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NPD Sales Results for May 2009


This is semantics, and nothing more
Snipes424 said:
I get a little sick of these comparisons. When was the gamecube ever $399? Or $599 for that matter? I think the only way you can have a fair comparison is if the price is very similar between the two products, so when the PS3 is at $199 (or whatever the price of the GC was) then feel free to compare the two, but until then, come off of it.

To what extent does the difference in software support for the PS3 and GCN negate the need to include the price differential between the two systems? That is, isn't it true that a console with a greater quantity of widely-desired games will be more appealing than a console without as many games? The point being, of course, that there are plenty of reasons that you can't truly compare console sales to each other. (Thus, say that there was only one model of the 360, and it cost the same as the Wii; suppose further that the 360 was outselling the Wii. Couldn't one point out that it is unfair to compare a console with major third-party support to one that largely receives shovelware from third parties?)

On the other hand, what we're talking about are QUANTITIES, irrespective of price. If a console only sells 500,000 units over five years of sales, does the fact that it was sold at $7,000 really make it any less of a failure? Of course not. Again, when a third party developer looks at a console in deciding whether to support it, what matters more: that it costs $400, or that it has a relatively small userbase that isn't growing quickly? Obviously the developer couldn't care less how much it costs--only how many people he can reach with his game. If the price is a barrier to reaching people, that's too bad for the console-maker, but the third-party developer isn't going to say, "Well, relative to its price, it's selling OK. I guess we'll support it anyway." (Of course, given the ease with which games can be ported across PS3/360/PC, this kind of unidimensional thinking in determining what console to support is so far unimportant for PS3 in particular.)
JoJo13 said:

Laugh it up, junior. The PS3 would be getting creamed by the Wii even if they were both $250 at launch. You might've noticed that making the Xbox 360 cheaper than the Wii didn't gain it any ground.


lawblob said:

I think Uncharted bombed harder than that.

Oh! Or Banjo-Kazooie. It fell in on itself like a dying star. It may have even killed Rare.

I guess there's Haze and Lair, too. Those are two company-killing HD games right there.


Arpharmd B said:
I was thinking the same thing. If rumors are anything to go buy, they were looking to copy the same formula. HD Remix of Strider followed by a big retail release.

I have to say, as a devote Strider fan, it's for the best. Just leave us with the amazing 2d titles. I think the whole trend of old games being made anew, especially when getting into really obscure franchises, is just lame. It's as annoying as what Hollywood does (the latest example being Land of the Lost).

In my eyes, if this means I won't have to watch a Western studio ruin Strider, then this is a blessing in disguise.

But... Why not just do the HD Remix of Strider and skip the second step completely? Rearmed at least performed rather well and it was only the retail version that fucked up beyond belief.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Probable Result of this Generation: The PS3 will outsell the GCN.

Probable Result of this Generation: The PS3 will be in third place worldwide, and unlike the GCN, be a losing proposition fiscally.

So yes, there are differences between the Nintendo Gamecube and the Playstation 3.


Leondexter said:
Laugh it up, junior. The PS3 would be getting creamed by the Wii if they were both $250 since launch. You might've noticed that making the Xbox 360 cheaper than the Wii didn't gain it any ground.

Making the 360 cheaper has progressively increased its sales every single year and so far it has had the least YoY losses than any console so far this year.

Exactly what point are you making? That just because the Wii is selling ridiculous numbers, then no other system can increase sales performance with a price drop?

Your logic is busted, junior.


Leondexter said:
Laugh it up, junior. The PS3 would be getting creamed by the Wii even if they were both $250 at launch. You might've noticed that making the Xbox 360 cheaper than the Wii didn't gain it any ground.

No, but the 360 price drop increased the 360's sales over the PS3.

Price does matter.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Since BC bombed I guess Capcom won't be making that Strider game anytime soon.

yeah, if you think about it with some super-narrow logic.

if they put their RE5 or DMC team on Strider, promote the hell out of it, get good word of mouth going by making it kick ass, and it'll be hot enough to sell.

Farm it out to Grin, get mediocre impressions, and screw it up and it won't.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Their sales are down 57% from last year with no price cut. Microsoft did cut their price in the last year and are only down 6%.

