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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]


hide your water-based mammals
This is considered a mild upset. All the deals, bundles and PS4 still rocketed past MSFT's ace.

I bet EA is regretting missing out on all the potential PS4 TF sales.

Highly impressive and I suspected that Infamous would have an effect due to the quality of the title and the momentum of Sony's pricing.

I know I got another PS4 with Infamous in this tracking period.

Sony deserves the sales and the software sales. They are bringing it without wavering and sidetracking/backtracking.


People interested in Titanfall (on Xbone) had already bought this console, even at the launch. I know people who bought this console with Titanfall in mind.

That's why (probably) March's sales are lower than expected.


Wait... PS4 still outsold XB1 even with the Titanfall bundles and the sale prices? I am absolutely stunned.

I thought PS4 would sell the most hardware this gen, but I absolutely did not expect this. Wow.

Side note: super happy that Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster charted. Hopefully Squenix takes notice.
What a lot of bollocks.

Writing off a complete console line after less than 6 months on the market. I am afraid your post is nothing but hyperbole.

Quick question - Did you also right off the PS3 after 5 months on sale due to the slow launch, lack of quality titles and struggles with 3rd party game parity especially with the UE3 engine?

...so many people missing the joke.
Microsoft is going to come into E3 like a cornered, wounded animal. I expect more big announcements from them than we have ever seen before. They pretty much have to if they want to save the ship as it is taking on water.

MS would have known last year the DRM etc was going to be a hard sell to people and they needed a killer games line-up. Last E3 was very good for them games wise, I dont expect the strategy would have changed games wise even between then and now, it'll probably be exactly what they were planning before pretty much.

The price is the key problem here, its just plan too high and no amount of moneyhatting will fix that until they just drop it.


I wonder what this does for Titanfall as a franchise, though. By default, doesn't it become less valuable now as a series someone would want to buy exclusivity for?

Anecdotal, but on the PC version everyone I know has just about dropped the game. Our Titanfall channel has went from 20+ to 2 people.

The series will have a future, hopefully a next gen only multiplatform one. I think the next one will be when it gets huge ( and ships with a SP campaign :) )
What a lot of bollocks.

Writing off a complete console line after less than 6 months on the market. I am afraid your post is nothing but hyperbole.

Quick question - Did you also right off the PS3 after 5 months on sale due to the slow launch, lack of quality titles and struggles with 3rd party game parity especially with the UE3 engine?

Totally 100% agree. This is ridiculous. People act like XB1 is leagues behind the PS4 in the US. It's lead is very narrow. Sure, the PS4 may have a more commanding lead worldwide, but its nothing that couldn't be overcome if MS plays its cards right.

However, the bigger deal here is this ludicrous idea that XB1 is some colossal failure because PS4 is ahead. Even if it never achieves the PS4's sales XB1 is still a terrific seller and will be a substantial success regardless.


This thread is going 200 MPH but if someone sees this post… how could there be a 28 percent drop in software sales but 78 percent increase in new console sales?

That doesn’t seem right. Or does that not include digital sales?

Yup, pretty sure NPD doesn't track digital sales yet.
It's over, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of their Xbox One hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Xbox One. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a Xbox One. Except if they want to play Titanfall. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.

Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a Xbox One over a PS4 (except TV SPORTS KINECT LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was Xbox One.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

The age of Microsoft is done.

I have a PS4 and I gotta say that this is one of the most embarrassing posts I have ever seen on gaf.


NPD math from BrokenIcarus:
Feb = 258k XB1 over 4 weeks.
Mar = 311k XB1 over 5 weeks.
Feb = 64.5k/week
Mar = 62.2k/week
XB1 sales FELL.

So the effect of TitanFall was zero, nada, nothing, zilch..



Microsoft is going to come into E3 like a cornered, wounded animal. I expect more big announcements from them than we have ever seen before. They pretty much have to if they want to save the ship as it is taking on water.

