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NPD Sales Results for May 2009

szaromir said:
Meh. It's only funny when the board consists of the games that Sony GAF is hyping as future system sellers, adding every AAA game doesn't make sense.

It's when the avatar defence force comes in to play, that's when it gets hilarious.

Well..... its funny at first anyway.

edit: Actually, serious question here for sane people, are there any games coming out in Q4 2009 that people would seriously categorise as a 'system seller'? I see some big 3rd party titles coming, but nothing from first parties that is going to have a Halo/MGS4 effect. I wonder if price cuts and aggressive marketing will be what the console manufacturers order this Christmas.
sionyboy said:
It's when the avatar defence force comes in to play, that's when it gets hilarious.

Well..... its funny at first anyway.

edit: Actually, serious question here for sane people, are there any games coming out in Q4 2009 that people would seriously categorise as a 'system seller'? I see some big 3rd party titles coming, but nothing from first parties that is going to have a Halo/MGS4 effect. I wonder if price cuts and aggressive marketing will be what the console manufacturers order this Christmas.
Anything used to piss another off will likely elicit a chuckle or two from me.

How large of a drop do consoles usually have at this point in their lifecycles?

Eteric Rice

sionyboy said:
It's when the avatar defence force comes in to play, that's when it gets hilarious.

Well..... its funny at first anyway.

edit: Actually, serious question here for sane people, are there any games coming out in Q4 2009 that people would seriously categorise as a 'system seller'? I see some big 3rd party titles coming, but nothing from first parties that is going to have a Halo/MGS4 effect. I wonder if price cuts and aggressive marketing will be what the console manufacturers order this Christmas.

New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. Would say Wii Sports Resort, but I think the people that love that game already own the Wii.

I don't know about the other systems, though. Maybe FFXIII if it makes it out.
Eteric Rice said:
New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. Would say Wii Sports Resort, but I think the people that love that game already own the Wii.

I don't know about the other systems, though. Maybe FFXIII if it makes it out.

See, I see NSMBWii as a game that will have big old legs on it, but not something that is gonna fly out off the shelves with a Wii attached to it. I'd like to be proven wrong though, 2D platformers making a return is a-ok with me!

FFXIII has been confirmed as a Spring 2010 release as well.

Oh wait, Wii Fit Plus.... that might shift consoles.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
szaromir said:
Meh. It's only funny when the board consists of the games that Sony GAF is hyping as future system sellers, adding every AAA game doesn't make sense.
Uncharted 2 is hyped as a system seller ;)
If you notice, the list is lacking several high profile games (also, I only started updating it after Killzone 2, someone else made it originally), and of course I'm not going to add those that aren't overhyped by fans (ie. Ratchet & Clank, despite being the next entry in an excellent series, isn't considered a "wait for" game... at least not as far as I know) so don't worry ;)

szaromir said:
I think the price cut is the current "wait for..." rather than any game.
You're correct, but writing it now would mean not updating the chalkboard until the price actually gets dropped. As soon as a price cut gets announced/leaked, it will be on the list.

sionyboy said:
edit: Actually, serious question here for sane people, are there any games coming out in Q4 2009 that people would seriously categorise as a 'system seller'? I see some big 3rd party titles coming, but nothing from first parties that is going to have a Halo/MGS4 effect. I wonder if price cuts and aggressive marketing will be what the console manufacturers order this Christmas.
I don't know.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Gran Turismo 5 seem a safe bet, not sure about how Halo Reach will influence 360 sales (Halo 3 already sold them to the rabid Halo fanbase after all). EDIT: didn't notice you were talking about Q4 2009
In Japan, Dragon Quest IX and maybe Monster Hunter 3 should bump some hardware up.
Oh, and I hope Scribblenauts sells a few DS units, everyone who hears about it falls in love with the game (if you look at its thread here on GAF, several users said they were going to buy a DS just for this game... and GAF is a community made of "hardcore" gamers that should already be supposed to own one), but the hard part is having people actually hear about it (so it will hardly have any noticeable effect on hardware sales).

Nafai1123 said:
"Wait for" is the equivalent of "RROD." It's just fucking old...
Apparently, it's not:
ghst said:
just wait until gran turismo, then we'll be seeing some prreetty big changes around here.
It might have been sarcasm, though.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Son of Godzilla said:
Wait, so GT5 is getting a fall release?
Whoops, didn't notice he said Q4 2009. I thought he was talking about announced games in general.
GT5 has no known release date, but it's probably a 2010 title.