Like the Atari Jaguar ads said, do the math.
Wii sales are down so much year-over-year because March/08 is when Nintendo was finally able to start getting big numbers of units into the retail chain. From March/08 on, the sales were a result of pent-up demand finally getting a chance to buy some systems. They weren't based on regular month-by-month sales patterns.

Now that supply has finally caught up with demand, the Wii is starting to sell in a regular month-by-month cycle again (until system-moving sofware or the holidays arrive).

Wii sales for the 3rd month of May - 289,500
PS2 sales for the 3rd month of May - 283,400

The Wii is still ahead of the PS2 by a few million units LTD at this point in time, and is still actually ahead of the PS2 in monthly sales at this point in its life (even with the recession probably having an effect on current Wii sales). Not exactly a horrible position to be in.


lawblob said:

I know you're just trolling, but that was a disappointment, not a bomb.

Stranglehold and BC are bonafide bombs. Like ExciteBots.

The problem is an HD bomb can put a studio out of business, a Wii bomb just knocks you on your ass for awhile.

Ani, how did Klonoa do :(


legend166 said:
Ani, how did Klonoa do :(

The series is officially dead. I mean, there's a long shot it will do well over time, through the holidays and whatnot, but I think it was a matter of retailers not ordering a whole lot.

I have no idea they didn't try to triple it up on the PS2 and PSP.


Classic_Gs said:
Ugh I despise the advertising of Prototype I noticed in a Gamestop...They have an ad running on a TV claiming it is the "Game of the Year". Unbelievable. A lot of people might walk into the store, see that ad and actually believe it. Even though no one credible made the claim, it is simply something they put in the ad to trick people.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Arpharmd B said:
I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed the t-shirt i was wearing.


I usually wear it to sleep in but tomorrow I will wear it to mourn the tragedy of my beloved Capgod :(

You know, had you turned your phone around, you could have taken a picture where the words on your shirt weren't backwards, and still seen what you were pointing at by using the reflection of your phone's screen. Just a thought.
JoJo13 said:
Making the 360 cheaper has progressively increased its sales every single year and so far it has had the least YoY losses than any console so far this year.

Exactly what point are you making? That just because the Wii is selling ridiculous numbers, then no other system can increase sales performance with a price drop?

Your logic is busted, junior.

I'm simply saying that competition means more than price. At a lower price, the PS3 could be in distant second instead of distant third. If you disagree with that, then you disagree with historically proven fact. Junior.

Price does matter.

Of course it does. As I said, though, it's not the big problem for the PS3. If Sony were in Microsoft's position, that wouldn't be a resounding win for them. It'd be a less drastic loss.


facing a bright new dawn
EviLore said:
Data care of NPD Group

UFC 2009 UNDISPUTED (Xbox 360) 679.6K
UFC 2009 UNDISPUTED (PS3) 334.4K
PUNCH OUT!! (Wii) 156.9K
Wii PLAY W/ REMOTE (Wii) 109.8K
what the fuck is this shit


Snipes424 said:
I get a little sick of these comparisons. When was the gamecube ever $399? Or $599 for that matter? I think the only way you can have a fair comparison is if the price is very similar between the two products, so when the PS3 is at $199 (or whatever the price of the GC was) then feel free to compare the two, but until then, come off of it.

Sure. Then lets imagine that the Gamecube had a Blu Ray player and cutting edge technology, since the reason it could get so cheap so fast was because it wasn't bleeding edge technology even when released.

You can't have it both ways. You (likely) prefer the PS3 because of its superior technology when compared to the Wii (or Gamecube). That superior technology is the reason the PS3 costs so much.

So we can pretend the PS3 is 199, and agree that it would be little more powerful than the PS2, something akin to the Wii. It certainly wouldn't have a Blu Ray player. Or, we could make it its current power, and agree that Sony's prices have already been very generous, as they've lost over 4 billion dollars keeping the PS3 prices this low.

One or the other. Which do you choose?


legend166 said:
I know you're just trolling, but that was a disappointment, not a bomb.

Stranglehold and BC are bonafide bombs. Like ExciteBots.

The problem is an HD bomb can put a studio out of business, a Wii bomb just knocks you on your ass for awhile.

Ani, how did Klonoa do :(

Doesnt matter, LAIR bombed thrice as hard as any of those games. My god, I couldnt contain the laughter when that games numbers leaked. Absolutely horrible game
except for the soundtrack.
AniHawk said:
btw, Klonoa as a series is now officially totally dead. yikes.

