinvigorate fan interest in the Lightning brand. They should give the queen one more go on PS4.


So this is exactly why people were putting so much pressure on MS to deliver in March and why in the grand scheme of things its actually a big deal.
Momentum in the market is a very real thing just like it is anywhere else and right now MS is not only drastically losing momentum but they have
very little in the way of turning it around because the perception among more and more of the market is that:

- They have a weak system
- A weak catalog of games
- Very little on the horizon(heh)
- Will be a inferior place to play the biggest 3rd party games

Now I am not saying all those are real but that is definitely the perception and once the market thinks your a sick and struggling product it takes a lot
for them to come back to you. Its exactly this type of negative momentum that will seal the death of the Wii-U even if that poor thing drops to $150
with the greatest Mario of all time.

I expect the craziest E3 from MS ever. Because if there was ever a time for them to cut checks of ludicrous amounts to secure some desired exclusive
just to get that momentum going again it might be worth it.

I don't even know what MS could realistically do at E3 to change their image that much. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of multiplats , maybe some Halo 5 footage. I think they might show off a few new kinect games.

I still think they'll cut the price and take Kinect out by August.


Did X HD just outsell LR?

XHD's JP sales are more in the 650k region. There are digital + Individual SKU data buried in depths of one of the many Media create threads.

Also creamsugar who is a trusted source states that the 208 is just for one version. There was also another source that states the sales were 4:1 PS3:Vita. So it's likely in the 260k region.
This is the single worst thing about Xbox today. The money isn't really the issue - most people will pay for Gold because of the multiplayer anyhow. The issue is that continuing to change for what is essentially negative added value (removed functionality behind paywall) Microsoft continue to demonstrate a complete lack of respect for their customer base. They can bring the most games in history to an E3 and have Phil Spencer be infinitely better than Mehdi/Mattrick but as long as they keep the media paywall, it shows they truly haven't changed one bit.

and right now they're not even taking a loss on hardware so there really is no excuse

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Numbers weren't quite as high as I expected, but still decent nonetheless. Xbox One numbers are a bit troubling given all the promotions and big releases for the month and it sold less on a weekly basis than February. That sort of tells me that a lot of February sales were in anticipation of Titanfall, and that the January sales may more accurately reflect the longer term trend. It'll be interesting to see how Xbox One does going forward.

I'm thinking we'll see a steep decline for Xbox One over the coming months moving into the fall, whereas PS4 will only see mild declines that approximate the seasonal trends we normally expect.

Good sales for Titanfall itself, but you have to wonder just how much EA is shooting themselves in the foot for that exclusivity deal. Then again, Microsoft paid for a ton of bundled units as well as a massive marketing campaign, so maybe they made out like bandits and the only real company that lost out in the deal was Microsoft, which didn't see much of a boost for their system which is performing below their expectations. The series received a lot of attention due to the exclusivity from Microsoft, so perhaps this is a good thing for the series whenever Titanfall 2 comes to PS4 and can elevate the series to much larger numbers. However, unless there are major improvements to the sequel, I can see the series getting lost in the mix to genuine next-gen online titles.

InFamous: SS did really strongly as well...500K is for the physical sales, and 10-20% digital sales would push it to 550-600K, which is basically elevating the series to Uncharted 2 levels of success for its first month, and about double what the previous title sold. Well deserved for Sucker Punch, who are poised to be compared now to the likes of ND and Sony Santa Monica in their studio arsenal.


I really would like to see what you define as a 'flop'.

The FF XIII "franchise" is the very definition of a flop. Compare FFVII/VIII/IX sales (ww) to FFXII/XIII-2/XII-3 nd check for yourself. Not to mention how insanely more expensive they were to develop.


Me too... although I'm a bit worried about what this may mean in terms of their views on having a female protagonist in the future.

If SE is too stupid to realize Lightning is insufferable as a character absent her gender, then they've got issues.

Frankly, they need someone on the team that "gets" the whole Ivalice vibe from FFXII and put them on something. At this point it's the only design aesthetic I can stomach from the company.

Back to the actual charts. I'm glad to see Infamous:SS up there at number 2, even though I did feel it was a bit flat from what I remember of Infamous 2 (I really missed the "boss like" bigger enemies that were in the streets of I2). Hopefully, SS sales will get SP some more staff to better plan and execute more varied mission variety in the next game as I feel they've pretty much nailed the design process for making various powers fun to play. I'd also prefer they go back to a fictional city that they can make more distinctive - I felt Seattle was a little less memorable compared to the first two games that had multiple main landmarks that helped make navigating the city easier.


I'm surprised that the PS4 is ahead again. I don't think this means that this is over for the Xbone though, it just shows what the Xbone audience is and the guys at Microsoft are serving them.

They stated that they are 60% ahead of the 360 at the same point in time and the 360 is considered successfull. The PS4 is also way ahead of the PS3 at the same point in time. Given this trend and the vaccum left behind by the Wii and WiiU, would this be a partial shift of the more "casual" audience over to PS4 and the wide support of developers and games? This "casual" audience also isn't neccisarially the online only tethered audience as well following the flood of "bad news" from last year, so it could just be a lot of pent up desire for change over time combined with simply following the current popular trend and we could see by the end of the generation a general rebound (outside of japan) in the console market since the PS2/Wii into "normal" territories instead of odd fluctuations of hit gimmick devices.

This said, I also think that if the Xbone can keep selling like it is, it should be considered a successful console even though it is in "last" place until Nintendo decides to do something different again. No real word on that yet though.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
At this point, I don't even know is equaling the price of the PS4 will help the Xbox. Sony just has to much momentum.