Naw. They should double down on the football/tv crowd who like talking to boxes.
[XB1] 340k
[PS4] 350k
[360] 110k
[PS3] 105k
[3DS] 140k
[WiiU] 70k
Spot on with 360 and not too far off on current gen

Just a check but the current standings would be if at the start of April
XB1 shipped: 5 million sold probably between 4.0 to 4.5 million
Wii U shipped:eek:ver 6 million sold probably 5.5-6 million
PS4: Approximately 7 miilion
Honestly 311k for the XB1 is still a pretty good number.

It's pretty awesome to think that over 700k new-gen consoles were sold this month. Show's that people we're ready for them.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I eagerly await the - hopeful - days where we see consecutive positive software sales growth yoy.
It's not over yet but it's pretty much there short of some massive Sony cockup.

They have the weaker console.
They have a more finicky architecture.
They have less experienced first party studios.
They're still recovering from bad PR.
They're behind on indies.
They're behind on volume.

this is worse than Sony's PS2 to PS3 cockups

I don't think it's quite as bad as the PS2 -> PS3. The Xbox brand's weakening is fairly notable, but not as dramatic as Sony's PS3.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
What the hell are they gonna do at E3? $399 without a game is no better than $449 with the biggest game on the system. Slightly worse actually, if you go by full software price.

EA really shit the bed on this one. Activision is going to haul it in when Destiny comes out on PS4 in five months.

hemo memo

Gold Member
You guys don't need to double check me, I'll just say this- I'm eating Pizza and ....


PS4 @ 60k more :).




Situation is VERY grim for MS and their US plans. Their only ace that could push the gamers to purchase expensive [and visually undeperforming] console did not move the needle in their favor. Lets not even start talking about worldwide sales....

Sony has clear way to dominate all the way to the holidays:
- people still want console badly, and availability is getting better [still not perfect, especially in EU]
- all 3rd party games look better on PS4 than on Xbone [except in few rare exceptions when devs are purposefully making games run equal [sport games]]
- PS4 is cheaper, has a great gamepad and MP, and is pulling old Xbox users to it
- PS+ is a great deal to gamers, and if Sony is smart will soon start offering AAA games [Black Flag is prime candidate for summer]
- Arrival of PS Now is imminent, Sony will promote very "attractive " VR on E3
- reviewers are more reviewing PS4 multiplat games, devs are choosing almost always to showcase games on PS4 only (dramatic difference from 7th gen)
- two of the biggest 3rd party games before holidays are firmly in Sony camp - Watch_Dogs [~beginning of summer] and Destiny [~end of summer]. Plus GTA5 can also hop in there [if Sony is smart].
- MS has no exclusive games planned for summer and nothing even announced for holidays, Sony has Remaster of its game of the PS3 generation in summer.

Xbone needs official pricedrop announced at E3, maybe even drop of Kienct, or US is lost.


Damn, price cut/bundles and "TITANFALL!111" couldn't top PS. Pretty good for Sony,and tbh I wouldn't count Infamous as a big game or system seller.

MS is gonna have to drop that kinnect at some point. They seem to have no issue with 180's.
People interested in Titanfall (on Xbone) had already bought this console, even at the launch. I know people who bought this console with Titanfall in mind.

That's why (probably) March's sales are lower than expected.
Yup titanfall is the reason I got a bone instead of a 4, and I got mine day one.
This thread is going 200 MPH but if someone sees this post… how could there be a 28 percent drop in software sales but 78 percent increase in new console sales?

That doesn’t seem right. Or does that not include digital sales?

People buying fewer last gen consoles and their games.


TF sold to the base, but did not bring all that many new consumers to the console. Displaying lack of mainstream appeal

Perhaps a lesson to those of you who thought that you could force something into becoming the next Halo or CoD through brute force marketing: you cannot.

Well said all the bought 10/10 reviews couldn't push it over.
So... what do you do if you have all your eggs in one basket... and drop them. I'm honestly curious if Titan Fall XBO out sold ISS... I'm inclined to think it didn't.


Holy fuck. This is the truly dire news.

That means Titanfall was not even remotely a system seller! I hope EA and Respawn can live with the fact they might have damaged their franchise's growth.

Yep. The fact that it had lower weekly sales is a bigger indication of things than getting beat by the PS4. The coming months are going to be bad for the XB1 without some kind of drastic price cut.
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