This is semantics, and nothing more
Snipes424 said:I get a little sick of these comparisons. When was the gamecube ever $399? Or $599 for that matter? I think the only way you can have a fair comparison is if the price is very similar between the two products, so when the PS3 is at $199 (or whatever the price of the GC was) then feel free to compare the two, but until then, come off of it.
To what extent does the difference in software support for the PS3 and GCN negate the need to include the price differential between the two systems? That is, isn't it true that a console with a greater quantity of widely-desired games will be more appealing than a console without as many games? The point being, of course, that there are plenty of reasons that you can't truly compare console sales to each other. (Thus, say that there was only one model of the 360, and it cost the same as the Wii; suppose further that the 360 was outselling the Wii. Couldn't one point out that it is unfair to compare a console with major third-party support to one that largely receives shovelware from third parties?)
On the other hand, what we're talking about are QUANTITIES, irrespective of price. If a console only sells 500,000 units over five years of sales, does the fact that it was sold at $7,000 really make it any less of a failure? Of course not. Again, when a third party developer looks at a console in deciding whether to support it, what matters more: that it costs $400, or that it has a relatively small userbase that isn't growing quickly? Obviously the developer couldn't care less how much it costs--only how many people he can reach with his game. If the price is a barrier to reaching people, that's too bad for the console-maker, but the third-party developer isn't going to say, "Well, relative to its price, it's selling OK. I guess we'll support it anyway." (Of course, given the ease with which games can be ported across PS3/360/PC, this kind of unidimensional thinking in determining what console to support is so far unimportant for PS3 in particular.)