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NPD Sales Results for November 2007



Unconfirmed Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
Hardware sales matter a lot more to some people.

Software is where the money is made. Software should by all that matters.
Stoney Mason said:
Just looking at the numbers off the top of my head I was going to make a similar point although that's why a big userbase is so key to recouping your money.

True, although it isn't just a simple case of Userbase/Games Sold. The fact that 360 gamers are starting to branch out to deserving titles is a great sign to third parties (Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, etc). Aside from the JRPG scene (I think JRPGS are screwed this gen unless they go handheld or are a megafranchise like FF) , it would seem that if you release a great title on the 360 it should sell pretty well. A lot of the games I was sad for and thought would get overlooked got a lot of support by the fanbase, which is great for gaming in general, because we need new ideas and for companies to take risks.

I'm interested in PC sales for Crysis and UT3, although this might not be the place to ask for them...


BenjaminBirdie said:
And yet, as I keep reiterating, if you're only just barely beating your competitor worldwide in HARDWARE you have to make ground in SOFTWARE.

That needs to start happening very very soon.

Benjamin I think you must admit that it doesn't matter much. Devs will make 360 games and port them to PS3, that's how it is, and that's how it will stay. PS3 ports will be made, because the PS3 owner do buy the same games as 360 owners it seems, and in large numbers too. Also there is Europe to consider. So all in all, PS3 won't be lead platform this gen, that much is sealed imho. But it will be a very viable platform till the end, much unlike the GC last gen.


kbear said:
I think it's disgusting how the first few pages are littered with "Where's Uncharted??" remarks. I guarantee most of the people asking that never played the game and just wanted to see if it failed or not because it's PS3's best game. People should be genuinely sad about its sales because it's easily one of the best games of the year, if not the best. Absolutely disgusting posts.

Uncharted had a demo and it couldn't break 120K, so either it's not one of the best games of the year or the demo was poor and failed to sell the product. I am inclined to believe the latter.


GhaleonEB said:
Mass Effect was purchased by 6.0% of the 360 userbase, Uncharted was purcahsed by 4.8% of the PS3 userbase. Not a huge difference.

Except that the budget for a game is not based on how many consoles are on the market so Mass effect bringing in $28m pays more bills than Uncharted bringing in $7m


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
pswii60 said:
Same here. I mean, come on, no one expected it to do massive numbers, or even do as well as the 360,

I don't think you've been following GAF very closely. :p
Gamasutra said:
November Sees DS, Wii Swell, COD4, Mario, Assassin's Tops Charts
The NPD has released data for November U.S. video game hardware/software sales, showing a tremendous across-the-chart surge in hardware sales including over 1.5 million DSs sold, and Assassin's Creed becoming the fastest selling new IP, just under Call of Duty 4 and Super Mario Galaxy.

Overall, the entire video game market -- both hardware and software -- accounted for $2.63 billion in November, up 52% over to the year previous, with a year to date showing already up 5 percent over the entirety of 2006.

Said NPD's Anita Frazier, "Thanksgiving fell earlier in the reporting month this year than it did last which certainly helped fuel part of the incredible 52% increase over last year."

Hardware numbers were up 47% to $1.1 billion, with the DS and Wii both nearly tripling and doubling the month prior, respectively, followed by similarly impressive jumps for the Xbox 360, PSP, PlayStation 2, and then PlayStation 3. The full charts are as follows:

Nintendo DS - 1.53 million (from 458k)
Wii - 981K (from 519k)
Xbox 360 - 770K (from 366k)
PSP - 567K (from 286k)
PlayStation 2 - 496K (from 184k)
PlayStation 3 - 466K (from 121k)

Frazier noted that both the Wii and PlayStation 3 have the most reason to celebrate, with the PS3 making the biggest month-to-month leap of any console, and the Wii seeing its best-selling month so far, outselling last December by 60%. "Since there is still an evident inventory shortage at retail," she added, "it's difficult to say just how high sales could be if you took that issue out of the equation."

On the software side, sales were up 62% to $1.3 billion, with Activision's Call of Duty 4 and Nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy besting the rest, followed by Assassin's Creed, which beat Gears of War's previous record of the best selling new IP at launch.