Well I guess we should wait for holiday sales before saying anything.

Well, the game was made by Paon, so maybe it could at least break even? Nah, it won't, given what you sound like.

Dammit! Maybe if they had a little more length to it some gamers might have jumped at it. Unfortunately, they also released The Munchables out of nowhere.

There goes platformers from Namco Bandai on Wii D:


TheUnknownForce said:
Well, the game was made by Paon, so maybe it could at least break even? Nah, it won't, given what you sound like.

Dammit! Maybe if they had a little more length to it some gamers might have jumped at it. Unfortunately, they also released The Munchables out of nowhere.

There goes platformers from Namco Bandai on Wii D:

Munchables is one of the biggest bombs I've ever seen. Chibi-Robo DS sold like 3 copies its first month, but this is one of those really bad entry months. It makes Klonoa's last-month sales look good.
Metaphoreus said:
You know, had you turned your phone around, you could have taken a picture where the words on your shirt weren't backwards, and still seen what you were pointing at by using the reflection of your phone's screen. Just a thought.

Ah, but then the phone wouldn't have covered his face, and he could have ended up like this fine gentleman.

bistromatics said:
what the fuck is this shit



NeoUltima said:
Ugh I despise the advertising of Prototype I noticed in a Gamestop...They have an ad running on a TV claiming it is the "Game of the Year". Unbelievable. A lot of people might walk into the store, see that ad and actually believe it. Even though no one credible made the claim, it is simply something they put in the ad to trick people.

Eh, that's pretty standard marketing fluff. The kind of person who is tricked by an advert claim like that is probably destined to buy something shitty, regardless.


facing a bright new dawn
Mama Robotnik said:
:lol :lol :lol
AniHawk said:
Munchables is one of the biggest bombs I've ever seen. Chibi-Robo DS sold like 3 copies its first month, but this is one of those really bad entry months. It makes Klonoa's last-month sales look good.

I guess developers should not release smaller games in fricken May unless they advertise it outside of the Internet.

Hell, nobody has reviewed the damn game, and it's been out for two weeks! Best stealth game launch ever? I am still thinking of buying it, because it fits my interest in style, but I want to know how long it is before I consider it.

Protip for publishers: don't send review copies of games just up to the week of E3. That might be part of the problem.


Survives without air, food, or water
:lol at the ridiculous scenarios certain people are presenting as opportunities for Microsoft to start outselling Nintendo. It's clear many of you are more interested in your preferred company coming in fir$t than the actual well-being of the industry. Yes, Microsoft could rush Natal into the marketspace with a handful of shitty shovelware that the ignorant masses would lap up, but why on earth would you want them to?

Although, I do think it would be hilarious for Nintendo to just go apeshit and drop the Wii down to $50 or something, then stack the new releases (NSMBWii, Wii Sports Resort, Galaxy 2) for $10 a pop and watch Sony and Microsoft kill themselves.


jmdajr said:
The infamous numbers are ok but seems to me that Sony still has yet to release a super blockbuster selling first party game. So far MS has had better luck with gears, halo, even fable.
Perhaps it's because they are new ip, I dont know.
If gow 3 and gt5 don's sell 1 million in the first month it's going to be rather fucked up imo.
What else can they do to get that kind of reaction?
It's cause Sony's marketing is bad, at least in comparison to MS. It seems like they have been trying and doing a bit better recently at least(infamous had ads in movie theaters). Of course yes, being new IPs hurts a lot too.

I do expect GoWIII and GT5 to sell very well though.

Arpharmd B said:
At first I was like...ugh another one of these posts...Then I saw the BC and :lol


Comics, serious business!
Pseudo_Sam said:
Yes, Microsoft could rush Natal into the marketspace with a handful of shitty shovelware that the ignorant masses would lap up, but why on earth would you want them to?

I have faith in MS. They would never launch new hardware with like 13 games that are incomplete/old hardware-new hardware frankensteins.


NeoUltima said:
It's cause Sony's marketing is bad, at least in comparison to MS. It seems like they have been trying and doing a bit better recently at least(infamous had ads in movie theaters). Of course yes, being new IPs hurts a lot too.

I do expect GoWIII and GT5 to sell very well though.

