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NPD Sales Results for May 2009


Opiate said:
I think it's very unlikely that The Conduit will do well.

I'm starting to worry about Dead Space Extraction as well. And Muramasa. And A Boy and His Blob...well, I'm buying them at least. :|

BUT, I think May was a decent month considering the dearth of AAA games and the current state of the economy.


I wonder if Bionic Commando's demo hurt sales at all. Do the devs not test out their demos with normal people or something? It's always a shame to see a game die to a bad demo, especially when the actual game is pretty good. I have yet to play BC so I dunno if it's good or not, but people seem to say that the demo is a horrid introduction.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Suburban Cowboy said:
Would Wii's core titles sell any worse if it was built as a Gamecube 2.0? Obviously the install base would be much lower, but its core software titles seem on par with last generations

i think most of nintendos core titles have sold better on wii compared to gamecube counterparts.

brawl already outsold melee i believe
mario kart wii already outsold double dash
galaxy outsold sunshine
MP3 did not outsell mp1 but it did outsell mp2
twilight princess wii outold windwaker i believe.
not sure about fireemblem or advance wars or strikers

any numbers for boom blox bash party?

really not sure what to expect for conduit next month...
I loathe the idea, but I can't see the conduit doing well. I'll pick it up on day one, but I'm so backlogged anyway that I might not get to it for a long time. I get maybe 5 or 6 hours a week to play unless I really set time aside, and when I do that, I fall behind on everything else I need to do. Damnit. I hate being a grown up.


bmf said:
I loathe the idea, but I can't see the conduit doing well. I'll pick it up on day one, but I'm so backlogged anyway that I might not get to it for a long time. I get maybe 5 or 6 hours a week to play unless I really set time aside, and when I do that, I fall behind on everything else I need to do. Damnit. I hate being a grown up.

Conduit is gonna be an interesting case study over a few months. The WaW community on Wii is very excited about it so if Conduit can tap that market and grab it they could do pretty well in the long run

boiled goose

good with gravy
soldat7 said:
I'm starting to worry about Dead Space Extraction as well. And Muramasa. And A Boy and His Blob...well, I'm buying them at least. :|

BUT, I think May was a decent month considering the dearth of AAA games and the current state of the economy.

the main problem i think the wii audience has is that it is a fairly uninformed one. Microsoft does a great job about announcing new games which is why sales are so front loaded and software sales pretty consistent and solid for the most part. nintendo needs to do a better job about informing the audience about new releases and about which of the already released games are worth buying. word of mouth will give you legs if your game is good, but you have to reach some critical mass beforehand so that you stay in shelves and consumers minds.


No game like Muramasa is going to chart in an NPD, probably not even in the "by platform" categories. Not on Wii, Not on PS2, not on anything. I'd highly doubt the localization team expects a massive number and it'll probably be a small print run when compared to the average title.


Trucker Sexologist
amtentori said:
the main problem i think the wii audience has is that it is a fairly uninformed one. Microsoft does a great job about announcing new games which is why sales are so front loaded and software sales pretty consistent and solid for the most part. nintendo needs to do a better job about informing the audience about new releases and about which of the already released games are worth buying. word of mouth will give you legs if your game is good, but you have to reach some critical mass beforehand so that you stay in shelves and consumers minds.
The differences in sales patterns are mostly due to the differences in the Wii and 360 user bases. There are a large portion of Wii owners who don't see the release of a new game, even a really well done one, as an event. There is very little Nintendo can do to convince them otherwise.


amtentori said:
havent played sports active yet,

but wii fit is very clearly a game...

EA Active is more of a game then Wii Fit, Wii Fit is like a tech demo for the balance board. EA Acitve "hardware" is seriously just a brace so that the nunchuck can determine if you are doing the exercises properly, but it blows Wii Fit out of the water in terms of functionality.


Kusagari said:
The Conduit will be lucky to get within 500k of a million.

Easier to say "lucky to do half a million" no?

Easier not to respond? Like you, I apparently prefer the hard way. Haha


Kusagari said:
The Conduit will be lucky to get within 500k of a million.

If all the Wii WaW owners know about it and buy it in the first month....... I don't think that will happen though.

People are insane for thinking the Wii needs a price cut, but I'm sure we will see articles posted that agree with them.


Kusagari said:
The Conduit will be lucky to get within 500k of a million.

1st month probably won't be much higher than we are used to seeing (100-200k), by Christmas I think it will be long past 500k.


Shig said:
This. People that are interested in first person shooters aren't looking to Wii games for their fix.
I think that the idea is not that FPS fans are looking for their Wii fix, but that Wii fans are looking for their FPS fix.