The full rundown is as follows:

1. Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360, Activision) - 1.57 million
2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 1.12 million
3. Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360, Ubisoft) - 980k
4. Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock w/guitar (PlayStation 2, Neversoft/Budcat/Activision) 967k
5. Wii Play w/remote (Wii, Nintendo) - 564k
6. Mass Effect (Xbox 360, Microsoft) - 473k
7. Call of Duty 4 (PS3, Activision) - 444k
8. Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock w/guitar (Wii, Neversoft/Vicarious Visions/Activision) - 426k
9. Halo 3 (Xbox 360, Microsoft) - 387k
10. Assassin's Creed (PS3, Ubisoft) - 377k

Frazier noted that "with only one month at retail, [Call of Duty 4] captured the 4th spot for year-to-date software sales behind Halo 3, Wii Play, and Pokemon Diamond." She also said that Guitar Hero III showed a combined 1.9 million units, selling 3.3 million year to date, just ahead of Guitar Hero II at 3.1 million.

"One of the first questions on many industry watchers' lips is: How did Rock Band do," she added. "Rock Band sold 382K units across the 360 and PS3 platforms. While some may view this as disappointing, keep in mind that initial shipments were limited, and this is the kind of title that can easily build momentum in December and beyond as word of mouth spreads."

Finally, NPD showed that game accessories were up 52% to $243 million. Said Frazier, "We get asked a lot about the performance of the 360 HD-DVD add-on. Life-to-date sales of this accessory are 269K units in the U.S., representing a 3.4% attach rate to the 360 install base."

She added, "4 of the 5 best-selling accessories for the month were Wii controllers. The Wii Zapper, which debuted in November, sold 232K units. The second-best selling accessory for the month was the PS3 wireless controller at 282K units."

Wow at the Wii Zapper: 232k.


Uncle said:
Eh, isn't that 3x the user base = 3x times the software sales a bit lame excuse considering you have to ignore Mass Effect, Halo 3 and Rock Band numbers?

And the install base numbers for ps3 are getting worse in comparison.
pswii60 said:
Same here. I mean, come on, no one expected it to do massive numbers, or even do as well as the 360, but it's still pretty decent considering, hardly been left out to dry anyway.
Not being able to match the 360 of last year even after the price cuts, new model and extra week of post black Friday sales though? That's really bad news for it. =/

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
Gotta say that the 300K for Rock Band on 360 is way higher than I expected for a $170 game.

That's $51M spent plus $21M from PS3.

$72M in total.

lockload said:
Except that the budget for a game is not based on how many consoles are on the market so Mass effect bringing in $28m pays more bills than Uncharted bringing in $7m

But it does prove Userbase is the cause of low numbers, unlike what most people like to claim here.


Kills Photobucket
PhoenixDark said:

PlayStation 2 496K

Others don't make much sense, but that picture is perfect.


It just occured to me. To those who are still impressed that Wii Play has "legs". Do you think it's ever going to slow down? I don't expect it to ever sell less than half of what that months Wii hardware sales are for the rest of the Wii's lifetime. It could conceiveably sell 30-40 million over that timeframe. A better question would be what kind of importance will those sales mean when all is said and done? People want extra controllers for what is essentially a party system? Seriously.

I somewhat agree, but, oh, i dont know, what about people ACTUALLY LIKEING wii play as a game? You know, it really is pretty great for multiplayer action.


Sysgen said:
Uncharted had a demo and it couldn't break 120K, so either it's not one of the best games of the year or the demo was poor and failed to sell the product. I am inclined to believe the latter.

I'm inclined to go with AltogetherAndrews theory that most PS3-only owners are dumbasses who wouldn't know a good game if it hit them in a face
CrisKre said:
:lol and im sure square-enix execs are yelling AAAARRRHHHH WHER ARE MY SEDATIVES!!!!!! right this moment.
Well they've got several more months of the PS3 hopefully selling better at the new pricepoint to bump up the install base before MGS4 comes out... but yeah, I'd be worried too.

I can't imagine anything more infuriating as a developer than to work really hard and develop a fantastic AAA-quality game, only to see it fail miserably because the maker of the platform it's on dropped the ball.


Dante said:
We'll find out soon enough.

Casuals no longer see MGS as a OMG HAVE TO BUY it game. Especially by the time it comes out. Kojima himself was disappointed with MGS3 sales and it was easily the best in the series.

MGS4 will NOT somehow "save" PS3 or even sell a shitload of systems. You're nuts if you think that.


The Wii hardware sales are really nice now, but I'm starting to wonder if the Wii will ever catch the X360 overall in the USA. I think we will have a nice battle brewing. Especially after the X360 gets another price cut in the spring to coincide with the release of GTA4.

