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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]


It's over, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of their Xbox One hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Xbox One. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a Xbox One. Except if they want to play Titanfall. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.

Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a Xbox One over a PS4 (except TV SPORTS KINECT LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was Xbox One.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

The age of Microsoft is done.

Gotta say a few people come off looking quite pathetic in these threads. The rampant cheerleading and need to have your purchases vindicated by the general public is something I'll never understand.


If that was the case, then why is Titan Fall not allowed to come to PS4?

because they didnt help pay for it? im sure microsoft wouldnt put in a load of money on a game to be made and go, oh yeah, go ahead and release it on our main competitor's system too. it seemed like it wasnt a buyout, more of a partnership


Junior Member



man, morale @ Respawn must be super-low rn, looking at all these numbers... I mean if Titanfall he been on PS3/4 it would probably be one of THE biggest new IP's ever.

what a mess.


What a lot of bollocks.

Writing off a complete console line after less than 6 months on the market. I am afraid your post is nothing but hyperbole.

Quick question - Did you also right off the PS3 after 5 months on sale due to the slow launch, lack of quality titles and struggles with 3rd party game parity especially with the UE3 engine?

Dude, it's a parody of Amir0x (former GAF mod)'s old post from 2008 when FF13 was announced for Xbox 360. It's a joke.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
So Bish knew, that sneaky bastard, haha. Should have spilled the news before going into his bunker.

Eh, ANY NPD result would have made his bunker reference make sense. The sneaky thing here is not being falsifiable. :p


I think it is clear who current Xbox One owners are. They are the ones who didn't get offended much by Microsofts screw ups. Microsoft has yet to change their negative image in most people's minds.

Indeed. And those enthusiast owners are the ones trying to spread the fabricated hype that the game has carried since it was unveiled.

Turns out, you cannot force something to become the "next big thing", if you could every company would brute force whatever game the were pushing.

EA tried with recent Medal of Honor games, and that thing fell apart.
This topic is incredibly fun but I have to point something out being a GAF watcher for many years.

PlayStation family and Xbox family. It's funny that both companies have used the same exact spin.

Shipped to retailers = Sold. Again, both companies have used the same spin. It's funny to watch people say it's a bad thing when the other team does it.

Watcher for many years, huh? So the difference between sold, sold-in and sold-through are only pointed out when something is bad?

NPD threads bring out the best don't they?


I read one page... and five more appear... is gonna be a long night here in spain reading you all.

Congrats Sony


even $449 TitanFall bundles didn't help. drop the price to $399 already nobody is buying it, core system is not even in top 100 on amazon.
I wonder what this does for Titanfall as a franchise, though. By default, doesn't it become less valuable now as a series someone would want to buy exclusivity for?

I wonder the same. I'm sure EA made out on the deal. But having Titan Fall on the PS4 would have moved a lot more units and it could have sit Titan Fall up at "The Shooter franchise" for the generation.


(Did you have this prepared since yesterday?)
Yes, LOL. I even posted it on another thread because I didn't think PS4 was going to outsell this month...

What a lot of bollocks.

Writing off a complete console line after less than 6 months on the market. I am afraid your post is nothing but hyperbole.

Quick question - Did you also right off the PS3 after 5 months on sale due to the slow launch, lack of quality titles and struggles with 3rd party game parity especially with the UE3 engine?



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Awww. I was kinda hoping for a serious reply. (The gif did make me laugh.)

You have to admit those are all very interesting points, especially the stuff about double standards and combined sales figures.

The thing you seem to fail to understand is that Sony does/did get called out for it, just like MS is.
Microsoft is going to come into E3 like a cornered, wounded animal. I expect more big announcements from them than we have ever seen before. They pretty much have to if they want to save the ship as it is taking on water.

I'm perfectly ok with this. Sony came out swinging hard after PS3 got stuck in the back, but it seems Microsoft is desperate to try and be on top again. Even if it doesn't work, should be fun to watch.


Can't see MS splashing big on another third party exclusive any time soon. Also pretty much cements the end of Titanfall's exclusivity going forward (as if there were any doubt).


Of course it's not bad. This generation is going to be awesome with both consoles doing so well. But do you honestly think MS is content being second on their home turf? The price has to drop. They are out of options at this point.

Yeah, but there was those threads we are talked in that some suggested that MS may be fine being #2 as long as they are being profitable. Both systems are selling well, very well and obviously one better than the other, but it not like the Xbox One is not selling at all. I don't know what MS intentions are, but there have been discussions that MS may be fine as long as they are profitable with the Xbox One.

311k units is nothing to sneeze about for March though. It still is a good numbber..obviously not as good as the PS4, but still pretty good.

Cat Party

I swear the amazing success of PS4 is clouding peoples minds when it comes to X1 sales.
There's a ton of pent up demand for new consoles from such a long generation. It's driving all these great sales numbers, but the clear majority of it is going into the PS4. That's the issue.

But I do agree that the view some have that by not beating the PS4, the XB1 is failing, is silly.


What a lot of bollocks.

Writing off a complete console line after less than 6 months on the market. I am afraid your post is nothing but hyperbole.

Quick question - Did you also right off the PS3 after 5 months on sale due to the slow launch, lack of quality titles and struggles with 3rd party game parity especially with the UE3 engine?

My God! Do people still fall for this?!
Watcher for many years, huh? So the difference between sold, sold-in and sold-through are only pointed out when something is bad?

NPD threads bring out the best don't they?

That's not my implication. Basically I'm saying that both companies have used the same type of PR spin when the chips are down.


It's over, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of their Xbox One hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Xbox One. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a Xbox One. Except if they want to play Titanfall. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.

Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a Xbox One over a PS4 (except TV SPORTS KINECT LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was Xbox One.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

The age of Microsoft is done.

It's only the 1st few months anything could happen over the next few years that could change everything.
The math is fine, but it's unfair. He's saying 4 weeks vs 5 weeks, when it's really 28 days vs 31 days.
So February:
258k/28 = 9.12k per day
and March:
311k/31 = 10.03k per day

So it's an increase.

NPD doesn't work like that. It works on weekly models. So it includes a few extra days, actually.
This thread is going 200 MPH but if someone sees this post… how could there be a 28 percent drop in software sales but 78 percent increase in new console sales?

That doesn’t seem right. Or does that not include digital sales?


Gold Member
This topic is incredibly fun but I have to point something out being a GAF watcher for many years.

PlayStation family and Xbox family. It's funny that both companies have used the same exact spin.

Shipped to retailers = Sold. Again, both companies have used the same spin. It's funny to watch people say it's a bad thing when the other team does it.

And here's the one I've been waiting to mention...

How do we know the Sony numbers are legit? I'm not talking about NPD, but their WW numbers. Back in October 2013 we were told that Sony would be combining PS3 and PS4 numbers as they did with the PS3 and the PS2 for several years. (Source)

And that's just the thing, they don't sort them out elsewhere. In their recent financial reports its always a combined number. So how do we know they're telling the truth about their WW figures? There are no other sources.

Sorta makes you go "huh."

I'm glad I could contribute something interesting to such a fun thread. I'm ready for the slings and arrows.

Don't do this, bro. 7 million arrows to the knee.


man, morale @ Respawn must be super-low rn, looking at all these numbers... I mean if Titanfall he been on PS3/4 it would probably be one of THE biggest new IP's ever.

what a mess.
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