Maybe I'm in the minority opinion here, but I don't think June Xbox 1 sales are going to be miraculously better than May.
I think they'll improve a bit, but they still have very compelling Titanfall bundles that compare favorably, if not better, than the standalone Xbox SKU.
I think May sales reflect a continuing attenuation effect from Titanfall, which isn't having impressive legs or much staying power on the Xbox One. Interesting how much Microsoft bet on the wrong horse with that one....Destiny is going to have a much more profound effect for PS4 sales, and it's not even an exclusive like Titanfall is.
200k > PS4 > 100k > XBO > Wii U > 360 > 50k > PS3 > Wii
Interesting. So PS4 is at a minimum 60 + 60 + 50 = probably just shy of 200K