At first I was like...ugh another one of these posts...Then I saw the BC and :lol

Microsoft has basically bought mindshare for its key franchises.They have the money to waste and I cannot even begin to imagine how much they have spent to make Halo the thing it is.


laserbeam said:
Microsoft has basically bought mindshare for its key franchises.They have the money to waste and I cannot even begin to imagine how much they have spent to make Halo the thing it is.
Which is the way how any gaming company should treat their AAA exclusives, not just Microsoft.


Super Member
Pseudo_Sam said:
Although, I do think it would be hilarious for Nintendo to just go apeshit and drop the Wii down to $50 or something, then stack the new releases (NSMBWii, Wii Sports Resort, Galaxy 2) for $10 a pop and watch Sony and Microsoft kill themselves.



laserbeam said:
Microsoft has basically bought mindshare for its key franchises.They have the money to waste and I cannot even begin to imagine how much they have spent to make Halo the thing it is.

buying mindshare = marketing?

waste = when a risk doesn't pay off?


dolemite said:
Which is the way how any gaming company should treat their AAA exclusives, not just Microsoft.

Thats really where Sony has its weakness. They have no franchise they can call their own and every generation they seem to basically start over on franchises and thats it. Metal gear is the only consistent release franchise but even that is not their own exclusive franchise.

Nintendo has Mario,Zelda,Metroid
Microsoft has Halo
Sony has God of War I guess.

mujun said:
buying mindshare = marketing?

waste = when a risk doesn't pay off?

Microsofts push to make Halo what it is goes well beyond simple marketing and my comment on waste is simply the fact they are sitting on a large pile of cash to toss around.


Batteries the CRISIS!
laserbeam said:
Thats really where Sony has its weakness. They have no franchise they can call their own and every generation they seem to basically start over on franchises and thats it. Metal gear is the only consistent release franchise but even that is not their own exclusive franchise.

Nintendo has Mario,Zelda,Metroid
Microsoft has Halo
Sony has...

Gran Turismo?
laserbeam said:
Thats really where Sony has its weakness. They have no franchise they can call their own and every generation they seem to basically start over on franchises and thats it. Metal gear is the only consistent release franchise but even that is not their own exclusive franchise.

Nintendo has Mario,Zelda,Metroid
Microsoft has Halo
Sony has God of War I guess.

Gran Turismo, which outsells em all.


EagleEyes said:
Actually the 360 had already passed the PS3 back up the month before the price drop.

You are wrong.

The PS3 was leading YTD until the October NPD's when the 360 overtook it.

X360 PS3
January 2008----------230,000-----269,000-----PS3 + 39,000 YTD
February 2008---------254,600-----280,800-----PS3 + 65,200 YTD
March 2008-------------262,000-----257,000-----PS3 + 60,200 YTD
April 2008---------------188,000-----187,100-----PS3 + 59,300 YTD
May 2008---------------186,600------208,700-----PS3 + 81,400 YTD
June 2008--------------219,800------405,500-----PS3 + 267,100 YTD
July 2008---------------205,000------225,000-----PS3 + 287,100 YTD ***
August 2008------------195,200------185,400-----PS3 + 277,300 YTD
September 2008-------347,200-------232,400----PS3 + 162,500 YTD ***
October 2008-----------371,000-------190,000----360 overtakes PS3 YTD

*** Price Drop Months

Sorry for the bad formatting.


laserbeam said:
Thats really where Sony has its weakness. They have no franchise they can call their own and every generation they seem to basically start over on franchises and thats it. Metal gear is the only consistent release franchise but even that is not their own exclusive franchise.

Nintendo has Mario,Zelda,Metroid
Microsoft has Halo
Sony has God of War I guess.

Microsofts push to make Halo what it is goes well beyond simple marketing and my comment on waste is simply the fact they are sitting on a large pile of cash to toss around.


Gran Turismo

I don't understand your point.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm not sure about GT5 outselling Galaxy or Twilight Princess or Halo 3, but before that would have been a no brainer.


Danthrax said:
Gran Turismo?
True that would probably be the one of the major Sony franchise.
Gran Turismo, which outsells em all.

Lets not make stupid comments on sales in a sales thread

JoJo13 said:

Gran Turismo

I don't understand your point.

I did say that sony seems to restart fresh every generation when it comes to games. They have very few Franchises that go generatino to generation.

Next gen if Uncharted,Resistance,Killzone etc are still being made they can be considered a lasting franchise.
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