Handy Fake
*bad boy*
Microsoft managed to offer Titanfall bundles for $499 and not $559 because Titanfall sales were not that great? I think Microsoft already had that price point set before Titanfall shipped and that was likely due to a slowdown of hardware sales since launch.
Excellent franchise but what impact of hardware sales did we see previously each year?
Moneyhatting must cost a lot for Microsoft right about now...
I'm not even sure what we're arguing about. The price cuts and bundling are responses to disappointing Xbox One sales. I would have expected a $110 price drop to dramatically increase weekly sales for March vs. February. But they didn't. In fact, it sold less on a weekly basis.
PS3 actually sold better than the 360 during most of its lifespan, WW. But it still struggled out of the gate, and particularly in the US Sony was hoping titles like MGS4 would change the tide. It managed to let the PS3 outsell the 360 for a month before it was back to business as usual. But even during that month, Sony didn't resort to bundling it for free and chopping $50 off the price on top of that.
I dont think we look at it that way, before anyone with an Xbox could still get at least an average baseball game in 2k, now any baseball fan that wants a decent baseball game on current gen will have to go PS4 unless they want to go even worse and settle for RBI baseball. That is why I feel this Show will push hardware further than before
Are you sure it includes bundled TF? It seems like it wouldn't because those were digital copies of the game. Plus I thought bundles usually don't count regardless.Includes
I doubt Microsoft would be able to secure any more big exclusives considering how much better the PS4 is selling.
BTW, just because XB1 is in 2nd place, it doesn't mean its doomed. It just means its losing.
He was responding to a tweet that said something like 'you better bring it at E3'.
Seems like a pretty good response. We want games right?
Well, the quote is to someone that said they better bring it at E3....
...but then again, if the leaks were true, we already know they're big plans for the rest of this year and Halo 2 Anniversary just ain't gonna cut it.
Combination of price drops (mostly via new hardware revisions), lots of great exclusive games, and big improvements to PSN, most of which came post-2010.
It was a gradual come from behind victory for the PS3, it wasn't one big release that pushed them past the Xbox 360.
Well, the quote is to someone that said they better bring it at E3....
...but then again, if the leaks were true, we already know they're big plans for the rest of this year and Halo 2 Anniversary just ain't gonna cut it.
at this point everyone at the xbox division should have their twitter accounts removed.
LOL. It IS real sales to Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't just flood the market with Xbox Ones on the hopes that consumers will purchase them. A retailer actually has to order the consoles. And when they order consoles they pay Microsoft. From your perspective, I see what you're saying, but think of it from Microsoft's perspective. They got paid. That is a fact. No spin.
I don't see any comments on the real race to watch: when will the 360 overtake the Wii? We thought it was going to happen last year, but it keeps disappearing into the distance like a mirage in the desert. At the difference this month, it'll still take another 5 months to happen.
possibility. My brother had to order from amazon because the bestbuy and 2 gamestop around us didn't have any in stock.Obviously, YMMV, but as far as I can tell, you can walk into any Best Buy, GameStop, etc. and buy a PS4 as well now.
I don't see any comments on the real race to watch: when will the 360 overtake the Wii? We thought it was going to happen last year, but it keeps disappearing into the distance like a mirage in the desert. At the difference this month, it'll still take another 5 months to happen.
Why do Americans hate handhelds so much?
Ok, so ps4 is the obvious winner. But xbone sales are not bad at all, and are clearly way above wii u. Ms will stay in 2nd place this gen and will make money. I don't see what the big deal is and why it's so shocking? I mean, ps4 has had more hype and positive press since feb 2013, nothing is going to stop that. The real loser here is Nintendo as far as I can see. Their presence is totally non existent on this npd yet everyone is focused on how bad ms is doing. A huh...
Ok, so ps4 is the obvious winner. But xbone sales are not bad at all, and are clearly way above wii u. Ms will stay in 2nd place this gen and will make money. I don't see what the big deal is and why it's so shocking? I mean, ps4 has had more hype and positive press since feb 2013, nothing is going to stop that. The real loser here is Nintendo as far as I can see. Their presence is totally non existent on this npd yet everyone is focused on how bad ms is doing. A huh...
jesus fucking christ.....
Oh, so that's what I bought a PS4 for. Thanks, Phil.
Games that look and run better on the Ps4.
at this point everyone at the xbox division should have their twitter accounts removed.
@WolfPackZXoxP3 said:This is the most important E3 since 2007. Hope you bring the hype.
@XboxP3 said:Bringing more than hype, bringing games.
I love the fact that people are glazing over the real issue MS has with their box in different countries outside of US,UK and Germany.
The Big reason Xbox:One is only in 13 territories is because of Localization, and TV features for other countries.
Holly shit how do you Freaking miss that in the article by Time.
Hence why they are not shipping to Japan till July. And the rest of the Markets they targeted are in September.
This is why there is such a huge gap, the way Kinect works with Voice for Different languages is a bitch to program especially on a system running 3 different OS's.
The fact IGN is talking about this on Twitter is idiotic as they have not figured this out either.
Holly Shit Journalists need to understand the medium before writing an article.