Yes Boss!

Kusagari said:
The Conduit will be lucky to get within 500k of a million.

Honestly, I think you might be overly optimistic. I'm about as hardcore of Wii owner as they come and it does little to interest me.


Batteries the CRISIS!
onipex said:
If all the Wii WaW owners know about it and buy it in the first month....... I don't think that will happen though.

People are insane for thinking the Wii needs a price cut, but I'm sure we will see articles posted that agree with them.

A lot of the WaW players do know about it, though, and they're organizing clans for Conduit already. Conduit will sell 100k easily.


The Everyman
guys, for whatever reason, the ultimate indicator of sales are comments on gametrailers. with that said, conduit has legs.

yeah lol while u can >:[


I think the conduit will sell decently. I think there are a good number of wii owners that would love to get a good fps to play with wiimote. Plus, if the controls are as good as they say, word of mouth will push more.


I'm a bit more optimistic. I think lifetime totals it'll be around 750k. Kinda like how Red Steel did but less a few hundred K less. I dunno, just my opinion. I hope to be wrong and that it sells more though.


Firestorm said:
1 million Conduit what the hell? I don't expect it to even chart next month. 200k lifetime max in NA.
I think long term it will do better than 200k. Even World at War sold close to 800k and many of the online players of WaW are going crazy over Conduit and its multiplayer.

Yes Boss!

Firestorm said:
1 million Conduit what the hell? I don't expect it to even chart next month. 200k lifetime max in NA.

Ha, for once I agree with you. This game looks dreadfully generic. I'm hoping impressions prove otherwise. I'd like to give it a go if it is good.


I wouldn't be surprised if Conduit did numbers around, or slighty above, Bionic Commando.

Anyone expecting it to do close to a million is delirious

i expect sub-100k first month npd

laserbeam said:
I think long term it will do better than 200k. Even World at War sold close to 800k and many of the online players of WaW are going crazy over Conduit and its multiplayer.

WORLD AT WAR is CALL OF DUTY -- it has brand name recognition.

No one knows wtf the conduit is.


Yes Boss! said:
Ha, for once I agree with you. This game looks dreadfully generic. I'm hoping impressions prove otherwise. I'd like to give it a go if it is good.
There was this one other topic I agreed with you in. I can't remember which. But there was one!


JoJo13 said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Conduit did numbers around, or slighty above, Bionic Commando.

Anyone expecting it to do close to a million is delirious

i expect sub-100k first month npd

WORLD AT WAR is CALL OF DUTY -- it has brand name recognition.

No one knows wtf the conduit is.

Conduit will do better than BC and madworld. There are a good amount of people that want a good multiplayer fps experience on the wii.

boiled goose

good with gravy
markatisu said:
EA Active is more of a game then Wii Fit, Wii Fit is like a tech demo for the balance board. EA Acitve "hardware" is seriously just a brace so that the nunchuck can determine if you are doing the exercises properly, but it blows Wii Fit out of the water in terms of functionality.

good to hear that it is good. wii fit left me wanting much more.

does it also have fun multi games like wii fit does? but with actual multiplayer gaming options?
JoJo13 said:
WORLD AT WAR is CALL OF DUTY -- it has brand name recognition.

No one knows wtf the conduit is.

World at War proved that there is a substantial amount of Wii only FPS players. You really think the vast majority of those people will simply skip over The Conduit? I actually think it will do better than WaW did. That was pretty much selling only to Wii-exclusive owners, while The Conduit will also be selling to multi-platform owners who are looking for a new game to play.
The Conduit could end up doing very well. But it won't start off well. If it does take off, it'll be because it gets good word of mouth and/or because the online multiplayer takes off. It's not destined to failure, but it doesn't have much going for it yet. All the attention it's received from the videogame media so far is really only enough to give it a moderately good first month, at best.

I'm hopeful that it'll see some decent success if it's good, something about the level of Timesplitters. There's no way it's going to be the next Halo or Call of Duty.


Neo Member
I imagine that the Conduit will do well based simply off one of its biggest criticisms on this board, it looks generic.

Lets face it, Niche titles generally do not sell much on any System, regardless of quality..
KuwabaraTheMan said:
World at War proved that there is a substantial amount of Wii only FPS players. You really think the vast majority of those people will simply skip over The Conduit? I actually think it will do better than WaW did. That was pretty much selling only to Wii-exclusive owners, while The Conduit will also be selling to multi-platform owners who are looking for a new game to play.