Software wise X360 has already cemented itself as the king this generation.
pswii60 said:
Same here. I mean, come on, no one expected it to do massive numbers, or even do as well as the 360, but it's still pretty decent considering, hardly been left out to dry anyway.

doind worse than 360 last year post second price drop is pretty poor. If MS drops before GTA IV, we may see GTA do 4:1 sales in favor of 360
oo Kosma oo said:
Benjamin I think you must admit that it doesn't matter much. Devs will make 360 games and port them to PS3, that's how it is, and that's how it will stay. PS3 ports will be made, because the PS3 owner do buy the same games as 360 owners it seems, and in large numbers too. Also there is Europe to consider.

So all in all, PS3 won't be lead platform this gen, that much is sealed imho. But it will be a very viable platform till the end, much unlike the GC last gen.

Absolutely, but I feel like PS3 needed more than just the amount of attention it's received so far to really shine accross the board. Especially in terms of multiplatform releases. The more powerful system should not be relegated to ports that are lauded with sighs of relief when they turn out "just as good".


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
schuelma said:
It dropped to 400 dollars at the very beginning of the reporting period, and Sony unleashed a massive ad campaign. It benefited from an extra week of holiday sales.

I really don't understand how 466K, especially in comparison to its competitors is anything but very bad.

The price-point is still $100 higher than the X360 was last year? And let's not forget the Gears of War effect.

If Sony is still doing these numbers in the holidays when the PS2's production is stopped, then there is something to really worry about them. But the fact that 500K people are still buying PS2s is telling.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Metalmurphy said:
But it does prove Userbase is the cause of low numbers, unlike what most people like to claim here.

By that logic, shouldn't Uncharted have sold somewhere in the 400k's?


BenjaminBirdie said:
Absolutely, but even if and when Sony starts eking past 360 performance world wide, the software revenue numbers of the 360 most likely won't change. In terms of driving the industry it will still be Wii > 360 > PS3.
I don't think we disagree with each other. Just saying - that's why hardware matters!


slaughterking said:
Software numbers (>#10) we got so far:

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics (Wii) - 330k
Rock Band (360) - 312k
Lego Star Wars (Wii)- 180k
High School Musical (Wii) - 180k
Resident Evil UC (Wii) - 130k
Uncharted (PS3) - 117k
Crysis (PC) - 86,6k
Rock Band (PS3) - 70k
Zack & Wiki (Wii) - 35k
Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) - 34k
Manhunt 2 (Wii) - 18,5k

What am I missing?

Guitar Hero III 360?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
reilo said:
The price-point is still $100 higher than the X360 was last year? And let's not forget the Gears of War effect.

If Sony is still doing these numbers in the holidays when the PS2's production is stopped, then there is something to really worry about them. But the fact that 500K people are still buying PS2s is telling.

Price points and Gears of War don't matter. Bottom line matters.

And yes, the cheap PS2 is still selling well with casuals. How is that at all good news for the future of the PS3?
Wow, CoD4 sold like gangbusters. I expected great sales but nothing on that level. PS3 SW sales don't seem so bad either (but of course still nowhere as good as 360's).


WinFonda said:
Yeah but globally it's not the case. It's actually a wash. I know people love to cling to Sony's PS3 numbers in North America where it's currently performing the weakest in relation to the others, but to use such broad strokes and make it seem like Sony is doomed is pretty dumb. They need to improve in North America, yes. But Sony isn't doing bad at all when you take into account they have 3 viable platforms pulling in software and hardware sales on a global basis. T:lol

I think Uncharted will sell better in the months to come, specifically post holiday.



Shepherd said:
Top Ten software:

360 software 3,410,000
PS3 software 821,000

360 software sales are amazing. Don`t see the PS3 ever catching it.

Totally wrong. You cant conclude anything with limited data like this.


schuelma said:
It dropped to 400 dollars at the very beginning of the reporting period, and Sony unleashed a massive ad campaign. It benefited from an extra week of holiday sales.

I really don't understand how 466K, especially in comparison to its competitors is anything but very bad.

I thought 400 dollars was still outside mass market price range? So what are you trying to say, the 40 gig is announced without backwords compatibility and the internet instantly turned it into the tard pack, and they sit on shelves. I really didn't even expect over 400k for PS3 considering how bad it is represented.
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