The regions they launched in were ones where Localization was not as big of a hassle. Hence UK, Germany, and so on.
Hard to believe there are still morons in the industry who get paid to write uneducated articles about a medium where the information is available to them.
Pure Ignorance!
If that's the threshold of bad, then the Vita is doing pretty well also.
You two might be even...but the US and the world is not.
I love the fact that people are glazing over the real issue MS has with their box in different countries outside of US,UK and Germany.
The Big reason Xbox:One is only in 13 territories is because of Localization, and TV features for other countries.
Holly shit how do you Freaking miss that in the article by Time.
Hence why they are not shipping to Japan till July. And the rest of the Markets they targeted are in September.
This is why there is such a huge gap, the way Kinect works with Voice for Different languages is a bitch to program especially on a system running 3 different OS's.
The fact IGN is talking about this on Twitter is idiotic as they have not figured this out either.
Holly Shit Journalists need to understand the medium before writing an article.
The regions they launched in were ones where Localization was not as big of a hassle. Hence UK, Germany, and so on.
Hard to believe there are still morons in the industry who get paid to write uneducated articles about a medium where the information is available to them.
Pure Ignorance!
RyanMcCaffrey just posted this TIME article on twitter.
Imma go with Colin on this one.
Not sure what you mean by that, considering that wii u is still selling better than vita. Vita is on a whole other level of bomba at this point.If that's the threshold of bad, then the Vita is doing pretty well also.
Are you sure it includes bundled TF? It seems like it wouldn't because those were digital copies of the game. Plus I thought bundles usually don't count regardless.
Ok, so ps4 is the obvious winner. But xbone sales are not bad at all, and are clearly way above wii u. Ms will stay in 2nd place this gen and will make money. I don't see what the big deal is and why it's so shocking? I mean, ps4 has had more hype and positive press since feb 2013, nothing is going to stop that. The real loser here is Nintendo as far as I can see. Their presence is totally non existent on this npd yet everyone is focused on how bad ms is doing. A huh...
Oh my god.... You guys are ridiculous, calling TitanFall a flop and the One a failure. Jesus. Both consoles are doing pretty damn good so far, with the PS4 doing AMAZING while the XBO just doing pretty great. Comparisons of the Wii U and Xbox One? Really?
So selling over 300,000 is just as bad as selling 10,000?
Not sure what you mean by that, considering that wii u is still selling better than vita. Vita is on a whole other level of bomba at this point.
Still love it tho. It means life.
Colin is one of the few at IGN that calls it like he sees it. If you listen to Podcast Beyond he is far from a fanboy looking for a job at Sony. He criticizes them more than anyone.
WWE Network/NetflixWhat is everyone playing on these PS4's? I'm looking hard for a reason to jump into next gen and I haven't seen one yet.
What is everyone playing on these PS4's? I'm looking hard for a reason to jump into next gen and I haven't seen one yet.
Can you break down for me how much it would cost to port XV to the One versus how much revenue 400,000 copies would generate. And then can you give me your projections for what it would take to develop a brand new 3DS game or XII HD and explain why both a XII HD port AND a XV Xbox One port couldn't be done? To be perfectly clear here, my angle here is not that I think an Xbox One port is assured and is definitely the perfect business call. However, I will state plainly that I think your motivation here has less to do with your understanding of the logistics involved with the tradeoffs of Square Enix making these kinds of decisions and more with your affinity for Sony hardware. Now that I've laid that out, I'll conclude by stating that I'm not actually terribly interested in your estimates.
Just like many people here anticipated XB1 to outsell PS4 here due to Titanfall, a ton of people also said it wouldn't make much of a different because the game is also coming to 360.
Completely forget about that the latter. Makes sense why it didn't move systems.
I feel dumber after reading the article than I did before I read it. I... I really have nothing to add. I agree with you; most of those arguments suck.RyanMcCaffrey just posted this TIME article on twitter.
Colin is one of the few at IGN that calls it like he sees it. If you listen to Podcast Beyond he is far from a fanboy looking for a job at Sony. He criticizes them more than anyone.
What is everyone playing on these PS4's? I'm looking hard for a reason to jump into next gen and I haven't seen one yet.
Nope, you're wrong. Microsoft has said they will at worst case break even. That's worst case. So they are likely making a very slight profit, not losing money on every console told. No idea where you're pulling this misinformation from.
And you need to forget profit and loss. We're talking REVENUE, not profit. Do you know the difference?
Colin is one of the few at IGN that calls it like he sees it. If you listen to Podcast Beyond he is far from a fanboy looking for a job at Sony. He criticizes them more than anyone.
the 360 version came out in April. I would be amazed if it had any effect on people's purchasing decision considering they barely acknowledged it and didn't even show a single screenshot until release.
I'm so happy Square's Lightning fetish is a flop.
FFXHD out selling lightening returns in all territories makes me giddy as a school girl.
So good. Lol
What is everyone playing on these PS4's? I'm looking hard for a reason to jump into next gen and I haven't seen one yet.
What is everyone playing on these PS4's? I'm looking hard for a reason to jump into next gen and I haven't seen one yet.