Cygnus X-1

AniHawk said:
PS2 23,432,000 (43-month mark) (April 2004)
PS2 17,360,000 (31-month mark) (April 2003)

Xbox - 8,901,402 (31-month mark) (May 2004)
Xbox - 12,200,000 (43-month mark) (May 2005)

GCN - 7,473,241 (31-month mark) (May 2004)
GCN - 11,002,000 (43-month mark) (May 2005)

360 15,240,286 (43 months) (May 2009)
360 10,267,000 (31 months) (May 2008)

PS3 7,749,396 (31 months) (May 2009)

Wii 20,203,581 (31 months) (May 2009)

Actually, posting such a result as prediction 4-5 years ago would caused probably a permaban.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Cygnus X-1 said:
It depends of what you consider as "well".
Cygnus X-1 said:
Actually, posting such a result as prediction 4-5 years ago would caused probably a permaban.
That's interesting though. The 1st place console is 3 million units ahead of last gens 1st placer, the 2nd place console is 3 million units ahead of last gens 2nd placer, and the 3rd place console is 300,000 units ahead of last gens 3rd At similar points in each consoles lifespans. And one of these consoles is still priced significantly higher then it should be.

This gen is so odd. I hope the economic meltdown doesn't have as much to do with this as much as general apathy. If it's just game disinterest then that can be fixed. If it's really a money crunch or altered buying habits then we've got to get used to a new slightly less expansive market again.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
pakkit said:
It's retarded to assume without prior knowledge that Punch-Out!! would function like a regular boxing game?
Its retarded to assume a cartoony art style would hurt sales considering the system has a ton of said games, and that they lack the basic ability to read the back of the box or check online.
HK-47 said:
Its retarded to assume a cartoony art style would hurt sales considering the system has a ton of said games, and that they lack the basic ability to read the back of the box or check online.
What was the verdict on Punch-Out Wii?

I thought that looked like a good start for series that hasn't been seen in 15 or so years.


Eteric Rice said:
So industry wise, what the fuck is going on gais? :O


Worst recession in decades. All services, manufacturing, retail, and everything in between is taking a fairly sizable haircut. Gaming only did this well for so long into it because people don't like to give up their guilty pleasures.

It might just be an off month but with other sectors of the economy still nose diving or coming up flat we'll see.


UFC numbers are fantastic. One of the best fighters i've played, glad to see THQ being rewarded. They finally made a game that matches WWE No Mercy.

Valtor said:
...even through your sarcasm, how is UFC hardcore? it attracted everyone who watches UFC, which is quite popular right now from what I understand, so there's nothing hardcore about that game... It's like saying Madden is for hardcore players...



If I get this right the Wii is selling as much as the PS2 would have aligned to the same month in time despite being more expensive. Recession for Wii apparently means resetting the bar to normal record setting sales instead of obscene money printing.

Also Wii Sports Resort will shoot them back up again.


Wow Bionic Commando brings a whole new meaning to the word bomba. We shall never use it again!

Anyone up for some Sacred 2 numbers?


So people are manufacturing their own "wait for" games and preemptively calling out so called fanboys.:lol

Funny also how someone in one sentence can call infamous a disappointment and punchout a pleasant surprise. Then go on to post spin in media create threads on why no game is a bomb.


Jocchan said:
Perfect. I'm making a list of upcoming saviors :)

Updated pic:

No more edits coming, after Uncharted 2 comes out we'll start with the second chalkboard
If I'm not too busy playing it


Ok maybe not.

Cygnus X-1

Thunder Monkey said:
That's interesting though. The 1st place console is 3 million units ahead of last gens 1st placer, the 2nd place console is 3 million units ahead of last gens 2nd placer, and the 3rd place console is 300,000 units ahead of last gens 3rd At similar points in each consoles lifespans. And one of these consoles is still priced significantly higher then it should be.

This gen is so odd. I hope the economic meltdown doesn't have as much to do with this as much as general apathy. If it's just game disinterest then that can be fixed. If it's really a money crunch or altered buying habits then we've got to get used to a new slightly less expansive market again.

It is. The downturn s quite general, excluding DSi. Actually, it's not the only factor, but it is getting more and more significant.


NPD May 2009: Bionic Commando Dead On Arrival
June 11, 2009 - Capcom's experiment in using an XBLA title to help spur sales for a retail game proved a failure. This according to the latest NPD sales data for May. Bionic Commando Rearmed, a high-profile Xbox Live Arcade remake of the original, sold more than 130,000 units across PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in its first week of release. By contrast, the full retail version of Bionic Commando (a sequel to the XBLA title) sold more than 100,000 units less than Rearmed in two weeks of release last month.

Bionic Commando Rearmed was meant as an introduction to the franchise for gamers unfamiliar with the series. It included special codes to unlock new costumes and weapons in the retail version of Bionic Commando. But Rearmed's success clearly didn't translate to the sequel.


listen to the mad man
Shard said:
NPD May 2009: Bionic Commando Dead On Arrival

I'm going to guess... 25/5 as the split. I realize that's a much higher 360:pS3 ratio than most games, but I feel like anecdotally most stores were getting around a 5:1 split and the 360 version did have a demo...

gtj1092 said:
Funny also how someone in one sentence can call infamous a disappointment and punchout a pleasant surprise.

You pretty frequently "call out" what you see as double standards, but you never seem to set your own standards. It's clear that Punch-Out!! and InFamous did not cost the same to make and have different standards for success/failure. Feel free to actually make an argument at some point, rather than sniping that other people are biassst in every sales thread ever.