Why would someone have to be a Wii-only owner to buy WaW? They could just want to play a FPS with Wii controls, like I did. If there wasn't a Wii version, I wouldn't even have bothered. I'm sick to death of WWII shooters.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Nintendo is likely gonna wait to see what they can do with Wii Sports Resort, but after a few years you have to drop the price. I predict they'll drop it to $199 around September ala 2003.
Leondexter said:
Why would someone have to be a Wii-only owner to buy WaW? They could just want to play a FPS with Wii controls, like I did. If there wasn't a Wii version, I wouldn't even have bothered. I'm sick to death of WWII shooters.

Perhaps so. However, I would guess that you're probably in the minority when it comes to that. I would guess that the majority of folks who own 2/3 consoles would prefer the versions with superior graphics and a better online structure.

Still, those people who did want a shooter with Wii controls would also be in The Conduit's target audience.


amtentori said:
the main problem i think the wii audience has is that it is a fairly uninformed one. Microsoft does a great job about announcing new games which is why sales are so front loaded and software sales pretty consistent and solid for the most part. nintendo needs to do a better job about informing the audience about new releases and about which of the already released games are worth buying. word of mouth will give you legs if your game is good, but you have to reach some critical mass beforehand so that you stay in shelves and consumers minds.

I hope Sega don't think like Nintendo and believe that because the game is 'hardcore' it doesn't need advertising because people will find out themselves. That's such crap. You can even see on GAF, how little people actually know about games that are outside their own little bubble. Hell, it happens to me. I own a 360, would consider myself a 'hardcore gamer' (alteast by todays stupid reckoning) and I don't know heaps about its upcoming lineup. Simply because it's not my main console, PC/Wii are. So this idea that because a game is hardcore it doesn't need advertising is stupid. Especially when a lot of people own multiple platforms.

Neo C.

MotherFan said:
Conduit will do better than BC and madworld. There are a good amount of people that want a good multiplayer fps experience on the wii.
It lacks good offline multiplayer though, and this will hurt its sales definitely.


Damn, Grin is seriously fucked now, 3 HD bombas in a row, they'll definitely struggle in the future ... their games are bad and sell poorly, which publisher would want to finance them in the future ?

Wanted was meh
Terminator was really awful
Bionic Commando was ok, not good by any means, but not 30k bad either


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So how long before everyone on Earth owns a DS?
Dre said:
Damn, Grin is seriously fucked now, 3 HD bombas in a row, they'll definitely struggle in the future ... their games are bad and sell poorly, which publisher would want to finance them in the future ?

Wanted was meh
Terminator was really awful
Bionic Commando was ok, not good by any means, but not 30k bad either

As much as I feel bad for them...they fucked up. So if they shutdown it's nobody to blame but themselves. They had too many chefs in the kitchen making mediocre dishes, don't be surprised if you're going to run into financial problems.

Good news is that since the industry is growing so fast, the talented employees shouldn't have a hard time finding a new job in the industry.
Snipes424 said:
I get a little sick of these comparisons. When was the gamecube ever $399? Or $599 for that matter? I think the only way you can have a fair comparison is if the price is very similar between the two products, so when the PS3 is at $199 (or whatever the price of the GC was) then feel free to compare the two, but until then, come off of it.
It was $399 and $599 the same time it was the follow-up to the most successful console ever.

That conditions are different doesn't necessarily make a poor performance any less poor.
Shig said:
This. People that are interested in first person shooters aren't looking to Wii games for their fix.
Htown said:
I think that the idea is not that FPS fans are looking for their Wii fix, but that Wii fans are looking for their FPS fix.
I'm a Wii owner waiting for the pointer-using equivalent of a Goldeneye or TimeSplitters. Buuuut The Conduit doesn't seem to be that.
Punch Out!! did pretty well, methinks. Better than I had expected.

- The last game came out, what, like 15-16 years ago?
- The game it's actually referencing most is the NES original, which came out 20 years ago
- Quite a few of you guys weren't even born yet :lol
- It's a pretty hardcore title, very difficult to complete
- Beginning of summer when people aren't buying many games
- Boxing, which is a dying sport (or maybe not -- does Fight Night do over a million when it comes out?)

Anyway, pretty damn good considering all that. I hope it does well enough for another sequel though, since this one is just a reminder of how damn well the Punch-Out formula has aged -- so well, in fact, that it's one of the freshest, most entertaining experiences I've had this year.


Shurs said:
I think that the UFC brand was even more powerful than the excellent demo THQ gave us.

Agreed, It's not like UFC is obscure and it's popularity grows and grows. Lets also not forget that it's quite some time since a new UFC game was released, UFC: Sudden Impact in 2004 being the last so starved people were out there waiting for a fix.
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