Price cuts never "help". Essentially sales at the lower price point replace sales lost from the higher price point. Steady sales will remain steady with a price cut. Falling sales will continue to fall with a price cut.

Honestly with the system still selling in the 200-300K range I disagree with everyone calling for a $350 Kinect-less announcement at E3.. That is to say MS needs to accept second place at this point and just stick to their pricing plan. Even dropping Kinect... I mean why? Get rid of the one thing that truly differentiates you from your competition? So you are left with a box that costs just as much but performs worse than the competition? It doesn't make sense.

MS' best option right now is to stay the course. It's not a bad course. They aren't really doing anything wrong. Yeah their dreams of being number one in the US are gone, but does that really matter if they can hit and maintain profitability for the business?

Fortunately for MS this is the same thing their mobile division is now starting to realize. Not trying to lead but still being a modest and profitable part of a particular industry sure as hell beats trying to lead/control that industry while failing miserably and losing money hand over fist.

They stated that they are 60% ahead of the 360 at the same point in time and the 360 is considered successfull.

Guys, can we please stop trumpeting this?

1) the 360 was severely supply constrained for months after release. the xbone was not.
2) last-gen lasted for 8 years. the PS2 gen lasted for 5 years. Gamers were very anxious to upgrade this time around.
3) when you remove the launch/holiday numbers (aka 2013) from xbone, it's 2014 numbers right now aren't great. Not Wii U bad, but not much better. 2013 just showed there were ~3M 360 owners who were tired of last-gen and dying to get their hands on a new generation xbox. 2014 is showing us that once those gamers got their systems, the market for xbone is much smaller than it was for 360.
There never was an excuse. Ever. Its like Apple charging you to use the internet on your iphone. Its malicious, stupid and ultimately counterproductive.

well it could work like phone contracts - I'm not saying I'm for it or that I agree with it but simply that that even that excuse isn't available

I mean if they launched it as XB1 at $400 at launch or $450 with 4 months free XBL one could at least they could make the argument


Junior Member
I'm surprised that the PS4 is ahead again. I don't think this means that this is over for the Xbone though, it just shows what the Xbone audience is and the guys at Microsoft are serving them.

They stated that they are 60% ahead of the 360 at the same point in time and the 360 is considered successfull. The PS4 is also way ahead of the PS3 at the same point in time. Given this trend and the vaccum left behind by the Wii and WiiU, would this be a partial shift of the more "casual" audience over to PS4 and the wide support of developers and games? This "casual" audience also isn't neccisarially the online only tethered audience as well following the flood of "bad news" from last year, so it could just be a lot of pent up desire for change over time combined with simply following the current popular trend and we could see by the end of the generation a general rebound (outside of japan) in the console market since the PS2/Wii into "normal" territories instead of odd fluctuations of hit gimmick devices.

This said, I also think that if the Xbone can keep selling like it is, it should be considered a successful console even though it is in "last" place until Nintendo decides to do something different again. No real word on that yet though.
I mentioned this before, but you can't look at raw figures. You have to look at sales trends, and the most alarming is that the XB1 sold worse week for week in March, than it did in February. Titanfall, aggressive bundling, and strong discounts couldn't stop the drop off in sales. It sets a really really bad precedent, especially heading into the summer where the XB1 lineup is pretty dry. MS needs to reinvigorate their platform support at E3, or else the trend will only get worse
I don't even know what MS could realistically do at E3 to change their image that much. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of multiplats , maybe some Halo 5 footage. I think they might show off a few new kinect games.

I still think they'll cut the price and take Kinect out by August.

What's worse is Halo 5 might be 2015 which is just to late. WW by that time the PS4 will likely be 10 million+ ahead and increasing


I don't even know what MS could realistically do at E3 to change their image that much. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of multiplats , maybe some Halo 5 footage. I think they might show off a few new kinect games.

I still think they'll cut the price and take Kinect out by August.

I'm sure they will just show trailers of everything they've already teased and maybe 2 NEW games but I totally agree with you. I don't expect any "get up and go get an XB1 "RIGHT NOW" announcements."


The FF XIII "franchise" is the very definition of a flop. Compare FFVII/VIII/IX sales (ww) to FFXII/XIII-2/XII-3 nd check for yourself. Not to mention how insanely more expensive they were to develop.

Different markets and times is all I really need to say. Any brand selling over 10 million titles should never be considered a flop, especially since all three games use the same assets.


I don't even know what MS could realistically do at E3 to change their image that much. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of multiplats , maybe some Halo 5 footage. I think they might show off a few new kinect games.

I still think they'll cut the price and take Kinect out by August.

They need to convert as many current 360 owners as possible to the XB1 and one way to do it imo is to somehow manage and announce some sort of backwards compatibility (even if it's just for Arcade games) and lower the price. And focus on their exclusive heavy hitters (new IP or otherwise).
Well maybe if they actually develop a character that people can relate to instead of some one-dimensional ice queen...

Ding ding ding, give the girl a prize.

PS4 outselling Xbone on the launch month of Titanfall is legitimately surprising to me. MS needs to get their house in order before the momentum becomes something majorly bad for them over the months.
What's worse is Halo 5 might be 2015 which is just to late. WW by that time the PS4 will likely be 10 million+ ahead and increasing

We're already at about 7M in 6 months - I'd be surprised if we're not around 15 M by end of year - possibly even 20 if they can boost production and kill it in the holidays.

I have a feeling by the start of the holiday season it will have become blatantly clear even to the average consumer the PS4 is the the console to be on this generation for games and when that happens it'll be like PS2 all over again.
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