Cygnus X-1

Not quite an hot topic here, but the success of EA Sport active at least is an indication that Wii sports resort will harldy bomb and that wii motion plus, if packed, could become quite widespread.
In addition, it seems that third parties can find a nice success on wii with sport-titles. Quite obvious, since it is really that genre where the wii controller is superior to the classic one. Whereas it failed in the shooter area; more because the wii is not powerful enough and not necessarily because of the wiimote.

Red steel 2 will be interesting, but I suppose it will somehow perform lower then expected.
Well done on not getting a multiplatform single player demo out of Bionic Commando Grin! Looks like you were rewarded for that level of stupidity in a market very hesitant about dropping full retail bucks on a game without being able to try it first. Really only have yourselves to blame, and its a shame because I really wanted a Bionic Commando 2, but that seems utterly impossible now. Probably shouldn't have ended it on a cliffhanger now I guess!


I got grudge sucked!
I know LOL PS3 gifs are abound in this thread but when the 360 can't break 200k either and the Wii is now below 300K I think thats proof that the recession has finally hit this "recession proof" industry. The nations unemployment is almost at 10%, everyone's getting hit.


FC 2009 UNDISPUTED (Xbox 360) 679.6K
UFC 2009 UNDISPUTED (PS3) 334.4K
PUNCH OUT!! (Wii) 156.9K
Wii PLAY W/ REMOTE (Wii) 109.8K

Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.


Shurs said:
You are wrong.

The PS3 was leading YTD until the October NPD's when the 360 overtook it.

X360 PS3
January 2008----------230,000-----269,000-----PS3 + 39,000 YTD
February 2008---------254,600-----280,800-----PS3 + 65,200 YTD
March 2008-------------262,000-----257,000-----PS3 + 60,200 YTD
April 2008---------------188,000-----187,100-----PS3 + 59,300 YTD
May 2008---------------186,600------208,700-----PS3 + 81,400 YTD
June 2008--------------219,800------405,500-----PS3 + 267,100 YTD
July 2008---------------205,000------225,000-----PS3 + 287,100 YTD ***
August 2008------------195,200------185,400-----PS3 + 277,300 YTD
September 2008-------347,200-------232,400----PS3 + 162,500 YTD ***
October 2008-----------371,000-------190,000----360 overtakes PS3 YTD

*** Price Drop Months

Sorry for the bad formatting.
Dude, I meant for the month of August not the entire year.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Well done on not getting a multiplatform single player demo out of Bionic Commando Grin! Looks like you were rewarded for that level of stupidity in a market very hesitant about dropping full retail bucks on a game without being able to try it first. Really only have yourselves to blame, and its a shame because I really wanted a Bionic Commando 2, but that seems utterly impossible now. Probably shouldn't have ended it on a cliffhanger now I guess!

yeah this all really sucks.

If anything maybe get another xbla game.


Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.
Since when is Mario Kart low budget?


Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.

the wheel, which is most likely only used to play mario kart, is the reason why mario kart is selling well?

My advice: calm down

Talk to me like a retarded child. It's really the ideal solution for both of us.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Reply | Quote

oh.. sorry :/


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.
I agree, Mario Kart with plastic round thing should totally be in the hardware/peripheral category.
Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.

The only one you have a point with is Wii Play, and even that is borderline.
Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.

Oh, grow up. The only one in there that you could possibly argue that for is Wii Play. It's pretty damn clear that Mario Kart isn't being bought for the wheel when you can easily buy the wheel separately for a fraction of the price, and I doubt anyone is buying Wii Fit just so they can use the Balance Board in Punch-Out!!. And who is buying EASA for the leg strap and resistance band?

The driver with all of these titles - with the possible exception of Wii Play - is the software, and I'd be willing to bet that if Mario Kart, Wii Fit and EASA were all sold standalone they'd still be dominating the charts.


Action Jackson said:
Not surprised by the BC bomba, Dark Void will probably suffer the same fate.

I hope not. That game looks fantastic. That said, I haven't heard nary a peep about it coming out of E3.


Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.

:lol :lol


Eteric Rice said:
So industry wise, what the fuck is going on gais? :O

Can't speak for anyone else, but here's my little anecdote. A few months ago, due to changing circumstances (more things to spend money on, not lower income) I challenged myself to survive for a year on my WoW subscription and my backlog plus three or four new games. Up to this point it's been easy, and even liberating.

Which is to say, my list of new purchases this year is going to be very short and filled with only the most necessary games. I certainly won't consider a new console purchase.
tabsina said:
the wheel, which is most likely only used to play mario kart, is the reason why mario kart is selling well?

People are buying a $50 dollar game for 2 bucks worth of plastic. Do you guys listen to yourselves?

I dunno which makes less sense, this, or the lack of a demo being the dealbreaker for Bionic Commando.


Frenck said:
Why the hell are Wii pack ins not in the hardware/peripheral category? It continues to piss me off. They aren't selling a game, they are selling a peripheral with a low budget game added as a bonus.
wth.. so you are saying they are selling the wii wheel with a low budget game.. and a resistance band with a low budget game..

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