Syphon Filter
How can you actually say that? It's weaker than the PS4, sure. But that doesn't make it "grossly underpowered". And of course it's too early.
I wouldn't say its too early to call the gen over. It's over worldwide.
How can you actually say that? It's weaker than the PS4, sure. But that doesn't make it "grossly underpowered". And of course it's too early.
Oh of course. But MS's old management was stupid if they thought they could actually manufacture the next COD out the gates. I'm disappointed so many gaffers fell for the party line, hook line and sinker.Compared to the way MS was advertising the game as the 2nd coming of Jesus? Yeah, it didn't sell the way MS wanted it to.
Compared to the way MS was advertising the game as the 2nd coming of Jesus? Yeah, it didn't sell the way MS wanted it to.
Compared to the way MS was advertising the game as the 2nd coming of Jesus? Yeah, it didn't sell the way MS wanted it to.
So, still too early to say Microsoft lost this gen?
I'm sure they will just show trailers of everything they've already teased and maybe 2 NEW games but I totally agree with you. I don't expect any "get up and go get an XB1 "RIGHT NOW" announcements."
... Seems like not even a half billion NFL deal or Titanfall exclusivity can move consoles. ...
Price cuts never "help".
I think the game sold well for the installed base but it did not move systems like MS hoped i bet. I am thinking MS doesn't even try to get the sequel exclusive.
It most definitely moved systems. Its sales alone speak to that. We have no idea what "MS hoped" or would consider "significant" tho so it's kinda pointless to try to argue this. Price is a bigger factor in this than TF "bombing". The game is far from a bomb. Even suggesting that is crazed speak.MS expected it to actually move a significant amount of consoles.
MS expected it to be the new Call of Duty, so...
I don't see any possible way MS is going to win the gen, but I don't think winning the generation was ever their goal.
They made the XB1 a western system. They got deals that only appeals to basically America in an attempt to make people buy their system. They don't care about Europe, as evident to the fact that they have no power in Europe with the 360 and they are launching a year late everywhere else.
They were betting on the west, but that bet is backfiring. Seems like not even a half billion NFL deal or Titanfall exclusivity can move consoles. They were thinking too narrow when designing their system.
They could have had a chance if they didn't have a whole year of bad PR, but once that train left the station and numbers came in, the feedback loop initiated.
If anyone has a shot at keeping XB1 competitive in sales with the PS4, it's Spencer. But oh boy, he has his work cut out for him.Phil Spencer, God bless him. There's no way that the E3 announcements will match the hype he's asking for.![]()
Let's look at the last two months and examine the range of physical retail sales of BD, LR, and FFXHD:
160(BD) < 178 (LR) < 208 (FFX)
Let's convert these to dollars based upon their estimated pricing ($40 for BD and FFXHD and $60 for LR)
BD: You get 160k x $40 for $6.4million.
LR: You get ~180 x $60 for $10.8 million.
FFX: You get 208 x $40 for ~$8 million.
From this analysis, LR made more money than the two but I cannot say how profitable this was without knowing LR's budget. Given that title's lack of polish and reuse of more of FFXIII's assets, I strongly suspect the budget was not very large. BD was built from the ground up but whatever budget it had was augmented by the rather ingenious 'for the sequel' campaign. FFX is a successful HD remaster of two huge games but one marred by some lengthy development.
What SE can take away is that managing budgets carefully and not overspending on non mainline title FFs or DQ, they can make some nice oversea profits. I would be curious why only 210k returned for FFX when it is one of the most successful games in the franchise worldwide and the amount of content added for this new version is staggering.
How can you actually say that? It's weaker than the PS4, sure. But that doesn't make it "grossly underpowered". And of course it's too early.
But didn't you hear?! Due to the cursory knowledge of a small handful of hardcore gamers, NO ONE plays single player in shooters, let alone buys the game for it!Call of duty at least has a single player mode...
Based on the way they talk, it definitely was.
It most definitely moved systems. Its sales alone speak to that. We have no idea what "MS hoped" or would consider "significant" tho so it's kinda pointless to try to argue this. Price is a bigger factor in this than TF "bombing". The game is far from a bomb. Even suggesting that is crazed speak.
Comparing it to CoD, it sold to a much larger percentage of the userbase (US) but really that comparison aint even half fair lol.
Talking is talking.
I think their actions with their deals and console speaks louder than their words.
Numbers weren't quite as high as I expected, but still decent nonetheless. Xbox One numbers are a bit troubling given all the promotions and big releases for the month and it sold less on a weekly basis than February. That sort of tells me that a lot of February sales were in anticipation of Titanfall, and that the January sales may more accurately reflect the longer term trend. It'll be interesting to see how Xbox One does going forward.
I'm thinking we'll see a steep decline for Xbox One over the coming months moving into the fall, whereas PS4 will only see mild declines that approximate the seasonal trends we normally expect.
Thanks for this. I don't have any data for systems released before the PS2.Dreamcast, March 2000:
Dreamcast, March 2001:
Wii U, March 2013:
Wii U, March 2014:
Dreamcast, January - March 2000:
Dreamcast, January - March 2001:
Wii U, January - March 2013:
Wii U, January - March 2014:
Dreamcast LTD (March 2001):
3.16 million
Wii U LTD (March 2014):
2.30 million
Xbone is outselling the GBA and Wii at this point in it's life cycle. Those systems would go on to be huge successes. People are ridiculous.Oh my god.... You guys are ridiculous, calling TitanFall a flop and the One a failure. Jesus. Both consoles are doing pretty damn good so far, with the PS4 doing AMAZING while the XBO just doing pretty great. Comparisons of the Wii U and Xbox One? Really?
I think the game sold well for the installed base but it did not move systems like MS hoped i bet. I am thinking MS doesn't even try to get the sequel exclusive.
I think one thing is clear MS put alot of effort and money into Titanfall and I don't think it got a favorable result for them.
Call of duty at least has a single player mode...
It most definitely moved systems. Its sales alone speak to that. We have no idea what "MS hoped" or would consider "significant" tho so it's kinda pointless to try to argue this. Price is a bigger factor in this than TF "bombing". The game is far from a bomb. Even suggesting that is crazed speak.
Comparing it to CoD, it sold to a much larger percentage of the userbase (US) but really that comparison aint even half fair lol.
Oh my god.... You guys are ridiculous, calling TitanFall a flop and the One a failure. Jesus. Both consoles are doing pretty damn good so far, with the PS4 doing AMAZING while the XBO just doing pretty great. Comparisons of the Wii U and Xbox One? Really?
But didn't you hear?! Due to the cursory knowledge of a small handful of hardcore gamers, NO ONE plays single player in shooters, let alone buys the game for it!
So MS expected it to sell to OVER 50% of the userbase? That's insanity.
Titanfall certainly isn't a flop.
Anyone saying it's a flop is delusional.
However, it did flop as a system seller.
It most definitely moved systems. Its sales alone speak to that. We have no idea what "MS hoped" or would consider "significant" tho so it's kinda pointless to try to argue this. Price is a bigger factor in this than TF "bombing". The game is far from a bomb. Even suggesting that is crazed speak.
Comparing it to CoD, it sold to a much larger percentage of the userbase (US) but really that comparison aint even half fair lol.
Watchdogs next month though, that's going to move some next gen consoles I think. Probably more PS4, but it could be good for both (oh! sorry WiiU! - still love you)
MS expected it to be the new Call of Duty, so...
While I don't think it moved consoles, it did sell a bunch in the xb1 and probably will sell a bunch on the 360 which in turn increases live subs. So it's not like they totally lost out. If a new ip sells 4 mill across 2 of your platforms is it really a loss if your initial goal wasn't reached?I think one thing is clear MS put alot of effort and money into Titanfall and I don't think it got a favorable result for them.
One week bump in the UK, and no bump for March.
I think one thing is clear MS put alot of effort and money into Titanfall and I don't think it got a favorable result for them.
One week bump in the UK, and no bump for March.
Titanfall certainly isn't a flop.
Anyone saying it's a flop is delusional.
However, it did flop as a system seller.
This is such a silly notion.
Imagine if they didn't have TitanFall.
Their exclusive title to go up against Second Son would be Plants vs Zombies...
You think they'd be anywhere near PS4's sales this month without TitanFall? No way
There are very few games in recent memory that showed to have a considerably boost in hardware sales the month it's released; MGS4 would be one of them.I don't think I have ever understood why it was considered possible as a system seller. It was available on the 360 and PC, with practically the same content. There is barely any reason to feel a need to buy an xbox one for that game. Moreover, there are plenty of other games to keep those unable to get it or uninterested entertained
This is such a silly notion.
Imagine if they didn't have TitanFall.
Their exclusive title to go up against Second Son would be Plants vs Zombies...
You think they'd be anywhere near PS4's sales this month without TitanFall? No way
so it just prevented them from being buried instead of making them the winner.This is such a silly notion.
Imagine if they didn't have TitanFall.
Their exclusive title to go up against Second Son would be Plants vs Zombies...
You think they'd be anywhere near PS4's sales this month without TitanFall? No way
I am going on what I have in front of me.This is such a silly notion.
Imagine if they didn't have TitanFall.
Their exclusive title to go up against Second Son would be Plants vs Zombies...
You think they'd be anywhere near PS4's sales this month without TitanFall? No way
Does anyone have an updated launch aligned console sales graph?
Took me awhile -- got sidetracked by real life.
Last version. =P
It hasn't passed the WiiU yet so.. >_>
So the 1mln Titanfall number doesn't include the bundles?
That would be pretty impressive considering the 311k number is basically all Titanfall bundle.
A one million seller new IP is a flop now? Wut.
so it just prevented them from being buried instead of making them the winner.
Oh my god.... You guys are ridiculous, calling TitanFall a flop and the One a failure. Jesus. Both consoles are doing pretty damn good so far, with the PS4 doing AMAZING while the XBO just doing pretty great. Comparisons of the Wii U and Xbox One? Really?
so it just prevented them from being buried instead of making them the winner.
The last numbers from what we can see was 487,329 for japan.